Scary Earthquake on New Year's in my Japanese In-Laws House

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happy New Year everyone I'm back with another New Year's video I'm standing just outside my Japanese wife's parents house so a lot has happened in a year since we were last here so I'm excited to share with you all the new things that's going on for one Junior from last year is now officially my brother-in-law and obviously Wolfie is one year older so without further Ado can't wait for this one to get started so let's do it now well that's what I thought until this massive earthquake but we'll get to this soon enough let me start at the beginning of New Year's Eve [Music] day so we're back in Michael's Hometown Toyota II and we were just picked up at the station by her sister and her sister's husband every year we try to visit my wife's parents house on New Year's Eve so we can spend New Year's dinner together it's kind of become a family tradition for us here in Japan this is Junior Michael's sister's husband AKA my brother-in-law he works as a mechanic which is common given that he lives in the Toyota area how have you been nice what have you been up to Ah that's right you like golf what do you want can you just get him oh I told her all the fruits but W is sleeping edan's watching wolfy so we're just going to get what we need really quickly before going to my in-law's home we stopped by the supermarket last year we went to a meas siiz supermarket and it was extremely crowded and it took us forever just to pay so we decided to go to a smaller Supermarket this [Music] year [Music] sh this is micha's Dad aka GG happy New Year and that's Michael's mom we call her grandma she doesn't like to be called Baba hey how have you been it wasn't too bad the last time we saw Michael's parents was this last summer when we went camping in Chiba together we actually filmed our camping experience for the Tokyo zebra Channel but we're a bit behind on that channel but it'll come out one day anyway wolfy loved spending that time with his grandparents and was so excited to see them again today but it seems like he's a bit quiet right now I'm sure he'll warm up to them again in a bit thank you so much for getting toys for Wolfie they're awesome and we brought a small gift too as in and it's customary to bring something when visiting someone's house called tamag okay so we just arrived everyone's unpacking I don't know how this new year is going to turn out maybe it's going to be a little bit the same from last year maybe it's going to be different I guess we just have to see Junior's back this year we had the marriage and you guys saw that if you haven't you can just see the video right here so how are things after getting married I'm sure it's Kevin John Michael oh it's Bob Bob [Music] Bob okay so I think I'm going to be drinking with Osan right now here we go this is what it's all about going home these are the last beers of the year so what would you guys do if your father-in-law has made some kimchi and you're not really sure if you should eat it or not what would you do would you eat it would you try it so apparently Michael's dad loves to experiment with food let's just say he has an unorthodox approach so much so that Michael vows to never eat it in fear of getting sick but hey why not it's one way to end the year let's see [Music] not bad oh hi try the spicy one so each fire it's fire it's fire he says it's [Music] fire what's that this is what I got for them we have like people coming here so we wanted to have like a proper setting before we did it I got like a set of New Year plates cute huh yeah it's super [Music] cute oh Junior's back yo Junior you got to try his kimchi it's a fire fire guess no comment hey you want to try my hot by the way how are things after getting married oh no what natural happened last year it's happening again this year the guy just sitting at the table the women are over there I don't know maybe this is just like a international Global thing you guys let me know oh damn that's my merch hey that's not what it's for hey so Kasa what's on the menu today for I can't wait to eat no [Music] doubt while Michael's mom cooks in the kitchen and Eddie Chan watches Wolfie Michael does the plating are you plating mhm who taught you how to Plate myself how do you know how you should do it no I don't I just have a really good taste are you making use of the plates Michel has to be perfect all right so the dinner is coming together Mel is planing it you know she wanted to use the placeat that she got for the grandparents for her parents they're still kind of making a little bit of food over there but I think you know we already had a few beers so it is what it is so as I mentioned in last year's video their New Year's dinner is based on mich's Dad's Hometown Nagano which is made up of seven goodlook dishes like grilled Yellow Tail vinegared octopus and veggies chikuzenni which is a broil dish kazunoko Herring egg egg pudding and sashimi what served in a Japanese home for the New Year's and which day had celebrated differs from area to area but for Michael's family this is how they've always done it in their home all right soan is about to make his famous speech right now this is the way to end the year but for some reason at least in our family it felt like an uphill battle for some of the time two steps forward and one step back especially with all the videos we were making this year or had planned to make but you know that's life if you're not uncomfortable it means you're not growing and I think we did a lot of growing this year and now that we all get to spend the last day of the year together and share dinner at the same table it makes it all worth it get eat this okay well now that dinner started let's see if they want to try my hot sauce so how is it you want to try the new milder blend we crafted we're actually working on a milder version so it might be fun to see the reactions of both like