Satchin Panda – Circadian Theory of Health

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(audience applauds) - Thank you so much. So for thousands of years, for most of our human history, the biggest threat to human health were these diseases. And what is amazing now is nearly half of you may not even recognize the names of these diseases, or may not even know anyone who have had these diseases in their life. So what happened? What is the magic? What is the common glue that helped us to fight these diseases? I think almost 200 years ago, there was a simple theory called the germ theory of disease, that essentially, had a very simple idea that these diseases are caused by pathogens who live outside our body, and somehow they get into us and then cause disease and kill us. That simple idea drove three foundations of modern healthcare, and that's sanitation, vaccination and antibiotics. And this revolution started almost 110 years ago when the life expectancy for a baby born in this country was around 42 to 45 years. And every single year of biomedical research in the last 100 years has added three months to human health, human lifespan. So now, in 2018, if a baby is born, he or she is expected to live up to the age of 80. And that is the miracle of a simple theory. But now, although we live a very long life, half of our life is spent fighting with a lot of these different diseases. So although we live long, we don't live healthy. And these are very diverse types of diseases, so then the question is, can we think of a very simple idea, just like the germ theory of disease, to fight and effectively manage, reverse or even cure some of these diseases? And so in that context, I want to give you a very revolutionary and profound idea that many of these diseases may be due to disruption of what we call circadian rhythm. So the word circadian comes from two Latin words, circa, nearly, and time. It's 24 hours, so that means these are 24-hour rhythms. So then the question is, why do we have these rhythms? And the reason is ever since life has thrived on this planet, all life forms on this planet have to adapt to this very predictable change in light and darkness, every single day, in every 24 hours. So that's why every life form has evolved to have these rhythms encoded in their DNA, and it's so intrinsic to all the life forms that if we take human plants or animals from our planet and transport to another planet that has the same identical ecosystem, but if the day-night cycle is other than 24 hours, then we cannot survive and thrive. In recognition of this foundational, fundamental impact of circadian rhythm in health and life, last year's Nobel Prize was given to three leading scientists in this field. So then the question is, how do we know that we have a clock that gives 24-hours rhythm. A very simple experiment you can do is you can lock me in this room with enough access to a bed, maybe, and some food, and what will happen is although I won't have access to timing, I would go to sleep around 10 o'clock at night. My deepest sleep will happen around 2 o'clock. Even without an alarm clock, my body temperature will begin to rise two hours before the sunrise time. And then as soon as I wake up, open my eyes, my sleep hormone, melatonin, will begin to plummet, and my stress hormone, cortisol, will begin to rise. And bowel movement will be most likely in the first half of the day. My body will be most effective in digesting food, better insulin sensitivity, in the first half of the day. Then as the day goes on, my brain will be at its peak performance around noon, and then right around this time, my muscle will be at peak performance. And then as the evening rolls in, just like clockwork, melatonin will begin to rise, body will cool down, and I will go back to sleep. And this will happen every single day. Even if you lock me here for a year or two, this will continue to happen. And this happens, because almost every single hormone, every brain chemical and even every single gene in our genome is programmed to rise and fall at a predictable time. And all of these give rise to one simple phenomenon. That is, we know that there are three foundations of health, sleep, nutrition and physical activity. In fact, all of these are directly or indirectly regulated by this timing system. And I think this is the most complicated slide, because what I meant to say is these clocks regulate when we sleep, when our body is most effective in digesting and observing nutrition and then when our muscle is most effective in doing exercise. At the same time, these three are under its own regulation. So although the clock tells us that our body is most effective in eating at a certain time, if we don't have access to food, then we'll feel hungry. So similarly, these three systems are regulated within themselves, and they affect each other. And then this whole system is linked to the outside light-dark cycle, and that causes a rhythm in internal body temperature. So in a nutshell, our physiology and metabolism, everything, is very strong rhythmic and is tied to the outside world. So what has changed in the last 120 years? What is the fundamental thing that has changed that make us more prone to disease? Definitely, our genetic clock hasn't changed, because it's too short of a time to change. What I think is our ancestral rhythms are very different. When our ancestors were hunter-gatherers or farmers, they had 12 good hours of complete darkness. And they could sleep for nine hours. And then during the daytime, there was plenty of light. There were plenty of physical activity. And the access to food was actually very limited to only 12 hours, because after nightfall, it was dangerous to stay awake or to eat. So people used to eat maybe two, or