Scarface 1920: Bloody Business | Everything You NEED to know!

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hello welcome thank you for being here today we're bringing you a preview of Scarface 1920 the brand new Bloody Business expansion and the two new factions that they're introducing into the game now all we have in front of us is a prototype copy that they sent us along with the original that we backed off the first Kickstarter campaign now if you don't know anything about Scarface 1920 it is a deck building worker placement area control Style game with a lot of internal squabbling many paths to Victory which involves getting as many as much money as possible by infiltrating the landscape of Chicago during the 1920s prohibition ERA with alcohol liquor and potentially some good old opium other drugs that the expansion you're gonna be introducing and it's been received really well over on BGG yeah this is a sponsored preview video we also have a sponsored gameplay video coming out in alongside the game found uh campaign so please follow the link in the top of the video description swing over there to take a closer look at the project and if it seems like the right game for you and your gaming group go ahead and hit that backer button being said Wes Todd yeah what's happening here in Scarface and then specifically What's Happening Here in the Bloody Business expansion yeah so uh the Bloody Business expansion is going to add an additional board to the side here and give you some unique options that you're able to do to increase the excitement during the player Powers portion of the game um the core idea of Scarface core idea of Scarface it's basically you kind of talked about it it's a deck building uh area control worker placement um game all about the underworld of of Chicago not 1820s during a Prohibition you're going to be placing your workers either on the board on your little uh icons here for dealers gaining resources adding additional cards to your deck and then working to gain the most money by the end of the game so that you can win yeah the common flow of the game is going to involve you drawing cards up from your deck and playing down a sequence of cards this is going to be a programmed group of actions that you can take you'll then have a single worker placement action that you can use from your uh headquarters down here on the bottom to go to a few different locations you could go up to the uh authorities where you're gonna negotiate and talk with the political districts and the police officers around the camp you go to the underworld here which is going to give you the chance to recruit new people gain New Deals where you gain more resources or slowly start taking control of the main board or you can take a secondary or primary action which involves upgrading some of your asymmetric factions using boss abilities or like I said capturing neighborhoods that allow you to convert resources into money at the end or the refresh phase of the game after you've taken your single worker placement action you're then going to go ahead and take any special effects your cards give you now these cards are going to start out fairly basic depending on the faction that you have and they'll get more advanced as you've hired new recruitments into your gang after you've played down these cards taking their special abilities you'll discard them you'll draw your hand back up and you'll pass to the next player there's a few things you want to be paying attention to while you play the game uh specifically stuff like jobs which are going to be secret objectives you can complete that give you either in-game bonuses or immediate lasting effects dealers are going to be the resources that you can generate you can put a work replacement you can put a worker down on any of the places that you have in order to gain resources like extra guns or extra liquor and or you're going to be you're going to be paying attention to the different neighborhoods that you control because at the end of every refresh cycle when you have no more cards you'll sell those resources in order to gain tiles and piles of money the Bloody Business expansion is going to be introducing a lot of mechanics that pull us more into the game board correct and away from our own kind of production engine running here in uh in our personal uh Tableau yeah so uh the some of the major things that it adds our additional presence on the board you'll have these uh these tokens so that you'll always have a presence on the board and a place to put someone after they've been killed or put in the hospital you also are going to have some additional mechanics that are added to the game uh we've got these new things called G-Men which will be we've already got the Elliott Nest track over here on the side we've added in a new person who's gonna be moving down Melvin Purvis one of the very famous G-Men at the time he's going to be moving down the track while Elliot Ness is moving up the track almost creating some kind of a little net to catch you in there there's special things here at the top wherever you go above the Melvin Purvis character you'll have to pay some additional benefits here with the extra effects and during the game there's an extra thing here at the top that will happen they could change the course of the game making police actions more expensive for the bribes to various other things here you can hit one of your you actually have to take a hit from one of the districts that you're in so lots of different things that can happen throughout the gameplay with the G-Man mechanic it adds a hospital feature so instead of killing people outright they go directly to the hospital where you can heal them using a new character in your gang called the doctor every gang now has a new doctor that will be able to heal people it is one of your upgraded hat abilities so your right hand manual will have to to gain them throughout the game but he does have the ability to heal people directly there's also another mechanic where we can use bullets to heal people too it seems a little strange but that is an option that comes with the extortion mechanic which we'll talk about in a moment but that ability to heal people is based on how many upgrades that you've taken throughout the game we also have the uh these folks here are campaign options where we're able to spend votes towards the end game options so instead of having just whoever has the most money at the very end of the game you have a way to push it one way or the other and these will add additional in-game money um this particular one says the amount of influence that you have in your deck you'll gain five dollars for each one of those plus you'll also gain five dollars for each rival that's in the