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number 59 fresh out of the bushes look at this m nice and [Music] crispy little flower bed [Music] action look at that wood grain son oo let's go baby another one safe hi just opened the hood and she's got one of them automatic props you know like where it's frozen oh there she goes just got her lubed a now she won't stay up anymore there we go that's how long since that Hood's been open look at this old school flying Miata turbo kit super cool [Music] how she looks now I know I just did a quick walk around of it but might as well show you the inside this wood grain it'd be so cool if it was in good condition unfortunately the key has not opened the trunk yet so I got that soaking hopefully that unlocks soon cuz I can't get to the battery and since this is an early 90 model she doesn't have a trunk release in the center console I should have kept recording cuz as I sprayed the freaking lubricant in there she popped right open I mean I just went through this little bit of stuff here we got Treasures oh yeah hard cover meata books are you kidding and somehow they're mint sitting in here damn I wish I just recorded opening this up I was so excited still am all right let's get some power to you and get some new fuel get her running we're about to try out for our first start here as you can see the belts have not turned this is not a fake video If it somehow does start I don't believe it's going to all I did was pull out the plugs they looked fantastic put some Marvel down the cylinders so if you see a little bit of smoke that's what it's from put about a gallon of gas in it the gauge said it was at a quarter so I mean it smells terrible so I'm not expecting the fuel pump to work fresh battery let's see going live for the first start at least the first crank in I have no idea how many years oh wow the clutch is frozen there we go there you go she's working she was frozen not even really expecting it to start I just wanted to turn it over actually now I'm happy she's not stuck or anything get a little oil pressure put a jump pack on so we don't kill the new battery of course it's not full I will get back to you momentarily all right round two got the battery charger on see if we can get anything no way and the radio works oh come on Wow ran for a second definitely a fuel issue now clearly so okay back to like what I said let me take the fuel pump apart which is going to stink got to take the hard top off and get the soft top out of my way which is probably going to be frozen in place it's been there for who knows how many years but yeah you know what let's see some Giggles here oh boy oh boy shooting everything out but it works see we got headlights oh one oh shoot it's got like frog eyes nice more mods oh just one come on one more time a it wants to freaking hey all right let's do the fuel the fuel line just on here for now no clamps just make sure everything works clean the injectors clean the rail clean the fuel pressure regulator that is this is the only piece that I didn't replace cuz I don't have one in stock but did everything else went over it cleaned the fuel pump lines new fuel filter put some more gas in it oh come on baby give me something oh come on come on let's go yes yes woohoo no smoke or nothing come on let's go little lifter tick but hey who knows the last time when this was running oh that sounds cool all right and there's no smoke from this little guy let's go see oh yeah hump's working you hear it humming away all right sorry cut the video on there guys uh I saw I knew the car had oil pressure cuz during cranking I had 30 PSI but there was just zero there so I cut it real quick just wiggled and cleaned up the connector on the oil pressure sender and we're good all right let's go I'm excited to drive this this sounds cool already now that she's up and running we're going to get all this mold cleaned off of her there you go idle coming down beautiful it's not smoke just condensation it's still in the high 30s today heck yeah we have a cracked uh iak hose so it's a little bit of a vacuum leak right now but let's see for shits and giggles Focus no way dude if this starts blowing cold I'll lose my mind I know it's cold outside but I promise you guys it went from lukewarm to cold air yeah it's getting colder no way this car is hilarious [Music] wow still got some work to do sounds like got a heat shield on the cat rattling like I said let's get to that detail it's going to look good when we're done all right guys about to go on the first drive with her just up the street it's been a long time I couldn't tell you the last time she probably went on on the road see got the headlights all fixed up now oh yeah new fuel pump clean the injectors fuel filter normal tuneup stuff adjusted the clutch she's buttery [Music] oh man good turbo noises wow I put it in fifth still cruising though went in like butter man this turbo just sounds so different has like not a pure whistle just like an underlying like I don't know it's it's great wow I don't even think I made a pound of boost there and this thing just flew I'm actually like quite impressed I mean I clearly have driven plenty of Turbo Miatas but damn this quick is a quick little guy going to be going up for sale soon someone's going to have a nice toy to play with for the summer that's for sure hard top for the winter as well if you you want it new brakes just breaking those in as well fresh tires she is up to spec now okay it's the before wow got got to love it a even a little spot on the hard top I mean I haven't even touched this car with water who knows when it was even clean last maybe 15 18 years ago it's pretty amazing [Music] all right finally I know you guys are sick of seeing the car dirty as am I but just want to do one final walk around of it got my little container here mixed with simple green and a bottle of D germ shout out to Kevin at junkyard Diggs he's the one who got me on the djm kick and this stuff works fantastic we're going to try it out