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yo guys what is up scammer vaults here bring you guys a brand new video and before this video starts I just like to say yes this is another livestream highlight so if you guys want to follow my twitch might which will be linked below but also before this video starts I always see people leaving numbers in the comment section and stuff so I'm asking those people and anybody else if you're looking for numbers or you want to post numbers please join TSU the link will be the top link in the description below it's a scam bait forum or your post number scammer information websites all that stuff you could also find numbers to call for scam baiting reasons stuff like that so if you guys want to join it please go to the link in the description at least check it out and please make an account but other than that I hope you guys enjoy this video I will see you guys next time peace now you can ask me to accept or dismiss yes coupon except yes click on accept okay okay click on accept the green except yeah okay there we go and now it's okay now this okay is that right yeah so what do you say exact you could use because now I can see oh the mouse is moving hello hello Oh what is happening hello sir hello hello another calls would quiet oh my goodness j-mac seven six six with the thousands here thank you what do I do but the call just ended I'm still connected to him okay I guess let's just uh do this again I know now doc he was it's good oh he's moving the mouse like the call ended please go back there there I said that let's do this then let's go and let's upload that file again what's he doing that's how all right let's upload this scammer text he's opening team beer ok I just uploaded this he oh he's not even on the call with me and he opens team beer ok is asking privileges oh now he's trying to connect to the though I already did long roll you suck at scams what do I do but let me call back I'm gonna call back and say I'm connected to him on the like he's connected to me hello now it says the number was busy he still I'm still connected to him uh what I got an idea I got a bunch of pictures at doe which I could just upload let me go here pictures are there I got a bunch of Doge here like what what do I do thank you for the hunter cheer emerald Duke I don't even know what to do I guess let's explore though I deleted all that can we access okay that's him public I don't think we could do anything much in public he doesn't have a secondary hard drive [Music] admin can't connect they can't connect we could try and delete these call me Prado with this twitch sub thank you yeah it just it always says waiting when I click to do this one what do I do Oh what wait what wait wait it's letting me delete all this why wait how much is it going to delete the 800 files this might mean if it deletes the right files he'll make it unsuitable so it felt some deleted 805 out of 60,000 way he's trying to chat wait he thinks this is wait wait what he's asking me by my number oh hey hold up quickly wait wait wait he's asking me that number he's asking me right over hold up there I just told him my number let's see if I get a call I'm so confused what is happening so he's asking me for my number now let's see if he calls back and lets go for at home I'm still connected I told her my number Li I'm gonna say please call me I don't even know thank you guys for all the hosts I don't I'm not receiving any call as desktop still full of those folders that just say he's a scammer he said okay he deleted yeah he deleted that way he deleted them off the desktop what uh I'm recreating them right now let me show you guys I just reapply dat's camera text or no they deleted because I tried to lead it on his files okay so he hasn't seen them yet then right now hello all from press one to send a voicemail press Q hello I know yes oh hi sir yes sorry for disconnected sir so what can you see like that in your computer now I see my screen but I had a I had a question yes could you look at your desktop yes I can't see anything sir yeah that's why I'm asking you no I'm asking on your computer screen your desktop where all your money sir so you just so what could he say exactly my desktop but III was asking you guys what you see on your desktop I can't see anything sir okay I can't you're not my desktop I'm saying your desk okay so just a moment okay okay how do you go online any they see they have to see it hello just a moment or so you okay sir you have to tell me the ID sir yeah yeah they're talking about so what can you for exactly no no I was asking you guys what you see on your doubt your desktop you'd give me the ID so you tell you to ID one nine seven zero nine nine seven five zero now let's ask me yes I just thought of his own ID these guys are so dumb they don't get what I say when I say like a your desktop hello sir hello yeah hi can you yes can you can you look at your desktop that's what I was saying yeah I'm looking at that yeah what do you see what do you see what do you mean by that what do you see on here that your desktop can why you can't okay what I'm gonna ask you is can you go to your desktop and open the folder that old and open the text file that says scammer can you do that yeah so on on your desktop can you see it you hug of what let me call that number back yeah hi yeah yes can you hear me can you look at your desktop oh can you see why did you yeah I feel bad what does it say no no click click the phone click the text document that says scammer what he'll you ask [ __ ] you look at your desktop yeah what's up betcha you a bad job look at your files they're gone oh he saw it he saw it he definitely just saw it he definitely saw it oh man he must have just opened it and saw that it said in all caps you suck at scamming oh yeah he definitely all the salt the salt he definitely just saw it yo guys camera vaults here I hope you guys enjoyed this video before this video ends I would just like to say one more time please join TSU it will be the top link in the description below and also my Twitter and discord those are the best places to talk to me if you want to get like some interaction with me or just have questions and stuff Twitter and discord are probably the best places to ask that but really Twitter is probably the really really best place I guess yeah but so if you guys are looking to share numbers scammer websites all that type of stuff please do it ty scare me tonight calm it will be the top link in the description below I know that I hope you guys enjoyed this video and I hope all you guys have an amazing day and I will see you guys next time peace
Channel: ScammerRevolts
Views: 189,109
Rating: 4.9366107 out of 5
Keywords: Scammer, Windows, TechSupport, Tech, support, scam, scammers, scambait, rage, scambaiting, Exposed, ScammerRevolts, SR, SRArmy, angry scammer, scammer angry, SCAMMER'S COMPUTER ANNIHILATED, destroying a scammers computer, Destroying a scammer's PC, scammer gets mad, Salty scammers, scamming the scammers, scammers pc, pranking scammers, going into a scammers pc and deleting his files, refund scammer, scammers mad, Tech Support Scammer Trolling
Id: f5xeMY4AAqg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 48sec (948 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 28 2019
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