maximum, three meals a day. And after the Industrial Revolution, we have electrical lighting that tells us to stay awake, late into the night. There is excess food production and easy access to food. And finally, infrastructure development, what does it have to do with health? Infrastructure is the way to move people, product, information and waste from one place to another place with minimum human physical activity. So that means as infrastructure develops, we are less likely to be physically active. So now our modern rhythm is something like this. We are in a dimly lit room like this, for 24 hours. We have sufficient access to light. We have very little sleep, very little opportunity for physical activity. And then as long as our eyes are open-- (audience laughs) As long as our eyes are open, our mouth is open. (audience laughs) And in fact, we are told that, in every two to three hours, we have to eat. So as a result, there is this complete disruption of circadian rhythm that happens, for most of us. And when this disruption happens, for example, if you take a newborn baby or a premature-born baby, preemie, and there is strong circadian rhythm disruption, there'll be lifelong impaired growth and development. But just imagine, just one or two nights of staying awake late, to take care of a loved one or to finish an assignment will cause a lot of inconvenience, for example, these ones. And in fact, these may not be disease, but if somebody has an underlying disease, autoimmune disease or something else, that may flare up. And if it continues for weeks or months, then we get closer and closer to a lot of different diseases. And these are not only restricted to young adults or middle-aged adults, and these diseases keep on going as we get older. And in fact, what you are seeing is the summary of nearly 2,000 publications, over the last 25 to 30 years, showing how circadian rhythm disruption, either in real-life situation, among shift workers, or in clinical control conditions or in animal models can lead to these diseases. And what is scary is the ones that are in red affect more than 10% of the population. So that means for these diseases, there are at least 30 million people in the US. Or if it affects only women, 15 million people, on average, that are affected by this disease. And more than 90% of our healthcare costs go towards it. And at the age of retirement, at the age of 65, 85% of adults in this country have two or more of these diseases, and the cost of living with that disease, one of them, is at least $3,000. So now you can do the math. So what the field of circadian rhythm does is to figure out whether we can train our clock, we can maintain a healthy clock, and prevent or reverse our disease, or we can time the drug, and then the third, and most amazing aspect, is can we really drug the clock so that with a simple drug, we can drive a healthy clock. And that's a little bit futuristic. But at the same time, right now, let's talk about what are these clocks. So just like a brain has a clock that we all experience that make us go to bed at a certain time and make us wake up at another time, almost every organ in our body has its own clock. And the brain clock just tells all these other clocks to be in sync. So brain clock acts almost like a master conductor. And then the other clocks obey these rules. And as a result, every day, we have this daily rhythm in sleep, mood, metabolism, and even our gut microbiome also goes to 24-hour rhythms. And the question is, how is this connected to the outside world? So we know that when we go from one place to another, across different time zones, or somebody does shift work for a few days, then they can still retrain their internal clock. And that happens because of light going through the eye to the master clock. But this signal, one of that light signal was very curious. We are very curious about it, because there are many blind people who cannot see, but they can reset their clock. So almost 15 years ago, when I was a postdoc, three different labs, including mine, we made a big discovery in this field. We discovered that there is a blue-light-sensing protein that's present in only 5,000 squiggly neurons in each of our human eye. And that's called melanopsin. And this melanopsin protein senses blue light and is directly connected to the master clock in the brain. But there was some interesting properties of this. These light-sensing neurons are not that sensitive to light. They sense only blue light, but if it is candlelight or orange light or fireside light, then they cannot actually sense and tell the brain that there is light. So as a result, for thousands of years, when we did not have access to bright light at night, these melanopsin cells were sleeping in the evening. Our brain was getting the signal that it's evening time. Melatonin was rising. The sleep hormone was rising. And it was making us fall asleep. And we're getting a good night of sleep. At the same time, during daytime, as we get out of the bed and go outside, the bright light would activate this melanopsin and would activate all the alerting function of the brain, synchronize the brain clock. It raises alertness and reduce depression. So this was going on for thousands of years. And in the modern days, as we stay indoors with bright lights and bright screens at night, then the blue light from those light sources confuses melanopsin and confuses the brain, and brain cannot figure out when it is evening. So your sleep hormone, melatonin, doesn't rise. And we have difficulty falling asleep, or we wake up too many times at night, or even in the morning, when we wake up, we feel very tired. We have foggy brain during the daytime. And then throughout the day, we spend most of our day in dimly lit rooms