on some paint should be all right I mean it's for your hands and tables and locker rooms and all that stuff so yep oh yeah all these crusties will be gone shortly just leaving all the doors and stuff open for now so I could spray in the jam get her all cleaned up real nice as you just saw I use a leaf blower to drw blow out all the excess dirt leaves debris and stuff left over so that way it doesn't get soaked and all full of mud basically but yeah it's already much better in here all these spots will come off this all WD and that I've spiled working on it one headlights working for now we got some frog eyes in here looks cool yeah that's it guys we'll get you into a Time laps now spraying the car down and let's get to [Music] [Music] it I [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] huge difference putting no effort into it I knew the paint was going to ch there but I mean damn you watched it come right off that DJ Works fantastic all right guys let's see all right we'll do the rear end for you that way you get a good look at this [Music] time lapse time [Music] sorry I didn't record you for the soap down guys but I can show you that the layers of red are coming off the car I don't know how good you could see that in the video but this is literally pink water now show you see all like the red and the soap on the stripes that's literally just red single stage coming off which is going to do it anyway with the buffer so it's good that we're getting it now but yeah you can see it's going to look good after a buff getting there guys Sun's going [Music] down you see all the red coming off it's funny another update after the wash with the sponge man like I said this is this is just where I threw a little bit of wax on when she was dirty so that's what whole car is going to look like same deal in this spot right here she's going to be buttery smooth can't believe how well it cleaned up and how little a paint actually came off I expected the mold to eat pretty much anything that was left I really wish the wood grain was in better shape cuz it would go right in my green Unos little bit of vapor from the radiator got some water on [Music] there beautiful all right guys another new day again got the Miata in the garage cuz it's back into the to 20s outside and predicted a little bit of snow so I figure get in here so we could work on it about a wiper down some dry gas and get the buffing on this thing I'm excited to see what it looks like I I mean I know what it's going to look like it's going to come out perfect it's going to look just like this spot over here I know I've shown you multiple times but just to get you another look there we go be using a wool pad and some of this stuff reject just a cheap wax that I got sitting around here but it works good on single stage [Music] paint see if we can't make a mess [Music] here speed on it low setting [Music] [Music] [Music] see that look at the red coming out of this thing I just touched the stripe a little bit too cuz I want to make sure that the Red's actually going to come out of this stained it a little bit so we got to be careful with the stripes I might have to mask those up shines there I have to do another pass still some oxidation I know you're cringing with how I'm wiping this I'm not a professional detailer I only do this on garbage paint cars out another pass shines there but not clear yet TR Mak have a little bit more oh well [Applause] [Music] [Music] worst case is it doesn't come out to my liking I already know that doing this by hand came out better AER we she [Music] very [Music] ni I don't know I don't want St the same time prob bur [Music] take see try a little bit more see R stri I'm people sitting in [Music] chair maybe I am [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what the difference already [Music] we're going to ruin the strip right about now just doing this so it doesn't throw it everywhere right off the bat [Music] let's see do we ruin them no a no it's going to come off nice we're good to go over the stripes that's going to save a lot of time I was nervous but oh well nice yeah so the whole car is going to need like two passes first first layer is pretty thick second one Le a little bit behind wow so nice sir [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] keep so what happens when things aren't taken care of fores [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] true way to do this would be to compound it and then buff it out prob buffing wax into the dirty surface even though it's clean it's never going to be a mirror be a mirror 18 hours with the [Music] defa for me it's [Music] perfect looking great all right time lapse mode guys enjoy [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] still out here guys just finishing her up I'd say it looks damn good for where we came from this morning probably put about 6 hours into detail on this thing threw on some fresh mirrors she looks really good just doing some more finalized work in the back here coming along actually has a reflection to it now imagine that can't wait to see it in the sunlight actually I can't wait to see it with hard top on all buffed up too I got to do that forgot about that looking good guys get you another update tomorrow or the next day did a little bit of touch-up on the hard top here it's where the paint flaked off I don't have the exact match con cry it doesn't look good enough to you I don't care from where we started out that's a night and day difference get her outside here in a few show you what she looks like in the daylight super clean you would never know if this car has 207,000 M on it there's no dimples into bumpers which is crazy windshield has no chi in its original she pretty impressive very well kept even though she's out outside for a long time oh [Music]
Channel: fudgeman333
Views: 73,726
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 44sec (2144 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 27 2024
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