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[Music] thank you hi I'm Joanne here and welcome to the Triple Eight MF car show but today I'm going to be your host we've let Mark go run off somewhere I'm taking care of the Ferraris we've got two amazing hybrids to go through with you today we've got of course the sf90 and the 296 GTB I'm going to be telling you all about it but I might need a little bit of expert analysis all right fine Mark come on in you've got the jacket we'll let you in the show come on we've got a Ferrari jacket on today beautiful beautiful welcome to the channel thank you let's officially introduce you so Joe presents the boxing on BET Sports BT Sport and you're used to interviewing people that are much taller than me yeah a little bit so thanks for not wearing the heels today say Okay Tyson fuse hair tool Tyson Fury six foot nine are you saying bolts because I do running as well six foot five so yeah so you trained to be in the Olympics yes I did so you like all things fast I do fast is uh definitely the name we're going to take you out in a thousand brake horsepower Ferrari today and 830 brake horsepower so we're here today to see whether Ferrari's first hybrid car the sf90 is worth 100 000 pound more than the 296 GTB now I asked you to do some homework on the cars so what is the difference between these two cars the price no there's a bit more difference in the price the prices yeah a thousand horsepower yep 830. I just said that yeah okay four wheel drive if you even want it four-wheel drive on your Ferrari and what's good about four-wheel drive uh it helps in the balancing of the driving helps in the rain helps in the rain and we get a lot of rain in the UK so potentially a better car for all year round but I've heard that the 296 is more fun than the four-wheel drive sf90 given that this is a lot cheaper it's going to be really interesting to see which one we prefer driving so should we jump in the cars oh absolutely let's do it we'll see you soon so we're starting off in the S7 so this one has less weight and costs more money has more carbon fiber on and more importantly when you order this setofurano bag it doesn't have a lift so if you're going over bumps or steep driveways you can't actually lift the front of the car okay so it's predominantly for people who want to take the car to the racetrack to worry about driving around London that's just because of the options you have on it yeah yeah so this is the the daddy with a thousand brake horsepower fill that oh whoa it's not bad right not bad let me ask you a question looks wise which one do you prefer um I think being a lady I quite like the compactness of the t96 I think it's petite and sexy but I think if you're a man you probably want this big Flagship Car the bigger one it's got a more manly Ferrari appeal but I think as a girl if I was gonna go for one I'd probably choose the other are you saying the 296 is the girls one girls guys just got a slightly softer appeal it's slightly smaller slightly sleeker this has more aggressive most men would like to go for this but because the flagship it's like their car of the decade right so I think mostly with either car that they they're they're not beautiful right oh they're both stunning of course I just think for myself if I was to choose one what you get for your money from the other one plus it being a slightly more like baby Ferrari Sleek a little compact I like the way the front goes down as well I didn't know the difference tell because a lot of people have said that they both look very similar from the back it's a lovely car as well yeah it's beautiful cruises and how's the breaking how's the talk but what amazes me about this is just how comfortable it is and how easy it is to cruise it's just so comfortable I mean if you were going to go across down to the south of France you wouldn't mind taking this would you no definitely not no no you could get up to 200 miles an hour quite easily so Brad who owns the 296 takes his car regularly to the racetrack and he gets up to 190 on the streets wow wow okay so don't put me on the racetrack with Brad please don't tell my mother I have to hide my mom from all my social pages [Music] is ridiculous let's have a go [Music] nice yeah it's beautiful what a car yeah jump into the 296. well I think we've got to try the electric side first no um because we're testing out the hybrid yeah we've got to see how silent it is for when you're coming home late at night when you were supposed to be back two hours earlier you want to creep in quietly when you start them up in the morning no noise yeah it's a big Advantage so we're an electric boat now okay it's not silent but it's it's quiet yeah I mean it's basically just like the fans isn't it I wouldn't say it's dead silent but yeah you haven't got the room you ain't got the firm it's nice to have the option of electricity yeah of course but the main advantage of having those three electric motors is they fill in the gaps in the talker so when you need that power immediately so when you're accelerating from zero it gives you that power instantly and that's why the McLaren just couldn't keep up with them on the runway it just was way behind because you've got the four-wheel drive as well which also helps with the grip this one you put in sport mode [Music] so we still so we're in sport now we're in sport mode now we've done the electric mode wow it's fast [Applause] yeah so I think it was about it was in before race we've got to embrace now okay race mode so what how many modes you got we've got uh four modes so you've got wet sport race and then so we were in wet mode Let's try race mode oh yeah that's a different ball game it's a bad boy is that fun now oh whoa whoa this is too fast too much fun wow okay [Music] now it's fun what a difference we were in web mode and it sounds completely different in race mode yeah it's much louder oh wow what a difference I think we need to test the 296 now back to back do it with this and let's see if there's any difference okay I don't think there's gonna be a huge amount or if it's significant enough for the price difference exactly that extra hundred thousand pounds glass we've run out of fuel on this one if the VA engine in this sounds a lot louder than the V6 yeah let's see look at the way it just shifts into electric so nice it's quite amazing to have the option to happen too right so we're going to jump into the 296 see if it feels any different in terms of speed see if it sounds any different and if it rides any different and then we get to take one home laughs [Music] that's in another video so we are in the 296 GTB we're gonna see if this feels faster than this sf90 or not whether it's louder and whether it feels much different or a hundred thousand now different is it worth the difference to get the other one so initial thoughts initial thoughts I told you