hospital and then here we've got five dollars for each Thug in a district and then five dollars per gang upgrade that you've done so if you want to be vicious and mean you can certainly play that way in getting those uh in-game benefits or if you wanted to play more less so you have that option to do that as well and push the votes towards your uh your string at the end um another interesting thing they've done is add in the associate action here whenever you pull and Associate from the board you're going to gain the ability to take one of these Most Wanted tokens now on the front it just has the most Wanted picture but on the back here it has the option to show you what it could be now those could be anything from Gaining additional bullets gaining guns a vote or also money there's also a way to add alcohol here as well now these as you uh take a person from the associate from the board you're going to look at the top right hand corner and then that has a corresponding area here on the Most Wanted board you'll take all of the Most Wanted tokens from that particular board and you'll gain the benefit immediately uh from these particular areas here now then you'll go ahead and place another Most Wanted token across all of those different locations except for the one that you just took making each one now have two or more in those areas as you go farther and farther so it becomes more and more interesting to take a different type of worker that maybe you haven't been collecting because you can gain an immediate benefit right away the other thing that I will say that it adds here is the different Marketplace concept for the businesses that you're adding to your neighborhood tiles now uh instead of there being just a flat amount of money that you gain for having those businesses on your tiles you'll actually gain the upper most uncovered space value uh so that's kind of an interesting way to make that that amount variable now some of them will just increase in value as you go across like the speakeasies the more speakeasies you have out on the board the more uh you'll money you'll be able to make from them same thing with casinos the more actually less for casinos the more casinos you have out the more the less money you'll end up making for them and then with the brothels the more brothels on the board the more money you'll end up making from them and then once you're able to put nightclubs out on the board they do go down in value as well but they are a changing Resource as well and if you were to remove one of those particular businesses from the board then it goes back into the uppermost uncovered space making either more or less valuable depending upon the situation yeah so instead of the generic three that you normally get whenever you control a district or control a neighborhood with businesses on it you'll get a variable amount which is nice because it means that you can Target people to increase your value you can bring out a few businesses or if you're one of the first ones to get nightclubs out of the table it would be worth more or if you have the only nightclub like West has experienced you'll be targeted more I mean that happens as well so the Bloody Business expansion is also just going to add in a range of extra stuff you know extra cards extra Randomness extra news news releases there's just more that's happening here on the table in front of you and so if you already like Scarface 1920 you want a little bit more player interaction you want the area control part of the game to be heightened just slightly uh the Bloody Business expansion is doing just that reminds me a lot of some of the expansions that Dune Imperium brought out where they started highlighting a little bit more of the complexity a little bit more of the like long-term strategic planning some resource management but then also specifically they started High highlighting some of the area control or some of the conflict elements of the game yeah Scarface is sort of doing that here they had a deck of cards a tableau building system a resource engine system built up very well now they're saying how can we throw some curveballs into it how can we change the prescription and make you all have to butt heads even harder I think one of the things that they listen to the players who had been playing the game so much was that there was an opportunity for you to lock someone out of the the game or you'd have one person just kind of hiding in one thing we'd done that and it was extremely fun oh I'm sure it was to just not let anyone back on to the Tableau but now because of the presence icon you can't do that anymore so that's an opportunity uh to kind of fix that one potential issue there and also there were a lot of people that would hide in one little area and then wouldn't really do anything but they would build up very very quickly from that that one location and now it's much more difficult to be able to do that with these heightened cards yeah and like you can see I mean the production quality has remained uh fantastic the artwork throughout the game has always been unique and compelling and they're just continuing with that theme right there they're designing to fit into what they've already created which is very exciting now we also have two expansions now where we talked about the fact that this Bloody Business expansion is going to be focusing on player interaction yes these two expansions actually add a little bit of a Twist to the game they're going to be bringing in their own resources and they're going to be playing a little bit more ambiently across the table than some of the other more direct more classic factions so I'll talk about the Golden Oaks if you want to talk about the Red Dragons sounds good so the Golden Oaks here Rocco and Bessie this is going to be a faction that has two separated leaders in it sort of like a Bonnie and Clyde style uh Team this Duo is going to be selling liquor down from Canada which I believe during this time liquor was potentially still legal in Canada so honestly I I think they're not doing anything wrong presumably yeah other than crossing the border and bringing in alcohol illegally that I mean that one minor thing you know a law for you is a law for me so Rocco and Bessie are going to be focused on selling legal liquor throughout all of the United States of America specifically in Chicago and the more sales they can get the better their abilities are going to do we have this extra little liquor tracking board here and instead of conquering districts and trying to sell guns or whiskey we are actually going to be benefiting when other people make trades and sales we'll slip in a few bottles of our own liquor uh into the deal just to sweeten the pot it'll get us a little bit of