Scale, Rotate & Align with Transform in Photoshop | Day 8

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welcome to 30 days of Photoshop today we're going to show you how to transform scale rotate and align objects hey there and welcome to phlearn my name is Aaron NACE you can find me on phlearn dot-com where we make learning fun and welcome to our 30 days of Photoshop series we've got a great episode on very practical uses within Photoshop we're gonna show you how to transform scale rotate and align different objects all based around the transform tool anytime you're working with more than one element in a photograph maybe you have graphic design elements or different photos that you want to put together you need to be able to move them transform them scale them and basically get everything together in a nice organized manner and in today's video we're gonna show you how to do that with not only photographs but we're also gonna create a graphic logo from scratch we had an awesome tutorial for you let's jump in a Photoshop so let's start off by opening all of our assets for this tutorial you can actually download everything on florrum comm just follow the link right down below so the first thing I need to do is get everything onto the same document and of course we're working with awesomely fun Donuts so we've got a picture couple pictures of donuts and a nice donut that we're gonna integrate into a logo so I'm gonna use my move tool which is kind of the starting point for all of our transformation and we're gonna put everything together so on this layer let's go ahead and click and drag from one document to another and we're gonna do the same thing with this donut so click and drag from one document to another and now everything is on the same document we don't need these anymore we can go ahead and close those out we're gonna click on f4 fullscreen so what I want to do is create a little bit of a layout given everything that I've got here so I'm gonna first go ahead and crop this image a little bit larger let's hit C for the crop tool okay and we're gonna make a square crop but I do want it to be a little bit larger so let's hold alt or option and just make this a bit larger and hit Enter now before I hit Enter actually I want to make sure where it says delete cropped pixels I want to make sure that is not checked okay so checked is not recommended unchecked is recommended because you don't want to go deleting permanent pixels because you might want them back later so make sure that's checked and then hit that little checkbox out there okay so now it's time to start transforming scaling and rotating everything so we don't need our little icon for now this little donut icon but we are going to go ahead and start moving all of the different resources here so we're gonna start with the move tool so you can hit V for the move tool and we have a couple of options with the move tool up at the very top we have auto select now my suggestion is to actually turn this off this basically means that you have to click on each layer that you want to move around okay so if I want to move layer one first I click on layer one and I can move it if I want to move layer zero I have to click on that even if let's say I'm clicked on layer one even if I click over here it's still gonna move layer one now if autom select is turned on if I click on this layer it's gonna start moving this layer and this one's gonna start moving this now this might seem kind of useful but especially when you start to have many different layers and maybe smaller layers and layers with transparency it can be pretty tough to actually click on the exact layer you want so my suggestion just to turn off auto select and if you want to at any time you can hold ctrl or command and then click on a layer and that will actually select that layer so that's my recommendation kinda how to get around this okay so auto select is now off and we are looking at good so the first thing I want to do is build a little bit of a composition just about everything that we're gonna be doing today is through the transform dialog so to start this off we're gonna hit ctrl or command T for transform so once you bring in your transform dialog you have quite a few options here on the top so let's go ahead and go over those now up here at the very top left you have a control point that you can move anywhere around your image by default it's here in the center but if I click and drag this over here and then maybe I click and drag right out here you can see I can rotate my image and it's actually gonna rotate right around that area which is incredibly cool okay now you can hit escape which will just get you out of it controller command T and you'll get right back in so you don't have to have this turned on by default it's just gonna be the very center but for instance if you wanted this to be on the top right and then maybe do a rotate around the top right this can be really helpful now moving down line we have our actual translations so we have x and y so you can just simply click on your X or the y axis and move these up and down you can change your width in your height very easily and by default they have a little chain link between them meaning they're going to be locked so if I change one it's gonna change the other you can unlock this very easily and then just scale the width or the height if you want to do that as well let's hit escape and then ctrl or command T again here you can change your angle just click and drag or you can type in an angle like if I want to have that be at 45 you can do that of course if you hit ctrl or command T you can just move your cursor right outside and simply click and drag and rotate that around and don't forget you can move this control point at any point in time all right and then last we have our horizontal shear and our vertical alright and these you probably won't be using as often actually here at the very end we do have a warp so if you click there you can then click in different areas inside your image and then warp them around for instance I can bring this corner right up there ok so a lot of really interesting ways we can actually move things around now my suggestion if you plan on doing a lot of scaling and rotation with your images I