SayMaxWell - Undertale - Mashup Remix
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Channel: SayMaxWell
Views: 18,433,633
Rating: 4.9322729 out of 5
Keywords: undertale undertale, undertale remix, megalovania, megalovania remix, asgore undertale, asgore theme, spider dance undertale, spider dance remix, undertale sans, undertale muffet, Toby Fox, undertale papyrus, hopes and dreams, remix, mashup, megalovania dual, undertale megalovania, undertale song remix, undertale theme, Toriel, undertale shorts, SayMaxWell, Sayonara Maxwell, undertale
Id: afIFUtH1Z5M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 58sec (298 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 27 2017
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This remix is awesome!
Hoooly shit, this is sick
Muffet goes hard
Spider Dance is at 1:25 - 2:00 (& more at the end of the song) if the link isn't working for anyone, but the whole remix is ๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฅ
Ive had this on my phone for at least a year now, it's some amazing shit. Check out his other stuff too!
I mean I like it, but only because I rarely listen to dubstep. It gets really old really quick