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hi I'm dr. ken berry a family physician with 20 years of clinical experience and I'm going to give you some information in this live video that is going to blow your mind that's going to freak you out and it's also going to free you from your fear of saturated fat now I know for the last 50 or 60 or 70 years we've been told that saturated fat is bad for us first of all we were told you shouldn't eat any saturated fat any saturated fats bad for you right and they were telling well you know you just need to limit saturated fat because it too much of it is bad for you and then the American Academy of Cardiology stopped recommending a minimum intake of cholesterol because they well knew that eating cholesterol does not raise your cholesterol and now they have an article that has been accepted by the Journal of the American College of Cardiology that's in the pre proof stage it just has to be gone over again for typos and it will be published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology and it is a state of the art review about saturated fat intake and the dangers or the lack of danger in eating any amount of saturated fat and that's what this live video is about now I want you to if you have questions about this ask me your questions in the comments I'm going to be watching the comments but they go by very quickly so if I have an answer to your question in the minitor to type your question in again so first I want to tell you about the politics behind this so let me tell you about the article and the journal that's going to be published in and then I will tell you about some other studies that have been around for decades that were basically ignored that showed that replaced animal fats with plant vegetable oil fats is bad for you and causes more heart attacks and more cancer and earlier death that they ignored for what's what's a hundred and twenty minus sixty five that that's how many years they've been ignoring this research but this group of authors did this state-of-the-art review and they have this is going to be published in the ACC journal coming up and this is a huge breakthrough for anyone who is either eating a low-carb diet a keto diet or a carnivore diet or is contemplating eating low carb keto or carnivore and you were worried that it might increase your risk of heart attack or stroke or that it might raise your cholesterol or make you have a higher risk of having heart disease if that's the reason that you weren't doing keto then you need to listen to this life this is gonna this is going to break the chains of cholesterol of saturated fat of the fear that if you eat what I call the proper human diet you might be healthier to look healthier but you're gonna have a heart attack how many times have you heard that on social media or from your mama now if you are watching this right now please help me spread this good news by sharing this video okay you can if you're on Facebook you can start at one party you can tie people's names in and tag them you can in Fri invite friends to watch with you on YouTube you can share this video to any other social media and share this while this is live this will be available on Facebook and YouTube in perpetuity and I've got links to all the research on my Facebook page and on my youtube channel so if you're watching from Instagram I couldn't post the links for you guys but they are on my Facebook page and they are on my youtube channel so if you're not if you're not subscribed or following all three of those you never know where I'm going to get lives you ought to follow me on all three so that when I have a broad idea or when I come out with breaking research like this you'll be one of the very first people to know so first of all the American College of Cardiology is good buddies with the American Heart Association they're actually kind of the two sides of the same coin and the American College of Cardiology and their journals is more for medical practitioners and the American Heart Association is supposed to translate their message to the general public and to raise money that's a chaste main reason for existence but they're also supposed to help the general public understand what a heart-healthy diet is and for the last 50 or 60 years they've been doing a terrible job at that but I think that enough people who are eating keto and low carb and carnivore have shared their health transformation story with their doctor and their health care provider and their cardiologist and their inner cannula gist think of nothing you guys have done that then it has trickled up to the top and the powers that be at the ACC realize that the advice that they've been giving is stupid and not only stupid but it's harmful they've been harming people and so the the AAA and the ACCC are very much a plant-based organization I want you understand that they believe in their heart of hearts in their their their religious fervent honest heart that a plant-based diet is the healthiest diet that's what they believe but they don't make it true right so there's all this research that's been out there that's either been just not published or has been actively suppressed for decades showing that when you replace the saturated fat from animal fats with the polyunsaturated fats from vegetable oils people uniformly do worse they have more heart attacks they have more cancer they get sicker quicker and they die quicker yeah there's actual and now let me I'm going to tell you about those studies in a minute you're going to be blown away because you've heard so many people say well there's just no research back up Kido or carnivore or low-carb that it's safe if you know I mean yeah you might lose way to reverse your diabetes and