Savage Kingdom - Season 4 Episode 4 - Line of Fire

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the kingdom of mambo is on fire a drought from hell but tata and her family are in luck a victim of famine becomes family feast there's plenty for all [Applause] but as ever the selfish teens hog the carcass tata is not impressed the boys have competition [Music] hyena come to steal the feast the teenagers carry on regardless knowing that queen tata will protect them [Music] but the thieves are not giving up [Music] tata does what she can but the hyena refused to retreat unlike the cowardly teens their bellies full the boys abandoned the meal with no thought for their leader let her take care of it tata takes what she can [Music] they could turn on her at any moment [Music] [Music] it's all too much [Music] [Music] how tata's heart bleeds the young gluttons gorge leaving the rest of the pride hungry starvation knows nothing of fairness the hyena army now dominates the lion's last heartland feasting on the victims of the drought preying on the misfortune of others nothing is sacred nothing is spared to perfor's young cubs their new home is paradise but perfo knows there is no such place danger lurks at every corner her beloved cubs require constant protection [Music] and yet at four months old the hungry cubs need meat [Music] she must leave them to fate the decision no mother should have to [Music] make [Music] as for the little brother and sister they couldn't be happier utterly carefree they used the time to branch out for them life is a game [Music] and trees are for climbing [Music] [Applause] [Music] though it's not quite as easy as it seems [Music] [Music] they have company big company the young siblings have never seen such a giant the sister is fearless like her mother like all cats she's born curious [Music] it's all a great adventure [Music] but danger is never far away [Music] so the pride escaped the flames but tata is still feeling the heat her growing cubs need food [Music] but the greedy teens take everything she must think big even a cough could feed the whole pride [Music] knows like her the calf's powerful mother will do anything to protect her family [Music] she needs the teams to help but their bellies are still full there is no other choice tata and her sisters must do it alone let the hunt begin [Music] tata lies in weight she's spotted her plan is working and her sister moves in for the prize [Music] success is fleeting tatar and her sister can't take on a mother elephant alone all they can do is watch as their meal slowly wanders away [Music] tata knows that if the lazy teens don't help soon the pride will starve [Music] mahalo once great leader of the dogs enjoys her retirement now she's not just a proud mother [Music] she's a proud grandmother her daughter why me the new leader has pups six of them [Music] the whole pack unites in celebration [Music] for the youngsters it's a little overwhelming [Music] all long legs and wet noses and lots of love [Music] but new mother why me is anxious motherhood is tough but she's also the leader of the pack fortunately wise old mahalo is here to help and just as well the tiny pups constantly wander off unaware of the dangers beyond the sanctuary of their secret dead together why me and mahalo keep them safe hidden from the outside world but juane knows that the future of the pack depends on her [Music] mother and leader as one [Music] a refugee and born survivor she dreads leaving her cubs alone at the den yet they need food too she's desperate to get back to them but hunting requires concentration [Music] [Music] slowly perform [Music] every second is another away from her cubs [Music] so act in haste repent at leisure homewood bound at last but with nothing to eat [Music] back at the den the siblings are in a world of their own practicing their climbing and trying to hunt [Music] the small prey is quick and far more confident than the timid brother [Music] his brave sister goes in hot pursuit [Music] but this is not at all what she was hoping for [Music] if he hears the cubs he will kill them come home the brute is awake only silence will save puffos cups hurry little one [Music] only when their mother returns are they finally safe but the cupboard is bare [Music] the cubs continue their merry ways instinct tells peffo the peace won't [Music] last tonight they are together but tomorrow she must hunt again [Music] or her precious cubs won't survive [Music] like pefo like wome each mother must ensure their young have food that means hunting doesn't hunt alone [Music] a feast with plenty of meat for the hunters and for the pups back at the den deep in the forest grandmother maholo patiently stands guard her new role as babysitter suits her perfectly and the pups who blossom under her watchful eye finally the moment they've been waiting for wymay's return and their first taste of regurgitated [Music] meat [Music] thanks to their mother's leadership there is plenty for all [Music] secured in the knowledge her pups have everything they need [Music] and are safely hidden from the outside [Music] world in the unrelenting drought a stroke of luck for tata's pride or at least some of them the boys stumbled across a big bed they have no plans for sharing with anyone even with tata who gives them everything [Music] they are now too big to discipline and she too weak from hunger but the rest of the pride needs food too [Music] again all eyes turn to mother [Music] big enough to feed the whole family but to kill it alone will take everything she's got [Music] tata can't afford to fail her family's survival depends on this kill patience [Music] stealth power [Music] victory for tata savior of the pride but at what cost gored by the warthog's tusk [Music] in agony she stops to rest [Music] but there's no rest in this kingdom stand your ground tata but she's too weak [Music] unchallenged they steal the pride's last hope [Music] tata has paid in blood for nothing death is sharpening its claws in the forest pefo grows desperate [Music] once more she's had to leave her cubs alone seizing her last chance to hunt before nightfall [Music] time is running up [Music] back at the den hunger tempers the cubs play [Music] as dusk falls [Music] killers are on the prowl stay hidden little ones [Music] then the relentless hyena recognize what they're after the scent of meat [Music] [Music] the hyena know there's food here somewhere [Music] but it's not the cubs they smell escaped by a cat's whisker the notorious scavengers ruthlessly hunt their next meal the stuff of nightmares the hyena lose themselves in their kill [Music] while the cubs look on in terror [Music] on the other side of the forest pefo has less luck than the hyena she longs to get back to her cubs but not without food not this time dinner at last perfo can finally go home [Music] it's the cubs turn to smell food a family meal with the meat they so desperately need [Music] but their mother's love is the greatest nourishment of all [Music] the gifts that keeps giving for now [Music] dry oppressive heat torments the kingdom large water holes reduced to mud baths everyone forced to share tattoo needs to hunt but she's in terrible pain suffering that even the boys can't ignore finally they step up and try to help [Applause] all they do is scare away the prey much to tata's despair but one target's not going anywhere the teens think they have a chance [Music] but they're no match for this monster despondent the boys give up tata knows there's only one way to save the hungry cubs despite her pain she recruits her sister one final hunt even if it kills her time to kill and face those deadly tusks once more [Music] she has no choice but to fight through the agony [Music] uh [Music] tata can't go on and failure combine [Music] as she returns with nothing [Music] tata's wound could be the downfall of the pride [Music] but he's not dead yet at the dog's secret den the pups are growing [Music] fast there's no danger than catching anything so leftovers will have to do until whammy and the pack return from another successful hunt bringing fresh food and plenty of attention [Music] but they're being watched [Music] hyena attracted by the noise mahalo hurries the pups to safety [Music] while why me leads the charge [Music] the hyena take what they can [Music] and that includes pups [Music] the pack redoubles its efforts turning the tables on the skulking thieves [Music] but why must face the truth paradise is lost the hyena army now knows their hiding place our pups will never be safe here again [Music] leader and mother now faces the greatest challenge of her life [Music]
Channel: Animal World
Views: 227,243
Rating: 4.2913818 out of 5
Keywords: Animal World, pet, dog, cat, parrot, chicken, lion, Hyenas, Orphaned leopard
Id: bksa_c6uC3Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 58sec (2518 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 23 2020
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