like this. That's not bright enough to reset our clock. So as a result, we go from sleepless night and foggy brain during daytime, and if it continues for several weeks and months, then again, scientists have shown, that we get closer to many mental diseases. So as a result, there is a new idea that lighting, there is a new lighting revolution that essentially says light for vision is not the same as lighting for health. And in fact, a few years ago, The Economist magazine wrote a very provocative article called The Light Therapeutic, the idea is if light affects our mood, hormones, reproduction, and alertness, depression, then light is a drug. And if we can control lighting, then we can improve health. Then the question is, who should regulate light, and who should listen to it? So that discussion is still going on, but at the same time, scientists are still trying to figure out how much light is good for us. And we haven't come to a consensus, but there is a rule of thumb, that lighting to treat depression, seasonal affective disorders, winter blues or ADHD, one should get at least 10,000 lux of light for 15 to 60 minutes. What is 10,000 lux of light? So that is, if you go outside, even without directly standing under the bright sunlight, if you were in a shaded area, you get 10,000 to 20,000 lux of light. So just going outdoor, gives you the best anti-depression in this world, and it's free. We just have to set our foot outside. And then average person, for others who don't have depression or something, then we need 1,000 lux of light, 500 to 1,000 lux of light, for 30 minutes in a day. So that is having your breakfast right next to a window, not even looking at the sun. And just before going to bed, at least dim down your light and have less than 20 lux for two to three hours before going to bed. That will help us to build up our melatonin level. And we have been working with various national institute, building code specifiers, for example, ASHRAE. And at Salk, we also have what we call Academy of Neuroscience for Architecture, where neuroscientists and architects have a joint dialogue to figure out how to incorporate the knowledge from neuroscience into architecture. And our lab also has a iPhone app called myLuxrecorder, which is free, and you can just download and then look around, and then it will show you how much light you have. So it's a very simple app, and you can click and save, so you can go back and see how much light is in which place. And this simple idea has revolutionized so much that now there are nearly two billion smartphones and PCs that change their screen color from blue to maybe orange color, around 10 o'clock at night. It's really gratifying to see that this basic science discovery that happened in a little mouse, 15 years ago, has already made it to two billion devices so that people can become curious about the effect of light, and in fact, there are many other apps and wearables that are coming into the market. At the same time, if we think about light, and if we look at this nighttime image of the US, then you see all these bright spots, and if you zoom in, and then you see this kind of kitchen. So that means (audience laughs) we don't stay awake late into the night, just reading books or something. We actually have entertainment and food. So then we got curious about what are the effects of food on our circadian clock. And to make a long story short, what we figured out is if food is presented at the wrong time, it just disturbs the entire circuit, and then food takes over all the clocks. So that means as we continue to eat late into the night, or randomly eat one day or the other, then it's almost like our body goes through jet lag. Although our brain doesn't feel it, our body feels it. So a very simple experiment that is done 10,000 times or more, we latched on to that experiment to figure out, to find the relevance of this simple idea. So the idea is this. If you take two identical sets of mice that are born to the same mom in the same room, fed the same diet, had the same microbiome, it divided them to two different groups. One group gets to eat a balanced, healthy diet. The other group gets to eat a high-fat diet, high-sucrose diet, or any unhealthy diet. Then after a few weeks, we know that the mouse that eats the unhealthy diet becomes fat. And that leads to obesity, diabetes and all these other disease, and that's the idea that has been driving biomedical research into metabolic disease for the last several decades. What is interesting is if we look carefully into how these mice eat, mice are nocturnal. They should be eating at nighttime. But if they have access to yummy food, then they will eat throughout the day and night. And that breaks down their rhythms, so the genes that are supposed to turn on, the hormones that are supposed to go up at a certain time, the hormones that are supposed to go down at other time, they don't do that. So it's almost like all the traffic lights in a city being stuck in yellow or orange. Then the traffic doesn't flow well. So we thought, what is the impact of food versus timing on mouse health? So this is where the basic science and basic imagination about what might be happening about metabolism comes into play. The idea is very simple. Nutrition science has told us that as long as we keep eating, in the morning, when we start our breakfast, then we have the right enzyme, the right hormone and the right microbiome, and our body is primed to digest that food, take some of that food and burn carbohydrates to fuel our body, and at the same time, store a little bit of fat. And it continues as long as we eat throughout the day. And then after our last bite, the burning sugar part goes down, because there is not enough available sugar, and then the