reverse your fatty liver but you're going to die of a heart attack so that's bogus that's not true the fact that this plant based organization the ACC whose first cousin kissing first cousins with the aah a the fact that they allowed this to be published means that they know they know beyond a shadow of a doubt or they would have never allowed this to be published so that's number one they know that keto is right they know the low carb is right they know that animal fats do not increase your risk of heart attack stroke or a cancer or any other dumb crap that we're told that it increases your risk up otherwise they would have never allowed this to be published you have to understand that number one number two this is a huge backtrack for them if they've been right for all these decades they would have laughed at somebody who presented this paper unless they knew they were wrong so this is not a formal apology from the ACC or the eh-eh-eh but it is one step in that direction and I think you'll quickly see by hanging out with me on this life that this is the first domino first major domino to fall in which is going to lead to all the other dominoes falling from saying that animal meat is bad for you animal fats are bad for you that that high cholesterol is bad for you that you that that even high LDL is bad for you that you should take a statin or other cholesterol-lowering drug all of those dominoes are about to fall and I can predict that because the ACC allowed this paper to be published in theirs their prestigious heart journal think about the politics of that ten years ago if these same authors had brought the same information to the ACC they would have laughed them out of the room like you're an idiot if you think that ACC is going to publish this I don't care what the research says we'll never publish that the fact that they're going to publish this in their journal is a huge win for the low-carb keto our community it's also a huge blow for the vegan community and for the plant-based eat land set for all those guys who want you to eat a plant-based diet this is a huge blow to their argument because basically the ACCC is admitting there's no minimum or maximum amount of saturated fat that we can recommend that's either healthy or not healthy so this is a huge deal now you guys watching tell me tell me where you're watching from I want to see how how big the reach is would see hear you in what state what country tell me him to come in so let me see where you're at so I can know how to title this to you so unexpected hilarity said what about avocado oil coconut oil and olive oil great question so those are first of all not vegetable seed oils those are fruit seed oils all three of those are a fruit and so I don't have any problem with the fruit seed oils I think that avocado oil coconut oil and olive oil are fine I think you can eat probably as much of those as you want and you have to worry about anything they're definitely not going to increase your risk of heart attack and stroke and indeed you remember that a check came out with a position paper about a year year and a half ago saying that coconut oil was the devil because it was full of saturated fat and now they're kissing cousin the ACC has come out and allowed this paper to be published it says yeah no there's no minimum there's no minimum like cutoff level o if you eat more saturated fat than this it's dangerous there is no level that they can talk about because there is no science that proves that position so and a good question Sharon says do you think cardiologists will give credit to this research this this the ACC Journal is the preeminent cardiology heart journal in the world so if they don't listen to this then they're living in fairytale land they they are basically admitting to themselves and indirectly to their patients I believe what I believe and I don't give a damn what the research says I believe what I believe and you're gonna do it I said at that point how good of a doctor are you really about that you need healthcare providers watching you need to get a copy of this article so the article is behind the paywall and it's because only members of the ACCC have access to the full-text I paid 35 bucks and got this thanks to my Facebook supporters and patrons on patreon calm this is the kind of stuff that I use that money for I got the full paper so I was able to read it all look at the citations so yeah and so every health care provider listening you owe it to your patients if you're not a member of the ACCC you owe it to your patients to pay 35 bucks and get the PDF of this article read this article and realize that if the ACCC allowed this to be published in their journal tides attorney the paradigm is shifting they they are admitting that a high-fat diet is not dangerous they are admitting that there is no maximum level of safe intake for saturated fats that's a huge deal and you need to understand that now let me go through the other research that really matters and so any of you guys follow me much you know that the strongest research of all is a randomized control trial in human beings that goes on for some period of time right you don't want a study that has four people in it you want to study with a lot of people you don't want to study that Gilbert they only last for seven or ten days you want to study that last four months if not years let me tell you about three studies that were done that were either not published at all or that were published in some obscure journal in Norway that nobody granted and and therefore they could claim oh I'm being ethical here I published my results but these studies should have been published by the American College of Cardiology but were not so the first study was done in 1965 and some of you