Saving Tractors from Flood Using Kids Boat | Tractors for kids

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where is my tractor I've been looking for [Music] ages I hold tight oh good job keep going get it to shore get it to shore so you might be wondering why Hudson and I have our big monster truck Jeep and a boat behind it Hudson why um because there's a big SL and we need to look if there's anything wrong over there yes great job we have had a huge flood tons of water tons of mud so we're going to use our monster truck Jeep and a boat Hudson and Holly both left their tractors out they're ridable tractors they got swept away in the water so we're going to rescue them today okay some of them might even be up in a tree we have to even save those somehow and we're going to use our boat it'll be a ton of fun are you ready yeah all right get in I'm going to let you drive but don't crash okay okay all right come on take us over there to the lake hon our tractor our tractor no we have found tractor number one on the edge of the water Hudson but that means all the other ones got washed down the river so we're going to have to deploy our boat to find those okay no here I'm I'm going to attack the string to it all right Hudson I got it tied to the Tractor tie it to the Jeep we'll pull this one out and then Hudson's going to get in the boat and Scout the river for something else is it ready yeah good to go okay D you got it out good job perfect now that we've gotten that out Hudson let's unhook it from the tractor oh no it's full of water dump it it's stuck oh there it goes we got the water out hey we've got to deploy your boat now okay okay I'm going to back it in the water you guide me off and drive your boat off okay okay let's get your life checking come on all right Hudson you are ready to go down the river and find our tractors and trailers okay d i I think I see our trailer in this house hson is correct one of our trailers got washed away and it looks like it's up top in the tree oh no that's going to be really hard to get here's what we'll do is I'll put you in the boat and then I'll meet you over there by that tree and we'll try and pull it out of the tree with your boat okay okay okay come on let's get in your boat go all right you ready yeah okay all right Hudson I'm going to push you out okay okay here I'm going to get on the I'm going to climb over this I'm going to push your boat out all right almost H this is what happens in flooded Waters all right you're all good Hudson put in Reverse put in Reverse I'll meet you by the tree okay okay all right go ahead Hudson Hudson I'm gonna try and get to this trailer up here okay okay and I'm gonna throw you a string please do not fall Dad I'm not going to fall if I do Hudson has a boat to save me hey I'm going to tie a string okay okay and I want you to try and pull it out of this tree are you ready yeah okay I'm going to tie this on here all right Hudson you ready yeah can you grab that string oh no oh no here I'll try and get it to you again you ready yeah go oh no go try again no oh you got it okay try and pull it out of the tree Hudson okay you backing up yeah I'm backing up yeah keep backing up and then once you get a little farther then go forward okay all right hold tight oh good job with keep going get it to shore get it to shore go forward oh he's doing donuts now go H it go pull it to shore pull it to shore it's heavy come on Hudson you're doing great here oh try and get me the string I I got it I got it I got it here can you hand me the string yeah all there you go all right go back out Hudson go find your tractors okay okay I'll meet you over there good luck Hudson where are my tractors where is my tractor I've been looking for ages my tractor it's floating in the middle of the lake going to attach your string to it let's pull this thing to shore guys Hudson got the tractor bring it over here Hudson bring it in bring it in right there stop don't let go of it turn the boat off oh give me the string oh great job Hudson high five you saved our tractor from floating away good job hey we got to get our Jeep though we got to pull this boat out okay they're expecting more rain we don't want this to get washed away too go get our Jeep okay okay I'll wait right here all right hunon let's back this into the water okay all right back it up I'll help you ready go ahead little bit more a little bit more all right and stop break right there great job hunson high five let's go ahead and turn that off hey get on your boat now and load it up okay okay come on you got to come straight in the middle Bob oh no he missed he missed missed the boat ramp round two you got to try it again he's all over the place oh you got it this way back that way good job that will work give it a little bit more gas you ready one two three there you go turn it off turn it off good job Hudson high five now we got to pull the boat out okay come on let's see if we can get it out okay one 2 3 yeah good job with this great job we saved all of our tractors and our trailers from the huge flood using our monster truck and we used our boat right yeah you're the best Captain around you saved all of our stuff and until next time make sure you thumbs up like subscribe our videos bye no no more losing our tractors right all right
Channel: Hudson's Playground
Views: 1,353,193
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tractors, real tracors, toy tractors, tractors for kids, kids tractors, kids riding tractor, kids toy tractor, hudson tractor, hudson farm, mud, water, kids mud, tractors mud, kids tractor, real tractor, real tractors working, boat, bat mobile, bat boat, tractor boat, kids boat, flood, monster truck, kids truck, rescue
Id: eD6lL4ignbE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 26sec (386 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 02 2024
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