Sawdust to silence a whining diff – will it work?

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hey there fellows all right i suggest we test a certain life hack in this episode specifically pertaining to this we've obviously got ourselves a lovely automobile anyway so here's the point the car is of course fitted with an axle that has a differential in it and after the car has been driven time and time again it'll eventually develop a wine now they used to say that if you add a bit of sawdust that'll fix it or apparently you could add some powdered lead which i don't think i've ever even seen before now we just went out and picked up this differential which in theory should emit a really nasty wine honestly i'm tearing up just looking at it judging by the teeth this one was shot a long long time ago anyway i suggest we go ahead and dismantle the rear axle that is currently fitted to the car swap over these bad internals go for a drive after that see how noisy it actually is and how nasty the noises are that it produces and then we begin experimenting to see if this life hack even works we've got a special merch offer for you fellas to brighten the mood in these turbulent times starting today we'll be offering a mystery gift box when purchasing the box you're guaranteed to receive a certain selection of stuff from our shop as well as the chance to win something big you spend a fixed 30 price for the box and you're guaranteed to receive a garage 54 mug a pair of socks a sticker an air freshener for your car as well as a key fob one out of ten buyers will be sent an expensive gift on top of that which could be a cap t-shirt hoodie or a document holder so we'll be putting something expensive into one out of every 10 boxes if you'd like to support our channel and try your luck there's gonna be a link in the video description [Music] using sawdust to silence a whiny diff will it work translation and voice over by bmi russian [Music] now [Music] [Music] okay we've got everything in place i mean the diff internals that should produce a wine so now we're gonna try and start the engine and without any load just put the car into gear spin the differential and listen to whether it even whines at all without loading it up curiosity i don't hear any whining it ain't whining but we are hearing the slack there it goes can you gently squeeze the brakes okay the car is on its wheels it is ready for testing so let's get out onto the road and listen to how much noise it makes all right [Music] oh there it is that is freaking terrifying that is horrific that's me coming off throttle now i'm accelerating you hear that [Music] yeah i can see we're clear that mirror keeps falling and the noise it makes when you lift is gut wrenching well what do you think is the sawdust gonna be of any help okay we're back from that drive and you all heard that horrible noise it was making it was very bad at speed and especially when i lifted when i let off the gas and i was braking with the engine it was it hurts your feelings to the point you want to jump out of the car also i only drove like a couple of kilometers and already the diff is very hot i mean it's obviously gonna get warm but this i mean well it doesn't burn your hand but given the outside temperature is a mere 11 degrees celsius this got up to 37.5 40 degrees almost after driving such a short distance that is quite a lot okay why don't we try adding a bit of sawdust into the mix that might be a bit difficult through this filler hole so instead i think we should drain the oil add a bit of sawdust while it's in a tub and load the mixture right back in you drain it i'll go get the sawdust let's do this [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right so we got the sawdust all over me but no surprise there so we've gone and loaded it in there mixed with the oil and while the car is still on the lift why don't we see whether that had any sort of effect spin the diff and have a listen fire it up surgery it started we're already ahead let's go come on dude bring the speed up maybe try a higher gear what gear you in [Music] keep pressing the gas come on okay now lift no effect apparently try that again is it just as loud in the cabin [Music] yeah i also think it's probably a bit quieter it seems to me as if the noise isn't as sharp and jarring granted it is still there okay why don't we bring her down and go for a drive see if anything changes when the diff is under load whether it gets quieter or louder all right let's find out whether the legend is true nope it's just as bad when you left but i think it might have even gotten worse worry am i hearing it sounds as if somebody added some metal shavings into the oil it's doing the same thing it was before it might be slightly better it's making some kind of wrestling sound which seems a bit weird i mean okay so here's what's up we've driven around with sawdust inside the diff and it seems like when it's under load i mean when you've applied throttle and you aren't letting off well it used to make a whining noise in that situation but now instead of a wine it's making a weird sort of rustle i don't know but the wine there's no more of that awful whining sound instead it's a