may be thinking oh that's oh that's antique that probably was not even done right no no no that's back was when scientists and researchers actually did research properly that's when that was so back in 1965 there was a study called the corn oil in treatment of ischemic heart disease it was a two year long study very long it was done on thousands of people and it was a randomized controlled trial oh wait I thought people said you can never do a randomized controlled trial about diet that's what Walter Willett says at the Harvard School of Public Health well back in 1965 they did it and they did a great job and I've got a link to that article on my Facebook page and YouTube channel and they found that when you replace the animal saturated fat that you find in egg yolks butter fatty meat and full-fat dairy when you replace that with margarine and corn oil people have more heart attacks and they have a higher rate of cancer and they die sooner this was a two-year long randomized control trial in human beings and it showed without a doubt the corn oil is much more dangerous than the saturated fatty acids in animal fats that's number one then along comes the Sydney diet heart study done in Sydney Australia it was done in 1967 two years later back when scientists did science properly this is also randomized control trial this was also done in humans it lasted for eight years so yes there is an eight year long randomized control trial study in human beings not in rats rabbits or spider monkeys in humans that shows that when you replace the saturated fat found in animal fat products like butter egg yolks ghee fatty meat with a vegetable oil rich in the linoleic acid you actually increase the risk of heart attack you actually increase the plaquing in their heart arteries you know the plaque buildup that actually is worse with vegetable oil they have an increased risk of cancer and that they die sooner eight-year long study but it was never talked about it was never published me read journal anything because back then was when they were really in love with the lipid heart hypothesis that saturated fat caused high cholesterol and that caused heart attacks and that was the end of the story that's what everybody believed okay so that's what you got to understand is that these studies have been done just nobody knows about him because they hid them when one of these studies was found in a retired professors basement on the magnetic film from the old big room sized computers and he just put in his basement and forgot about it because it did not support Ancel keys hypothesis it did not support the limpid heart hypothesis of heart disease so he knew that if he published it he would be ruined as a scientist he wouldn't get any more research money he definitely wouldn't get any grant money from big food or big pharma because they want to sell pills and junk food they don't want people to know the truth about science then the third study was done in 1969 the Minnesota coronary experiment this was also a randomized control trial in human beings was not done in fruit flies or penguins it was actually done in humans and he was randomized and controlled and it was a five year long state that had hundreds and hundreds of participants and they found that when you replace the saturated fats found in animal fats like butter eggs bacon ghee and things like that with vegetable oil guess what they found you want to guess people have more heart attacks they had more heart clacking they died sooner and they had a higher rate of cancer so I've got links to all three of these studies that were randomized controlled trials in human beings that had a huge participant number and lasted for the min of the the the shortest one was two years long I've got links on my Facebook page and on my youtube channel so don't ever again let anybody tell you that there's no proof that Kido will kill you yeah we got the proof we've had the proof since 1965 animal fats are good for human beings vegetable oils are bad for human beings or you could say they're less good than animal fats these studies pretty much wrap that o up and put a bow on it and send it to you for your birthday okay and now this study in the ACC journal that has about ten authors some of the names you would know like Geoff Bullock saturated fats and health reassessment and proposal for food based recommendations so instead of just picking out one little micro or macro nutrient like saturated fat and vilifying it let's look at the entire food so let's not talk about saturated fat let's talk about butter and its health benefits because most of the foods that your doctor or your dietician or your other health care provider say well that's a fat that's bad for you that's that's a very childish thing today to say that's very sophomoric let's take butter for example so yeah butter has saturated fat in it I'm glad it does but butter also is a multivitamin and a multi mineral if it's a pastured Cal that gave you the milk that produced that that note fat that butter that is like taking a multivitamin when you eat that it has a plethora of healthy fatty acids in it it has lots of minerals it has lots of vitamins hugely hugely healthy food same goes for fatty ground beef oh well that's just a protein some people would say because it's me other people would say oh that's a fat because it's the fatty you got 70/30 that's fat that's bad for you no that is a literal superfood full of every amino acid you need for optimal health full of every fatty acid you need for optimal health and full of vitamins and minerals that you cannot get from any plant on the planet that's what ground beef 70/30 ground beef is so whoa bacon bacon is the devil he ask anybody they'll tell you right Bacon's the devil so what