suggest first transforming these to smart objects that's because let's go ahead and show you what I'm gonna just gonna take this layer and duplicate it by hitting ctrl or command J so now I have two of these now my first layer here on the Left I'm gonna go ahead and make this a smart object so we're gonna right click and go to convert to smart object okay and now my second layer is not going to be a smart object so this one is smart and this one is regular so let's go ahead and transform both of these I'm gonna scale them down quite a bit so control the command T we're gonna click on the top left and just scale these down really really really small okay you're gonna get extra tiny you see how small they are very very small now when you bring something down very small you lose a lot of information like it's trying to take that much information and compress you actually lose quite a bit so when you make it bigger again well you've lost that information so let's go ahead and see that control there command T and we're gonna scale this up again there we go let's just make sure we hold shift while we do that so it's gonna maintain the aspect ratio and hit enter well let's take a look at what we have the regular layer which is right here look at all this information that we've lost the smart object we haven't lost any information at all it still looks like we have all the original resolution of our image and the reason is a smart object actually doesn't transform the object itself it transforms an instance of that object so anytime you're gonna do any heavy transformation making things larger or smaller or heavy rotation things like that I highly suggest creating a smart object first it's gonna keep you from losing information in your images okay so let's go ahead and delete the regular layer we don't need it and let's turn this background layer on and we're gonna go ahead and turn that into a smart object too so let's right click here and we're gonna go convert to smart object there we go so we've got two different layers now I want to create a little bit of a little bit of a like a catalog almost so what we're gonna do is start off by bringing this layer I'm gonna flip this horizontally so we're gonna hit ctrl or command T you can right click and flip horizontally or vertically I do what you want okay let's go vertical again and then I'm going to click and drag and rotate this round I'm also gonna hold the shift key down there we go and that's gonna allow me to make sure that I'm rotating at 45 there we go so if I just click in here drag around wherever I want it's not gonna constrain it at all if I hold shift it's gonna do it by 15 degree increments there we go now in this case I can also see that this line is actually not perfectly horizontal okay and I have a lot more space on the Left than I do on the right neither of which I want so what we're gonna do is I'm going to go to view and I'm gonna go ahead and turn on my rulers rulers can be incredibly helpful when you want to measure things and also when you want to make sure your lines are straight so what I'm gonna do is actually click right here in the top ruler and drag down and this creates what's known as a guide so with this guide now I'm gonna go ahead and try to get this center line with these donuts I'm gonna try to get that perfectly horizontal so let's hit ctrl or command T again so you can see every time I'm entering into a transformation it's ctrl or command T let's go ahead and transform this around just by rotating it and I do need to scale this up a little bit let's hold shift to scale this up okay because I want evil spacing between the left and the right there we go and that's actually starting to look pretty good let's go ahead and zoom in and make sure that the line for our Donuts corresponds to our guide and it does so let's see go ahead and hit enter there and that's looks pretty good see how much easier that was with that line takes away all the guesswork now we're just gonna use our move tool and I can click right here on the guide and just drag it right back up and it gets rid of it you can also go to view and down to clear guides okay well that looks good but now this line is not perfectly horizontal so we're gonna go ahead and load a layer mask let's simply click on our layer mask icon we're gonna go to our rectangular marquee tool and I'm gonna go make a selection right over here and there we go and then go ahead and invert this area on my layer mask basically filling it with black okay or you can just go hit shift delete and fill it with black because I don't want it to be visible there because as you can see it's not perfectly straight across and I do want these lines to be perfectly straight so let's hold down shift and hit delete and we're gonna fill our contents with black perfect so this is looking really nice now we have our next object here our smart object this we're gonna transform as well so controller command T let's go ahead and rotate this around I'm going to hold shift there we go and let's go ahead and put this right up here fantastic and make this a little bit larger I'm going to hold shift to maintain the aspect ratio and I want to make sure it's the both on the left and the right my spacing there so let's go ahead and put this donut underneath the others okay and we're gonna go ahead and drag this up a little bit I actually don't mind it with ya that's pretty cool right there with the center line now in this case I do want some room for my type because that's a big part of what we're gonna be doing here so I'm gonna go ahead and extend this entire image vertically so let's hit C for the crop tool I'm gonna go ahead and clear my aspect ratio so I can make whatever aspect ratio want there we go and let's go ahead and extend this vertically we're gonna go a little bit further even just so I can show you how to fill this area in if you want if you need to do that okay and that'll also allow us to bring our other donut up a little bit but I'm gonna run into just like visually I think either like we you know we bring it up here or you can see the hole that dark hole there or we gotta hide it but having halfway cut across dark hole I don't think that works so we're gonna go right down to about there okay so now I want to fill this