Scariest CCTV Footage Ever Captured...

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so what's good tmg fam it's your boy l and i'm back and you know it's not safe when the title reads weird and freaky things caught on camera nobody's safe all right nobody's safe all right so shout outs to slap him we're gonna get into this video man if you're new to the channel hit that subscribe button what are you doing join the fam go ahead and once you do that make sure your house is secure the doors is locked windows and alarm is set so you know what time it is right let's get spooky baby here we go [Music] how you doing i'm calling and this is slapped ham today we're looking at some mysterious videos that have left the experts baffled so hit that subscribe button and get ready for more scary content just like this our first entry comes from one of our viewers who submitted an eerie photo on our slaptam facebook group in 2012 sandra lyles goldsberry and her family were exploring the haha tonka state park in missouri when they took a series of photos to remember the day by they took a bunch of snaps in quick succession and didn't think much of it that was until they reviewed them the family was stunned at what they saw in this first one you can see a group of children smiling for the camera there's nothing strange about the pick at all however in this one taken just seconds later something strange can be seen in the background that and see that would mess me up because like somebody trying to grab your children something trying to grab your children just reaching for them you can see the hand print clear as day on in the back of the photo over here to the left it's like it's reaching for for your kids man yeah i'd be definitely uneasy about that one a lot of sleepless nights after looking at this photo looks like a face with a large outstretched hand looming towards the camera and who's supposed to keep we're in charge of keeping our kids safe like come on our community members were freaked out by the image one viewer tina gerd enlarged the image and brightened it up for all to see not far from where this photo was taken stands the abandoned ruins of the haha tonka castle an area of the state park that many believed to be cursed and heavily haunted in 1905 wealthy kansas city businessman robert mcclure snider senior began construction on a grand stone mansion that was modeled after european castles of the 16th century set high atop a rocky bluff the sprawling manor was said to be a beautiful retreat for the family to enjoy however less than a year into its construction in 1906 snyder was killed in a terrible car accident snyder's two sons took over the project and completed the castle just before the great stock market crash of the 1920s then in 1942 the home was gutted by fire leaving nothing but a stone facade atop the cliff face due to their tragic history many believe the snyder family were cursed and that that curse now lingers in the ruins of the old castle today in recent years tourists have reported eerie shadow figures moving among the ruins one hiker claims to have seen a full-bodied apparition floating on the property some say it's the ghost of snyder himself trapped eternally in the rubble of the doomed family castle so given that this photo was taken not too far from the so-called cursed castle could it be that we're seeing the spectral remains of old man snyder himself reaching out in grim terror shackled by the family curse for all eternity [Music] in february 2022 something truly bizarre was caught on a security camera in chicago juarez about 20 miles east of mexico city the footage was uploaded to youtube by melson tv take a look [Music] whatever the do you see the two dark animals whatever that light one is bro he got heart he got bark but he ain't going close to it y'all see him right he got a whole lot of heart he ain't go close as the other one did [Music] [Music] what is that the camera overlooks an empty lot three stray dogs are spooked by an unknown floating object that hovers about the area [Music] and you can't sit here and tell me it's not there them dogs or whatever they are clearly see it i think those are dogs yeah they clearly see it they're barking at it they're running up towards it they're backing up they're getting in their stances what the what is that [Music] what hovers down levels off and then just glides like that moving along you can't say a balloon because nah no [Music] here's the object through an infrared filter it looks to be an amorphous blob that drips through the air it looks like it changes shape when it comes down yeah [Music] i thought i thought i heard something fall making noise behind me man and y'all probably couldn't hear it because the sound was all right [Music] initially people thought the footage was edited with cgi however the fact that the dogs interact with the object seems to discredit this theory some comments speculated whether the object is alien in nature perhaps a craft of some kind collecting data here on earth of course there's a possibility it could just be a drone or perhaps a deflated balloon but the amorphous quality of the object casts some doubt on this theory it's definitely a strange piece of footage and as of yet there's been no official word on what this object really could be i thought about a drone but i'm like it's not even moving like a drone would oh no [Music] this next bizarre little clip was uploaded to instagram by strange activities the footage has been dividing the comments section on what it's actually showing take a look and see what you think [Music] what is that [Music] we can see an unknown creature clinging to a branch out the front of a house bro that looked like a lab experiment type creature that's what it looked like like they combined a few things a fish a frog or something else like it yeah this looks like it was created in a lab some commenters were calling it an undocumented cryptid a creature that's yet to be classified by modern science however the majority of comments thought it had to be cgi which most likely is the case i have to say though whoever made this really should be working in top tier hollywood movies as the animation is outstanding i guess you could say that by the way it's moving it's not like it's kind of like a jerky motion so i i guess you could say that i don't i don't know though still looks uh i'm 50 50 on it sticking with mysterious creatures although this next one is almost certainly not cgi it was uploaded to the facebook group weird fantastic and odd things by max jek this bizarre looking snake was found in thailand by a local resident who took it home and fed it fish the snake looks to be covered in green fur some comments suggested it might be some kind of algae growing on the snake's skin the person who discovered the bizarre snake is going to hand the creature over to authorities for research and identification so until then all we can do is marvel at this mysterious animal [Music] if you can't get enough of the old slap tam we publish daily spooky videos over on our tick tock account there's a link in the description box below check us out and hit that follow button paranormal investigator lelo escalante is dedicated to exploring some of the most notorious locations in mexico whether it's abandoned buildings sites of urban legend or cemeteries more often than not lelo escalante captures some really freaky stuff on camera in this episode he's exploring an old graveyard many locals believe the property is riddled with tormented spirits and often reports sightings of shadowy figures lurking in the dead of night and objects