Satyameva Jayathe Telugu Full Movie | Rajasekhar, Sanjana, Sivaji | Sri Balaji Video

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It seems you're getting married, Siva? - Yes sir. Sir, my son has passed tenth. - Good. Over 100 kiIIed in a bomb bIast at Poorna Market in Visakhapatnam. Home Minister condemned the incident that happened in his home constituency. This is a dastardIy act, the incident is heart wrenching. I strongIy condemn the action of the traitors who kiIIed hundreds of innocents. Dr. IqbaI Ansari of KGH is the mastermind behind the car bombs. TeII me where is Ansari? - I don't know sir. Don't you know? Father...father...pIease don't harm him. - TeII me...teII me quickIy. I beg you sir. - What's this? How did these come here? - Are me how did it come here? What for you've these weapons? Don't you know? - Father...father... Where is your son? O AIIah! - Where is Ansari? Where is Ansari? Who is behind you? TeII their names. How dare you betray your own motherIand, bIoody! We know how to get the truth out of you. Do you know how many innocents have died? TeII me...teII me... why are you staring? TeII me! TeII me...teII me... AII these weapons were confiscated from Dr. IqbaI Ansari's house. He's an ISI agent having connections with terrorists. We've orders to transfer him to Hyderabad for further investigation. Inspector Raj & his team are taking him tomorrow morning to Hyderabad I'II not Iet them get you. This probIem isn'tjust of my constituency but entire nation's. Recent bomb bIasts or yesterday's murderous attack on poIice, this is a proxy war waged by our neighbouring country, earIier economicaIIy poor and reIigious fanatics supported ISI, now doctors Iike Ansari and weaIthy industriaIists are supporting ISI, what wiII happen to this country's future? I shudder to think it. DGP, Ansari must be produced in the court on time, and investigate him. I don't know how you do it, seIect an efficient team, and send them immediateIy to Vizag to bring Ansari. Sathya, you're in a new worId, you'II be at peace though thunders strike next to you or worId turns turtIe. My treatment is such good. PeopIe wiII hang your photo for peace instead of Gandhi or Nehru. Now you're mind and heart are cooI Iike snow cIad HimaIayas. WiII you do it? How many times I've warned you? How many times I've toId you? I got it for you. How dare you beat a chiId! What if you get beaten up badIy! Hubby! Someone is beating me up. Hubby! Where are you? Come quickIy. Stop...stop...stop I say! - I'II kiII you. Who are you man? I've never dared to beat my wife tiII now. How dare you beat her! You're finished. You didn't come to save the chiId when she was beating him badIy, but you've come now to save your wife. What's this injustice! He's breaking expensive things in the house. He's eating away cakes and biscuits brought for chiIdren. Do you want me to kiss him instead of beating him?- Is it? No uncIe, I was hungry so I ate one biscuit... TeIIing Iies too! If you deny food to chiIdren, what eIse can he do? Look! You manhandIed a woman! I'm a Iawyer, if I fiIe a case against you. Is she behaving Iike a woman, she's behaving Iike a she-deviI. Aren't you ashamed to caII yourseIf a Iawyer? Can you engage a chiId as servant? Don't you know how many years you'II be in jaiI for chiId Iabour case? Mother Teresa peopIe's weIfare association. SociaI service is our motto! Is Mother Teresa your promoter? You're doing aII dirty work but use photos of great peopIe for pubIicity. WiII their good work accrue to you? Do peopIe appear Iike mad men to you? Charity must begin at home. How can you serve the society iIItreating chiIdren at home? How can I, sir? If useIess peopIe use the photos of great peopIe to cheat citizens, how can I turn a bIind eye to it? I said it for my profession's sake, you don't turn bIind to it, you wiII not, I know it, nation needs brave and courageous men Iike you, go now, I'II take care of him. CaIm down son, granny, pIease throw away this. I'II Iive with him to make you hang your head down in shame. Don't know if I've to be happy for your birthday or cry for your mother's death day. Your mother had a fight with your grandpa and Ieft the home for me, I kiIIed your mother. I kiIIed my Goddess. It's okay you kiIIed your Goddess but what did our Goddess do to you? Why did you throw this on her? What are you Iooking at? Is this pIace your own? - No was aIready dirty. Dirty? Do you know what it is? Our Land shark Goddess! We got drunk and offered prayers. We have put mark there, don't you know why? AII this Iand beIongs to brother Harsha, he has occupied this Iand. We put that mark to keep fooIs Iike you out. How wouId I know it has so much meaning? How wouId you know if you're stiII aIive at this age instead of dying? Am I so oId to die? - Then what? This Iand beIongs to a bIoody bastard who caIIs himseIf as your boss. A Iand usurped by a third rate rogue to drink and enjoy here Iike a pig. A useIess eunuch's Iand, usurped by goons Iike you. It's our mistake to add waste to your aIready dirty garbage. PIease forgive me. Let's go granny. Stop! Leaving after passing dirty comments? How can you Ieave? You've pay toII. ToII? Don't you pay toII for the roads you use? You've to pay toII to us aIso. Come granny. - How dare you Ieave! Give your jeweIs, or eIse I'II cut the chiId's neck. What are you Iooking at? You want me to pay toII! WiII you cut the chiId's neck? I didn't even cut onions, how can I cut a chiId's neck? Just for buiId up! - BuiId up!? Don't beat me... if you do so, I'II teII Harsha. Who is this Harsha? Great materiaI! Want to buy? I came to buy onIy. - Got money?- Got Iot! Did Jagdish sent you to this pIace? Have tea. Liked it? How many packets? - I want aII! Got money? - How much? don't know...ten... Ten? One, two, three, four... Wait, I may miss the count. Five, six, seven... - It's Rs.10 Iakhs not Rs.10000. Rs.10 Iakhs? Then I'II take it for free. - PIaying fun with us? WouId a poIice officer too pay to buy it? PoIice? Trying to act smart? Who do you think you're trying to get smart with? WiII you aIIow any customer here? Are you great if you're a poIice officer? To which poIice station do you beIong? Is there any poIiceman in this city not taking bribe from me? No, I'm Acid Harsha, do you know my reach? ChiIdren of rich and powerfuI in this city are my cIients. I'm the Ione whoIesaIe drug deaIer in this state. That's it! I was wondering where I had seen you. It seems you're an encounter speciaIist. It's not great to use govt. guns for kiIIing criminaIs, we keep the entire society under our thumbs with just acid bottIes. If anyone defies me, I'II dowse them in acid. That's my greatness! No court ever dared to touch me. WouId you dare now? Are you mad? He's a mad man! True! He's a mad man. Yes, I'm mad! - Stop him! WouId you Iike to have tea? Have it! Have it! Give me the gun! Harsha, Ieave him! Leave him I say! Harsha, Ieave him! Drop your guns down. EIse I'II kiII him. WiII you kiII me, my foot!? Stop Sathya! If anyone defies me, I'II dowse them in acid. Put him down...put him down! Are you mad? How are you connected to this? Is this your jurisdiction? PoIice man needs courage to reach the pIace of crime not jurisdiction. And guts to face the criminaI. WiII you gun down anyone you deem is criminaI?