Saving the Tiniest Newborn Kitten

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I just got a call from an animal control officer who said that a man walked into that with a tissue box with a baby kitten in it and said can you take this kitten and then ran out before they could even answer so Petco called the animal control officer and we've been dying for babies we needed a baby a feeling feline my favorite babies to care for are they're really really tiny ones because they're the hardest to care for they're the most vulnerable when you raise them from that young you feel so bonded with them this like straight up the nose this is not it's always so exciting here we are ready to get our new baby ready they did feed it once I believe okay what did you feed the baby alright the Kmart really dirty covered in fleas okay well I brought a little heat pad for him to help him get warmed up and we'll take them back I love him I can't wait to get all the flea dirt off of you do you see all that dirt in there see that that is not good all right so we need to give him the knees and he came into tissue box so there's there's nothing glamorous that happens with the tissue it's all like sick fluids that you discard immediately like what I use to light but yeah okay maybe we don't name him after tissues that's not very I mean that will privy his nickname in about three minutes [Music] okay him 81 grams so he's definitely before we feed him I want to make sure he's nice and warm when a little guy like this is found outside in the cold it's really not safe to feed them immediately you want to help them get back to a good temperature before you feed them what I'm doing right now is I just have him on a heat disc covered by a blanket so that we can get him to the right temperature so his organs are ready to process the food that we're gonna give him you can see with that warmth he really calmed down I'm just gonna keep him on that for a couple minutes make sure that he's warm enough to feed okay I'm estimating that this little guy is probably about five days old he doesn't have his umbilical cord anymore so zero to five days they'll have an umbilical cord he's gone but he's still really little his ears are folded his eyes are closed and he only weighs 80 grams so I think he's under a week for sure he's so little that I'm gonna start him with a syringe this is a three milliliter oral syringe use a miracle nipple mini with it so this age he's not gonna eat more than one syringe see how he does sometimes the first beating can be a little tricky [Music] oh he's hungry Wow okay he's hungry yeah it's really good that is a really good first feeding Wow he's swallowing all of it I can feel it the funny thing is when their eyes are still closed you can't tell when they're awake and when there's that was delicious he ate two milliliters which was a nice big meal for a baby this one he's purring I can't believe you're pouring and you're only a couple of days old can you hear his part so spectacular little dude that was great he's so good at eating owners of fleet oh my god do you see him I got him squish him oh we're evicting all your fleas there's one two okay now let's see if you got to go to the bathroom his little backside is so dirty whoa a lot of piece okay so see how dark his urine is that's because he's dehydrated he's dehydrated because he wasn't eating well we'll take care of that your pees gonna be nice and clean next time that probably feels really good so get the finally pee he has to poop you have to poop we're gonna be doing a lot of pooping into a tissue over the next couple weeks and we gotta watch those fleas off him I feel so horrible giving baths to these little tiny guys but we'll just make it really fast so this is a flea comb the flea comb will pick up all the flea dirt so you see all those little black specks this is like leftover blood and crusts from the fleas being on him so they're all over him he's crawling with fleas fleas are gross little parasites that will nest in the animals fur and they will actually suck his blood and that is bad enough for an adult cat but it's really bad for a kitten because a kitten his size can't afford to lose any blood basically the only safe way to get these fleas off of him is by giving him a bath we're gonna use a gentle baby soap for him so this is like a fragrance free tear free baby be washed by Burt's Bees that's what I'm gonna use on him we're gonna try to do this as quickly as possible because I really don't want him to get its shell so the water is comfortably warm the first step is to create a ring of soap around his neck and you have to be very careful not to get his face we don't like at his mouth we don't want to get his eyes we just want to create a ring around the neck this protects his head from any of the police traveling off okay once I've got that I'm gonna his body and we're gonna quickly shrug them up now as bad as it is to hear no cry it's actually a great sign cuz it means he's responsive a worst thing would be if he was not responsive if he was lethargic or not meowing not reacting this is not time for him about it so much more pleasant than losing his blood and becoming intimate you never want to put a kitten through this unless there's a good reason to we got to dry him off immediately you never ever leave a kitten wet they cannot regulate their own body temperature and being cold is not safe for him so we've got his little heating pad right here which we're gonna use with him that blanket is contaminated now because it's covered in all of his nasty flea eggs so we'll watch that sorry so I'm gonna perrito this little guy I wish I had like ten arms sometimes give him a little sponge back on his dome see all that black fleet it can you see it that's pretty gross so that's all blood dirt try to get as much of it off as we can avoiding his ears and avoiding his eyes you can even see the red from the blood that can't be these fleas will hide between their toe pads they'll hide on their eyes in their ears they'll hide all over these little kittens so you're gonna be very thorough Sam gonna take up occu can see right here and then see a note rinsing him down the drain just trying to get these living ones off of him like fighting a war against little aliens cue the blood that's from the fleas this is why fleas are not our friend [Applause] I gave him a little centreford okay so now he's eaten he's been away he doesn't have any more fleas he went to the bathroom now we're gonna just keep him warm and let him sleep for a few hours and we'll wake up and we'll eat again you
Channel: Kitten Lady
Views: 4,580,828
Rating: 4.9379382 out of 5
Keywords: hank, newborn, neonatal, tiny, infant, motherless, mom, mother, without, cute, sad, adorable, aww, cutest, smallest
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 54sec (654 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 22 2017
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