Satellite Dish Motor - How to set up a Free Satellite TV Dish!

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today on the satellite nerd we're gonna take a look at this 36 inch ke band satellite dish and we're gonna attach an HH motor to get all of the satellites that are available on in my area along the geostationary arc here in North America [Music] all right gonna start by showing you a few websites that will help you the first one I'd like to point out is this one here dish pointer calm and what this is you enter your address here at the top it will work for Canada United States just enter your full address or your zip code or postal code should work and it uses Google Maps and it'll tell you your latitude and longitude here at the bottom of the screen now if you're in the eastern part of the hemisphere you'll be able to get all these satellites but for most people probably watching this video are probably in North America so the satellites they'll be looking for is like because we're doing a motor you find here where your motor true South is so you can see that there's a green line there the interesting thing too with this if you're pointing at a satellite that's out of your range it will be a red line to indicate the line of sight and if you're on a satellite that's in your range it will have a green now this is just the true South Point if you click on this little tab here you'll tell you your latitude and longitude those are important things to have when you're entering in your assails on your satellite receiver so that it can automatically track the geostationary Arc in some areas their satellites are too west for you to get so that will get that red line is get Sat finder which is a free app that you can get on the Google Play Store probably available on iOS as well and this website of themselves have an app called dish pointer but it's a pay up there is a free app sat Feiner does the same thing actually works exactly the same except there's ads so as you can see here if you're tracking the arc and you want to see if there's any buildings or trees that might be blocking your line of sight this is a great tool to have actually several sites you can go find out your satellite channels and transponders one site is sad hint which we're going to look at there's also links at and tvro SATCOM all have satellite chart charts and they keep you up to date on the latest channels that come and go on a satellite chart just gonna take a quick look at galaxy 19 you might look at the satellite charts and see this there's some satellites that have four digits for the frequency that those are c-band so I'm just gonna scroll down here cuz I'm doing a cube and dish so you can see these channels here that have five digits vertical or and then there's the symbol rate right there so you enter your frequency and the polarization which we either horizontal or vertical so here's a look at all the channels that are on galaxy 19 that are listed on Sat hint if they're in the clear I'll just indicate here clear it's in the clear now that if they're encrypted they'll probably have like an indication saying it's some for whatever form of encryption that the channels are using it like here we go knowledge channel has it says Power View that's an encrypted channel power of use a type of encryption that is not in the clear so those channels will be encrypting you won't be able to pick them up please check out free sound like TV dotnet and also check out the new shop where you can order free satellite TV alum B's receivers and dishes all sorts of things for your free to air needs over at the free satellite TV net shop alright so this is the motor for a sound like dish my first motor was this one it's actually very similar as it has all the same ratings except those from DMS international here's the digi power motor it's a disect HH motor SG 2100 simplest way of installation I need to read this box here it says the exact same thing of installation and upgrade specially designed to receive width for a receiver with diced SEC I never could say that what we're word so I apologize if I get it wrong dissect 1.2 everything is controlled the one coax cable high efficiency designed compact structure ultra-low noise adjustable Hardware limits dish up to 1.2 meters so one thing I do like about this is it is coax powered you just need one coax cable to go into the motor so I'll go over that when we go through the boxing here make it so you haven't walked one of these here's the manual now this motor particularly what I liked about why I got this motor is it has a round and like my other motor and it has these ports to it for other motors out there so you can get this motor but the problem is look at that that right there round egg-shaped okay there's no bowls going through that so when you're on eBay Amazon and you see a satellite motor be very careful that it has the appropriate connection I have to cube and dishes but I don't have one that will fit this egg shaped bracket so this one here it will fit on there and actually has the holes in it because my satellite dish is both will have like a hole that I'll have to put through here to install it so this is mainly what you want for the North American I guess but they referred to as North American dishes it has