is bacon bacon is fat in protein it's fatty meat and and lean meat in strips and if this is a pastured Pig that is going to have every essential amino acid you need for optimal health it's going to have every fatty acid you need for optimal health and it's going to have a multivitamins worth of vitamins and minerals if it's a pasture Pig so where where's the danger why am I gonna die have a heart attack if I eat keto tell me again because I missed your point so the entire reason that your doctor or your dietician or your mama tells you oh I heard bad things about keto you better not eat keto you'll have a heart attack well there's only one Pig they were hanging their coat oh it was it was full of saturated fat and this review and this is not new research this is basically just an honest review of existing research that's what this is these guys didn't do any research so if every single one of these guys is funded by big meat that's irrelevant because they didn't do new research they talked about old research that had been ignored up until the present kind of like these three randomized control trials and one of these trials was double blinded the ultimate ultimate scientific study a randomized controlled double-blind study okay so even if the researchers of the Minnesota corneria Institute they all had preconceived biases they thought plant-based was better they thought saturated fat from animals is back that's what they thought that you can go back and read their bio and if they admit that but when but the the randomized control part of this study protected the results from their bias and from their paradigm that's why when they crunch the data they had two choices either lie and change the data which they were honorable enough not to do and like some of the researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health in recent years that was option number one either don't just tell a big fat lie to support their they're bias or just don't publish and so they all three of these guys chose to either not publish their results or to publish it in some tiny Journal in Scandinavia in a foreign language so that nobody would ever read it except for the ten people who subscribe to that journal and that wouldn't matter because back then you didn't have the internet you didn't have social media you could publish something so in some obscure journal like that he would stay hidden forever but you would still publish your results and so that was considered ethical you did not hide your results you published them in the in the Scandinavian Journal of frog pathology that is in Swedish so nobody can read it except the ten people who subscribe see that see that trick it's still technically ethical because you publish your results but then one of the studies didn't even get published for years somebody had to discover it in a retired professors basement link actually his son discovered it the patent professor it passed away if you're finding this unbelievable I don't believe I don't blame you I wouldn't have believed this either ten years ago I didn't know back then what I know now so now you know the next time and I want everybody watching this I want you to print out the abstract of the ACCE article and then the links that I've got on my facebook page in my youtube channel those links are to the full-text of the articles from the only research done in 65 67 and 69 I want you to print all three of those out and I want you to just keep them in your purse keep them in your briefcase keep them in your glove box and when somebody says Kito will kill you I want you to just take them out and just hand them to him politely and say I keyed oh based on this randomised control research what are you talking about because the problem with nutrition science over the last twenty or thirty years is that everything has been based on observational research and a fella by the name of dr. Walter Willett who is there was the chairman of the nutrition at the Harvard School of Public Health he basically perfected the food frequency questionnaire and he may observational epidemiological research settle science he said no this is a state-of-the-art nutrition you could never do a randomized control trial you know on a nutritional issue so we have to do at the be me ology and we have to use food frequency questionnaire evidently dr. Willey never read the three studies that I've got links to down below I don't know maybe or maybe he did but that he just didn't liked their findings and so he elected not to consider them consciously so let's see that's a good intro let me take some questions here if you guys have a question asked him again in the in the comments I'm getting a lot of questions I'm gonna try to answer as many as I can Ginny says I think you mean a tightrope should run alternate Dietary Guidelines rather than wait for the USDA to do the right thing that's a great point Ginny I think the USDA is probably going to drag their feet because you know the USDA when they come up with guidelines like the food pyramid before they actually publish them they turn them over to the big food manufacturers and the big for me and they let them make corrections before they publish them did you know they did that yeah Nina talks about it in her book the big fat surprise I talked about it in my book lies my doctor told me on the in the chapter about the food pyramid they actually turned it over to the big food and big pharma farming and said hey you guys look over this make any changes you think we need to make and they did and they did it based on their profit motive and then they gave it back to the USDA and the US they had published it as official United States government policy and I know the adults out there saying well I don't follow the food