How to Carve SCARY HALLOWEEN PUMPKINS | Simple tips & Tricks

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though as we've got Halloween approaching I thought I'd do a quick video on how to carve a pumpkin for Halloween that's a great one if you've got kids to get any involved because they can actually do quite a lot of this and the end of it they got something looks really good now with this sort of pumpkin when you've made it you put your candles in there obviously what you can do is you can pop it outside and Halloween the people come knocking on your door trick and treat give them sweets otherwise this would make a really nice centerpiece if you was doing a sort of Halloween meal you know turn the lights down like a pumpkin up it looks really good so go and carve yourself a pumpkin and enjoy happy Halloween so to get cracking on this pumpkin now I've got me pumpkin I've got a good-sized one fairly large one there with your pumpkin ever look at it because somebody imperfections sometimes can be part you know incorporated in the face that you're gonna sort of carve out so go and get yourself a good sized pumpkin and we're ready to go now also got some other things here I've got like a little sort of you know felt tip pen really just so you can kind of draw out the picture of the face if you're doing it that way I've also got these now these are little pumpkins sort of cutters these are quite good because if you've got kids involving you know they're a little bit safer because they're not really really sharp and they've got a good angle to sort of do it and they're not necessarily using you know it's typical north this one's actually serrated one so this is probably more you know like a saw obviously if you haven't got the pumpkin cutters now for scooping it out got a spoken-- there because obviously going to take the lid off and you need to scrape it and spoon it all now just clear it as much now as you can now the other thing I've got is some little cocktail sticks the reason I've got those it's because if you go look in on the internet you can probably find these sort of printable kind of faces and what you would do is just perfect a pond there and then you can use like the cocktail stick and you sort of record away around the edge and that gives you loads of little dots again all the way down here and just follow the pattern and then once you've done that you can wrap a little bit of flour just on the outside so it highlights where the dots are and then obviously you can just start carving it out so you know using the template could be a good way of doing it and you know it's an example sort of template and that's how I look so they look really good now if you're going to draw your own obviously what you could do is go onto like Google Images or some of these song photo sharing sites and just have a look at people's pumpkins I've done in gives you a bit of inspiration and also how you want the shape of the eyes and the mouth and you know it's up to you so what I'm gonna do it's I'm gonna draw my one on there I mean previously I have just sort of chopped it away and got on with it but I think today I'll draw out the eyes the nose the mouth just to give me an idea of where to carve it the next of all for candy and I'm going to use me pumpkin cutter sugar turn it round slightly and just push that in and you see it's like a little saw action so just go do that and then when you get to that point you can stick that in try and make sure you cut in it right to the edges and you get nice sharp edges if you can that's it I've done the mouth now this bit inside here is the bit we want to take out so you just kind of pull it out a little bit cut it in pieces sometimes just helps to pop it out so I just carry on doing that until I've got the nails done okay then we can go for the nose like people shaped so let your nose be the eyes then do the other eye as well so got the eyes done right one of a couple of little lines in here and down it so I haven't actually followed the lines completely but that's alright you know it's just to give you a go into really main thing is trying to get it fairly even if you can so we started and I think that is done for the face now the top of it let's just show you a different angle on a camera so we can see the top now with the top of it where at me at me hand all the felt it's being rubbed up but it doesn't matter I'm just gonna go for it anyway now I'm just gonna cut through sort of spiky top so kind of through there all the way around so I've gone round and I actually went around twice in the end because you just want to make sure that it's gonna be it'll be easier to get off then you put it in there like that pull it off alright so that's gonna be our lead and obviously we'll put that on back on later on so mullet pumpkins all carved so what you now need to do is to get a spoon inside and start scooping out the inside so obviously make sure when you you know cut your lid it's big enough to get your hand in there and the spoon as well so let's scrape it all out from inside so I'm a little bolder and just gonna say get the kids involved doing this bit you know I just go round try not to damage any delicate bit you've cut out in the face but go around loosen it off inside and then what you can do is stick your hands in and grab some of it all of it happen so let's get some more so I'll just carry on until we've got it all scraped out nicely then with the park you know finish scraping out the insides and also the lid with the spoon so straight that away until you've got all the pips and most of the you know what's inside out of it so it's fairly clear perfect enough room for candle their small candle maybe even two or three just you know I've done two or three before make it look nice and bright now what I want to do next is with the face you want to finish that off because I want to make these look more like two so what I'm going to do is use a knife or sharp knife so be careful and I'm just going to trim away the orange bit on the outside and it will just lately look a little bit more light to you so that's what I'm going to do next so just make these teeth as I'm using this little serrated knife find it quite useful just try and cut the orange bit on the outside and it just starts to make that light teeth just finished that last little bit so I'll carry on doing that with all the rest of the teeth so now I've got all the teeth showing that looks a pretty scary-looking pumpkin so that is ready for the candle so I think really it's not really dark outside at the moment but I'll pull the blinds down and I'll put some candles in there so at least you can see it and later on when it gets dark I might film a little bit more just so you can see it in the dark but I think that looks a pretty good pumpkin now with the power clean it's time to put the candles in there I pulled the lid off there now I've got a little plate I'm actually going to use for candles because I want mine to be nice and bright they'll be extravagant I don't owe you but I want to see my nice and bright and that's you have a reason I get a good sized pumpkin so I can put more than one candle in there now what I'm gonna do is use these little candles and I'm just gonna pop those in and then we can pop the lid on now if you want you can leave the lid just slightly off because then you get really nice color on top there looks lovely I might actually leave it like that so let me just show you a front shot there you go that's not looking too bad is it now obviously at nighttime when it's really dark that would glow lovely so later on I'll sort of show you some more pictures when it got really dark but until then think about what pumpkin you're gonna do in the face and go make a really good job of it get kids involved and enjoy happy Halloween from the original Naked Chef
Channel: Original Naked Chef
Views: 4,340,635
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pumpkin, pumpkins, Halloween, haloween, how to carve, carving, cout out face, jack o lantern, kids, scary, decorations, patterns, soup, how-to, draw, cut, make, making, cooking, costume, stencils, carve, cut out, make face, art, creative, easy, step-by-step, How to, build, tutorial, guide, instructions, tips, demonstration, craft, DIY, Halloween (Holiday), fire, candle, children, ideas, hack, How to halloween, how to pumpkins, halloween pumpkins, how to make, how to carve pumpkins, halloween pumpkin, scary pumpkin
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 42sec (582 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 28 2014
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