Save Your Tomato Plants with Hydrogen Peroxide Spray (Cheap & Easy): Mix Ratio, Routine, and More!

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[Music] welcome to the rusted garden homestead today i'm going to show you the recipe for using hydrogen peroxide h2o2 on tomato plants and we're going to identify the disease that's on there and i'm going to tell you why i'm using it but some people have a short attention span and they just want to know the ratio i recommend test spraying waiting 48 hours any time you use a new spray but the mix is really four to eight ounces of hydrogen peroxide per one gallon of water so a gallon equals 3.75 liters and one ounce is 30 milliliters if that helps people that you know use the metric system which is most of the world you want to use three percent hydrogen peroxide this is a 16 ounce bottle three percent hydrogen peroxide is pretty standard you find that you find that at your pharmacy grocery stores it's used on skin topically can also be used for an oral rinse somebody's going to ask me is this organic if you're an organic gardener you really gotta be an organic gardener by thinking through things yourself not just looking for stamps this is process which means people make the h202 however h2o2 is something that our body produces naturally plants produce naturally you can find it naturally but to get it in quantities for 1.19 for 16 ounces people have to make it if that bothers you then it's not organic so it's only a dollar 25.50 for 16 ounces eight ounces per gallon of water when you have an outbreak so i have an outbreak so i'm using the higher number eight ounces in a gallon if you're just doing maintenance like every seven to ten days four ounces in every gallon is fine i've pushed the limit beyond eight ounces it doesn't seem to damage tomato plants i'm still working on that maybe something a little bit stronger when you have an outbreak this is an outbreak so when you look at this you see all these spots on here and then you see a yellow halo around here this is some sort of leaf spot maybe early bright early blight hydrogen peroxide works on cleaning the leaves and taking care of fungus so when your plants are growing sometimes the bottom leaves will get yellow first and you will see you know die off like this you'll see some spotting on there those leaves are typically weaker they may get spots when a plant is growing it's putting all its energy into the upper growth so sometimes it takes nutrients nutrients and whatever it needs from the bottom leaves if i had just a couple yellow leaves spotting on here i'd be concerned but i'm not alarmed yet however then i look at the leaf above it and i see more brown spots on there more yellowing around the brown spots and as i go up further i'm seeing the circles again and it's really kind of circles within circles that's concentric circles and when you have a yellow halo around it that means that the fungus is active and you can even see some right up here by my thumb these are getting sprayed with aspirin spray i think it's helped slow down the disease but that doesn't mean it's going to prevent it now when i look over to this plant i can see some of the spots right in there and i'm going to lean way over here i can see the spots forming on this plant and it's on other leaves so this is an outbreak so i'm going to spray this with eight ounces per gallon i'm gonna spray it today i'm gonna skip tomorrow spray again the following day you can skip a day or two and i'm gonna do this three times i'm gonna give this three cycles of spraying at eight ounces to get this under control i'm also spraying midday hydrogen peroxide i mean any spray is best not to do in direct sunlight however how h2o2 works is you spray the hydrogen peroxide yeah hydrogen peroxide onto the leaves it reacts with the sunlight reacts while it's on the leaf and it actually cleans the fungus off of here and it's only going to last about 24 hours because it really easily breaks down from sunlight and it's the breaking this isn't the exact science somebody can explain it better than i can but when that bond breaks between the hydrogen and the oxygen atoms it releases energy helps kind of clean off the fungus either way it's going to clean the leaf spraying is quite simple you really want to soak the plants down to the point that it's dripping so one of the questions i just want to make sure i answer is once you mix the hydrogen peroxide in your container this is a clear container it's only good for really a couple of days it breaks down really easily that's why it comes in that brown bottle so sunlight and light doesn't get to it so if you're gonna store it put it somewhere where it's dark you don't want it to sit out in the light but this is what i'm targeting the spots that are right on here this is a different plant just soak everything down and please subscribe and follow i'll show you how this plant clears up the disease is going to go away and i'll just show you how i take care of my tomato plants over the season and you just want to spray super fine mist right on to the leaf let me pump this up a little bit more more of a mist like that you really want nice even contact across all the leaves and you want to get the underside and you can do it to the point that the leaves are dripping and it is really on you and i appreciate that you trust me but you would test spray this you would spray maybe this much of your plant wait 48 hours look for damage and that would be just spotting all over these leaves from the spray that you're using if it looks good you continue with the spray and i would really just spray every plant around the infected plant but because it has moved across my plants i'm going to spray everything again in this vicinity but i'm also going to spray the plants across my garden that don't have it just because i know that this fungus has been showing up in my notes i would write down leaf spot or some sort of fungus on the leaves you know end of june if i wanted to do prevention i would be spraying two weeks before today based on my notes and i might do the four ounces versus the eight ounces and i'm just spraying preventative preventatively at that point because i know that leaf spot comes to my garden towards the end of june this is all you have to do please check out my seed shop at this eight ounces per gallon will work with other plants but you have to really test spray and make sure they don't damage the leaves each leaf for a different you know vegetable or plant variety can vary a little bit if you do have damage at eight ounces you cut down the dosage you know to six ounces then to four ounces thanks for watching again please check out my seed shop at if you have extra spray or if you want to you can also spray the soil and that will kind of decontaminate you know for lack of a better word the upper part of the soil kill any spores or problems that are sitting on there it's not going to kill out your your soil life or anything like that if you're interested in these signs i sell them at my seed shop you want a coarser spray something like that and then just soak the area around there now you don't have to do this regularly but a nice little soaking does really clean up the surface it's not going to seep in there and wipe out soil soil biology or anything like that so don't over worry about it but you can do a drench just like that use the sprays wisely you don't have to start spraying the entire garden just spray the targeted plants which are tomatoes you don't want to be spraying this on cucumbers zucchini squash peppers just because you have an outbreak on your tomato plants again thanks for watching enjoy your day
Channel: Gary Pilarchik (The Rusted Garden)
Views: 79,659
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Vegetable, Gardening, Organic, Homesteading, sustainable, off grid, Self-Sufficiency, Self Sufficient
Id: 9yGsIepqWXk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 10sec (490 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 28 2022
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