it I knew you g like [Laughter] it seven eight n after dinner we played a board game this is the first time ever for the family but since we have Wolfie now we wanted to see how it goes it's me you want to be a programmer why do you keep on getting more stuff one two three look at Wolfie and Gigi bonding Granda shared that he used to play with his own kids like this when they were younger but adds that it's a lot tougher now despite being at of breath he still wants to make the most of this time as he loves Wolfie so much and doesn't get the chance to see him often because we live so far apart from each other if schedules permit in 2024 I'm hoping we can meet up with them even [Music] more about 9:40 right now Junior's about to go to sleep dad's about to go to sleep everyone else is talking but yeah all right so it's uh a little after 10: I don't know whether to go to sleep or not this is always like the toughest part of the New Year's drinking so early you don't know whether you should go to sleep just like see it through Wolfie's still up Michael's still up Grandpa Grandma still up Junior's he's out Eddie son she's up I don't know what you guys think I go to [Music] sleep I just woke up um fell as asleep for about a little over an hour it is now the new year so happy New Year everyone I am so tired fell asleep just right next to Junior I think he just fell asleep too was I must oh and it's time for Toshi Koshi soba as it's customary in Japan to eat it for the New Year's as the long noodles represents living a long life some families may not eat it at midnight but I guess Michael's family does it this way and I suppose it's good to get some sodium in my system after all that drinking with Jun and Grandpa earlier anyway at least I get to eat some delicious soba with the family all right so we've just arrived to the shrine yeah there's a a lot less people here after the nudes we went to do the traditional Japanese hatsumode which is the first time of the year to visit the shrine last time he came here a few years ago for hatod they were serving red bean soup but this year they're passing out instant soba the mess they don't have the soup this year huh I guess Co may have changed the shrine's traditions [Music] [Applause] [Music] good morning y so that was kind of a rough start to the new year I was super super tired I think taking that nap for like 1 hour threw me completely off I was so tired probably saw them eyes were like super red I think Junior was also quite tired I think we were both really tired but yeah happy New Year's to everyone hopefully this is going to be an awesome year for all of you I'm super excited we have a lot planned there's a lot of videos that we already have um filmed ready to to get released relas and there's a lot more I'll be filming so this is definitely going to be a good year I just got to get through the next day or two they didn't have t so I have my other friend George here cheers it's just after 8 the family is still asleep I think Michael's dad may be up he usually like gets up before everyone and then goes back to sleep so anyways the day is starting I think everyone should be waking up shortly so Ohio Ohio happy New Year happy New [Music] Year what you're drinking already oh I don't know if I can go this [Music] early apparently drinking the sacred sake used for the god offering is good luck in Japan and it's customary to drink Sake on New Year's morning we seriously yes I'll drink later yeah yeah I got [Music] it so taking shots at 8:00 in the morning and not my way to start off the new year I'm going to just stick with some coffee right now but dude can't blame him for the heart hey so before we continue on I want to give a quick shout out to the sponsor of this video Squarespace if y'all don't already know Squarespace is the number one way to build your online presence in fact I use Squarespace for my website Tokyo zebra here are just some of the reasons why I love using Squarespace so much now with fluid engine their next Generation website design system it helps anyone unlock their creativity with reimagined drag and drop technology for desktop or mobile and start with the professional website templates but then customize it like I did for my website to fit your own needs check Che on my homepage it shows my latest video for both my channels if you want to sell products online physical digital or service products Squarespace has you covered sell custom merch Squarespace has you covered want to accept online appointments guess what Squarespace also has you covered so there you go go to today for your free trial when you're ready to launch go to from Toyo and get 10% off your first domain or website now that every one's awake the family opens up the oi which is a traditional Japanese food served in small little dishes in Bento likee boxes usually cold so families can set it on on the table and eat it throughout the first 3 Days of the New Year mothers who normally do the cooking appreciate it since they don't have to prepare food for the entire family all the time so I think Wolfie is getting a little bit Restless right now so I'm going to go take him to the park [Music] you're doing it you're flying a kite you're doing it we actually went to the nearby park with Gigi and Wolfie is having a blast with him again this year I just love to see the happiness on his face I truly wish we could create more of these moments but for now we're just going to have to take what we can get who knows maybe we can take Grandpa and Grandma on one of our trips in Japan this [Music] year this is [Music] Mommy okay so Wolfie and I just got back from the park it looks like the family is just chilling around today it's kind of just going to be a lazy day watch watching TV Michael's mom has been awesome getting all the food ready and making sure we have just kind of a a great time Michael's catching up with the sister and her mom Wolfie is just playing over there so one of the things Wolfie really