like from the outside I kind of have an affinity for this I have to say from the inside as well but the these seats are special seats right yeah so these are the Daytona seats they're Electric Daytona scenes option on this car and they're more comfortable than the carbon back seats on the other sf90s so obviously this has options on it but I do like this interior it is nice um esf90 that we had like a little bit planned and the parking back seats were a little bit hard these ones are much more comfortable I mean it definitely feels like a smaller lighter car you can feel how much lighter it is can't you even as a passenger it definitely feels more nimbled lighter yeah it's very very much so yeah it's much more compact does it feel slower definitely not oh it doesn't feel slower oh wow I think wow do you know what I don't think it sounds quieter either no now just remember I love the sound of that Brad takes this onto the track a lot so it's really been running and driven hard could mean that it's slightly louder than [Music] I mean it sounds amazing yeah the V6 it actually sounds great so Ferrari first brought out a mid-engined car in 1961 with the 246 and the 246 was a 2.4 liter V6 and this is the first time they've put a V6 in a Ferrari for a very long time [Music] cars used to run V8s at least mid-engine car they had was the f8 tributo which was a V8 twin turbo before that was the 488 V8 twin turbo so this is really moving away not only in styling and also having the hybrid but putting a V6 instead of a V8 engine into the car so this has different modes you can drive in you can either Drive in hybrid which uses the electric up to 80 miles an hour or you can drive in performance which uses the petrol only or you can go into EV mode which puts it into electric only until it runs out of yeah sounds really good I mean you don't need anything faster than this do you which feels more fun to drive so far I mean that you can definitely feel the lack of the four-wheel drive the four-wheel drive gives you a lot more confidence so I think you'd have to be better to driver to drive this one harder just don't have that extra confidence of the four-wheel drive right yeah I I think it's a little bit more fun yeah you think this is more fun than the t96 more fun more to achieve is more fun yes when you don't know what the car is going to do next and the sound on this particular one is amazing I definitely think that's something to do with the fact that this has been driven very hard on race tracks and that makes it sound a lot better [Music] fast enough isn't it fast enough it looks beautiful it feels comfortable really comfortable seats these Daytona seats yeah much better [Music] no I love it yeah I trust you I trust you no it feels great life no no I like speed the way that the engine uses both the electric power and the petrol is just phenomenal because you just don't get any gaps in the power delivery you know you've got that power all the time and it just does it for you switches when it needs to come I actually think I prefer them this is yeah it looks a bit cuter the other one looks very angular and very aggressive yes this one is a little bit more feminine sexy a bit more sexy yeah I do think it looks sexier noise and this causes that noise it's about hybrid that noise is unbelievable no I I yeah I don't remember hearing such a beautiful sounding engine [Music] should we jump out and um kind of try and summarize yes let's compare the two we've done enough driving haven't we in a Ferrari never but sure okay let's jump out give our conclusions [Music] [Music] so we've been out driving both of these cars don't forget if you want to buy one of these cars and you live in the UK you can go to magnitude Finance click onto the link you can get your monthly repayments within 60 seconds call the team I use magnitude Finance I use them to finance my Alfa Romeo and they were fantastic now let's get down to the important question which one do we prefer let me ask you first of all did you notice any difference in the speed between the two no I mean they're both phenomenally fast what are you 2.5 to 2.9 not 60. I mean they're both fast they're both past I think I look a bit shorter on this bit I think I'm going to stand here okay go up there you go that's better okay so you didn't notice any real difference in the speed even though that's a thousand Breakers I mean no we know this is slightly faster but it is on the road in terms of looks I mean I stick to what I said earlier as a lady I think I like the sleeker more feminine approach of the 296 but I do think a lot of manly men might still prefer the ruggedness manly men what am I what do you prefer what's Brad 's a manly man I like this I just think it's sick but I actually think this looks more angular more aggressive I think this looks sexier yeah I definitely think this looks sexier and the headlights the difference in the shades the 296 looks a little bit more modern as well the tapering at the front I like I like the design I think both of them look incredible so we can't tell the difference between the speed the interior I think was nicer on the 296 with the Daytona seats and I think the noise well the V6 here we have decided it has been driven around the track but it sounded beautiful right and it really sounded amazing it sounded good so it doesn't matter if this sounds better once it's been driven around the track this sounds good enough so basically we're giving three points to this so we're basically saying if you want a little bit more power and all of that go for this but what's the point really when you can get this for 100 grand or so less there you go 296 100 Grand cheaper and potentially a better car where are we going to see you next on TV uh next week we have a big fight night for BT Sport coming out on Friday the 7th okay yeah yeah so the week after BT Sport and plenty of sport in the summer and Joanne Kia TV for any social following why don't we let you do the complete sign out all right so thank you for watching us with these two beautiful Ferraris today hybrids um sign up subscribe follow 888 MF All That Jazz and if you want to follow me Joanne Kia TV for my socials and let us know in the comments like don't like as long as it's about the cars not about me and see you next time [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: 888MF
Views: 95,464
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: supercars, cars, 888mf, turbo, car video, super cars, car review, review, car review 2023, new car, classic, vintage car, performance car, sport car, ferrari, sf90, 296, GTB, hypercar, 1000hp, super fast, finance, dream car, car sound, exhaust, speed, cinematic, vs, Ferraris
Id: G7wF-4ubv0M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 18sec (1158 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 07 2023
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