Scaramouche FULL BOSS GUIDE - Genshin Impact Version 3.2 Weekly Boss

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hello folks finally the guide for the new weekly boss Scaramouche or follow beer this boss unlocks after finishing the entire r-conquest in version 3.2 and before I start I want to show a little neat Easter egg is Scaramouche defeats rodden Shogun he has two different lines that he says oh and for this fight you want to bring at least one Archer or caster that is not Electro and not Hydro godhood is mine now PLC ball it will help you a lot in the last part of the fight but without the way let's begin in Phase One the arena has six notes on the ground two Electro one enamel Hydro pyro and cryo the hydro 1 Hiroshi which is useless get out of here Wolfie the Pyro and cryo clears up the fire and ice on the floor but those don't do that much damage so it's not that helpful the hydro ignore the hydro the electrodes are the most important you want to activate both of them in a short time to stun the boss to activate a note you need to grab crystals to charge up your pet when it's fully charged stand on top of the node you want and push T to use it and turn phase one you can attack the boss's arms and body with both range and melee attacks I prefer to use range attacks since you can hit the boss from anywhere but if your melee go for the body since it's much easier to hit your arms move around so you can miss depending on the boss of this position and there are two types of crystals that charge up your pet one large Crystal will fully charge your pet as well as two small crystals so let's begin with the Fire and Ice you see them on the ground right now and they only do a couple hundred damage it's very little and you should ignore them I think it's a ways to use your charge on them but here's what happens if you do if I use it on the cryo it clears away all the fire stuff kids [Music] and if I activate the Pyro node it clears all the ice stuff but the boss will keep using attacks to put more ice and fire on the ground so it's a waste to try to get rid of it what you really want to do is to activate the electro nodes when you activate one of them the boss will be semi-stun and start shooting lightning down the lighting have pretty big AOE but you can use the iframes from your dash to avoid the strike and they also spawn small crystals so what you want to do here is to grab two small crystals to activate the second Electro node when you activate both nodes you also get one of the secret achievements it all comes tumbling down traveling down [Music] if you don't burst it down it usually follows up with this huge Electro beam and that's where the enemo note comes in play if you left extra crystals on the ground before activating the second electron node you can have a charge ready for the enemo this creates a wind current that you can use to Glide off the ground to avoid this beam you can also avoid this attack just by having ventially holding his e will do the same thing and you can just Glide until the beam is gone the only strong Shield will also stop the damage but other Shields will be too weak and your active character will take a lot of damage or might even die outright so that explains all the useful notes now for the rest of the boss's attacks for electron missiles the ball shoots a large barrage of them and you can stay far away to avoid it since it's usually concentrated in the center after the brush the boss shoots two large pyramids that have foaming effects wait until the tracking stops and then quickly Dash away to avoid them the last Electro attack in phase one is the Merry-Go-Round your dash can go through the beams but you cannot Dash non-stop so after dashing through one beam walk to the right a little to recharge and then Dash again repeat this until the lasers are done now for his Fire and Ice attacks there's two versions one is a sweep and then a slam that you see here and then the other is just a slam you can do this with either hand and it's pretty much the same effect just different colors when you see a hand glow just run to the opposite side of the Arena your running distance is shorter when you're closer to the boss so that's one benefit of being melee [Music] insignificant past foreign are the enema whirlpools the boss spawns some win that has very strong vacuum effects get right next to the boss to not get sucked in after a little bit the boss will swirl them with hydro and create whirlpools if you see them coming closer just move a little to the side to avoid it and that's pretty much all your character phase one just keep attacking the boss and use the two Electro notes to disable him then use your strongest rotation to take it down all the attacks are pretty easy to avoid once you get used to it now on to phase two this time your pet is still with you and it'll shoot bullets the entire time I will talk about the pet after going to the boss's attack first off he does a stomp slam and create a shock wave this has a pretty small radius around him and the Shockwave you can just jump over here's a similar attack but this time he plunges the ground with the swords it creates a much bigger AOE but there's no Shockwave this time the thing about Phase 2 is you won't be doing direct damage to the boss so just stay away from it as much as you can to avoid most of these attacks he also has a fire and ice tackle where he teleports to the other side of the arena and charges at you once again just stay away from the boss on the far end and dash you to the side [Music] the X attack comes out pretty quickly if you're in the center of it Dash to the side to the safe spot if you're