area here at the very top with this turquoise color it's actually really easy to do it's not a solid color right now you can see it's a little bit lighter here than it is over here so my suggestion would be to use the brush tool so we're gonna create a new layer we're gonna use our brush tool and just paint with a large soft edged brush now B for the brush tool you can hold alt or option to sample colors so I'm gonna sample over here and just paint right up here there we go sample over here and paint right over there fantastic and you can see we filled that up very nice and easily and it blends in perfectly with the rest of our photo so we had a nice looking flyer going on now it's time to move on to our actual type so let's go ahead and turn our doughnut on there we go we're gonna bring this up here and start typing so I'm gonna hit T for the type tool and we're gonna type in donuts there we go I can't really see it just yet so we're gonna open up our property window now your property window in Photoshop CC 2019 contains a lot of information for text if you're using an older version of Photoshop you'll want to use your character window instead so here in our property window I want to change my color to white there we go the font face i'm using is laddo and i want to choose my font weight all the way to black so I want this to be a very heavy font weight there we are and let's go ahead and just bring this a little bit larger I think that looks great now the next thing I want to do is start aligning this type because I want it to be perfectly centered left and right with everything else in with basically the entire flyer so if I want to align something to our to the entire flyer the first thing I want to do is make a selection of the whole flyer to do that we're gonna go to select and then down to all so it's selecting everything you can also to hit ctrl or command a so now this is donut this type here what we're gonna do is move go to a move tool and because I have my move tool selected and I have a selection active I have now options for all this alignment up here at the top so I can line this to the left center right top vertical center and bottom or I can combine them like vertical center and horizontal center it's going to be right in the very center now let's go ahead and deselect let's say I have a selection over here so I'm gonna use my marquee tool and make a selection right over here I can actually let's use the donut now for an example I can actually align everything to the Zaid selection tube so I could align this to the left center and right top middle and bottom there we go so let's say I wanted you know this Donuts to be basically exactly in the center of another donut let me just make a elliptical marquee selection right around that donut there we go and then this donut I can use my move tool and align it vertically and horizontally and look at that it's gonna pop right in the center of that selection so make your selection first and then you can use your alignments so let's go ahead and turn our Donuts back on okay now this is actually aligned horizontally I just need to move it up so move it up but as I move it up I'm gonna hold the shift key and that's good to make sure that it can just go straight up and down or it could go straight left and right or at a 45 degree angle but I don't want it you know I already aligned it left and right so I don't want to just grab it and try to like put it up there right I have to hold shift or I have to line it again which is not a big deal again just hold down control or command a make sure your move tool is selected and then align it vertically okay now my little donut here first I I need to turn it white I needed to match the rest of the logo so when he hit controller command I which just inverts it super easy let's go ahead and zoom in and now my donuts the font here I'm gonna go ahead and click on my layer mask okay because I want to hide the original oh so we're gonna go to our marquee selection tool there we go just make a selection around the oh and here on my layer mask I'm gonna fill this with black because black hides everything on your layer mask okay so shift delete and it's gonna fill that selection with black perfect now I can take my donut and I can just put it right into place but again I want to Center this right because I don't I don't need it to be like I don't want it to be too high or too low so what we're gonna do is I'm gonna grab my rectangular marquee tool and make a selection of the top and the bottom of my letters okay so I don't care about left and right here basically just top and bottom so what we're gonna do now is go make sure we're selected on our donut let's just go ahead and call this donut I'm gonna go to my move tool and we're gonna align this Center OOP so now this donut is perfectly Sun aligned with the center of my text so now let's go ahead and transform it so controller command T I'm gonna drag my top down but you can see as I do this it's squishing down and going to the bottom and I've lost all my alignment but no fear first we want to make sure we're holding shift to where we maintain our aspect ratio and then I'm gonna hold alt or option and what that's gonna do is it's gonna scale it by the center okay so when it's scaled by the cent look at that perfect I hit enter and then I'm gonna use my marquee tool line it up with the left you know the end of the D in the beginning of the end and I can use my marquee tool to line it up vertically as well so now this donut the O rather is the same size as the letters top and bottom and it's aligned both vertically and horizontally exactly where I want it to be so it should look like it belongs right and yeah it totally does that's a lot better of a strategy to where you know let's just show you the other strategy okay here's what the other strategy would be to just like try to put it in there and transform it and you know try to just move it to about the right place and yeah that looks about right umm yeah well you can it's not about right it's well it actually is about right but it's not right because you were just using you know just your eyes without any measurement tools so that compared to this you can see this is like visual harmony it actually is perfectly centered vertically