Say No To Strangers! (1963)

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[Music] the boys and girls in this school yard are waiting for the first bell this is Wendy Webb this is her twin brother Jamie there's the Bell let's go with them to their classroom [Music] good morning miss Jones good morning miss Jones is the teacher the children are very fond of her and Miss Jones likes each of the pupils this is a day like any other day in class spelling [Music] [Applause] [Music] arithmetic [Music] reading [Music] music [Music] and finally it is almost time for the dismissal bail before the children are dismissed for the day miss Jones suggests that they review the safety rules they discussed yesterday the four rules are don't accept gifts from strangers how many of you can tell us why the children know how important it is to remember these safety rules don't accept rides from strangers do you remember the important reasons for this don't walk through dark or lonely Street who can tell us why the children realize that safe behavior is just as important as spelling and arithmetic remember the policeman is always your friend what are some of the ways in which he can help you [Music] and so this school day comes to a close some children remain after school to play others are picked up by their parents or carpools there are those who ride their bikes home and some walk home [Music] Wendy and Jamie lived just a few blocks from the school unless the weather is bad they walk to and from school every day sometimes there are interesting things to do or see on the way home from school all children love puppies grown-ups know this and will usually let them pet her play with a puppy they may even offer to give it to the children as a gift don't accept gifts from strangers [Music] [Music] it is the next day Wendy and Jamie are on their way to school and they have occasion to remember another one of the safety rules by lady in a beautiful car says she is going past the school and will be glad to give them a ride don't accept rides from strangers [Music] today is Saturday Wendy and Jamie helped their mother with the household chores after lunch they are free to go to the park for the afternoon their mother reminds them to be sure to be home before dark [Music] parks and playgrounds are fun [Music] there is so much to do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and because there is so much to do we sometimes forget how quickly the time passes [Music] yes Wendy and Jamie realized they have been gone longer than they should have they know their mother will worry if they're not home on time and Wendy and Jamie do not want to upset their mother [Music] wait a minute Jamie knows a shortcut if they go down this street they can save time don't walk through dark or lonely streets that's right children stay on the Main Street [Music] remember that policeman is always your friend [Music] [Music] yes the policeman is your friend always feel free to call on him for help [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] Wendy and Jamie have learned the safety rules we hope you have too [Music]
Channel: Old TV Time
Views: 73,567
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Y0loUMoz2ok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 24sec (624 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 15 2020
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