- Yes. What wiII he do Iiving in this worId? Leave him to commit more rapes and murders? To ruin peopIe's Iives? No Ioss to this society if he dies. That's why I kiIIed him. His mentaI condition isn't good, taking him in this operation... Who's mad? What the heII you're saying? You don't understand. Those mad men who are out there to ruin this nation, mad officers Iike him are best suited for them. What do you say Home Minister? - You're right sir. How are you Sathya? You're the reaI poIice man! I'm very happy to see you on duty again. Why you've been caIIed here? What you're going to do? You know it very weII. Present Ansari to the court at the appointed time. We've great hopes on you. No one wiII be here at the right time. Oh my God! Where have they vanished? Pratap, get up! My husband has come back. Get up quickIy! TeII him to use the other bedroom. My husband has returned, get up quickIy. Get up...get up! - Let me sIeep for some more time. Wait! Let me find my brief. - Wear your cIothes. Get up! QuickIy! - Why? Wear fast, he's coming. Ain't I sexy? - You're shameIess. What are you doing Ramya? - Ever since I started coming here... You'II not aIIow me to do it peacefuIIy. What's this? What are you doing? Have you gone mad? He's coming...he has come! CI? Is it you? - No, it's me! Any probIem? - How can it not be a probIem? My bedroom, wife and you ...isn't it a probIem? So what? You'd come here few times earIier too, why did you come here again? Finding you not here. Do you come whenever I'm not here? Searching is easy when you're not here. Searching? Why? How do I Iook Iike to you? My name is Veera Pratap, I'm the unseen fourth Iion on my cap. Don't try to cheat me. Where have you hidden it? Come on teII me. What have I hidden? Why are you raising your voice? I'm not raising the voice sir. - BIoody! Where's the heroin? - Heroin? I go fIat on using inhaIer. How can I dare use drugs, sir? Somebody's pIanning on my behind, someone's caIIing you when I Ieave for camp, you're entering my bedroom directIy. We check bedrooms onIy. That's right sir, but no use searching this bedroom sir. Mad man! I didn't waste my time, I did enjoy my job here. You come to the station. No sir, I may Iose my honour. I'm not a criminaI sir, my wife wouId've toId you about me, haven't you? She toId what she shouId and gave what she shouId give, and did what she ought to do. Now it's your turn, come to the station. I've to interrogate you. - I'II bribe him. Count it sir. - I hate counting. Take wads onIy. Why did you come back a day earIier? I came back finishing my work. WiII you come back if the job is over? ShouIdn't I finish my job here? Then I'II Ieave now. This time it's okay, next time keep up your word.- Okay. By the way, what's your name? My name is Thyagaraju. Very nice name, keep it up! Babe's front? - Great kick! Babe's side? - Great kick! Left? - Great kick! Back? - Greatest of great kick! This is front kick! This is right kick! This is Ieft kick! This is back kick! This is entire kick package. BIoody pigs! If you pass nasty comments again, you'II not have necks to croak again. BIoody! When wiII you submit it? - Tomorrow sir. Submit it quickIy. Why did you cross the road? You hit me but are accusing me. You banged into me. You ran into him but accusing him. Take out your Iicense. Take out. Keep it sir. - What is it? Is it Iicense? What do you think of poIicemen? Do we Iook Iike brokers? Pay bribe and escape. I'II teach you a Iesson in station, take him away.- Okay sir. Hubby, it seems you're going out and it's a dangerous pIace. Who toId you? - BaIa. BaIa? Who is she? - MaIIesh's wife. Why do you care other's words? Where isn't danger? What isn't dangerous? You use cooking gas to cook, isn't that dangerous? You send chiIdren to schooI in auto, isn't that dangerous?- No... Stop it, don't say anything. Why are you shouting at me? Can't you say it with Iove? I'm not a criminaI in your station, I'm your wife. AIways Iike this, you say something harsh and make me cry. Why are you crying now? I'm not crying for your harsh words, I've been asking you for a year now to take me to my parents' home. You promise to take me but go away on duty. Okay, I'II come back in 3 days, I'II definiteIy take you then. Promise? Notjust promise, I'II get you a siIk sari too.- ReaIIy? Father! Look, my bat is broken. - I'II buy a new bat. You must become great Iike Dhoni. I'm seeing him awake for the first time. Thank you dad. You're very handsome sir. Fire in your eyes, styIish moustache, you Iook Iike you were born to be a poIiceman, great physique. Every word you say is Iogic, it works Iike magic on girIs, sir, you've something in you. AbduI KaIam sir toId us to dream and make our dreams come true. It's a dream from my chiIdhood to work under you, sir. It has come true. Why are you taIking to the waIIs and chairs? Shut up! Not taIking to the waIIs and chairs, I was taIking to DCP sir. How is my diaIogue rehearsaI? - Great madam. But I didn't Iike you saying working under him. Is it fine to say I'II work over him? - No madam. Don't irritate me. Listen to me. Sir, I kept your autographed photo and passed BIack beIt in Karate. Learnt Kung-Fu. Learnt Judo. Learnt every martiaI art. As you pIease, any which way you want, use me sir! Madam, pIease don't say that word use. Can I say, use me? - Oh my God! Listen to this one. If I go overboard, jam me. - Oh my God! Come on, pIease pick it up. What? OnIy four buIIet proofjackets. I don't need jackets, I pIayed with rockets from my chiIdhood. Cracker rocket? What do you think of me? - Nothing sir. Karna was born with armour and ear studs. I'm born with buIIet proof vest. You want to see my six pack? I don't want to take that risk sir. Minister's phone, it saved you. It's me sir, you IoyaIist Pratap. Whatever it is, come to the point. Is madam doing fine sir? Have chiIdren gone to the schooI? How is your pomeranian dog? What to do man? AII are in hospitaI with AIDS. Today morning you came to home and seen them aII. What to do sir? I'm so attached to your famiIy, sir. - Come to the point. Nothing sir. - Why did you caII for nothing? Cut it. No sir, a useIess team is Ieaving for Vizag. Why shouId I go with them sir? I've Iot of work in your home. So I toId madam to get my name removed from the Iist. She toId me. But I can't remove your name. Why sir? I promised to take madam and chiIdren to the T20 match. I promised chiIdren about cricketers' autographs aIso. Another CI can do it. How sir? PIease somehow get my name... What man? Be a poIiceman for atIeast once. Cut the Iine. You're not a Minister but a dog! May your own gunmen gun you down! UseIess man! What's aII this? Sathi! He Iet me down. Get a jacket for me too. Why do your manIy body need a woman's jacket sir? What a greatjoke! Didn't I warn you not to touch women? Shape is good. RifIe is soIid! What type is she? I toId about the gun, did you think I said about you? You're Iatest modeI. Hey Sathyam! Checked everything? We are Ieaving to Vizag tomorrow, if everything goes on as per pIan, we'II be here day after tomorrow with Ansari. It's not an easy job. We must be aIert and carefuI every moment. Because we don't know our enemy, don't know from where he attacks, and don't know how many they are! But we do know they are in Iarge numbers. We don't know what weapons they may use. But they wiII be Iatest weapons far superior than our outdated weapons. They wiII definiteIy try to take away Ansari. Even on the face of death, we mustn't Iet Ansari to escape. Don't Iook Iike that. This operation... - 100% Success? - We'II aII die. How can you say it so sureIy? You mad boy! They wiII kiII us if we take Ansari to the court, if we try to escape Ieaving him, he'II kiII us. TotaIIy this operation is dud. Someone's taking photos, get him. Go IittIe Ieft. What are you doing? I'm taking photos. Is it? I thought you were fiIming. Let's go in, my boss wiII show you a fiIm.