SawStop Saved My Thumb! What Happens Next?

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hey newbie Dan here a couple of weeks ago I stuck my thumb in the spinning plane on my table saw fortunately I have a saw stop so that means I still have my thumb I'm going to tell you what was happening at the time what it felt like what it felt like emotionally and what it took to get back up and running again both in cost and time so that's not as interesting to you stick around by the way I don't talk to the camera much anymore I'm not very good at it this isn't going to be the best video you've ever seen but I thought you'd want to see my face as I was telling you what was going on maybe I'm mistaken and you don't want to see my face but you're stuck with me um so after a number when I was talked about right so I was working on a video for the shaker-style doors if you've seen the video you know that I made one of the panels too narrow so what I wanted to do was cut out a strip of this wood and stick it in the in the groove here and here so that this would fit better and it does and I was actually shooting the video at the time and I thought oh yeah and I thought okay I don't need to bother moving the camera over just for doing this naturally that's what I made the mistake but the thing is that I didn't have my mind know what I was doing I was just thinking I could do this really quick setup and don't worry I'm not gonna actually run this had it all set up right after when I cut up a small piece like this and then I turn off the power at my left hand and with my right hand I reached out to get the cut off piece and the blade was up let's see wouldn't been up any more than that and so I turned it off and the blade was spinning down and I touched it with my thumb right about there so when I touched the blade the soft stop break kicked in and the blade stopped and I had practically nothing on my thumb and if I haven't shown you that video yet I'll show it to you in a moment well guess what I just found out that my saw stopped blade works that's all that happened to my thumb even though I shut it off the blade was still spinning pretty fast and I have a video clip to show you about that I'll stick it in here somewhere like I said this is gonna be a really fancy well different video so anyway since it was spinning down I don't actually know whether it's saved my thumb I don't think my thumb would ever gotten cut off even no matter what just touching the end I don't know how much damage I would have suffered since it was spinning down but it was still going pretty fast and I'm grateful I did have the saw stop it was really kind of a surreal experience when I touched it and I didn't get realized that I touched it I never really noticed that notice my thumb until a little bit afterwards so reached up to grab grab the copies and I noticed that the blade definitely stopped and I thought to myself hmm looks like that just kicked in the brakes somehow looks like I triggered the brake how bad I touched it with my thumb you know normally when you have an accident you have a rush of adrenaline that shot of adrenaline that makes you feel like you're alive and glad you're alive or if it's too painful not glad that you're alive I didn't get any of that it was like I said it was cyrillus like it happened to somebody else after I realized that I must have touched it with my thumb I looked at my thumb and there was just a little nick on it and then I started to feel a little in my thumb it was just a little burning sensation like you know maybe I had touched a hot stove or something but not really very bad at all never got bad at all so it was all kind of you know not a big deal and right after that I grabbed my camera because you know I'm a youtuber of course I I grabbed my cell phone and shot it portrait which I always yell at people about look if you're gonna put it on TV you gotta shoot it landscape because nobody wants those bars on the side or anything like that so obviously I wasn't thinking completely clearly but after I shot it a little bit of video with with was the phone I got another camera and shot some better footage so let's go to that I'm trying to get a good shot of the blades teeth in the break but that'll have to wait until I get it out don't the blades not moving anywhere actually didn't whine using this it's bleep moving but the lead might be salvageable I read that somewhere let's see if I got this off as one unit should be able to hmm if you have to look at the manual okay looks like it wants a little brute force here what this one take any change the battery that's better so I do have a black bandaid on only because I cut myself on the blade trying to get it out and after test all of this no one else fell down into there see if I can get the laid-off a hair so what did it do to the g-wiz only nicked a few of the teeth no idea how I'm gonna get a picture of that first thing I do is write on this ugly three 10:19 break so I got a brand-new break cost me seventy nine dollars plus tax these the packaging was easier to get into that it was getting the break off after fired says revision to - v6 so wonder what they had to revise anyway I'm lucky this will still fit on it does fit and it locks so that's good we're gonna have to do all sorts of testing on this but first I gotta put a little oil on it so it's my standard saw blade I thought I remembered that just peeling off but I guess that's interesting they change the color on this get that assume it's the same blade 50 teeth