pyramid or my plate I don't have to I'm grown I can do what I want and that's true but what happens to your child who's in preschool or kindergarten or school what happens if you have a relative who's in the Correctional Institute what happens if you have a relative who's in assisted living or a nursing home those in stitute are forced by law to feed every single person in under their control by the MyPlate guidelines if they don't do that they will lose their federal funding so yeah maybe you don't eat the MyPlate or the food pyramid but I guarantee you you've got a relative who has to what about people in the hospital what about people in short-term care facilities if those facilities get one penny of money from the federal government then they are mandated by law to follow the MyPlate guidelines so there these people are not getting the butter that would feed them and help their wounds to heal and help their brain to heal they're not getting the fatty meat that every human being on the planet needs and there's so yeah maybe you're not eating it but somebody is that you care about and they have no choice it's being forced on them by the federal government so I think Ginny makes an excellent point how long is it going to take before the USDA recognizes that they made a huge mistake and correct that mistake I don't know it probably depends on how vocal we are on social media on YouTube on Twitter and LinkedIn on Instagram how many times a day we tweet the USDA or we tag them in a Facebook post so that they know that we know because when they realize that enough of us know that they look like buffoons much like the ACCC they don't come around there's nothing like pointing out the ignorance of an intelligent man to making changes to don't forget that so before you think I'm just one person I don't have any power if you started tweeting the USDA a link to this article and these three articles every single day if thousands of people started doing that every single day I can't block all of us right how long do you think how do you think that would speed up the process because I bet it would because you would make them look like either evil or buffoons that's what you would make them look like when you retweet it enough sometimes and tens of thousands of people are tweeting them in retweeting they're gonna look like dummies and they don't like that they like to look like they're smart and in charge and I think that's why the ACCC decided to let this be published is because they know they've been wrong this is a this is a nice little man Cooper saying well maybe we were wrong about that but I still wouldn't hold my breath for the press conference where they admit on CNN at Fox News in the MSNBC that they were wrong and that they harmed people for 50 years recommending Crisco made of cottonseed oil that was their first idiotic recommendation because they got a big fat check then they recommend all the vegetable oils canola oil Donny coconut that will cause a heart attack it's got saturated fat that was what they did for how many decades I mean when are they gonna apologize for that because we've got three randomized control trials in humans here big studies then will in four years showing beyond a shadow of a doubt that if you replace the the healthy animal fats and a human beings diet with vegetable seed oils rich and linoleic acid you are doing harm to that human being these are three randomized control trials this is how you establish causation with an epidemiological study all you can show is a possible association these studies show causation they show that removing animal saturated fat and replacing it with vegetable seed oil fat does harm think about that these are the studies that we can prove causation from so is the current aah a recommendation the American Heart Association is there a recommendation to limit saturated fat in the diet is that endangering people's lives because these three randomized control trials in humans that went on for years they say that the American Heart Association is causing horror is endangering lives that's what these three studies say and that's what this state-of-the-art review say to suggest is that if you don't eat your your saturated fat you're harming yourself and if you recommend someone else not eat saturated fat you're causing them harm you're endangering their life because human beings have to have saturated fat that's a fact we've been eating as much fatty meat as we could get our hands on for 200,000 years as Homo sapiens sapiens which is what you are if you're watching this video unless you're a dog watching it with your master or with your pet however you want to look at that human beings need saturated fat we need the essential fatty acids found in the saturated fat from animal foods we meet that so I mean some people have even said there might be a class-action lawsuit against the American Heart Association for the harm that they've caused in the lives they didn't danger recommending a low-fat diet and recommending people avoid the nutrition found in fatty animal foods I don't know I'm not an attorney or a politician I just tell you what I see well it's it was a good question here chevrolet says a dog forces him to watch I figured somebody out there was like that what was that question man they're going so fast hang on you guys are welcome to share this video if your mama still thinks saturated fat is bad for you please share this video with your mama and I've never seen him go this fast I mean this is big news I know I can't even get them yeah okay good now Lynn says again what the heck okay Lynn penny says what about cholesterol numbers that's an excellent question Lynn and here's one we remember we were years back don't eat any extra cholesterol because