- Why? Come and see fiIm shoot. Where are you taking me sir? - FiIm shoot is about to begin. Greetings sir, I'm a freeIancer. Look at my ID card. I'II get Rs.500 for a photo, that's my IiveIihood. I heard a new team is going to Vizag, if I take your photo... PIease teII her sir, pIease return my camera. I'II never do it again, sir. I beg you sir. PIease Ieave me sir. Don't pick up the phone. Why did you come here Ranadev? I've sent aII the photographs you need. I've sent the negatives too. You toId me not to use digitaI camera, I didn't use it. I've sent everything to you, I don't have anything with me. What about this one? Are you giving it a bath here? It's a test print, I Ieft it by mistake. Sorry, it was my mistake. I can destroy this mistake, what to do with your second mistake? Second mistake? PoIice, who foIIowed your traiI Iike a dog, they are waiting outside. - Outside? I'II take care of them, pIease trust me. Ranadev, pIease forgive me. I'II never commit such mistakes again. I'II do whatever you say. If you ask me, I'II Ieave this city aIso. Look, I've wife and a smaII chiId, they don't have anyone eIse other than me. They'II be Ieft as orphans, pIease don't kiII me. PIease, forgive me this time. PIease don't kiII me. WiII you do anything for your famiIy? - I'II do anything. If a need arises, wiII you kiII me aIso? I didn't mean Iike that, you've mistaken me. FamiIy sentiment is very strange. It makes humans turn into beasts, sometimes it turns beasts into humans. Anyway, you're very Iucky. FamiIy sentiment saved your Iife. Are you fine, brother? - Fine. What happened to you? Why are you sweating profuseIy? What happened to him brother? He got IittIe emotionaI. He Ioves you very much. What wiII you become after growing up? - She'II be a singer. Yes brother, she Ioves music. Sing a sing dear. - Sing dear. No probIem, if we die... No troubIe, if we die... Death is inevitabIe... You sang very weII dear, you'II become a great singer in future. Bye. Have coffee, brother. Next time I'II have dinner. What happened? Why are you crying? TeII me. Who is it? Why poIice are here? - I don't know, I'II open the door. Dear, answer the phone caII. - Okay mom. No probIem, if we die... No troubIe, if we die... Death is inevitabIe... Don't get discouraged with IittIe setbacks... Don't give up your hope, victory wiII be yours... Don't take the wrong route... Don't Iet yourseIf get bribed... Don't betray other's trust... victory wiII be yours... What have innocent peopIe done to you? Is taking Iife so easy to you? What's aII this your hoIy war is about? PeopIe coming to market, parents coming to the park with their chiIdren, kiIIing peopIe who are praying in mosques, if you've guts, show your power on those who you're angry with. Show it on them. What's your aim in kiIIing innocent peopIe? No reIigion in this worId asks you to kiII another man. But my reIigion teIIs me to kiII anyone who is a criminaI. Your peopIe kiIIed unjustIy eight poIice officers. TeII your backers, those bastards, that I'II kiII atIeast 80 of them for those eight dead. You too have onIy one option, to appear in the court. Look sir, I can waIk now, I can run too! Look sir! We can't go Ieaving you behind, Siva. We can't take you aIso with us. Sir, I'II work very hard. Lame horses are no good for races. Mad dog is useIess in poIice force. You're very tired and weak. You need rest more than work. Ansari's siIence, eight poIice officers death in terrorist attack, it gives me shivers to think aIso. We can't sIeep peacefuIIy tiII you take Ansari from here. Look... A women named MahaIakshmi from LittIe FIower schooI caIIed on phone, it seems she heard gunshots from the portion Iet on rent. LittIe fIower schooI? - Yes sir. There's a fIorist near the schooI, ask her to wait there. Ask her not to teII this to anyone. I've to attend a meeting with CoIIector. Sathya, you asked to keep an eye on the house, he, his famiIy and four poIicemen were kiIIed in a teIephone bomb bIast. What's the news there? Did Ansari open up? Just now got information about gunshots in a schooI. Go immediateIy. What a nasty driving! - Ask him to go sIow. MahaIakshmi isn't that worth. He thinks she'II be Iatest young thing but she'II be Iike vintage Suryakantham. Why sir? Mad boy! This is just another stunt to grab attention and TV media coverage. Mutton mummies? - 40 pIus aunties. They'II go to beauty parIour at 10 am, they'II keep on appIying, Iow neck jacket, wearing sari beIow the naveI, sIeeveIess, Iip stick, middIe aged women who try to charm youth are known as mutton mummies. You're an authority on aunties. Don't act smart, you iIIiterate feIIow. Was it you who caIIed on phone? OId hag... Born in 1954? Am I Iooking so oId? Men shouIdn't ask girI's age. - GirI? Where are they now? - At home. Why at home? They are crying for your Iate arrivaI. They must cry after seeing poIicemen, why now? Are you poIice? Not Tata Sky peopIe? Do we Iook Iike Tata Sky peopIe? Do they have separate faces? I'm waiting here to take Tata Sky peopIe to repair my dish antenna. Were you waiting to get your dish repaired? Are you MahaIakshmi? Yours is very oId taste, that's my great grand mother's name. Isn't it not Tututhara? Forget about this mutton mummy, Iook at that girI. MahaIakshmi, she Iooks Iike an angeI. Isn't she Iike Pinky I feII in Iove at schooI? TeII me madam, when did you first hear the gunshot sound? You Iook great! If you want to say anything, teII me I'm her senior. I'm Veera Pratap, I'm the unseen fourth Iion. Wait, the Iion you see, DCP Sathya is coming. TeII him. Nobody has come out tiII now. No sir, I was watching from the shop. Nobody came out. Where? Room in the upstairs. WiII there be firing here? There may be firing if situation demands, you take chiIdren and staff into the rooms and Iock the doors. Don't come out tiII we caII you, okay? You go that side. ChiIdren, get inside. - Come...come... They escaped from this window, sir. They not onIy shot him at point bIank range but burnt his face aIso. No chance of taking finger prints aIso. Burnt his hands aIso. I'II answer aII your questions in the poIice station. First cIear the body. We are poIice not municipaI workers. Body wiII be taken away onIy after primary investigation. You said they were guests, why did you keep quiet for 10 days? Guests? - Yes. What the heII are you saying? - What you'd toId us? How wouId we know they're terrorists? They cIaimed to be fiIm makers and took this room on rent from the trustees. They seem to be sincere terrorists. They said shooting and they did shoot. Making fun? - Fun? Do you think you've cracked a joke? Madam, answer straight to my questions without getting tensed. Can you recognise anyone from the group? I never saw them cIearIy to recognise them. But... Today morning a new man came. Notjust me, nobody can forget his face. You're not safe here anymore. Pratap, arrange security for her. Ask SP to post 4 constabIes for her security. I'm not here to stay, I came here for 3 month workshop onIy. I'm going back to Hyderabad. I caIIed you and did my citizen's duty. PIease do your duty. The man you say saw today morning is very dangerous man. He can never forget your face. He'II not Ieave any witness behind, disfiguring the body is a gIaring witness to his ruthIess mind. We are going to Hyderabad, why not take her aIso with us? I feeI it's right to take her aIong with us to Hyderabad. I want to change my traveIIing pIans. Do as you pIease. What about MahaIakshmi? Her Iife is in danger. Bring her aIong with you to Hyderabad. Why did you change your traveI pIan suddenIy? We've made aII the arrangements. Yes, you've made aII the arrangements, we are booked on tomorrow morning's East Coast train, How do you know aII these detaiIs? I've kept the tickets secure in my drawer. Not onIy me, many others too know these detaiIs. I found this paper near the body. So our enemies are much sharper and ahead of us. What shaII we do now? - No fIights aIso at this time. That's why I want to go by road. Arrange vehicIes immediateIy. Why did you open the door? What if anyone fires gun at you? What wiII happen to me? That's why he hugged you for safety. Get tea. - Okay sir. WiII you pIease get up? ImpossibIe. - Why? May be position is good for him. Tea! You know we got Iinked up. This Iink. - Remove it. I wiII... How do you feeI Iooking straight into my eyes? I feeI you've squint eyes. Very bad. RecentIy another Iady too asked you the same, right? Have tea sir. I don't have hot tea. Get it chiIIed. Yes sir, because you're very hot now. No comments pIease, mind your work. You carry on sir. WiII you pIease remove it? Wait, I'II remove it. Why are you getting so cracked up? Wait... Can't you give me company for some more time? Sir, I'II meet him for once onIy. - Am I not teIIing you? PIease go away. PIease aIIow me in. I've been waiting here since morning. Why don't you understand me? You're taking my Iife. What's going on there? Ansari's mother, sir. He won't open his mouth and she'II not cIose mouth once she opens. She's pestering us since morning to meet you. AIIow her inside. Okay sir. Open it. Go in. Come sunny. Greetings sir. He's Ansari's son. Everyone says my son is a traitor. But my heart is refusing to accept it. Ansari isn't Iike that. Court wiII decide what he is. But peopIe think you'II kiII him on the way. PIease don't do it. Take him to the court, I beg you sir. If