far away then stay far away and avoid the indicators on the ground now we can talk about the pets and the crystals yes the crystals are back in phase two you will need to grab them to charge up a huge dendro bomb to hit the ball using the bomb is optional but it does make the fight faster since it does a lot of Shield damage another attack the boss does is summon some junks that has different elements on it and they will blow up after some time if you hit them with other elements you can destroy the junk and it will spawn a crystal letting you charge up the danger Bomb faster just hit these scraps with any element besides its own element [Music] and after fully charging your pet you gain the dendro bomb this temporarily replaces your Elemental skill so use the E button to use the bomb hold e to aim the dendro bomb if you hit the boss it does a huge chunk of Shield damage and don't worry too much about aiming if you miss the danger bomb you'll still keep the charge so you can keep shooting again and again until you finally hit the boss and here's a very fancy looking attack the electrostorm looks dangerous at first but it's very easy to dodge it just creates a huge circle on the ground that follows you very slowly you stay outside the circle to avoid damage and you don't even need to run you can just walk and look how slow the circle is going it's actually the same as my walk speed I suggest walking instead of running so you can save your stamina for the electro beans that comes after when you see a beam on you dash away to avoid it and once you destroyed the boss's Shield it will use a final Spirit Bomb attack he will also summon three Electro drones and a turd on the ground to defeat the boss you will need to destroy all four and this is why we bring our Archer or caster that's not Electro or Hydro since those two elements plus physical does not damage these drones it's hard to hit the drones with melee attacks but the casters Auto attack can reach them pretty easily so if you bring the Caster you'll be fighting a little bit closer to hit them with auto attack [Music] if you bring an Archer you can stay pretty far away and hit the drones with charge shots just watch out for the turret that's shooting at you it's easier to kill the three drones first then handle the turret after since the turret is tankier [Music] and here's the second secret achievement you need to get hit by the Spirit Bomb just don't collect all four crystals and let the boss gather all of kvos energy it's pretty weird that the whole universe wants one of your characters to paint to get pen Primo gems anyway back to actually defeating the boss when you defeat all the drones collect the four crystals and shoot the boss with one final dendro bomb this will spawn a platform and two tethers when you go up to the platform your Elemental burst will refresh so you can unload with your strongest attacks on the boss you do have a lot of time so try to defeat it in one rotation if you don't do enough damage to defeat the boss you just repeat phase two again and that's pretty much the whole fight now for a quick video of one of my kills I'll go through my thought process while this video runs so my carry is yomiya that means I'll be using a lot of range attack I'll just start hitting the boss right away and I see it's using the electro arrows so I back off a little to avoid it once I avoid the homing attack I continue shooting the boss now I see his hand is glowing so I go to the other side and I collect the crystals along the way I see a large Crystal there so I can activate both Electro nodes right away so I picked this opening to do so and I know my team is strong enough to defeat the boss in one stunt [Music] s now on to phase two foreign [Music] so I'm just focusing on avoiding attack and when I do see a crystal I use the feather to grab it quickly and if I get a chance I'll destroy the scraps to fill up my gauge faster so I can remove the shield quicker body enough time to act these two is pretty simple just stay away from the boss and Dodge the attack to come Neil and here comes my favorite attack the electrostorm it's very flashy looking but it's not dangerous at all when I first started I kept dashing away from the circle but I found out you can just walk and avoid it as well saving you stamina for the dangerous beams that come after [Music] time far too Oblivion and now for the spirit bombs this girl Mia can make a normal attacks be Elemental I can just stay near all the enemies and shoot them down real quick gather the final crystals to shoot my final dendro bomb and head up to the platform to defeat the boss this boss looks pretty fun and very interesting it's not just a tank and spank we finally have another boss with some decent mechanics thanks for dropping by hope you enjoy the boss as much as me that's all for now and remember have fun out there Traveler can't lose it all again [Music]
Channel: TSouL22
Views: 66,844
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Boss, Guide, Genshin, Impact, Easy, boss guide, genshin impact guide, genshin impact, sumeru, version 3.2, 3.2 boss, genshin 3.2, genshin sumeru, scaramouche guide, dendro, scaramouche, scaramouche genshin impact, nahida, kusanali, lesser lord kusanali, speed kill, scaramouche boss guide, scaramouche full boss fight, genshin scaramouche boss, genshin scaramouche boss guide, weekly scaramouche boss, scaramouche weekly boss, genshin impact scaramouche weekly boss, shouki no kami
Id: eK15PxmlAVE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 3sec (783 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 03 2022
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