your LMB and your receiver so I'll show your degrees 80 degrees each way so your dish will hang on this part here I've seen people do these upside down but the right way the way I've done it is I have it hanging down kind of like this and then the dish is kind of hanging on here and it goes around like that right off the bat before you install one of these things I want to emphasize be very careful with these these RL it's like a saloon amun so these screws in here that you put in there to put the bracket on they can break what caused me grief my life with my last motor is I broke off one of the the screws so I'm gonna be very careful you almost one thing I'd emphasize is don't even tighten up everything until you got it going I might tighten it up so that the wind doesn't knock it around and nuts and bolts come with this thing and everything here that comes with it so this here show you guys this so this is the one side will have the elevation and the other side will have the latitude a lot of people in this hemisphere is about 45 ish degrees around there so that's probably where you're gonna want to hear motor so let's go through some so this is part of the bracket that will go against your pole you'll have two of them they'll go like that above each other so it has all the screws that you'll need to bolt it together I'm just gonna leave that in the bag for now and now there's these rubber things here so these rubber things are just to help waterproof your coaxial cable and just waterproofs your cable there when you put it over and then put it into the into the so this one here's for your receiver and this one's for your satellite your LMB so this part here you don't even need to tighten up too tight you can view that nice and loose just I would hang in there you don't make it too tight at this point because you still want to get it hang it over your whatever your mount or your tripod or what are we gonna use to hold this dish up when you come to the satellite hobby you might buy one of these things okay it looks like this a little noisy beeper thing you turn the DB on and it will tell you where the sound light is I receipt for it I think this thing could be powered through this power supply with this this device here plugged in okay if you want headaches yet this these are great for if you want headaches I think it has a compass of the compass is done that was a one useful thing out of this thing with the compass okay I will review this thing before but these are fit for the pit the I'm just not a fan of this cuz I will tell you some set where some satellites are but not all the satellites and then you have no idea what's I like you left first so what you want to do get one of these get a set here oh this is probably my best meter for just holding up to the dish like you know obviously you're going to make the coax cable off it and then connect it to your addition I'll connect your dishes ellamy even these this meter like like this one will move the motor so if you're trying to set up the motor your outside now if you don't want to spend the my own one these what I recommend is get if you have a like a small television set and your receiver bring those outside that will help you a lot I really am I'm a big fan of these so this is the first dish that free free darris satellite dish I bought my free satellite TV dish is a 36 inch dish which I'm gonna put on the motor so start to back off this screw here so pretty much the weight of the dish will hang on this bolt right here you can tighten it up to the bracket as well that will take the the weight of the dish that's why the holes through the motor helps on it you can touch this dish ya got fruit now you guys should get through the other side they're not fitted it through I'm so smart hardest one of the hard parts put the washer back on there tighten up before you drop your screws through your deck worthy I can with this set up just for the demo is I'm gonna use a tripod right here so this is a tripod you can get four antennas and other things like that I got a little bit too much post here cuz you see don't need that much post think someday I might just end up putting this in the ground I got this I had nothing to cut it with so I just stuck it on left it the way it was so another thing you can do with a tripod it something I just screwed a like some blocks to the bottom and I'd issues big bags of sand or pegs of salt or something to weigh it down for a temporary setup so I'll say if you're camping or wherever you want to have a temporary set up you know that's not see there's a little rust they're not like me that doesn't you know that's it this water gets inside these pipes and then they freeze and then they expand they break a little holes in them so structurally sound tripod here cuz I've had it for a few years everything to so when you do set up a sound like dish get leveler make sure it is perfectly straight so just well these clumps you know that straight level this thing's a little off level and the weight of the dish and the tripod might pull in in a various direction so keep that in mind now these tripods you can adjust to that's the nice thing about these things you get to dress your practice get it set up so you're secure but what's happening and it's happening this very