your son is reaIIy innocent, you'II meet him in the court. Yes sir, DCP Sathya is here. Who are you sir? Who is it? Somebody who cIaims to be your cIose friend. Who is it? - I'm so sorry sir, you came to my fIat, but I couIdn't meet you. I tried to contact you on phone. But couIdn't get you. Whatever it is, hats off to your cIeverness. Why are you siIent friend? Trying to remember something. I'm trying to know who is the bastard in the Iine. Don't act smart. Shut up and handover Ansari to us and waIk out siIentIy. Bastard! Listen to carefuIIy, I'II take Ansari to the court at the appointed time. Are you reaIIy a man? Yes, if you've guts, try to stop me. No probIem, you carry on sIeeping. MahaIakshmi, I'II ask you a thing, You're ravishing, I mean you're beautifuI, why is your name so oId fashioned? Why not modern names Iike Katrina Kaif or Kareena? Named according to my horoscope. Oh! I expected this. I'II caII you in short as Maha. Can I caII you as VP in short? If you reaIIy want to. What do you think of my famiIy? What's there to think? My father is Sardar Paparayudu, BobbiIi PuIi, Kondaveeti Simham... - AII are NTR's fiIms. I know it, he was my dad's friend. We don't have dog or cat as pets. We have African Iions and SriIankan tigers as pets. Just thunders, sir. How can you get scared of thunders, you've Iions & tigers as pets? No satires pIease, I know your Iogic. Lion wiII take a step back to Iunge 100 feet forward. I'm aIso Iike that onIy. If you smiIe at me Iike that I'm finished. I Iove you... My Iife is yours... Even in my dreams... for fun aIso...I'II not Ieave you... I'II keep you happy... Don't know why...don't know how... I feeI very strange... I'm going wiId & crazy in your presence... If you give me a chance I'II advice you... It'II give you reIief... If you stiII need, I'II heIp you... Becoming a part of you forever... Your vision is aIways on me... Your words are Iying that there's nothing Iike that... You found it and came towards me... You keep watching me steaIthiIy... Taking me...Ieaving me... my heart went for you... Come quickIy... Move out... What's the price of this sari? CIear out. Take it. - CIear out. CIear the way. Move... What a tragedy DCP! What are you doing now? Who are you searching? Shift MahaIakshmi to the van. It's a bomb! Run away! It's not starting sir. - Okay get down. Is there any mechanic shop nearby? No sir, there's a guest house 10 kms further up. Look, our van has breakdown. So what? I'm not a mechanic. We wiII stay here tiII it's set right. ImpossibIe. My boss wiII not agree to that. I wiII taIk to him. How couId you force yourseIf inside? Our boss wiII not disagree. You can stay here. He must be Ansari. I saw him on TV. Who eIse Iives here? MyseIf & this idiot. I'm a cook. Does your mobiIe phones have signaIs? SignaIs are weak here. You can use our IandIines. ReIax everyone. I'II get tea. Pandu, take Ansari inside. CarefuI. Rao, repair the van. Pratap & you. Check the entire buiIding thoroughIy, and cIose the aII the entry & exit points. I'm Sathya speaking. - Yes, teII me. We were attacked. The jeep was bIown up. Are you fine? Give me your Iocation. I'II send a rescue team. From Kodada highway, take Ieft, not the by-pass route. TraveI 10 kms up and you'II find an oId guest house. We are there. Don't move untiI the rescue team comes there. Look. Who wiII pay for the caIIs you made? What's your probIem? - Why are you asking our boss? We wiII give you. - Shut up. Give him what he asks. MahaIakshmi, don't worry. CarefuI whiIe waIking. I'm there with you. Are you scared of ghosts? Ghosts? - Don't worry, MahaIakshmi. As Iong as I'm with you, you're safe. Because, I'II spend this night with you. I'II stay here to protect you. Stop taIking & Iie down. Cover yourseIf and sIeep peacefuIIy. You don't worry about me. How is that possibIe? They'II wiII harm you? - Who? Oh God! Ghost! I'm not scared. You don't get scared too. I'm with you. It's BhootaIaraju not a ghost. You scare Iadies too much. Am I scaring you? Nonsense. Since the power went off, I brought this Iantern. Are there ghosts in this house? Notjust 1 or 2. There are 18 ghosts. 18 ghosts...? Oh my God! You don't worry. You wiII be fine. I'II protect you. 18 ghosts...? Exciting...? Shit! It scares the heII out of me. Don't scare me. Go. Rao, don't deIay. Make it fast. How Iong wiII it take? - 20 minutes. Have tea. Boy, you aIso have tea. Encounter speciaIist DCP Sathya is in the news again. 2 days earIier acid was thrown on Meena & Banu, students of Kakatiya university by Seena, Seshu & Venkat. They were kiIIed in an encounter today morning at 5 am. With this, he has kiIIed 51 peopIe in various encounters. Though Human rights organisation criticises these encounters, majority of peopIe, especiaIIy young haiI DCP Sathya as a hero. Look at this. WeIcome Sathya. As an encounter speciaIist, how couId you appIy for maternity Ieave. My wife is pregnant, it's 8th month. The deIivery date faIIs next month. So, I must Iook after her tiII she deIivers the baby. Do you have to Iook after her tiII she deIivers? I saw my wife 3 months after the deIivery. I saw my wife 6 months after the deIivery. But Sathya, you want to Ieave duty to Iook after your wife. Looking after my wife is aIso my duty. Sending our wives to their parentaI homes is our duty. We aIways do that job. To me, sending our wives to her mother's house is a big crime. We marry her. We take her to honeymoon. We take her to movies & parties. But when she is pregnant, we send her to her mother's pIace for deIivery. Why? To make them bear aII the deIivery expenses. They bear the deIivery expenses by defauIt. If parents are with her during deIivery, she wiII feeI very happy. If we want her to be happy, we can ask her parents to come and stay at our pIace. My wife is pregnant. And the baby she's carrying is my chiId. When she carries my baby in her womb for 9 months, it's my duty to know her Iikes and disIikes during deIivery time. Do you know something? More than money & jeweIs, every woman wants her husband to be by her side during deIivery. If I had the powers, I'II jaiI aII those who send their wives to her parents' house. WeII said, Sathya. My wife can't have chiIdren at this age. If that is possibIe, I wouId Iook after her just Iike you. Sathya, I sanction 2 months Ieave to you. AII the best for you and your forthcoming chiId. May this bIiss & ecstasy proIong... May we reach the shores of heaven... May we see the height ofjoy... Let's caII the tender breeze... Let Iove script an epic of our sweet memories... Let the happiness unfoId... Let it heIp us... Let it say yes... Let the cuckoo sing our Iove... You were the 5th chiId after 4 boys... For pampering you so much. we never expected you to cheat us. He doesn't know about what affection and sentiments are. He is an orphan. You married a man who grew up in a borstaI schooI. PeopIe say that he is stone hearted and an encounter speciaIist. You married a man who never knows when he wiII kiII & when he wiII get kiIIed. Marrying someone you hate is my mistake. TaIk bad about me. I wiII toIerate that. But I won't toIerate if you speak bad about him or our Iife. You say that my Iife wiII be ruined for marrying him. I'II Iive. I'II make you repent for Iosing such a good son-in-Iaw. I'II Iive a happy Iife. Desires have made a bird's nest... Let it shine Iike stars and fIow Iike rivers... Let our smiIes bIoom as fIowers and shine bright Iike moon... Be my friend... Be my thirst for Iove... Let Iust enguIf us in it... Let siIence be the song... May this worId merge into one... Sweet heart... In fight for Iand Home Minister's brother-in-Iaw kiIIed his partner. Don't taIk nonsense. Who toId you that my brother-in-Iaw committed that murder? His partner had personaI probIems, so he committed suicide. My brother-in-Iaw has nothing to do with his murder. If you feeI that your brother-in-Iaw is innocent, prove that in court. Justice is same for you & pubIic. Arrest your brother-in-Iaw immediateIy. If not, you resign. This party is not of your type. There are many parties out in the fieId. Go, join one of those parties. Everything is ready to assassinate the CM. I've pIanned it. You keep the money ready. We must get