and horizontally and is it the exact right size so we always want to make sure we use our alignment tools whenever possible alright we got a little more context to go we're gonna hit T for the type tool and I'm just gonna type in MMA I think it Emma made with E I'm just making up a donut company but I wanted this I wanted this letter let's go to back to our property window I wanted these letters to be a little bit larger rather smaller I wanted more words up here so I could use smaller type that's what I'm getting at now I'm gonna change the font weight here we're gonna go down to just a medium font weight there we go now we could probably go down to a regular font weight okay and now I just want to make sure I just make this a little bit smaller there we go so I want to line these left and right okay so now we had a couple of questions we've got MMA Donuts doesn't look perfect just yet let's go ahead and turn off I'm amazed we've got our doughnuts the font and the doughnut itself now these two I'm like okay we're ready for these to be one right when I move one around I don't want to like move this around and then have to move that around and try to put it in the perfect place again that's super annoying we just want to group them together and then they actually act as one so let's hold ctrl or command and click on the two of those and group them together there we go and we'll just call this Donuts so now I can move them both at the same time and again I can hit ctrl I command a select everything and align these wherever I want on my image okay so let's go ahead and align them here and I'm just gonna move them up holding shift there we go now I'm amazed we want to do the same thing so I'm gonna hit controller command a to select all we want to line those horizontally with our entire document so now both em amazed and the donuts are aligned perfectly vertically alright and I will just want to make sure that the size is pretty much match yeah they're very very close so now I will just want to make sure to move and amaze up a little bit because it's too low all right and for this I actually recommend just being zoomed out you can use your up and down left and right arrows by the way when you're doing this I think we could go down a little bit lower with the font weight - so let's go from regular let's go to light there we go now as I did this I need to make it a little bit bigger so let's hit ctrl or command T there we go just scale this up just a little bit and again ice now because I made some changes to it like I scaled it down and up I need to make sure it's centered vertically with my entire image because it needs to be centered vertically with not only my whole image but my logo itself so let's hit control of command a and we're gonna Center this vertically you can see it moved a tiny bit but now it's gonna be centered with the donuts by the way you can also if I have just the donuts over here and want a center and Lemay's to the doughnuts like if you don't want to center something to the document you can actually just hold ctrl or command click on two different layers and then I could write align those okay I could center line those as well and they'll set a center align to each other so just another thing you can do there let's just hit undo a couple times and make sure that we select all and they're both centerline okay well that looks great now I'm going to group the two together and we're just gonna call this logo okay so my logo is grouped together ctrl or command T let's just make this a little bit larger there we go fantastic and now this looks really nice I just again controller command a to select all align that vertically and then I want to make sure that my spacing from the very top of this document to the top of this donut I want to make sure that is even right I don't want this whole thing to be too high or too low it's gonna it's not going to look right so we just grab our marquee tool we make a selection from the top there we go right down to the top of this donut and then hit V for your move tool this brings up your line controls and then we align that horizontally so there we have it our logo this MMA's Donuts is now perfectly aligned from the left on the right and the top and bottom right here and everything else flows really nicely so what we have is a very nice cohesive design where everything is actually like exactly in line and in place where it needs to be so you can see these transforming scaling rotating and alignment it all comes into play especially when we create things like this because without all these tools to kind of like help us through this process we'd have to just eyeball everything and it it'd be like if you were trying to build a house and like you know the first layer level of the house was like at a slight tilt this way and the second level was like a slight tilt this way it'd be like a dr. Seuss house right it was just like things would you put a ball on the floor it would just kind of lean that way the same thing is true with our design if things don't line up well you can feel it it just like it feels kind of off so having these tools helps you make everything cohesive and when you look at it it's like oh yeah ah it looks like everything exactly where it's supposed to be well thank you so much for watching today's episode don't forget to join the 30 days of Photoshop it's absolutely free you can do so by clicking on the link right down below you'll get a newsletter email every single day keeping you up to date you'll get all the sample images so you can download and follow along you'll get a bonus calendar and some bonus extras that are only available as a part of this series thank you so much I'll see you tomorrow bye everyone
Channel: PHLEARN
Views: 85,977
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Phlearn, Photography, Aaron Nace, Photoshop, Adobe, Tutorial, Help, Tips, How-to, Education, Adobe Photoshop, Class, Course, Learn Photoshop, transform, transform tool, align, scale, rotate, 30 days, day 8, how to resize photo, rotate in photoshop, photoshop beginners
Id: _J1zOKgBWPw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 11sec (1511 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 09 2020
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