that will make your cholesterol go up right then we were told well and so the American Heart Association stopped recommending a maximum intake of cholesterol because they realized that was idiotic you can't make your cholesterol go up by eating cholesterol it doesn't work that way so then they just they hung their hat on the peg of oh it's saturated fat that's that's what's bad for you saturated fatty acids and so they said you've got a limit saturated fat which means maybe two egg yolks a week maybe one piece of bacon a week don't eat fatty cuts of meat eat the lean cuts if you're eating chicken take the skin off all that advice was not based on a meaningful research in fact we got three randomized control trials right here then I've got links to on my Facebook and my youtube channel that you can print out yourself and show them to your mama or your doctor or your next-door neighbor and tell them to shut up about the saturated fat animal fats are good for human beings so now al in this this state-of-the-art review article right here this is the first domino to fall and so if eating cholesterol is not bad for us which they've already admitted now if eating saturated fat is not bad for us and evidently any amount they said there's no maximum level that would be considered dangerous well then it's cholesterol having high cholesterol is that really bad for us if you had that question I would refer you to my good friend David Feldman Dave Feldman he has a website called cholesterol in which on that website he goes into great detail about cholesterol and he actually got the data from the in Haines study and he's crunching that data and what he's finding is that the higher someone's total cholesterol is looks like they live longer it looks like they have less cancer and it looks like they have less all cause mortality which means they just don't die as often are soon as someone with a lower cholesterol so when you start looking at that then when were like okay maybe having our cholesterol was not really bad for us that's the next domino that's going to fall before long there will be a paper saying yeah you're high high total cholesterol really doesn't mean anything and actually they've been moving to that for a few years now they're trying to hang their hat on LDL cholesterol they call that the bad cholesterol and that's what you really gotta watch out for right problem is my good friend dr. David diamond a PhD researcher in Florida he's been working on this for years and he's got great videos on YouTube and he's got great blog posts he's written and he's given great speeches about the fact that taking a statin or a lipid lowering drug to lower your LDL is ridiculous it does not make any difference for the average person if they take their zoko or lipitor Crestor every day for 45 years it might help them live three days longer but I would opine that eating lots of fatty meat lots of animal saturated fat will help you live way longer than just two or three days so it's an excellent question Lee and I think that we're going to find out here in the near future that lowering your total cholesterol definitely does not have a health benefit whatsoever and then lastly we'll find out that lowering your LDL cholesterol which they call the bad cholesterol I call it the other good cholesterol I don't think there's any such thing as bad cholesterol we'll find that that really doesn't have a health benefit either and then all the big pharma companies that make billions of dollars selling you zocor lipitor Crestor they'll just find something else to make billions on and they'll stop selling you that crap that's what I predict yeah keto cricket says what about the impact of low fat and libido its absence of people reach out to us on social media and say when I started eating saturated animal fat again it's like a light switch got turned on I did everything better in the bedroom from sleeping to other things everything got better when I started eating a meat heavy keto diet or a car poor guy everything got better so yeah keto cricket I think that's a big deal guys thank you for the stars on Facebook and thank you for the super chats on on YouTube it means so much when you guys help us out let's see let me find hey nature loves its watching you guys follow my wife Misha Misha loves it you can find her on all social media go follow her let's see yeah there's lots of people here your sonda saundra sorry look at this less than a year on keto and I've lost 45 pounds please eat fat I don't eat sugar and I don't eat Briggs that's it that's step one step two Aikido why did triglycerides go up 42% in three months been on keto me the reason your triglycerides are elevated is because you are still eating too many total carbohydrates for your personal biochemistry okay and this this confuses a lot of people's this is a good thing to talk about so there are some people out there they can eat a hundred total grams of carbs a day and have beautiful lab numbers they're usually younger and thinner and they're and they're healthier and they're more active but thinking they can eat up to 100 total grams a day and still have normal triglycerides other people may being included if I eat more than 10 grams of total grams of carbohydrate a day my triglycerides will start to creep up above normal now is that fair no is life fair no so we gotta live with that okay and so whatever I want you to me I want you to download a tractor like chronometer and for the next two weeks I want you to document everything you eat so that you can first of all figure out the true number of total carbohydrates you're eating and I predict it's going to be somewhere between 30 and 60 grams a day of total carbohydrates and then you're going to cut that in half and then