SBC Video Editing: Raspberry Pi 4 vs Odroid N2 & Jetson Nano

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[Music] welcome to another video from explaining computers calm about a year ago I showed it was possible to edit video in DaVinci Resolve on a lot a panda alpha x86 based single board computer whilst this was impressive a lot a panda alpha is an expensive board and since that time the power of lower cost on based SBC's has increased significantly and therefore in this video I'm going to check out the video editing capabilities of three on based SBC's in the 50 to $100 price bracket so here we have our contenders which are a 4 gigabyte Raspberry Pi 4 which has been fitted in this a while the larger heatsink sort of case which clearly you need some cooler on a Raspberry Pi 4 for video editing and we've also got here a 4 gigabyte Odroid and 2 and the Jetson nano developer kit and I've reviewed all of these boards in detail in previous videos I won't go through their specifications here but the key thing to note is that all of these s pcs have got 4 gigabytes of RAM and they those have all got USB 3 ports and the 4 gigabytes of RAM is really a minimum for successful HD video editing whilst USB 3 ports allow our video files to be stored on a fast external drive specifically I'm going to be using this SanDisk Extreme SSD to store our video files and projects although you could be using any USB 3 Drive and I'd also note I'm using SanDisk Ultra micro SD cards as the system drive on the app I fall and the Jetson nano was--there Odroid and who is running its operating system from this 16 gigabyte emmc module and in case you're wondering I did consider including other 4 gigabyte on HSBC's in this video but of the board i've got available these three are the ones that handle video editing most successfully so let's go and see how well they can all right I thought we'd start with the Jetson nano which I've got up and running as you can see and it's connected to the Sun disk SSD which contains our video files so if we go to the desktop here we are running a jetpack on the Jets and nano is his jetpack err 4.3 and jetpack is a 64-bit distribution based on Ubuntu 18.04 and this version was launched in December 2019 so it's pretty recent and her video editing I've installed kdenlive by going to a terminal and entering sudo apt install kdenlive and then putting in my password where requested and accepting the prompts I've also installed the drivers for accessing an exFAT drive in Linux by entering a terminal again and they're entering sudo out install expert expert new tools and without doing this you cannot acts as an expert formatted drive my cost on disk external SSD so you may not need to do this but most likely you will if you're accessing external media external drives which are storing video files so let's launch kdenlive on the ejects and now it's bring it up like that you see it doesn't take too long to come up and in fact it runs pretty well here on the Jetson Nano as I've done a few things to make it run even better on what after all this limited hardware for video editing for start I go to the menu and go to settings and a configure kdenlive and I've gone into project defaults and I've clicked proxy Clips there and also generated for videos larger than 1000 pixels across and what this means is that kdenlive will generate proxy clips which are temporary versions of our video files we'll be able to lower quality versions of the files which will be used in editing but replaced with the final files when we render out the final video so the use of proxy Clips speed things up when you're video editing on low end hardware we just have to use proxy Clips on all video editors not that many years or maybe decade to go and the other thing I've done here I just called the window down this week see it is have gone to a set of a custom project folder if I clicked by there you'll see I set our project folder to be on there here the external drive and the reason I've done that is it means that kdenlive itself and the operating system here will be running from the micro SD card but all the video files it sweet little being accessed and all the proxy clips being accessed will be on our external drive so we're spreading the load there to give the computer the maximum possible opportunity to run well with video editing so that's why I've set up and also here we go to project settings for this particular new project kdenlive created when it actually set itself up you'll see that reflected you'll see proxy clips are selected generating there is selected and if we look at cache data you will see the cache data is going again - it just comes up in a second there it is the extreme SSD it's going over to there so putting your temporary files putting your video files onto another drives a variable idea if you're very interesting all on SBC so let's just boil in a couple of clips we'll go over there under pulling some clips these clips are all 1080p and p4 files have sort of typical consumer video quality they're kind of quality up mode generally to youtube let's pull in