Scarlett Johansson’s Agent

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(chuckles) - John Mayer, you're no Jerry Garcia. (phone rings) - [Scarlett] Hey. - Hey Scarlett, sorry that latest project didn't work out. But, you know what? Let's just put those days of picking controversial roles behind us, huh? - [Scarlett] What do you mean? (inhales) - We talked about this Scar-Jo, okay? Like when you tried to play a trans man in a movie. Or when you actually did play an Asian woman in "Ghost in the Shell" And I know you said that an actor can play any person, tree, or animal, but let's stick with person. And let's stick with roles that are suitable for Scarlett, huh? Like I got a lot of great scripts over here like, Oprah is starring and producing a historical drama about a black mother who befriends a white teacher in the Segregation Era. - [Scarlett] Oh, wow, I'd love to do that. - Yeah. - [Scarlett] Yeah, except I'm Oprah's part and Oprah's my part. As actors we cannot do what is expected. We must be the dark mirrors of society. Acting is reacting. - Hey Scarlett, got some pre-mo Oscar fodder here. You'd play a German spy who aids the allies during World War II. - [Scarlett] Okay, quick pitch. Can they make my character a disabled Latina German? - What, why? I'm not even sure that that makes historical sense. - [Scarlett] It's important we tell stories about under represented groups. And that those groups be played by me. (chokes) - I'm gonna call you back. (phone rings) - [Scarlett] Oh hey. - Scarlett, I got this incredible young Marilyn Monroe biopic on my desk. - [Scarlett] I'm interested. - You'd play Marilyn as she was, no other characters. - [Scarlett] I know, I've got the perfect director for this. My dear friend, Woody Allen. - I don't think that's a great idea. - [Scarlett] I'll make it with Woody, and nobody else. He understands young women. I wanna do the new Benjamin Button movie. - Okay, nothing problematic with that. You age backwards into a baby, you show your range as an actor. - [Scarlett] Right, but I want to age backwards into a black baby. - So, you age backwards. - Uh-huh. - And your race slowly turns black. I don't know if-- - [Scarlett] Yeah no, that's stupid. (both laughing) - Right? That's stupid, good call Scar-Jo. - [Scarlett] I'm black the whole time and I age backwards. - No. - [Scarlett] I am an ac-tor and acting is reacting. - Yeah you're an actor. (phone ringing) - [Scarlett] Scarlett speaking. - All right, I got a lot of options here in case one of these doesn't work out. Musical where you play a wash-up pop-star trying to revive her career. - [Scarlett] As long as she's in a K-pop band. - Moving on. A, they want you to narrate a documentary about endangered wolves. - [Scarlett] Only if I can speak in a Native American accent. I'm really good at it. Do you wanna hear it? - Absolutely not. Okay, Marvel called. They saw your interview, they want you to be the voice of the new Groot. - [Scarlett] Like the tree? - Yes! - [Scarlett] Okay, but I have to be a black elm. - What does that even mean? - [Scarlett] Also, I want to play Malala. - I'm in a tunnel. ____. Okay, I'm out of the tunnel. (phone rings) - [Scarlett] Hey. - Scarlett, I've got nothing left for you. We've been through every script. - [Scarlett] I'm actually thinking of writing my own screenplay. - About what? - [Scarlett] About my own life, my life story. - And you'd be you? Playing yourself? - [Scarlett] Yeah. - Well this is amazing. I can't wait to read it. - [Scarlett] I'd mostly be revisiting my time playing Motoko Kusanagi in "Ghost in the Shell." - Well Scarlett Ingrid Johansson, this is a whole Pandora's Box full of ____.
Channel: undefined
Views: 1,263,237
Rating: 4.8018579 out of 5
Keywords: Collegehumor, CH originals, comedy, sketch comedy, internet, humor, funny, sketch, CH Shorts, ashley nash, matt mccarthy, please stop, social media, discrimination, social justice, politically correct, scarlett johansson, acting, racism
Id: C7l1xxZ2oe4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 56sec (296 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 16 2019
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