Satsui No Hadou Explained | Street Fighter Universe: Nexus Guide

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a dark energy-based key that is the antithesis of the power of nothingness the satsunohado and today we go over this crazy power Fighters can gain access to so let's get into it [Music] [Applause] one of the many Supernatural components of the Street Fighter universe is the satsway noharu which translates as surge of murderous intent and is also referred to as the darkato the titsu who teaches the technique to Akuma and gukin is the first figure in the street fighter fiction who is recognized as a practitioner of a lethal martial art meant to kill few exceptional people born with the capacity to use it may access this ability which is based on Old asutsukin teachings nevertheless in order to do so the warrior must completely let go of any feelings of compassion for others a warrior must have such a fierce desire to win that he is prepared to murder his opponent in order to access the power the drawback is that the overpowering power that this technique grants the user might render an untrained mind mad or perhaps kill them due to the raw Force those that succeed in taming it have a callous attitude on life and a contempt for other people in a sense the titsu is the exception to this rule because he still possessed human nature yet Akuma is frequently regarded to as a demon because he is the only man to unite with Seth's way no hadu Super Street Fighter 2 turbo featured satsui nohoto with Akuma for the first time the consumer of souls summoned to sat's weighing nohoto within Ryu during the events of Street Fighter 5. yet in the end Ryu use the power of nothingness also known as kaiosui nohado to lock bison and conquer the sets we know Hato he had within of him kagi was the bodily manifestation that it subsequently took albeit he later seemed to depart from existence as stated by Oro such malevolent Powers ultimately share a ground of neutral capability as with all other forms of power significantly this history also ties in with the nature of human morality and thinking as well as numerous societal factors including a greater emphasis on the closeness of spiritual affairs with the living world through a deeper practice of religion and mystical practices and the rather fragile developing state of the human before the Samurai cast was abolished in the Meiji era by 1868 this had a significant impact on Japanese culture and the roles that Samurai played in society including their ability to kill people who posed a threat to society as a whole and to help manage their ranks in order to preserve the honor of their caste this would explain how batitsu manages to employ the satsway no Hato in a balanced manner and Street Fighter Alpha Generations it is revealed that legendary Supernatural entities like Onis were really just Mortals who succumbed to the sets way no Hato altering their bloodlines in the process [Applause] in the all about Capcom book it states taking the spirit to kill the opponent to the extreme it transforms it into a physical power as a power Vector it resembles bison psycho power duken worked to a method to restrain it instead Akuma refined it choosing the path of carnage it dwells naturally in shoreyukin hadokin and tatsumakis in pokiaku thus it's possible a user of these techniques like Ryu would wake up to it since antutsukin was created with the objective of killing people its repertoire and teachings have become entwined with its powers since its Inception as a result its methods have the ability to develop the SATs weighing noharo because of its original purpose alternately according to Seth and Street Fighter 4 the ties That Bind the sets way nohado is power rooted in the darker natural basis of human instinct such as competition survival the desire to crush impose upon and Thrive over opposition as well as the manifestation of Destruction resulting from conflict and fighting if someone does manage to harness it they become incredibly strong but at the expense of losing their humanity and compassion they start to lose touch with who they are and what they care about and they start to become obsessive dark violent and even suicidal in their drive to fight when possessed by the SAT swaying nohado a person's eyes glow red their teeth grow into razor-sharp fangs and their skin gradually darkens the nails grow into claws and their hair also becomes crimson moreover the user's voice will deepen to the point of taking on an echo effect less intense embracing causes one's eyes to glow blue one can only be fully in control of their power if they strike a balance between the satsui nohado and the power of nothingness however if they have used their power to the fullest for an extended period