kind of rustle and you heard what it does when you let off the gas it is literally unbearable honestly i don't really think it got any better if it did it's barely noticeable if only i don't know it might have gotten a bit lower pitched but that's about it no but when you're accelerating or maintaining a constant speed when you're just driving without letting off the throttle well in that situation the wine has gotten slightly better your ear does pick up on it we also wanted to try lead honestly i don't know how to go about that we did buy some oil back when we were doing up some leaky tubes on a heat exchanger and it is in the form of tiny balls now this isn't powder obviously but you can hit it with a hammer flatten it make it brittle and then continue to grind it down because we have no idea where to find it in powder form honestly right now there's the matter of extracting the sawdust from inside the diff pouring in some good oil and adding a bit of lead into the mix we also might want to run it on the lift for a bit longer with the lead well that's how we see it anyway but what actually happens let us know if you've tried this as for us that's how we'll be doing it [Music] [Music] so [Music] okay so in the end we crushed some of the lead but a large portion we just kind of poured in the reason being that some of the guys were up in arms like just remember that time we made the transparent cover particularly how the oil was being picked up and it was being picked up pretty violently the flow of oil was pretty damn impressive anyway so the car is on the left i suggest we do the same thing as last time start the car put it into gear spin the diff up get it up to a nice speed and just see what happens will we hear any changes or will we not okay let's fire it up and get this done there seems to be even more of a clattering noise yeah we got a severe rattle [Applause] so [Music] yo sergey it seems to be quieter [Applause] it's quieter like noticeably [Music] this seems to have even worked [Music] we're gonna put it into reverse [Music] [Music] apparently that was just an initial effect because now things are returning to normal [Music] this might keep us guessing for a while i think we need to get out on the road because on the lift i did hear some kind of change in the beginning it even got quiet when he did the back and forth but to find out if this actually works we need to go for a drive [Music] now the wine is still there you hear that now guys this does not work it was actually better with the sawdust it was much quieter i am not a fan of this lead it doesn't give you the full 107 effect oh that's a bummer but it is what it is no oh there goes the hum and what a hum it is we can confidently say that this does not work [Music] what a bummer man you'd think that with lead being such a soft material it's basically well it's not the same as sawdust but this is where we are with us these are the results done work yeah whatever so where does that bring us then fellas i think you get the picture we had the mic right next to the diff so the sound must have been coming through right let's do a recap from the very start this was a whiny diff under acceleration from the very beginning the sound it made when i lifted was especially horrendous the first thing we did was add a bit of sawdust we used it to make a sort of what do you even call it a thick sort of slush that we loaded into the diff and you know what that actually made the diff quieter at the very least the noises themselves became a whole lot softer it was all right though when coming off throttle it still sounded pretty bad but under acceleration i was barely hearing any whining at all before and after adding sawdust now obviously such a bad diff would be noisy on liftoff then we replaced the sawdust with lead and it seemed to have reduced the noise on the left but out on the road it was all the same it might have even gotten worse sawdust on the left led on the right yeah the wine got even worse than it was before and it began to appear at lower speeds from maybe about 60 kilometers an hour or even a bit less granted it might have been a mistake to just feed the balls in instead of grinding them down into powder first in any case it is a soft material and it should have been pulverized in between the gears anyway anyway so the lead didn't quite work as we expected it to we thought we'd see some really good results but the sawdust man surprisingly enough it actually worked wonders so if the diff is starting to develop a wine not like this one this one is quite obviously shot i mean if you're hearing a faint wine you can add a bit of sawdust to the oil and that'll straight up cure the wine which is pretty amazing if you think about it wood oil metal and we're witnessing miracles happening woodworks lead does and that's all i got for you fellows watch us send in your suggestions comment give us a big thumbs up alright catch you later
Channel: Garage 54
Views: 104,597
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: garage, garage54
Id: UwGHPlYNpcg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 40sec (1300 seconds)
Published: Tue May 24 2022
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