soIace... We must sing the IuIIaby... May you become my Iife and souI... Let honey pour into our Iives... We must watch it... You be my saviour & my weII wisher... Entrench me into your Iove, song & breeze... Be my mischief... Be my desire... Be my destiny... Come to me... Vishwa, this is not to attack someone. OnIy for seIf protection. If the situation goes out of controI, you must escape. Even if I'm at risk, don't bother. You get away. Okay brother. CM has Ieft home. Stop. What's your name? - I'm teIIing you. Stop. Sir, you don't get down. My brother... Brother, get up. Dear.. Dear... Oh God! You're bIeeding. CM was attacked today. For saving CM, the entire state is congratuIating DCP Sathya. Give me the bouquet. - Greetings sir. It's okay. How are you? How is Sathya? - He is fine. Take good care of him. There are more such mad peopIe out there. We must kiII them aII. We are trying for your baiI. - What bIoody try? Why are you shouting? I must come out in 24 hours. I finished counting. - Everything right? Yes. It's okay. - Okay. Yourjob wiII be done. You can go. Do as I say. Since the behaviour of Ranadev has turned very vioIent, and there are no faciIities to keep him under controI in this jaiI, I request for his transfer into another sophisticated jaiI. Bye. Someone is waiting to see you. I don't have the right to stand before you as your father-in-Iaw. But by saving CM's Iife risking yours, I came to know that you're honoured in the poIice department. I came to congratuIate you as a citizen. I was very rude on that day and insuIted you. PIease don't take it to your heart. Bye. Father-in-Iaw, son-in-Iaw is Iike a son. Whatever you said on that day, was Iike a father scoIding his son. Nothing eIse. What's aII this? Where are we going? TeII me. - Sure, I'II teII you. Where are we going? - Get ready first. How is this? - Nice. What's the time? I said I wiII teII you. Wait for sometime.- TeII me. AtIeast teII me now. Where are we going? What is this pIace? Baby shower for an angeI... FestivaI at home... BangIes chimed a new song... Spring has taken sprout... Springtime has turned bright... AII seasons have converged here this day... O Lord Ram! She is aII yours... Just for a moment, sir. Sathya, a bad news for you. - What? Ranadev has escaped. - How? Our men aIso died in the attack. Come in. What is it, grandma? - Wait, I'II teII you. Take this Iocket. I'm sending a rescue team. Don't kiII me, uncIe. Come with me. Come out, grandma. - I can't come out. You go. You go, dear. Open the door. Sanjana, come here. I'm here. Don't worry. Doctor, the baby is stiII aIive. No operation pIease. No Caesarean. You wiII be fine. I'II be with you. Sir, jaiIer was responsibIe for Ranadev to escape. He was Iured by money. He heIped Ranadev to escape in the name of shifting the jaiI. They Iook wonderfuI. What are you doing? - Get in. Dear... What I did was wrong, pIease forgive me. PIease don't kiII me. Anyone can be pardoned. But not scoundreIs Iike you who care nothing about others' Iives. What are you taIking? Even after committing many crimes, peopIe are set free on medicaI grounds for committing crime in an unstabIe mind. You had heIped them many times. ActuaIIy... - Listen to what I say. SimiIarIy, after his wife's death, Sathya aIso Iost his mentaI baIance. Admit him in a mentaI hospitaI, give him treatment He wiII join duty after 8 months. HeIIo, I was about to caII you. The Iine got cut. What's written in it? ''If you don't send Ansari out in 10 minutes, we wiII come inside'' How many rounds do you have? - 3 sir. Pandu... - 7 sir. Sathi... - 4 sir. He inteIIigentIy dried our ammunitions and is inviting us for a diaIogue. Pratap, what are you doing? I'm setting him free. Even after knowing that we have Iess ammunitions you want to fight them. That's your madness. Don't taIk nonsense. I've aIready spoken with Naidu. Rescue team wiII be here any moment. When wiII it come? WiII it after we die? To wrap our bodies in nationaI fIag and do a 21 gun shot saIute? If we Ieave this ISI dog now, we can catch him Iater. But what if we die? Can we come back aIive? What did you become a poIice if you're so scared of Iosing Iife? I didn't know that I wiII have to work under a sincere poIice Iike you. I never guessed that I wiII die whiIe protecting such criminaIs. When a poIiceman fears for his Iife, it means he has Iost the fight. Even after getting treatment in the mentaI hospitaI, you stiII have an unstabIe mind. I understood that. In the name of duty, you Iost your entire famiIy. We are not ready to sacrifice our Iives. Do you think I wiII Ieave you if you set him free? I'II gun you down Iike a mad dog. We must fight tiII the end to Iive. Stupid! Are you aIso Iike him? I'm fighting for our Iives. That's immateriaI to me. I think DCP is right. Drop your gun, sir. Pointing your gun at me to save an ISI Agent? WiII you kiII me to save a traitor? KiII me. Shoot me. What do you guys think of me? Do you think they are here to save my Iife? No. They are here to kiII me. Yes. I've been Iistening to this for so Iong. Traitor! ISI Agent. Pakistani. No. I am a Hindustani. I'm an Indian who wanted to Iead a honest Iife. Sorry. I can't do that. A re-postmortem must be done for those 3 bodies. UntiI then, I can't issue a death certificate. But RMO is angry with me. They didn't die in the bomb bIast. They were shot dead before the bomb bIast. If you don't do this, you wiII Iose yourjob. I won't mind Iosing my job. But I won't give a faIse certificate. Excuse me, Doctor. I'm Bhaskar Sharma. I'm a freeIance journaIist. If you couId give me the death certificates of those 3... I don't want to taIk about it now. It's a poIice case. PoIice are invoIved in this crime. A big shot is Iinked with this crime. Anand Rao? - Yes sir. Not onIy this, doctor... For not heIping him to free his brother-in-Iaw in a murder case, he pIanned to assassinate CM. DCP Sathya ruined his pIans on that day. From then on, we journaIists kept an eye on him. AIong with us, CM too has made a detaiIed report to fiIe a compIaint with high command. WhiIe pIanning to kiII the CM, we journaIists recorded it on a camera. So, he kiIIed aII ourjournaIists. Since the dead were journaIists, it wouId create a row in the media. So, with the heIp of Swami Naidu, he put those bodies in a car, bIew it and kiIIed many innocent peopIe. What shouId I do now? My coIIeagues put the camera in a post box & informed me. If you give me the post mortem reports of those three dead, I'II bring them aII to justice with proof. Here are the reports. But I must see this news in tomorrow morning's paper. This is my visiting card. You wiII see this in tomorrow's news paper. You didn't eat since Iast night. There is a visiting card in the pant which I wore yesterday. Get it for me. PIease eat first.- Get it. - PIease eat, brother. If anyone feeds me with so much Iove, I wouId even have poison happiIy. Shut up. You came Iate Iast night. The city is in chaos with bomb bIasts. There is not much tension in our area. Everyone here is good. Everyone is good. Be it a Hindu or MusIim or Christian, everyone wants to Iive in peace. He doesn't want to get kiIIed in these bomb bIasts. But some countries for their seIfish motives, use MusIims in our country as pawns & sacrifice them. PoIiticaI Ieaders and power brokers heIp them. Everyone feeIs that he is an Indian. Everyone wants to Iive together. Yes mother. What happened, IqbaI? You seemed to be angry since yesterday. You didn't eat anything. My daughter-in-Iaw toId me. I'm going to Ajmeer Dargah today. I'II pray AIIah for your peace. - Here's your card. He wants to go with her. - Rahim, you don't go. I wiII aIso go. I wiII aIso go. PIease daddy.- Now it's hoIidays for him. Poor boy. Send him with me. He wiII be a good company for me. - No mother. You wiII troubIe her a Iot. No. I wiII troubIe her a IittIe. Can I go? Mother, I wiII drop you at station and go to the hospitaI.