do that for three months and then you'll get your triglycerides checked again and I guarantee you they'll be normal good question thanks for that thanks for the super chat see ya who said that and they're going so fast this is crazy well thank you Annabelle that's sweet yeah Dana do not worry about eating cholesterol there is no level that eating cholesterol becomes dangerous thanks to these three randomized control trials and this state-of-the-art review there is no amount of saturated fat that is considered dangerous you can eat as many pieces of bacon as you want every day ACC Journal state-of-the-art review you can eat as much butter every day as you want ACC state of the art review you can eat as much fatty beef as you want ACC state of the art review there is no limit so if you've been limiting yourself to two eggs and two pieces of bacon why why are you doing that now if two pieces of bacon in two eggs if that satiates you and makes you comfortably full keep doing that but if you've been limiting your bacon and eggs and butter in full fat cheese because you were worried about your cholesterol you no longer have to do that you have we have broken the chains of the cholesterol and saturated fat monster we have escaped from the prison of the low fat diet culture those days are over this is a new day that's what this means the American College of Cardiology has backed away from saying that eating cholesterol is bad and now from saying that eating saturated fat is bad I'm anxious to see how quickly the American Heart Association who is kissing cousins with ACC I'm excited to see how long it takes them to remove all of their idiotic advice from their website and I think all of us should tweet them and retweet them every day and say hey the ACC knows better than to scare people about saturated fat when are you going to admit it and when enough thousands of us tag them and tweak them they'll shut up with ah take advice that's the power of numbers that's the power of a grassroots movement like Kido carnivore Lokar that's our power let's see what we got here let's see if I can find questions Oh misery is gross gross e Ortega on Instagram says what clogs arteries that's a good question it's not cholesterol it's not saturated fat if it were then these three randomized control trials would show that when people were eating a saturated fat heavy diet they had more plaques than they had more heart attacks that makes sense but it was the opposite the people who ate the vegetable oil they're the ones who had more flacking human heart attacks so it's not saturated fat clogging your arteries it's not cholesterol clogging your arteries it is two things it's it's three things it's the chronically high blood sugar levels from eating too many carbohydrates it's the chronically high insulin level that comes from the chronically high carbohydrate intake causing inflammation and it's the chronic inappropriate inflammation that comes from a diet full of grains and full of fructose and full of sucrose that's what causes inflammation inside the arteries which causes damage then your body tries to fix that damage and it uses cholesterol as spackle it's using the cholesterol to actually fix the artery but then when we do an autopsy we see the cholesterol in the artery we go ha cholesterol clogged dis artery cholesterol is bad for you that's literally the scientific the depth the depth and the breadth of the scientific thought that went into this heart hypothesis this is this lipid heart hypothesis that's how big the thinking is it's sophomoric it's juvenile it's stupid okay your body was trying to use cholesterol just like he uses calcium in art when there's damage in the arterial wall it tries to put calcium there to stabilize the artery the calcium is not the enemy the cholesterol is not the enemy the enemy is what caused the inflammation inside the artery the enemy is what caused the damage inside the artery that's the enemy that you got to figure out and it sugars its grains it's industrial seed oils and it's the highly processed pseudo crap Franken food diets that Kellogg's and Kraft and Nestle sell us they called nutritious foods I call them crap that's the stuff that clogs your artery okay miss Ortega great question thank you for that oh thanks Dennis for the super chat don't worry I won't ever shut up no matter what burns down I'm gonna be here with you guys then it says how do we clear the blockage so if you've already gotten blockages built up in your heart arteries your kidney arteries your arteries in your brain because you can have blockages anywhere you can have blockages in your legs and your toes your feet in your eyes how do you clear up those blockages well it's a very slow process it takes a long time to clear the blockages both I and dr. Robert scientists and other of my friends who are medical doctors have same regression of coronary artery calcium scores when eating fatty meat heavy keto or cardboard we've seen that hundreds of times okay I've overcome in stalks about this in the excellent movie he was a part of they actually follow a guy who knocks hundreds of points off his CAC score by eating the proper human diet and I think that's why low-carb keto carnivore is so healthy and does so many things some of the things that keto does for people seems magical doesn't it carnivores the same way it's like chronic diseases that are supposed to be permanent all of a sudden they're either in remission or they're gone where'd they go how what so you're telling me just eating this diet make this chronic medical condition go into remission or disappear it's almost as if low-carb keto carnivore is a spectrum of the proper human diets and when you feed human beings a species-appropriate diet it's like they get healthier