say lots of ducks and say that to clip of a deer let's pull those in and you'll see in a second as they come in that these are going to be proxy files and because of that was a little too the bars under here as the proxy is created that's the disadvantage of using proxy files well a file is first brought into it edit the proxy file has to be generated it has to be transcoded that'll take a little second so we'll let that complete and a territories as completed you can see we've got a p4 proxy on each of those clips and it's also good idea when you're brought in clips and Jerry rented proxies - to save your file so we'll save this as a saya test but poor things test now and then haven't you very I will save that as a test and that's now just drug some of these clips down to the but I'm done down there I think I'll also just to make that a little bit narrow we can see that down there and they will put the deer one down stay there and we'll maybe take a dissolve and drag it down to there as well and missed entirely try and get it right Chris I'll do it right second time is how I that's about a right a will do it right the second time and we now play basically go to the project monitor and press play you'll see it doesn't play too badly it's not perfect remember it's playing proxy clips it doesn't have to be perfect here just good enough to edit with and this is working pretty well we're going to get towards a dissolve in him and it see how well it can handle that that won't be quite so good I imagine but all the excitement's are killing us isn't it what's he going to be like and immediately it starts to stutter a bit it is going to do with resolve but it's not brilliant that's not a perfect editing experience isn't it but we can improve on that because we can go down here to the actual quality setting for the timelines that hit to preview if we now go and play that to resolve again obviously it's using a slightly lower quality but we will get a much more usable dissolve there coming up so actually this is quite a reasonable usable video editor so we can you know we can scrub this time I'm pretty well I think and stop the thing there we are it goes back and forth we can you know this you could work with this and to prove that let me just save this file I open a recent edit I'd put together which is a bit longer as you might imagine I've been playing with this quite a bit or there's a shot of me standing on the beach in North Wales and then they're sitting down on the beach in North Wales and we look at the project monitor you see what I've done here is to reproduce a chunk of one of my recent videos so let me just play this and it'll be playing the explaining confusing intro and bringing up a little thing there and into title and then there I am on the beach having a little chat to you that plays absolutely fine no problems at all now coming up to a fewer cuts and dissolves and things have happened to work this is not working too bad now with resolves that's that's pretty reasonable isn't it I'm actually quite impressed with this I've messed around with us for a couple of hours I've come to the conclusion I could edit perfectly happily using over jetson Nano using a kdenlive unbox eclipse so this is very good news and I will just point out of course that what I'm showing you here using a proxy Eclipse on a single board computer equally well applies if you're trying to do video editing on a low end see so there we are Jetson uh no very successful doing video editing let's move on to look at the other boards right Here I am back again I've now got everything connected up and running on the Odroid n2 and if we go to its desktop again we're running a distro based upon who punto 18.04 this time with a Marte desktop begin a 64-bit operating system and I've installed kdenlive exactly as I did on there jettisoned nano they didn't have to install the extract utilities they were already pre-installed to access their extreme SSD were using here with his exFAT file system so let's run up kdenlive there's the icon over there and this comes up nice and quick remember the operating system here when the software is running off emmc on the Odroid and - you can take log when that took to run of a video editor on the standard desktop PC you can't use so let's bring in our file exactly the same edit I created on Learjets and I know initially it's because of a project monitor and you'll see a fire play this footage again playback he's pretty good it's not perfect but the proxy files in preview mode here played perfectly well that was a decent dissolve wasn't it another one coming up and again about place food no problems at all and if you want to scrub this timeline you can do so you can scrub with a multiple video layers there and it's it's usable it's not actually perfect but there's no doubt at all I can edit perfectly happily using a nose run into a single board computer so again this is a good result let's now move on to look at another board guess what Here I am back again this time with the Raspberry Pi 4 as our test SBC and if we go to its desktop here I'm running raspbian