Scammer Hams it Up For YouTube

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[Music] this camera right here i've talked to before i said that i didn't talk to him again well i wasn't lying i just didn't remember sometimes i make a lot of calls at once i get so many calls to animate sometimes it takes a while so i didn't remember but it was this guy and then once you get the new social security number i want you to take out the card and shove it up to your [ __ ] so that your social security will become brand new and you won't face any problem in the near future well i guess i did talk to him again i don't know i think he really hammed it up for youtube i think he thought he was pretty funny and so did i let's have some fun [Music] social security administration how can i help you i don't know i got a call said i had to call back and did you receive any kind of mail or a waste message along with a phone call no i just got the phone call and said i had to call back and i didn't get to the phone on time but i'm here now well in that case can you verify me with your first and your last name so that i can pull out information from my federal system and see what exactly is going on yes this is robert robert downey how do you spell your last name d-o-w-n-y okay all right allow me a moment let me just share one okay thank you so much for holding the line mr downey are you still there yes yes it was only a couple seconds what else i can see here yes do you have your social security card with you right now i have to instruct you something very important it's recording about your social media i've got one i don't have it on me okay or uh whenever you get the social security card in your hand uh let me show you that you need to take out the card and shove it up to your [ __ ] so that your social security will become brand new and you won't face any problem in the near future all right why would you forget my advice why would you why would you say that you having a bad day at work sir young man yes what is going on with you if you don't like your job why do it don't take it out on the elderly so hold me up with some money i have to pay rent so what what does that have to do with you talking so obscene to me why would you talk to me like that i'm sorry about that sir but i am very exhausted and i'm very tired my throat is banning i can't even speak now i think you're just being ridiculous yes whatever you say but i'm so sorry about what i said earlier now if you could please forgive me and send me some money doesn't your job there they don't pay me anything then why do i want you to be my guardian angel i want you to be my guardian angel i'm very heartbroken do you even i don't know what to do do you even have a car no no i don't even own a bike with why not why not just get a bike it's healthier anyways just get a bike all right you want me to buy a bike then help me out at least can you use your big boy voice you don't need to talk like a little baby stop crying oh no sir i can't i am very tired i don't know what to do please help me okay did you scam anybody today no i really wish but you're not feeling sorry for the stuff that you're doing i'm feeling sorry for myself right now i don't know after five minutes i will forget it again but right now i'm having that emotional oh no it's not funny i feel funny inside but i want to cry i think you are crying [Music] i don't know what i'm doing right now i don't even know why i'm speaking with you you know uh you're going to be on youtube with this this craziness what are you talking about now you're going to be on youtube yay [Music] [Music] so what's your name i am meditating myself give me a moment sir what was the name that you gave me are you thomas yeah thomas chaplin yeah okay that's what i thought yeah you're mr tommy ah tom tommy yeah i've got all your informations and that is on this recorded line okay and that is um i didn't write down badge id or case id but i assume my case id was gs75005 and your badge ideas dm that's my bad charity number the gs part yeah that's my charity number okay so this must be an arrest warrant number i've got seven six dm10762 that's that's your case number oh that was my k i got so many numbers written down here i've been talking to you guys all day well i i have this kind of thing like i don't provide any award number because whenever whenever i speak with a customer and they see a water number and they'll be like what you can't have a word number against me say what you want about this guy but he ain't wrong about that yeah they will go crazy and they will you know yeah i love that and then they will you know reach you their local police department and so on so it's you know in order to await that we need to always get the case id number okay so you don't do the does everybody in your um call center do they do it like the way you're doing it or is it just that's your own spin on it oh just make your own spin oh i didn't know that you guys could do that because i've been switching between two different numbers today and uh some of them are giving a warrant id number and just like you said that's what i do i get all crazy about it oh no i'm getting arrested that type thing so how many people how long have you been you know go ahead what her in our office what's that what was the question sir i'm sorry how many people are working in your call center uh we have three floors and there are over more than 300 people no way really oh yes yes different process amazon irs apple ah you name it it's the headquarters oh my i didn't think you had so many people in one little local area i mean i can hear a lot of people in the background but you guys sir oh not too loud we're a very big city oh you're in a big city which one uh i'm sorry it's confidential where am i from you probably from the united states yeah i know but what state i mean i know you're in india right from the east yeah east coast or west coast well give me a hand uh let me look here i forgot what they're called from um the west coast west coast west coast west coast comes under uh california washington and arizona i'm not sure i guess yeah california are you looking at my phone number no i'm not looking at your phone number give me a moment let me just look at your phone number and see what is it it's showing san francisco california yeah was that what it was last time though hey when i called it where are you originally from which state well i'm not going to tell you where i'm really from i'm doing the same as you guys do so every time when somebody calls you you don't know if they're scam baiting you or not we're time wasters we're wasting your time now you're not getting paid so hello how did you know how did you know i was faking you how do you all care well first of all let me tell you one thing okay if you want to you know write scammers you have to play like uh how do i say very carefully handle with extreme care something like that so the thing is that you need to give some information which is exact information not your exact information but some you know effect information but you don't have to forget what you have seen okay first thing like what i'm not gonna i don't have to explain you that you just have to act genuine that's it okay that's it yeah that's it that's not very helpful okay well you know what i'm going to do i'm going to hang up on you i'm going to give it an undisclosed amount of time and then i'm going to call with a different voice you're not going to know who it is and i'm going to be wasting your time again okay try me okay i'll be waiting for your call sayonara okay goodbye now i didn't call this guy back i figure he's probably expecting it he's expecting a different voice and i'm sure he'll get one from somebody else and maybe he'll hang up on him maybe he'll think it's me i guess we'll never know for sure [Music]
Channel: pappamonkey
Views: 6,506
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: animated, animation, cartoon, funny, comedy, scammer, scambait, original, prank, Prank call to scammer, tech scammer, scammer prank, indian scammer, prank call, crank yankers, phone scam, phone scammer, computer scammer, computer scam, pappamonkey, social security, social security scam, social security scammer, scam-bait, original music
Id: 9EMqpA7agtg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 11sec (791 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 05 2021
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