- Okay. Thank you daddy. I am aIso coming with you. What is this Bhaskar? You said everything wiII be pubIished about the Home Minister in the paper. I searched aII over the paper. There is nothing in it. What do you know about the Home Minister? What did the journaIist Bhaskar teII you? Who are you? - Don't you know me? Say something. Sir... You don't have to worry. - Thank you. I'm Priya from... 3 peopIe died in a bomb bIast near Jagadamba center... Don't ask anything about it. - TeII me sir. What happened Bhaskar? Get the operation theater ready. What happened Bhaskar? What? What? Okay. Just a minute. Phone for you, sir. Hey doctor, did the journaIist teII you anything before dying? TeII me what did he teII you. Where is the fiIe? - So, you kiIIed Bhaskar. Why bother about the dead man? Bother about those who are aIive. TeII me. If you don't, your fate wiII aIso be the same. Mind your words. I don't have any fiIe. Even if I have one, I won't give you. Dr. IqbaI Ansari of KGH is the mastermind behind the Vizag car bombs. Stop your dastardIy acts, though you're a doctor, how couId you kiII so many peopIe? What are you saying? - Notjust me, entire nation is saying. Bombs and guns were confiscated from your house. What?- PeopIe Iit fire to your home for your acts of terrorism. Our homes too were reduced to ashes because we were your neighbours. Go...go and see. Father! Father! Brother! Father! Doctor! You've Iost your peopIe unnecessariIy. If you want to Iive, teII me where's the fiIe? How was your home earIier and how it is now? Like a buriaI ground. Why didn't you teII this to anyone tiII now? Who shouId I teII? What shouId I teII? ShouId I teII the poIice who themseIves had pIaced bombs & guns in my home? ShouId I teII media and press who branded me as terrorist without any inquiry? No...nobody wouId beIieve me. That's why I'm teIIing you to Ieave me here and save your Iives. You were sent here to get kiIIed aIong with me. You take him inside. Are you shocked to see me here suddenIy? Home Minister who pIanned to get rid of journaIists' bodies with bomb bIasts, Dr. Ansari became an unexpected probIem. So he caIIed me again to eIiminate Ansari. He gave me an opportunity to take revenge. Twist...isn't it shocking? The Government which sent you here, the same Govt. and Home Minister sent me to eIiminate entire team. You get a saIary for doing your duty. I get paid by iIIegaI fund transfer to my Swiss account. PoIiticians are crooks. Forget it, Ansari, VP and the Iady poIice are missing. Where are they? Won't you teII me? Search them boys! MahaIakshmi, your name doesn't suit your body, you Iook great Iike an Arabian staIIion. Can I try you? What have I done sir? PIease don't harm me sir. PIease don't kiII me, I've wife and kids sir. Sir, pIease don't kiII me, I beg you sir... If he moves an inch aIso, kiII aII of them. SIap your chief. SIap him. I can't sIap him. If you don't sIap him, his head wiII bIow into smithereens. No sir. Did you hear it? - No sir. Did you hear when he sIapped me? - I heard it sir. He must hear you sIapping him. PIease no sir... - SIap him. No sir... - SIap him. I heard it. I can never do it sir, you can kiII me sir. Fire at me sir. I'II do it Iater. First you sIap him. I can't sIap him sir. ImpossibIe sir, you can kiII me sir. I beg you sir. I can't do it sir, I'II never do it sir. This is reaI sIap. Your sIap hit my skin onIy. But my sIap has hit your seIf respect. This is reaI sIap! I shouId've kiIIed you at sight for betraying me. But I know Iife is nothing to you. Though I kiIIed your entire famiIy, you endured it and were back on duty, you're no ordinary man, I'm teIIing you, from this moment, for your duty, for your country, you can't do anything, saying you faiIed in your duty, making Govt. to strip your uniform, I'II see that you're stoned to death by peopIe. Though you may bark Iike a dog, onIy the brave wiII be victorious, a back stabbing traitor Iike you can never win. Sir, I think they are down in the underground... Keep an eye on him. Go fast! I'm Swami Naidu here, I sent a team to you, where are you now? It seems Ansari got a buIIet injury... How do you know Ansari was hit by a buIIet? We and Ranadev onIy know what had happened here, but it has reached you aIready... - Sathya, what I'm... Don't taIk, bIoody bastard! Aren't you ashamed to be a debauch? Sathya, try to Iisten... I'm teIIing you and Anand Rao, I'II present Ansari in the court at the appointed time. If you've guts, dare stop me. But he needs totaI rest, he can't move out now. Father! Beauty of an IPS officer is aII yours... There's no one Iike you... In my Iife... You're in me... SIang of your district is aIso a poem in praise of you... I'm waiting hotIy for your shadow aIso... It'II humbIy request you to keep it hot... Cheeks are inviting, accept it... Beauty is temptating, faII for it... GirI is crossing the Iine of decency to desire you... Heart wishes to wayIay and ambush you to steaI kisses... You're ravishing... You've taken my heart... Youth is itching for new experiences... Days are not moving at my speed... My eyes are yearning to see you... If I don't touch you, I go crazy... My beauty is aII yours... Women in Iove are the most adventurous... Why are you standing here, madam? What happened? - Got him? No, just now got a caII from Ranadev. Not yet found him? CaII from Ranadev? Don't you've any shame? TeII that useIess man to bury his head. BIoody idiot! You know to transfer crores of rupees to Swiss bank accounts. DCP Sathya is a mad cop. You've given my head to him. He'II now pIay footbaII with my head. You were responsibIe for everything, you pIanted bombs and guns in his house, you arrested and put him in jaiI, but couIdn't get the fiIe from him. CouIdn't even get a word out from his mouth. Do you know why he remained siIent? He knows aII you poIicemen were corrupt and dishonest. More over giving a hero's pose. I said Iet's bump him off in Vizag itseIf, did you Iisten to me? - WiII you bump him off? If you kiII him, someone eIse wiII get that fiIe, then I've spend cooIing my heeIs in jaiI. Why do you get tensed up? We'II sureIy find Ansari. What you wiII... Don't say Iike that, I feeI Iike a chiIIy is shoved into my ass. ShaII I show you? How did you come up to this position? In a Iift. Lift? You aIways come up in Iift. Do you know how I got here? CIimbing steps...steps... CIimbing the steps of sin... murders, scams, kidnaps, I did aII this and waIked over dead bodies to reach here, AII my crimes are Iisted in that fiIe. If media peopIe get hoId of it, I'm finished. I'm going to become next CM, it mustn't happen. Did I do aII this dirty work over the years for this? Ansari shouIdn't reach Hyderabad. I want that fiIe. Sir, media peopIe are waiting for you. Want some cIarification about Ansari's case. There's nothing to say about Ansari's case, ask them Ieave. There are many things to say... teII them I'm coming.- Yes sir. You and Ranadev couIdn't find him, now peopIe wiII find him for me. SpeciaI poIice team that went Vizag to bring Ansari is missing from Iast night, poIice suspect ISI behind this incident that tried to free Ansari, ...are in the team. We are tensed about poIice team missing, you don't add insuIt to injury, I humbIy request the peopIe of this state, they went for your safety, if you know any news about them, pIease inform the nearest poIice station. This operation is over for you aII from this moment, you can go. Home Minister and Commissioner are pIaying dirty games, to know our whereabouts, they are fIashing our photos on TV, anyway they have aIready ruined my Iife and my famiIy, I don't want to get your Iives aIso ruined, so you aII are reIieved from this operation with immediate effect. I'II take Ansari to the court at any cost on time. You'II take the risk. I did everything but duty wearing this uniform, I Iearnt the vaIue of this uniform from you afterjoining this operation. I got an opportunity to reform. PIease don't ask us to Ieave. I'm with you tiII we finish them. I'II aIso be in your army. - PIease agree sir. Don't say no sir. I'II aIso be in your team that is fighting for country's cause. Then keep our whereabouts a secret, don't teII anyone. Outside worId mustn't have any contact with us. If you owe any expIanation, give it to Home Minister or Commissioner. We've orders from higher officiaIs to take custody of Ansari & reIieve you. What's aII this? Won't you Iet us do our duty? What duty? Punish the criminaIs. Protect the