deck is it you leave it out here heavy what happens it's gonna blow it down so the best thing to do like this is a temporary option not a permanent option but the best thing to do is to get dig a hole three feet deep like all the rest of my salad like dishes here you see them in the background there so ya dig a hole three feet deep below the frost line specially in Canada so get that pull get your pole down there use some use them cement mix it up and do it whole I don't that big would be good so my tripod setup is it's uh obviously it is not the best setup but it's less setup if you don't want to permanently leave your dish like the reason why I have this is if you have a campsite or something like that I have a trailer and you want to be able to leave a dish this would be an excellent option which I'll have a link to it over on my store at free satellite TV and there's a shop in there and you can click on one of the links in order either the dish tripod motor or whatever you're looking for [Music] [Music] this will tell me my elevation angle my latitude I you need to calculate is your D inclination angle so you take your latitude so you'll enter on your motor part your latitude which is forty four point two you'll be able to adjust your D inclination angle and to calculate that you go to the add inclination angle table so I'm at 44 where to say 44 so since I'm at 44 my angle should be my elevation angle which is 44 this minus this six point zero seven so let's go to the old calculator here get in a calculator 607 equals thirty eight point five nine so that's what my D inclination angle is so you still set your angle on your motor to this and then you set your D inclination angle to whatever this is minus that I know whether they just say do that for you and then just tell you what you should should be but so that's where your D inclination angle should be what I ended up doing was it was hard to read each little dot on my on my actual dish park site but just a bit so many times I just basically made sure I got as close as why I could see it and I may have adjusted it a hair to because I couldn't see exactly exact angle but I was able to get even with him like a little bit of free play I was able to get most of the satellites and then just fine-tune it to get the whole geostationary art and what I did here is I got this set up just right and to find my true South what I did was I entered the hustles on the satellite drove it out to 87 West which I had a few channel scanned in and just loosen off this and then just move the dish until I was able to receive 87 West the Florida channel which is a strong transponder and they all PBS channels so I locked on to those and then as soon as I walked on to those with the UH cells I was able to receive the other other satellites on the ark and and the interesting thing is there is other satellites that had transponders but the ones that I had scanned in even though it was about maybe like 9 degrees or salt something like 9 degrees off of what my true South was I still able to lock it and enable the lock onto the geostationary actually just well tighten this now one thing that will be a factor is when you do loosen this this will be off by a little bit once you tighten it up you should be able to adjust that and you should be able to get the full arc of your geostationary satellites so a big thing with your asal setting is make sure you got a transponder that you know that there's something live on it that's where you check out the Sat head comm website or tvro satcoms your settings are two uh cells are dissect to dissect one point two the only thing those dissect one point two you'll have to manually enter each point where you want your satellite to go which I used to do that all the time now but now that I got the UH cells working I'm gonna probably stick with that but if you need to move your dish maybe like a hair maybe your dish gets blown out on a cold day you can always go to dissect drive your dish to where you can lock the signal and do it that way so I'll talk to my a MSR voice well I have the man the legend Bob Ross give his tutorial for his painting so here on the side here oh you can see the signal quality that I'm getting in an eight point seven DB on the dish this is of the PBS MUX over on 87 West that was able to law and I can move the dish by going to galaxy 19 and it will say dish moving it's gonna move it over to a smart lifestyle so there's smart lifestyle over on galaxy 19 and it just takes a few seconds for the dish to move over once you have it all set up and just going through all the channels on galaxy 19 some of these I need to kind of delete all these channels and then do a rescan because some of them are have moved transponders or moved symbol rate so the thing about the hobby afridi area is sometimes you'll have to do a rescan and kind of almost do like a reset to your receiver and it just rescan everything just so many channels do come and go and of course on galaxy 19 there's the smile of a child Channel and there's also positive I like called posi TV network and that's the movie channel that's on galaxy 19 so some satellite receivers will always be different than others every satellite receiver I've ever worked with has its quirks and things that you might have