of time they will become a supernatural being that is probably both Oni and kagi in both appearance and personality a person who practices the sets weigh knowhado develops Incredible strength as well as the capacity to feel and absorb various forms of power in order to become even stronger you can see this after beating Ruble Bernstein in Capcom vs SNK 2 Akuma combined rubles Orochi Powers with the SAT sway noharo to become shinakuma referred to as shinjin Akuma Additionally you develop skills like telekinesis and flight and they may even have an impact on how others develop their sex weighing noharo it can be quite challenging to avoid conflict once someone has discovered their satsui noharo learning the sets way noharo is the first step in learning the most fatal technique known to all of their martial arts the Shan Goku satsu also known as the Raging demon the user appears to have the special ability to talk and speak with others telepathically gain a healing factor and manipulate the weather as seen and displayed with Evil Ryu and kage from the events of Street Fighter Alpha the animation Street Fighter Alpha the mafia Street Fighter 4 the ties That Bind and the udon comic series Thanos asserts that the satsway nojedo has the ability to extinguish Eternal entities like Gods demons and even the embodiments of death itself in Marvel vs Capcom infinite an Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 akuma's Victory remarks over thoro Denson Amaterasu and shumagorath hinted at this these Street Fighter characters have been known to fully Embrace or has used its power during combat itsu gutetsu was once spotted meditating while channeling the satsui nohado thus he undoubtedly supported or at the very least accepted it but he did not lose his Humanity like Akuma this is most likely because he used it sparingly and judiciously which is why he retained his human face appearance and showed no symptoms of corruption this was also how he introduced setsui nohado and power of nothingness to both of his students gookin and Akuma Akuma as Akuma fully committed to the satsui noharo he lost all human feelings and became exclusively motivated by violence although Akuma may have mastered the satsui nohado he was unable to stop the dark Forces side effects and it's probable he had no desire to his grasp of the setsui noharo is so strong that he may embrace it to a far lesser extent providing inferior opponents such as Sakura when Akuma is furious with for being able to emulate the ansitsukin combat style a Fighting Chance he cannot however return to human form because he has exploited it to its full potential for far too long Oni when Akuma and the sets weigh knowhado totally merged the outcome was only he now resembles a gigantic demonic entity with supernatural abilities exceeding Shin Akuma as was previously said he has evolved into a murderous Berserker at this stage especially if they represent a larger evil in his opinion [Applause] Evil Ryu despite the fact that Ryu never manifests any effects of the sets weighing noharo during the events of the Street Fighter 4 Series a number of games depict a hypothetical Ryu who has accepted the power voluntarily were not and transformed into Evil Ryu in the process in addition he is frequently shown in various media briefly giving in to the satsway no Hato and attacking an adversary before regaining control the power of nothingness helped cook and manage it like gutetsu but it wasn't until the conclusion of Street Fighter for that he was able to lock it away it is uncertain how long the seal will be able to contain his evil power until in Street Fighter 5 Ryu gets assistance from his friends dulcim and Ken and manages to fully transform darkhado into power of nothingness via hoto kakusiai during the Cali's Invasion on planning to devour him while he and the other Street Fighter Heroes prepare for final battle against shadowloo kagi kagi represents the satsui noharo which resided in Ryu in its corporeal form it was supposed that Evil Ryu had been defeated once Ryu had resisted the black Energy's Temptations yet the sets we know how to would acquire Consciousness and eventually emerge as kage a completely unique physical being he tried to show Ryu that he is nothing without him but he was unsuccessful since Ryu mostly disregarded the evil influence and told kagya that he could do anything he pleased kagya disappeared distressed and perplexed Shin Ryu Ryu ultimately achieved total Mastery over the sets weighing nohoto in the udon comic book series Street Fighter unlimited by entering a condition he refers to as Shin Ryu Shin meaning true in Japanese by fusing the dark Auto with the power of nothingness in this condition Ryu May safely harness it and balances light and dark key