fat begins to start burning. So in the last few hours of our overnight fast, our body is actually burning fat, and at the same time, repairing many organs. So the next day, when we eat our breakfast, the cycle changes again. So now imagine if we spread this food over 15, 16 hours, without changing calories, then our body will not have enough time to switch from sugar-burning to fat-burning. It will also not have enough time to repair our gut lining and skin. So in the absence of that repair, this is causing bacteria or even allergy-causing chemicals can enter our body and can even cause more diseases. So with this idea, we thought, well, that means if a mouse eats for 10 hours, then the mouse can have a healthy clock, can bond fat and be healthy, whereas if the same food is given over 15 hours, or 24 hours, then the mouse may become unhealthy. We took two identical set of mice. One group got to eat whenever they wanted, the high-fat food. The other group got to eat the same food, but they were trained to eat for eight hours, in the first experiment. And we did this experiment for 18 weeks. And there was a very surprising finding, that after 18 weeks, although these two groups of mice ate the same exact calories, and the same identical food, every week, one group of mice was obese, and then the other group was lean. It was so surprising and against everything else that we have learned in nutrition science that I had to get this experiment done four different times by four different postdocs, so that's why this paper has four co-first authors. And what is interesting is the next experiment that Amandine, who is actually in the audience, sitting in the very back, did was a very heroic experiment. She actually took this fat mouse, and then put them back on eight hours and nine hours eating and could reverse this disease. That was the most surprising fact. Although the mouse already had the disease, you could reverse it, just by changing what time they eat. And another thing that is most profound is there is no single medicine, that we know, that can reverse all of this disease, even in a mouse, in 10 weeks. So that's just this eight hours and nine hours eating was the most powerful drug that we know, so far, if you can call it a drug. So then we thought well, it's nice and gratifying to cure a lab mouse, but what about humans? So the first pushback we got was no, humans don't eat like mice. We are very different. We eat three meals. We wanted to see whether that's true. So we developed an app called myCircadianClock. And anybody now can go to this website and sign up for this study. But what we do is we ask people to take a picture of their food, because with a picture, we get what, when and how much people eat. And people love taking pictures of their food, so it is very easy. (audience laughs) And we ask them to take pictures for three weeks, because we know that your weekday and weekend eating patterns are very different. And we put them on a timeline to make it easy for us to see when people eat. And this is what you see, every time a calorie-containing picture comes in, or sometimes when they forget, they just write it. Then we put it on a timeline, and if it continues for three to four weeks, then you can see how regularly or irregularly this person eats. And you can see that there is no rhyme, and there is really no pattern to it. And in fact, if we look at the weekday and weekend, they also look very random, and if we combine them, then we can see that it appears as if this person was in San Diego in the weekday and went to New York in weekend, (audience laughs) because we delay our breakfast time in the weekend. But even if we combine all this data and then put it around the clock, then it looks like this person was eating almost throughout the 24 hours, or at least for 18-19 hours. This person was not an outlier. He was not a shift worker. And he was actually a nine-to-five job guy from around here. And in fact, in our first study, we had 156 people. And all of them, nearly all of them, had this same eating pattern. And as expected, we saw that people do eat around noon, for their lunch, and then dinner around seven or eight. But at the same time, they keep continue munching these small meals throughout nighttime. Then we asked how much calorie is present in each of these pictures. And what we find is the midnight snacks are actually very calorie-dense. People are not getting up just to have half an apple or something. (audience laughs) They're actually having a big bowl of cereal with milk. So then we asked okay, so for how many hours people are actually eating, just going back to mouse, because we know in mice, if they eat eight, 10 or 12 hours, they're healthy. If they cross 12, then they become unhealthy, even if they are given healthy food. What we find is 50% of adults eat for 15 hours or longer. And think about it. If the first calorie starts with the coffee and cream at 6 a.m. in the morning, and the last calorie from your glass of wine or beer is at 9 o'clock at night, that's already 15 hours, and if you do it two to three times in a week, then that's almost like disrupting the clock and going to East Coast and West Coast a couple of times. And then we asked a very simple question. We know that our clock, our body clock, is most effective in digesting food in the first half of the day, but by noon, people consume less than 1/4 of their all daily calorie intake. In fact, by evening, we still have 1/3 food to go. And in the evening, two hours, three hours, we consume more food than in the first eight hours. So that simply tells us that we are actually eating opposite to what our body is designed to do. We even gave our participants the watch that I'm wearing that collects sleeping time, eating time, and