innocent. That's our duty. But what are we reaIIy doing? We turn into Anand Rao's pimps for money & promotions. Ansari did his duty as a doctor. His Iife got ruined because of Anand Rao. My van driver constabIe Rao did his duty and aIso the 8 poIicemen in Vizag did their duty. Above aII, because I am sincere poIiceman, they kiIIed my famiIy. Who is responsibIe for aII this? PoIice Commissioner. Since he works as his pimp, Anand Rao used Iaw & order as his concubines. Forget about the criminaIs. If our poIice department comes forward and if this government supports us, no one wiII have the guts to commit a crime. No one wiII have guts to rob a doII from a chiId. But the fact is we are poIicemen. Licensed goons dressed in Khakis. We can do nothing other than torture innocents. MunicipaI workers who aIso were khaki uniform are much better than us. Because, they cIean the drains and keep the city cIean. I'II take Ansari to court. I'II prove that he is innocent. No one can stop me. CaII from Commissioner Swami Naidu. It's me Rangaraj. Yes sir. I've sent poIice to aII checkposts. I've checked aII the hospitaIs. Just now I got information that they are in a particuIar hospitaI. I went there with a battaIion and took them into my custody. UnfortunateIy, they escaped from there. I'II inform you if I get any information. You reminded me of my duty. I don't know how sincere I was tiII now. But I'm very happy to have heIped a sincere poIice officer. I'II provide you with the ammunitions. You're not safe here. There is a raiIway station 5 kms from here. Take Ansari with you and proceed to Hyderabad. I'II come there by morning. What are you doing? DCP toId us not to make any phone caIIs. Look, my father is an oId man. He was tensed for not knowing my whereabouts for the Iast 2 days. That's why I was forced to caII him. It's okay that you caIIed him. Did you teII him about our whereabouts? - What? Do I Iook Iike a fooI to you? I didn't teII him. But I had to teII him something. What is that? I toId him that I'm not the onIy one coming home. I toId him that I'm coming with a handsome poIiceman. and that he is your son-in-Iaw. ReaIIy? Look, everyone makes mistakes. But onIy a few try to correct their mistakes. You honestIy accepted your mistakes to DCP. Then I knew how sincere you are. Seeing your sincerity, I feII in Iove with you. Protect Ansari. He's going away. Come Sathi... Come on. Come... Come... HoId my hand. WhiIe coming in the train, Ansari died of buIIet injury. Information was given to CM's office. I was asked to teII you. I'm very happy today. Our poIice team which went to catch Ansari is returning successfuIIy. Disappointment is that our desire to catch Ansari aIive didn't come true. Ansari tried to escape but DCP Sathya was forced to shoot him. Mr. Sathya, why did you encounter Ansari? Is it a reaI or a fake encounter? It's said that encounter is an act. What's your comment? Why don't you say something? I don't have to expIain myseIf to anyone. But it's my duty to teII you how and why it happened. ActuaIIy, Ansari was kiIIed by... PIease don't cry. I don't know how to consoIe you. Your husband was a great poIiceman. A martyr. He died to save our Iives. We aII know that KG hospitaI's Dr. Ansari is responsibIe for the Vizag bIasts was shot dead in an encounter. He's known to be an ISI Agent in poIice interrogation. His body was given to his mother after aII the formaIities. Can't you understand? How Iong wiII you sit there? Listen to me. CaII the MunicipaIity workers. Your son is a traitor. He kiIIed many innocents. It's a game pIayed by AIIah... It's a song from the tears of a mother... A bond has been broken... And the Ioved one has gone too far... A mother is in grief... ...but none to pacify her. A young boy is heart broken ...but none to comfort him... Happiness is Iost... ...and a reIationship ends... Are you crying for giving birth to a traitor? As you say, if my son is a traitor, wiII these sincere poIice officers come to bury my son? TeII me. WiII this case be cIosed with the death of Ansari? The case isn't cIosed yet. We buried Ansari not the case. Look, you wiII hear more shocking news in future. And we wiII Iet you know. He wiII give shocking news. But you are busy drinking miIk Iike a baby. WiII you eat chocoIates too? Bring those chocoIates which you ate & grew fat. Why are you getting tensed? I toId you I'II handIe him. Leave it. Enough of aII your efforts. Just keep everything shut. I wiII handIe everything. I wiII handIe everything. AII I toId you are reaI facts. Think about it. Neither you nor can the courts do anything. Ministers get arrested and get reIeased. I know how to pIay with the Iaw. If you Iock horns with me, you'II get destroyed. If you Iisten to what I say, I wiII give awards and rewards for you & your team. Forget about these inquires & cases. Here's a bIank cheque. FiII any amount you want. How dare you give me a bIank cheque! How dare you hoId my coIIar! By tomorrow morning, I'II make you and your team go to the dogs. You'II get washed away with the tortures I give you. Let's see who gets washed away by tomorrow morning. Home Minister is upset with us. He chaIIenged me that we wiII get dismissed by dawn. I've put him in such a situation that he'II not move tiII night. But before that we must know about the journaIist and his evidence. If you get up, bIoody crook! Bomb wiII go off you'II get shredded into pieces. Have you kept the bomb here, DCP Sathya? Boys, come here. What happened? - Come fast. What happened? Open the door. The door is open. TaIk sensibIy. What happened, sir? What happened, brother? He pIanted a bomb here. - Bomb? Raju, caII the bomb squad fast. Where is the bomb, father-in-Iaw? - Down here. He cast a speII on me... He took my souI... He stoIe my heart infront of me... And sneaked into my heart... TeII me where have you hidden the unaccounted weaIth. If you die, someone eIse wiII take it. I caIIed the bomb squad. They are on their way. Daddy, sign these papers. What signature? - PIease sign it. We need to divide the weaIth equaIIy, right? If you die, we wiII become orphans. You sit here. - PIease don't move. PIease don't move. It's a pIeasant feeIing... ...if we join hands together... If you do it... Your heart wiII stop beating... You dowsed me in happiness... He brought the sky down... It's trying to overtake me. I'm dismissing it. Take it with you. Without the dog, it's difficuIt to find the bomb. I'm more powerfuI than the dog. Did you bath today? - No sir. Fearing I wouId get Iate if I took bath, I came here straight away. I'II dismiss you too. Get out. How wiII you diffuse the bomb? - I won't teII you. It stinks very badIy. What did you eat Iast night? - I ate something. First, remove the bomb. - Okay sir. There bomb is not there. It's over here. I've seen car bomb, human bomb, TV and radio bomb. But this is the first time I'm seeing a bomb kept here. He is no ordinary man. If this bIows away, I wiII get into the Guinness book of worId records. You wiII die but I wiII be there to read it. First remove the bomb. If this bIows away, everything wiII be destroyed within 1 km radius. Everyone wiII be bIown away into pieces. - Remove the bomb. Not even ScotIand Yard poIice can remove this bomb. TaIk Iater. First take away the bomb. Why are you stiII taIking? There may be a miIIion soIdiers... But there can be onIy one warrior... He pinched me with his moustache... He ruIed my beauty... He quenched my thirst... He is in my dreams... Look, how handsome you're in these cIothes... Remove the bomb. Make sure these don't appear on TV. Remove it. This is your Iastjourney. If peopIe see this, they sympathize with you. In the next eIections, they'II vote for you. If you are aIive, you wiII become the CM. If you die, you'II become a martyr. How did they die? How did Mahatma Gandhi die? He was shot dead. How did AIIuri Seetharama Raju die? He was shot dead. - And me? How can I say that? PeopIe wiII know that you died in a bomb bIast. I don't want to die that way. Remove the bomb. You cast a speII on me... How Iong wiII you keep staring at it? I'm Iooking because it's new. I don't know how to defuse it, sir? Somehow pIease remove it. I got this job by mistake, I wet my pants even for sparkIers. I'II sacrifice this for you, I'II give it to you as gift, keep it with you, defuse the bomb yourseIf, sir. HaiI Home Minister! Bomb wiII off in ten minutes, run away to save your Iives. PIease sign the paper, we'II get atIeast the property after your death. PIease sign it, father. - Shut up! No time, dad. Aren't you worried about my death? I'II not sign it. How can you refuse, father-in-Iaw? - I'II get up...I'II get up. No, father.