he was able to eventually Vanquish Akuma while posing as Shin Ryu the only obvious differences in ryu's appearance in this form are his left eye which blows red and the sporadic flash of a red and blue aura Danny beaky dancer comes to the evil power while battling Sakura in the events of the Street Fighter Legends Sakura comic by udon Dan's effort to perform the Shan Goku satsu on her however is unsuccessful since he amusingly trips over a rucksack and is knocked out by Sakura's strike although while this incident might be written off as comical it serves as a stark reminder of the seriousness to which the satsway noharo can develop on Dan's back a separate kanji shishi which means father is visible it's probable that Dan's strength derives from his animosity for Saget for killing his father Sakura casagano a hidden character in Marvel superheroes vs Street Fighter dub dark Sakura also known as sunburned Sakura is a variant of Sakura who uses a hybrid moveset of Akuma and Evil Ryu this form of Sakura does not use the satsui noharo contrary to a rather peculiar foreshadowing throughout the mainline series only being mentioned in Alpha 3 and Sakura being affected by the police project and her Street Fighter 4 ending and the similar abilities as stated by her article on the shattaloo combat Research Institute database she is upset because she got a sunburn though both volumes of the 2007 Manga Sakura gambaru frequently include the same unidentified form which doesn't alter Sakura's skin tone or wardrobe but does alter the color of her eyes from a vivacious Brown to a soulless Brown in addition to improving Sakura's intelligence fighting skills and speed this variation of dark Sakura also restricts the majority of her speech to battle cries and attack titles in the Super Street Fighter Comics by udon Sakura truly succumbs to the Seth's weighing noharo's power while battling Akuma but she loses it since Ryu absorbed it as shown in both the rival schools and the Street Fighter EX series she also employs a variant of the Sean Goku satsu in irregular forms that is unfueled by the satsui noharo Oro Oro has the ability to use the SATs weighing noharo or what he perceives to be an imitation of it Dawson realizes that for a short second Oro actually had a murderous intent despite the fact that Oro just uses it as an illustration for him in his lesson on the nature of key oral thinks that the satsui noharo like yoga Soul power and psycho power is a different way to overcome physical limitations rather than a force that is essentially Wicked by his education he is able to use such powers without letting them entirely corrupt his psyche or make him a victim of them by viewing them as tools and maintaining a distance from them characters from other Street Fighter media has also been able to use this power his characters are Sean and Sadler and Street Fighter Alpha the animation Yuki and udon Street Fighter Origins Akuma comic how to in the manwa street fighter 0-3 Garuda a Street Fighter EX character is also rumored to be connected to this force in the ex games and to draw his existence's energy from it characters from other media that have used this power work Belial and Street Fighter vs darkstalkers Jinx and the street fighters times GI Joe comic Rogue and X-Men vs Street Fighter and Thanos and the Marvel vs Capcom infinite built a containment device in able City this device a gauntlet of sorts gave Thanos the ability to drain Ryu of the latter's dark Hado which gave Thanos the power to wield the sets weighing no Hato by artificial means thank you power appears to be the primary goal of this dark energy while it is one of the most powerful villainous energies in the street fighter universe is it actually Wicked and Reflections on musings on a still Night Part 2 oral States power itself is neither good nor evil even in the case of the satsway noharo quite maybe since Ryu who verifies this claim makes it so raises the question of whether the opposite is true of its counterpart power
Channel: World Warrior 101
Views: 2,100
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ryu, akuma, street fighter, Street Fighter, Street Fighter Alpha, Street Fighter II, Street Fighter III, Street Fighter IV, Street Fighter V, Street Fighter 6, Origins of Ki Explained, Old-fashioned Street Fighter, Ki Explained, Energy in Street Fighter, Energy Explained, SatsuiNoHado, Power of Nothingness, Satsui no Hado, Ki, Street Fighter Ki, What is Ki?, what is kai, chi energy, ki energy, Ki Attack, Energy Attack, Ki Blast, Energy Control, qi gong, martial arts
Id: 2V3b32AOgM8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 15sec (915 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 11 2023
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