to work out but just looking at the Sat hero right here so I got it set to galaxy 19 for art the RT MUX and you can go through your installation settings now on this dish I have a 10 750 standard LMB that's the input frequency and then you got these other frequencies here the C Ben frequencies which it's not gonna pick up anything because it's not a sieve and LMB okay you bend a frequencies with the trends the transponder frequency the polarization in the symbol rate and also on my meter now a lot of satellite receivers will have a setup feature where you can go to this setting and find your signal quality as you're adjusting your dish for the UH cells for galaxy 19 I just have it set with a regular you just need to enter that once but with each satellite you will have to set the motor type to uh cells instead of dissect 1.2 for that reason that it will lock in so if your dish is not moving there make sure that you do have each satellite with the motor type settings set up for us owls please check out free satellite TV net and also check out the new shop where you can order free satellite TV alum B's receivers and dishes all sorts of things for your free to air needs over at the free satellite TV net shop and free satellite TV also known as free dare I like coffee free satellite TV because it's free the free channels Sally that's TV so yeah I prefer the term free styling to me but yeah it's true but it won't be search for a free tier I got to be realistic with that so you can give these things here they look like splitters for your TV for if like your got cable or antenna you're trying to split to do two different TVs but they're not this is a dissects wish so as you can see I know I said it wrong but I can't say it right but this thing here it's basically this is where your receiver goes and you can have multiple either LM BS or multiple dishes now my setup I have a couple dishes in my backyard so I have one I'll be going to different dishes my own B ones always my c-band because most of what I watch all the time and then anything else is pretty much Kay you been because I have an extra two extra K you been satellite dishes so I'm really using like three of these but then there's a fourth one I'm not using so you can have up to four you know you get some of these I'll have up to eight which is whatever you want but if you're just getting hobby I recommend starting with one of these and then moving moving your way up now this one is also a Dyson it's I believe it's a die sec command now there are things like this that are not this all has turned surround or ignored I don't have one with me anymore but I can't find it is a 22 k switch so you might see in your receiver 22 K on 22 K off what that typically does is turn on the switch inside one of these things 20k switch if you have one of these Ellen B's lab one of those Shaw Direct Lumbees the 22 K switch on or off will switch from this element this on B to the zombie so some of these LM bees will have like a 22 case which built into it these LM bees as I said always state my videos can be used for for a free satellite TV I have one of these I have at aimed at galaxy 19 and it just in the winter time it's great that I have like a fixed dish right at galaxy 19 now what I have been able to do is with this with one of these die six witches is say I have 22 case which in one come4 and that's going to Ella me for I can still switch the twitch to be on or off and it will send the signal Earl it'll go to whatever LMB I have there so you can have this connected to this and then run it to a different alum beam which I did do with my CKU band LMB when I was running that may get this thing here too which is a looks like a splitter and actually this is a splitter it's not a switch this is a satellite or digital cable five mayors to 2.3 gigahertz splitter but it has a whole trick to it what this will do is you can so this line here just indicates the power pass well the power pass will do on this switch allows me to watch multiple but the receiver that's connected to this one will control the vertical the horizontal and else and also control when I these if you're running multiple dishes to a motor so if you want one receiver to control your motor you could do it that way and then have this if you don't because a lot of the receivers now don't have a loop out but you're able to do some of the older receivers as they would have liked to it puts or or I have a loop boat one of these things like one of these connections and you can run a cable from that all the way to another room to another receiver so if you wanted it to run satellites in multiple rooms get one of these this one here is how you want to connect it to that main port so that I'll switch your polarity because your receiver automatically switch from vertical to horizontal to the LMB I have a really old digital side we see where that I just simply used for a radio and I'm able to run that signal all the way to the satellite receiver and listen to my radio at night it's basically like shortwave radio except all the stuff that's on shore we if it's pretty much on galaxy 19 so here's what watch me the the first time is this bolt broke off it never quite worked the way it needed to in the installation so always be careful not to tighten