combination you have to same blade they changed the color on it how much did some marketing genius get paid to change the color or did they just run out of that color paint always liked the look of new blades they're all nice and shiny yeah well that's good news everything fits on there all right well then that still goes on so I didn't ruin the threads take it off the old one that feels low huh I know I'm just gonna take it off again but let me just a rising nice back on anyway cuz I don't ever want to make that mistake of not having it on so powered on has to cycle through some stuff here look red a green light that flashes actually the green light stays on red light flashes and we got green so I'm gonna stand at the side and I have no idea why okay that's good all right let me turn it off again so since I did so much mucking around here I wanted to check the alignment of the blade or actually the alignment of the arbor to the miter slot now I actually did this off-camera and it was out of alignment and so I put it back in alignment the reason why I did it off-camera it's because whenever I do things on camera I've got too much focus on the camera they're not gonna focus on what I'm doing and I really wanted to get this right so let me show you the technique I used if you see my table-saw tuna part one this is the same technique I've replaced the blade with the board I know what you're going to say right at the start if you haven't seen this before but just hang on and listen to me I've got a line drawn down the middle here now if I measure the distance here then rotate this over and measure here if they're not the same then it's out of alignment now you're gonna say if you haven't seen this before you're gonna say well but what if the board isn't straight doesn't matter if the board isn't straight the board could be curved as long as you menace in the same spot on both sides the board can be curved but it's still going to be the same distance from the miter slot if the blades in alignment if the arbor is in alignment so this works trust me the reason why you use this reason why I use this is with the blade you can only measure right about here with the board I can measure clear out to here it's easier to see the difference so I've got my miter gauge and the miter gauge always has this board on it so I just left it there and then here's this little jig I've got with a digital gauge on it measures distance I actually could attach this to here but i but I already had it on this so I'm just going to use this so what you do is you get this till the pin comes right up and touches that and touches the board and then you want to move it in some so there's room right here you'll learn it all the way in and you don't know one all the way back if you start getting bad numbers and that consistent numbers check to make sure that you've got this close enough to the board I did that the first time I didn't realize it didn't have it I just barely had it touching that's not enough you need to make sure that it moves in some clamp this to your miter gauge and then I've got a line drawn right down the middle of the board here it's imperative that you measure from the same spot here and over there the surface of the board isn't smooth especially this one because this is just a piece of junk if you're gonna do this regularly you probably have a board that has some nice smooth surface what I've done is I put the I put the pin right on that line and I've actually made a little mark there to what you probably can't see but I've made a little mark there so that I know I've got this in the same spot on both sides so now it's there I zero it tap this and you might see like five ten thousandths of an inch variation here because nothing's perfect then I move it over to the other side crossing my fingers and getting it in the same spot and this says I'm off by five ten thousandths which is nothing so again try to keep that from happening as you're over here touch it a few times exact same spot on the other side and that came at zero so anyway that's why I check the alignment and everything looks good so let me close this puppy up and make a couple of cuts all right yeah there's no issues good everything looks good so that's theme of the video such as it is I still have this saw stop the job site saw but as of this recording I'm selling it so be sure to check Facebook marketplace and if I don't get any takers on there a problem moving to Craigslist so if you interested check that out and coming soon is the video of my new saw just with just another saw stop but it's the pcs the professional cabinets are as always if you enjoyed this video give it a thumbs up and consider leaving a comment thanks check out the description for links to products seen in this video just scroll down click show more and scroll down until you see the links and if you like what I do here click that subscribe button and don't forget to ring that bell to get notified about new videos thanks you
Channel: The Newbie Woodworker
Views: 159,205
Rating: 4.8329587 out of 5
Keywords: sawstop, sawstop brake, break, accident, jobsite, jss, blade alignment, align blade, alignment, how to, freud, diablo, table saw, tablesaw, combination blade, blade, incra miter gauge, for sale, garage workshop, woodworking, newbie, newbie woodworker, the newbie woodworker
Id: OouPywNRZJ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 16sec (856 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 28 2019
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