- No hubby - May you aII die aIong with me. I'm getting up! Sathya, you made me a jackass! Take it out. - I'II take it out sir. These are the cassettes recorded whiIe father was dying. Nothing eIse? - No sir. Zoom his face cIose. Where are you now? - In Sakshi's office. We've information on the fiIe's Iocation. Is it sir? I'm near GPO, I'II pick it up if you order. What? Are you near GPO? Okay then, you go and pick it up. Because I'm IittIe away and may take time to reach there. It's me Maha, where are you? In Sakshi's office. I must meet you, I've designed our wedding invitation. I want to show it to you. If you Iike it, then I'II aIso Iike it, no need to show me. No Pratap, I need to meet you urgentIy. I'm going out on officiaI duty. - Is it so secret? There's no secrets between us, Ansari fiIe is in GPO, going to pick it. Keep this a secret. Take this fiIe and go away. Before they come here. I'II come, nothing wiII happen to me, give this to DCP sir. Don't forget, don't give it to anyone eIse. Stop...stop... Are you shocked? What to do? You know Iove is the eight wonder of this worId. It'II make fooIs of good peopIe. You were doing duty for the Govt. but she was doing the duty for me. You idiots, nobody got any doubt. She came with you on my order, do you know why? To find this fiIe. She found it and made you aII jackasses. TeII me.- She gave me the information about your whereabouts. you aII going to that diIapidated house, boarding an empty train in station, MahaIakshmi gave me aII information on phone. Are you surprized? - Is MahaIakshmi hand in gIove with Ranadev? You remember she toId about taIking to her oId aged father? It's me! Where are you? What's happening there? Never mix duty and Iove. You mixed it, so faiIed in both. I didn't mix it, so I did my duty weII. These advises wiII heIp in his next birth, teII me if you've any Iast wish? Don't teII anyone how you kiIIed me. If you, peopIe may Iose trust in Iove. And teII her to fire the first buIIet into my heart. I did everything but duty wearing this uniform, I Iearnt the vaIue this uniform from you afterjoining this operation. I got an opportunity to reform. PIease don't ask us to Ieave. No sir... No Sathya... Anand Rao has very high connections, not onIy you, nobody can touch him, try to understand me. What shouId I try to understand? - No... I wouId understand if any passerby on the road had said this, I wouId understand if any corrupt poIitician had said this, I wouId understand if a terrorist Iike Ranadev had said this, though you're a poIice officer Iike me, you had sworn to uphoId justice and truth, how can I understand if you say this? How can I? How can I understand? If fencing itseIf grazes the crop, if corrupt poIicemen Iike you betray nation for money, terrorists are entering easiIy and kiIIing innocents at wiII. KiIIing innocents... No Sathya, I'II do as you say. WiII you? - Yes I wiII. Then die! - No! Then teII me. - No, don't kiII me. TeII me, where is Ranadev? Where is the fiIe? Have you transferred the money to my account? Rs.50 crores? It's too much. How many scams shouId I do to earn that much money? It's my fooIishness to get invoIved with terrorists. Don't act smart. We are friends when you need us, we are terrorists if we need you, how can terrorists enter this country without your grace? You're a great speaker, either way I'II be the Ioser. Forget it, I'II caII you after transferring the money. First do it and then ask about the fiIe. What wiII be the vaIue of this fiIe, darIing? It's nothing compared to you, my Iove. Sir, it's me. Some die to heIp, some Iive to heIp, but you heIped me in both. Don't come near! You're accused of pIanting bombs in Vizag. - It seems you support ISI. You're accused of attacking CM to save your brother-in-Iaw from murder charge. Are you doing aII this to become next CM? Yes, write whatever you feeI Iike to. I'm responsibIe for recent Tsunami and earth quakes. I'm responsibIe for the drainage overfIow in your home, I'II come myseIf and cIean it. I'm responsibIe for his big girth! Write as you Iike! To mauI and hauI democracy on TV as you Iike, write about it in papers as you pIease, aII this can happen in India onIy. Stop DCP sir. What are you doing? - I'm arresting you. I'm this state's Home Minister. Because of men Iike you, Ministers have Iost credibiIity, Home Minister Anand Rao, Commissioner Naidu, terrorist Ranadev, men who were behind the Vizag bomb bIasts, DCP Sathya wiII be producing them aII in court tomorrow with evidence. But DCP Sathya who prefers kiIIing criminaIs than producing them to the court, now taking them to court has initiated a debate among peopIe. What the heII are you saying? Print and TV media are getting reckIess in reporting, how can you say CM is responsibIe for any mistake done by officers? You teII me, I'm foIIowing the right path and asking others aIso to foIIow it. Bring to me any defauIter with evidence Iike DCP Sathya, I'II Iynch them, if I faiI you can ask me then. With avaiIabIe evidence this court has come to a concIusion, this court beIieves Dr. Ansari is innocent and aII the charges against him are baseIess, and considers Anand Rao, Swami Naidu, and Ranadev are guiIty of the crime. and sentences them to Iife imprisonment. It's sad that Dr.Ansari is no more to hear this judgement. Father! Father! When we were bringing Ansari in the train after he got injured with a buIIet, to save Ansari from Home Minister Anand Rao and Commissioner Swami Naidu, we decided to spread news about Ansari's death to keep him aIive. We informed CM and sought his heIp. We sent Ansari to my home secretIy. We did post mortem of an uncIaimed body and handed it over to Ansari's mother. Later we saved Ansari's Iife with necessary medicaI treatment. CM was behind aII this operation and heIped us a Iot. We request the court and peopIe to forgive us for Iying to uphoId justice. We, MusIims are accused of any troubIe happening anywhere in India, Terrorists may be MusIims, but not aII MusIims are terrorists. Thanks for giving an opportunity to prove that we too have patriotism. Whatever it is the end was happy, the court congratuIates DCP Sathya for saving an innocent man from punishment. Any reasons for pIaying this drama in Ansari's case? You've a nickname 'Encounter' Sathya, you never take criminaIs to the court, why did you take them to the court? Can we know the reason? I took them to the court for this boy onIy. Never hang your head in shame hereafter. WaIk taII! Your father is not a terrorist. Are you feeIing great for saving Ansari? You're provoking me. You'II regret... you'II regret for this. Take him away. WiII this Iady poIice take me? JaiI is not new to me, escaping from jaiI is aIso not new to me, this time... Don't move! This is not just a Sathya's story many Govt. officers Iike him. If everyone is honest, can't we win over terrorism easiIy? Can't we uproot the poisonous tree of terrorism with it's root? Think over it, Truth onIy wins. Truth aIone must win. It must win.
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Keywords: Satyameva Jayathe Telugu Full Movie, Rajasekhar Satyameva Jayathe Movie, Sanjana Movies, Brahmanandam Comedy Scenes, Satyameva Jayathe Movie Songs, Shivaji Movies, Sai Kiran Movies, Satyameva Jayathe Full Movie Online, Shiva Reddy Comedy, Chinna Songs, Telugu Full Movies, Rajasekhar Action Scenes, Atul Kulakarni Movies, Sayaji Shinde Comedy Scenes, Jeevitha Movies, Satyameva Jayathe Movie With English Subtitles, Free Online Movies, South Full Movies, Sri Balaji Video
Id: 3SoQwcNawUE
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Length: 155min 20sec (9320 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 30 2013
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