these things in right away and especially if it's just holding up the top part of the bracket [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so the dish will move very much if you're gonna go to the next satellite over so live on 1997 West right now I'm not just gonna go to 99 West to show you how much it that moves when it just moves one satellite over here sorry to see in this in this glare go to 99 so that's all it needed to do for moving over to 99 West so Drive from 99 go over 97 west of 95 kick so that's all moved to go to satellites over from 99 West to 95 list on this receiver is a little bit slow that's why I don't think these things are the greatest for testings for signals they're good for relating the motor to the battery and this was powerful enough for this handheld to do it i sat here I need to plug in into the walls cuz the battery was not powerful enough who moved the dish does it keep kept saying LMB arrow so if I were to send it over to 87 West from 1990 if I was on 95 187 West which I want to see if we're homeowners can be on Monday or Tuesday so there it is there so if K you bend you'll sometimes get these feeds and sometimes you'll scan you'll see something like this that is has like a says Sinclair HQ uplink it's just like a tonne and bars what they call on broadcasting so this scans in is s GB and it you see the quality and the through the reflection and I'm there's my settings I got for it to get the Ring of Honor wrestling feed but there's different sports feeds and TV show feeds that will be on satellite especially K you band side that you kind of have to be able to go hunting for so it's that's where having a motor is a really great thing to have if you're if you're interested in finding backhauls and wild peace so the channels i've been tuning with k you been has been a lot of the channels on 87 west there's a bunch of new styles that scan in as a new source which have the live news stuff usually stuff out of washington there's a florida legislation channel there's three PBS channels PBS kids and that HD one there's a patient channel and a patient shell and some lottery channels and different feeds like that on 87 west but there it's a very strong satellite so moving over to 91 west there's a few of the news feeds that's more of a feed satellite and speed for sports college football called college events and stuff like that then when I go over to 95 West it has the CCTV the Chinese news channel mucks that's there now the thing about that is 95 West has a very powerful transponder so that's a good transponder I recommend for try to lock on to and then there's galaxy 19 which has the most amount channels but sometimes some of the transponders for those channels are a little bit weaker I find trigger to lock into them but on galaxy 19 there's a couple hundred channels hundreds of radio stations you can listen to on galaxy 19 is a great place to check it out and another one is 103 west which has it has NBC it has cozy and like an NBC east-west east-west mountain and all the all the four time zones for NBC it has on there and that also has the micro space stuff which is there's an AOL channel there's a NHK out of Japan news channel and I think there's the Chinese news channel there again which is on a bunch of the satellites oh yeah and I forgot about to mention that 99 West has Infowars and J TV and some Russian stations in there and also 99 West has a lot of news feeds on there and if you move the dish over I'm able to lock the orbit TV transponder with this dish now I can't decrypt because the orbit TV is gonna be encrypted it's a subscription service but does show you could use a dish like this to receive rbtv if and then but you'd have to have a separate receiver to receive the free-to-air stuff you want to watch a streaming service and you're in a country like Canada certain programs our region block so you can't get it you can you express VPN if you have a cell phone so if you use public Wi-Fi you tell it which area you want to connect to in New York City come net so if you're using public Wi-Fi at Walmart a restaurant you really should be using a VPN it will protect your private data and also it saves you a lot of money is a fraction of the cost of what a cellphone data plan is these days please check out my youtube channel Robbie strike and check out all the technology videos and reviews that I've done covering satellite free-to-air cell phone how to do stuff and Linux how to do stuff in short wave and old technology and doing needle things with computers [Music]
Channel: Robbie Strike
Views: 53,216
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: satellite dish, satellite dish installation, ku band, free to air channels, free to air satellite channels, satellite motor, satellite motor positioner, satellite motor setup, motorised satellite dish, motorized satellite dish setup, usals, power though coax, fta, teck, satellite tv free, fta satellite, free satellite tv, satellite tv, robbie strike, usals motor setup, how to point your satellite dish, dish motor, motor dish antenna setting, satellite dish diseqc usals
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 16sec (1816 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 11 2020
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