it's like all the chronic inflammation goes away it's like chronic diseases reverse or go into remission or are cured however you want to phrase it I'm not offended by any of them I'm just happy that you don't any longer suffer from the symptoms of that chronic disease that makes sense that's yeah dana says eyes that's my problem hoping i can see a difference eating quito carnivore i can tell you we've had so many people reach out to us who had either macular degeneration or who've had diabetic retinopathy who said you know i can see better after three months after six months of keto or carnivore I went to my ophthalmologist and he he looked at my eyes and he said that my retina looks better now and he didn't he didn't understand why and I told him I was eating keto and he said I like that definitely wouldn't have anything to do with it but the retina was better I can see better I've heard that so many times so yeah I think that eating the proper human diet if there is any diet that's going to improve your vision it would be the proper human diet right thanks for the super chat my friend that's is the keto helpful with someone who has cancer so I actually have a video on my youtube channel about cancer and diet but let's think about this cancer love sugar and you can't deny that there are a few cancers that can limp alone on fatty acids and ketones that is true but there is no cancer that thrives and flourishes and multiplies like cancer unless it has access to sugar when we are looking for cancer in a patient's body we use something called a PET scan right how does the PET scan work we actually take the molecule that we're going to be looking for and attach it to a sugar molecule because we know that the cancer will immediately gobble up the sugar and then we can see the cancer glow on the cat on the PET scan that's how PET scans work we don't attach the molecule to a fatty acid or to a ketone that would not work for a PET scan we don't attach it to an amino acid or a protein that would not work cancer love sugar and in order to thrive and multiply cancer - sugar and so if you're eating a diet that's very low in sugar and also very low in anything that turns into sugar I don't know it common sense would you think that that wouldn't would slow the cancer down I'm not saying keto and carnivore gonna cure cancer I'm not saying that I'm telling you if cancer love sugar this is a simple common-sense country-boy way of thinking about if cancer loves sugar so much that we use sugar in a PET scan to find cancer then wouldn't it make sense that withholding sugar from your bloodstream which is where your cat your cancer feeds wouldn't that slow down the cancer I mean what do you think let me take a couple of more questions here you guys and a hundred percent I need you to share this video ok however you can share it you can send it in the email but we need to reach as many people as possible because when people follow a low-fat diet a diet with no saturated fat in it they are doing harm to themselves when a doctor recommends a low-fat diet to their patient we've got we've got copious amounts of research when they say hey stop using bacon grease don't cook with that don't cook with butter cook with canola oil or vegetable oil when a healthcare provider gives that advice to their patient they are doing harm we've got three randomized control trials that prove it and we've got a state of the art review in the American College of Cardiology journal this is no longer up for debate boys and girls if you're a healthcare provider and you walk into your office tomorrow and you recommend a low-carb I mean a low-fat diet and tell your patient to avoid saturated fat you're doing harm you're breaking your over pay your 35 bucks get a full copy of this like I did download this three studies that are on my facebook you know my youtube read them tonight if you're a healthcare provider and you give a damn about your ethics and your patience you need to read these three randomized control trials in humans and you need to read this state-of-the-art review tonight before you see another patient tomorrow that's how important this is if you go into your office tomorrow and you recommend a low-fat diet you're endangering people's lives and that's not what your own said I don't think unless it was far different from mine all right guys that's it I'm worked up I'm sorry this is a big deal this is important I wanted you guys to know this for yourself for your own peace of mind so next time if your mother-in-law says that Kia is gonna kill you you can just either be respectful and smile and nod and say thank you or you can pull out your copies of these four studies and say here you go mom read on this when you've got nothing to do but no please be respectful to your mother-in-law don't do that don't take my advice all right guys thank you so much for joining me like I said earlier this video will be available on my Facebook page in my youtube channel so you can share it it'll be available on Instagram for 24 hours I think that you can send it to people using the little airplane thing I'm not sure how that works on Instagram I'll have to ask my teenage daughter so thank you so much for joining me thank you so much for the stars thanks a million to my facebook supporters and my patrons on patreon com you guys are our Kido family and we love you as such and we greatly appreciate your support and that's it I'll see you next time this is dr. Barry
Channel: KenDBerryMD
Views: 182,216
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: DI92VHEmSb0
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Length: 53min 20sec (3200 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 23 2020
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