my latest version of raspbian buster and again I've installed kdenlive and I've installed the drivers for accessing the exFAT SSD so that's one that put kdenlive takes a little second to come up on Leah the PI forward it'll get there so see hopefully the second the yes things are happening and there we are with a loaded in kdenlive and again I will pull in our test file all the configurations here exactly as they were on the previous er SBC's I hope this will come in there we are something familiar has arrived let's go to our project monitor and play these files show the playback here which again is he's pretty good it's not brilliant on those wind turbines actually but by and large it's are pretty good that wasn't quite a smooth transition from our proxies in this preview mode and that's a transition again is is pretty good so uh this isn't too bad but it's actually try running kdenlive on a Raspberry Pi for back into what the middle of 2019 I've just come out and it was a little bit unstable then but now that seems to have gone away as when a lot of work on the software there are us with PI 4 since it was launched and then this seems to be stable i've not managed to crush it in maya testing you can drive across the time line things work pretty well so again as with the Jetson nano and the Odroid n2 we've got pretty good video editing performance on a raspy pi/4 right what I'm now going to do is to measure relative performance by taking the same edit they additive a Cobb win by footage we've been looking at here and rendering it out on each of a different SBC's to see how long it takes so initially here we are on there Jetson Nano so I'll go to render and you see things are set up to render out to an mp4 file and in fact I've generated a script of this setting so I've got a script here so we can render exactly same script on each of the SBC's so let's bring them all up on the screen at the same time and Walla start them off at the same moment - let's start the script and away they go but this is obviously going to take a little time so let's speed on a bit and here we are with a Raspberry Pi for about to finish and coming in at 2 minutes and 55 seconds to render out of 40 second 1080p clip and if we speed on a bit more we find that the Odroid end to comes second on 4 minutes and 8 seconds and then fast-forwarding for a final time so Jetson nano completes the render in 5 minutes and 30 seconds so let's put these figures on a table which we including the prices of the boards and my assessment of the quality of the editing experience that they provide and while it's close I think that the Jetson know has the most fluid timeline experience and playback and so we get 7 point 5 out of 10 followed by 7 out of 10 3 or 10 - and the 6.5 for the Raspberry Pi and yes I really should have marked here out of 20 anyway what we can definitively conclude is at the PI 4 offers by far the best value at an om SBC video editor and certainly produces final files the most rapidly and just in case some of you are wondering about the quality of the final output let's go back to via the Jetson Nano with by way of example and play the final test render which is identical for all machines has that move that full screen and you'll see hopefully that the quality of this file output renders absolutely fun with no problems with this at all the faculty were using proxies during the Edit process has no impact on on the quality of the final output which as you can see is it very good indeed that's just a move forward a bit to get to some of those of transitions probably about it's coming up in a second yes that's beautifully smooth there's no problems with the quality of this output so as I hope I proved to you it is perfectly possible all lovely and smooth again to a edit video on a single board computer personally I find it amazing that it's now possible to successfully edit HD video on an arm-based Singapore computer that cost somewhere between about fifty five dollars for a raspy pyre four and the what $99 for jetsam no no it really is extraordinarily what you can now achieve on an ARM based SBC and it does make you wonder what we'll be doing at on-base s pcs in a few years time but now that's it for another video if you enjoyed what you see No please press that like button if you haven't subscribed please subscribe and I hope to talk to you again though reason [Music] you
Channel: ExplainingComputers
Views: 114,330
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SBC video editing, Kdenlive, Raspberry Pi 4, Jetson Nano, Odroid N2, Raspberry Pi video editing, Jetson Nano video editing, Odroid N2 video editing, Odroid video editing, Christopher Barnatt, Barnatt, SBC video editing group test, Best SBC for video editing, Raspberry Pi Kdenlive, Raspberry Pi video editor, Jetson Nano video editor, Odroid N2 video editor, Odroid N2 Kdenlive, Kden live, free video editor, Jetson Nano Kdenlive
Id: NRsXiRcaItk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 8sec (968 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 26 2020
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