moving seemingly all on their own disembodied screams are also said to be a common occurrence it isn't long into the exploration before the op begins hearing things in the distance [Music] foreign later as the camera holder's torch begins to flicker he asks if there's any spirits nearby to make themselves known that's when this happens start where did he come from y'all saw that black cat right i ain't tripping am i i didn't even notice him like i just like i panned to the left a little bit and he jumped up out of nowhere [Music] watching that again a nearby tap so he was sitting there the whole time i didn't even see him mysteriously turns itself on scaring the cat away i wouldn't [Music] [Music] he then turns the tap off but seconds later it turns itself back on i can't believe him in this video you know why y'all saw the little jump cut he did see if i could show it right before it this here you go watch it wait saw it that was a jump cut so we we don't know what happened after he cut that water [Music] me [Music] don't try to play us out like that fam bloater explores another part of the cemetery when something eerie is caught on camera watch guinness ducky are gonna [Music] he even checks to see if there's batteries but there's none there is [Music] [Music] after hearing numerous strange sounds the explorer is soon confronted i can't take i'm serious now ever since that jump cuz i can't take this dude seriously by a terrifying sight take a look here it is again slowed down there appears to be the figure of a woman moving to the right [Music] the op is so freaked out he begins to recite a prayer in latin pattern execute enchilada in the terror before long yet more strange activities recorded [Music] [Music] the candle seems to move by itself the camera holder then decides to go investigate the tap once more the place where all the eerie activity began in see i'd be more weirded out by all these cats now that was a white cat now what if it what if that was the same cat now it just changed colors on you see that that's what i'm more weirded out by the first [Music] yes [Music] eventually the noises and bizarre activity become too much for the explorer and the video abruptly ends so now all of a sudden it's too much now get out of here i just can't take this dude right here seriously what do you make of this eerie encounter could this old cemetery in mexico really be haunted the moving toy the tap the strange vanishing woman it all certainly makes you wonder whether something supernatural is at play here but ultimately i'll let you be the judge [Music] here's another bizarre little clip that was uploaded to reddit by user exhaustikin i won't preface this one all right we're gonna have to retire this one right we gotta retire this clip we're not seeing this clip with this box falling out and jumping back would you still even hear myself say it it's still super super weird and crazy a box to fall and then jump right back in the truck like somebody had some string and pulled it back or whatever it's i just taught myself and wanting to see it now who does that but me who talks himself in i was all against it at first but just talked myself into wanting to see it one just marveling at strangeness yeah that's still crazy as you can see a car's dash cam is caught the moment a styrofoam box falls out the back of an open truck not once but twice well that's about it something about a slipstream in science now let's get back to the ghosties [Music] like i can't even tell you how that happened you would think once it fall the wind comes in and pushes it towards the the oncoming car like like the car coming up behind it it should have hit it in the windshield or something like that but it goes backwards like it just doesn't make any sense still this clip was sent to us by one of our viewers natalie jean bonovich it's a home video that natalie's brother-in-law took while renovating his house to put on the market he was using the video to show all the work that he had done on the building he didn't actually review the video until a year later but that's when he spotted something in one of the windows take a look while in real time the light in the front left window looks like a reflection but if you play it in slow motion it starts to look a little more mysterious some viewers think it looks like the line now i don't know if i can call that one fake bro see that out of peridolia or whatever they say light is coming from inside the house the brother-in-law said that while living there it always felt like there was a ghost lurking nearby he also later found out that the previous owner an elderly woman passed away in the home [Music] the comment section was almost 50 50 divided on this sighting some say it's just a reflection others think there's more to it so where do you sit on this one let us know down below before we take a look at a freaky photo there our last entry was submitted to our facebook group by romy l romy was sitting around the house one day when she felt like something was watching her she took a few quick snaps to try and document the strange feeling at first the photos don't appear to show all that much however on close inspection there is indeed something there if you zoom in there appears to be a transparent face there's a faint hint of eyes a nose and a mouth eyes i only see one eye it almost looks like there's tears just under its left eye romy left us a message saying the photo was taken shortly after the birth of my daughter my pregnancy test was on the first anniversary of my father-in-law's death maybe he wanted to tell me something so what do you think could this be a family member trying to make contact from the beyond or is it all just paradolia until further info comes to hand this siding will have to remain a mystery this face looks like half dark half good yeah i mean like two face or something like that from batman series like this side this one there you go this side here looks like the good side this side looks like the bad side so stay off of its bad side now if you want to see some more overall though great clips minus the dude that tried to pull one over on us with your little jump clip buddy we saw it not gonna get us like that other than that the cats in that video was crazy the dude at the house with the little with the paranormal activity in the window that was insane so overall good clips you know i mean something to think about and i don't know i got to figure out what that was hopefully i'll go over there and see where something dropped if i don't see something then i'm gonna be um starting to get a little on edge you know i mean on edge i wish it was one of them silent moments of the video where y'all could've heard it too but anyway listen y'all get at me in the comment section let me know what you think and um stick around and stay tuned to the next one i'm going peace
Channel: The Matthews Fam
Views: 25,477
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Scariest CCTV Footage, scary videos, creepy videos, ghost videos, weird videos, freaky videos, weird things, freaky things, weird things caught on camera, freaky things caught on camera, scary footage, scary clips, scary caught on camera, scary on camera, scary things, scary things caught on camera, creepy footage, creepy clips, creepy caught on camera, creepy on camera, creepy things, creepy things caught on camera, slappedham, slapped ham, weird video, freaky video
Id: pg7YtOHSMI8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 40sec (1480 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 04 2022
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