like these squid snacks recently he dried squid is like one of his favorites what's up oh so so it's half gone now I'm talking um well you liked it obviously I'm I'm happy it's like the first time I bought it from this from this store so maybe I can get a different one next year from the same store I like the seasoning did you like it in case you're wondering she got it from Ki nura rocket [Music] no [Music] Ah that's a Toshi dama a custom in Japan for adult relatives to give kids a gift on New Year's usually money inside of a little envelope and Wolfie loves it oh Eddie CH and Junior are off to Junior's house for his family New Year's party I guess we'll probably see them sometime again this year [Music] what did you get mushro mushroom mushroom see W look this is a mushroom oh you you took it from there you going to give her a blanket look Wolfie you both have ears so we were just having a relaxing time at home when oh my God oh my oh my God it's it's really shaking right now oh wow this is long it's still going on right now that's where we were oh my [Music] God see right now that they're say that there's going to be a tsunami and that people should be like getting out in leaving it could be like they should be running you can see the crowds right now they're okay set you're okay yeah you're okay you're safe that was good that you got underneath the table okay as you may already know the Ishikawa prefecture in the surrounding area had a 7.6 magnitude earthquake which was Then followed by smaller earthquakes that we even felt in IG Wolfie never experienced this big of an earthquake before and coupled with a warning alarms that were triggered on every single TV and mobile device in the house plus the news broadcast I think it scared him a bit since he couldn't stop talking which I guess is one of the ways he deals with the situation when he's super nervous okay so they're actually having people evacuate that was actually quite scary all the alarms work but it was nice because we actually got an alarm before we felt the earthquake like just a few seconds beforehand you can see that the waves are just getting bigger and bigger we've just been like watching this just you know I hope everyone is okay cuz pretty scary we're not even actually in the area but you can imagine yourself being there and it's just a little bit overwhelming all that you can like really hope for is that everyone is okay there's another earthquake it's just another earthquake it's like it's almost 5:00 right now but typically on New Year's Day Japanese TV air special programs which the family was looking forward to but due to the earthquake all the TV channels broadcasted live updates and Poss possible tsunamis on the way it was quite scary for us but I can't even imagine how terrifying it was for the people in the area our hearts truly go out to all of them actually worried about some of our friends that are in the area so Michael is messaging them right now I think they're all okay I hope so I'm really worried it says that's num isn't bad but the location is the you know the location so the electricity went out in how many [Music] places 35,000 houses houses yeah at least whatever that place is has electricity that's true that's con City wajima where we went to the food report Market Food Market I think they had the highest SN and then only a few hours later we found out that a major fire broke out that ripped through the wajima morning Market it was especially heartbreaking for us to find out since we had just visited that beautiful area just last month and met so many warm-hearted people there so I do want to take this time time to share that even a week after the earthquake when I'm recording this food and water are still scarce more than 160 people have died in the area alone with many others still undiscovered also many of the people that are in the evacuation area are starting to report a spread of the stomach flu and to make things worse it's starting to snow in the area making it even colder and harder for people to get around so if you do want to help and donate I'll share in the description and pin a comment to the same place where we donated to yellow black gray okay so despite the devastating earthquake this was our last night in II together and since we don't know when we're going to be able to see each other again we decided to make the best of a terrible start to the new year so mich's parents had already prepared a skui dinner for the night so we tried to enjoy this family time as best we could given the situation anyway I don't really know how to end this one properly so I guess I'll just leave it like this [Music] all right so we're just going to end it here thank you guys so much for spending the New Year's with us but before I go I just want to quickly say that we do hope that everyone that was affected by the earthquake here in Japan is okay and if you guys do want to help support the people that were affected we'll be sure to leave a link in the description so that you guys can help out just as much as we are going to be trying to help them out as well so that's pretty much it if you guys like this video help us out and hit that like button if you guys want to see more videos like this or anything related to Japan hit that subscribe button and the bell button we'll catch you guys in the next one
Channel: Paolo fromTOKYO
Views: 970,523
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Paolo, Japan, Japan guide, Japan travel, tokyo travel, japan earthquake, japan earthquake 2024, earthquake in japan 2024, earthquake japan, paolo from tokyo, New Year, Japan New Year, Japanese New Year, Typical Japanese New Year, Japanese In-Laws, Japan In-Laws, Japan Life, Living in Japan, Day in the life, Japanese Life, japanese grandparents
Id: o7Y6wDocF1U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 12sec (1512 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 12 2024
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