cash back but it'll also allow us to slowly start moving up this track right here this track gives us in-game bonuses and makes our liquor worth even more as we slowly distribute it across the Tableau so you're looking more to be around everyone to work with everyone slightly sure you can pull out a gun and make hard decisions when the time comes and it's necessary but Rocco and Bessie the Golden Oaks function a little bit more passively than some of the other factions or tribes do they can earn money in a variety of ways for instance one of the ways that I've attempted is by selling the extra resources you have the whiskey barrels and the guns to the authorities I mean why not sell your own liquor and then trade in everything else straight into the cops it's a good way to get product out of the marketplace it's a good way to earn a little bit extra resource and it keeps your people from having to go down to the underworld there's a lot of Pathways to Victory but they play they play very differently from uh from the other tribes finally you'll also be moving up and upgrading them separately so the cube that you're taking off either is related to Rocco or Bessie the boss card you have is either related to Rocco or Bessie that means I have two boss cards but I only get two actions per each leader instead of three that means that I can potentially chain two bosses together or have them uh moving up tracks at a different speed I get strength from Rocco but I get influence from Bessie so depending on how you want to approach the game you might be able to bump your influence quickly to hire some more people to navigate the board a little more effectively but you won't be very strong it's in ebb and flow that that's very very interesting that's the Golden Oaks West what's happening with the Red Dragons yeah so the Red Dragons are going to be a faction that is adding opium dens and opium as a resource into the game the interesting thing about them is again they're really not that interested in necessarily taking over everything all they want to do is add opium Dems everywhere all over the board and they do that by using specific powers of their lieutenants and other cards as you move throughout the game where they have a special power to add an opium Dem anywhere where there already is a den uh in the neighborhooding area so you can do it add it to an adjacent location and they just slowly start spreading those throughout and each Opium Den can only hold a certain amount of opium and then you can use your special cards here that you have up to a total of seven dens and you'll have seven different cards so once per uh turn or per before the reorganization phase you can use each one of these cards and just flip them over and then during your reorganization phase you'll be able to uh write them again to the forward-facing direction but you'll be able to use that opium to do special things like add additional Shield value to the neighborhoods that you control there are some here that allow you to spend as much opium as you want to gain money for each of those opiums so you can basically sell it but anytime you end your turn during a regular reorganization phase and that opium is no longer on your Opium Den card then it actually will be sold so it'll be destroyed gotten rid of used whatever you want to call it at that point so you'll have to gain more opium throughout the the game using it as a resource that way um that's the main difference that they bring into the to the game because they don't have to control areas to put those dens out so they can spread relatively quickly and gain influence that way yeah very strong as you've probably experienced in Scarface 1920 before the best late plans oft go astray that's the case in this game so even though we're more passive factions we're factions that don't have to directly interact with people there's also the chance that the game just forces that interaction depending on the strategy that you build and where the end game the three points or the end game cash might be coming from you may still want to conquer zones take out other leaders uh hopefully knock them off their height horse just slightly or take in a central district just to complete a job there's a lot of reasons why you'll still be interacting so don't get being don't get the impression that these are passive factions but instead these are factions that have a asymmetric ability that functions slightly outside of the normal flow of the game uh so they're introducing their own resources and they're uh messing with other players in unique in different ways that's the core premise of what the game found campaign is going to be offering yeah we have the Bloody Business expansion a little bit more interaction here on the main board we have the Golden Oaks which function as two separate teamed units giving you the choice of how you actually want to upgrade and where you want to have your strength coordinated and we have the Red Dragons you're going to be bringing opium and opium dens into the main board giving them special abilities and ways to uh influence and push around other players depending on where and how they have their opium spread out and by adding these extra factions it does allow you to play five and six players now which was not possible before very nice very nice the player Count's actually going to go up as well very interested to see that right now it's a it's a very very strong three-player game I can see the four player especially with One of These two factions Incorporated um really really really fun yeah yeah okay so thank you for watching thank you for being here remember this is a game found campaign we'll have a link at the top of the video description please swing over there check out the campaign page double check to see if this is the right game for you and if it is make sure you hit that back button they'll only be running for a limited time and I believe the original game was fairly exclusive of to the original Kickstarter they ran so if this is one you've been meaning to get your hands on now is the opportunity whatever the case though whatever you do remember to do the important thing get out and play some games we'll see you next time bye
Channel: Quackalope
Views: 4,146
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: boardgames, games, tabletop, tabletopgames, player, play, gamer, quack, quackalope, kickstarter, ttg, gameplay, game, rpg, overview, boardgamegeek, bgg, review, preview, Quackalope, right / wrong, instructional, scarface 1920, gamefound, scarface, redzen
Id: 4HpWsGdo5ug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 57sec (1077 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 21 2023
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