then we combined that with the food pictures. We can see what time the person wakes up and what time they have their first calorie. And to make a long story short, what we found is within an hour of waking up, nearly 80% of people have their first calorie. And then two to three hours before going to bed, nearly 50% of people have something, some calories, before going to bed, and we know that these two are unhealthy. So the bottom line is, as I predicted, as long as our eyes are open, our mouth is open. (audience laughs) So then the question was, can we take some overweight and obese people, who are eating for 14 or 15 hours, and then ask them to do only one change? The only one change they have to do in their life is to figure out a 10-hour window, and then try to eat whatever they want to eat, without changing drastically what they're eating, within that 10 hours. So we have done this experiment now, quite a few times, and other people around the world have been reproducing this, and the good news is within 10 to 12 weeks, people actually lose a modest amount of body weight. Their health, overall health, actually improves. And I'll go over some of those. Then the practical question is okay, so people ask me, "How should I organize my day?" And here is the very simple and straightforward answer. The American Society of Sleep Physiologists and all the sleep scientists, they agree on one thing, that we should spend at least eight hours, every night, in bed. So that includes if you are reading something or anything else, so eight hours in bed. So if you go to bed at 10 o'clock, wake up at six, then between after we wake up, at least for an hour, our hormones are going through change of guard. So the night hormones are going down. And the day hormones are going up. So it's kind of not very healthy to eat something when these hormones are changing. So try to avoid food for about an hour after waking up. And then if you try, if you are really brave, and you want to start right away, then you can start a eight-hour window and stop eating at 4 o'clock. Or what we advise to most of our participants, actually try to select a 10-hour window, because that's a little bit easier to adopt. Some people go up to 11, just like me. I kind of slip towards 11 hours but never beyond 12 hours. So now you have four different choices, eight, 10, 11, 12, or even you can do nine. And then give yourself two to three hours without food and also without bright light, before going to bed. So that makes it your full circadian day. Then what about light and exercise? We know that exercise has undisputable benefits on health, so at least, 30 minutes of physical activity, and if you can do it, even during daytime, walking under not midday sun, but even with some daylight, that's good enough. So that's what we aim for among our participants. But then the big question comes. What about coffee (laughs)? (audience laughs) So we said that you can have coffee from your start time until about, say, lunch or maybe 2 o'clock but not beyond that, because coffee has a half-life of around six hours for most of us, so that means if you drink a cup of coffee now, then your body still has half a cup of coffee six hours from now. So to have a good night's sleep, avoid coffee from 2 o'clock onwards. But I think most people are worried about, or ask us, "What about coffee here?" (audience laughs) So we have three answers. One is just about any food that we eat, our gut has to digest it and send it to the liver. And the liver sends it out, and that's how coffee gets to your brain. So when all this process happens, it's almost like trying to knock on the door of a sleepy person. Even if you knock slowly, the person is waking up. So if you want to do a clean TRE, then coffee may not be okay. But life gets into the way. So if you have to keep your job, by having coffee, (audience laughs) so that you can get to your job, have it. Second is safety. In the morning, 1/3 of drivers are sleep deprived, are driving sleepy, so it's better to be caffeinated than to drive sleepy. And then third one is if you cannot live without it, we don't want to take the last joy of life from your life. (audience laughs) Then the second thing that we are often asked is, "Well, I want to do eight hours, and how can I time it?" As I said, yes, you can start from one hour after waking up, and then you can also sleep, say, seven hours. But some people want to start at 10 o'clock in the morning. Some people even skip their breakfast and go straight to lunch. And we call it the early TRE or the late TRE. And the bottom line is all the studies that are coming out, they're showing that any eight to 10 hours time restriction is always better than eating randomly, but if you want to have much better benefit, if you want to go 100%, then try to do an early TRE. So that may be the ideal, but at the same time, even if somebody is doing this late TRE, time-restricted eating, that will still give us a lot of benefit. Almost 80 to 90% of benefits are still there, except for a few things. One is what we're finding slowly is maybe the heart health or maybe people who have mild predisposition to diabetes, it may be slightly better if they adopt a early TRE. So now many of you might ask, "Okay, so what can you do now?" So we still have the website where anyone from anywhere in the world can sign up. It's a IRB-approved study, so that means all your information is very secure under a secure server, and people do get feedback, and it's a guided study for almost 12 to 14 weeks. So you can see what is your rhythm, and you can try to adopt eight, 10 or 12 hours and see what benefits you'll see. So then the question is, how is this so important? I mean, it's just eating eight, 10 hours. Is that it? So what we really see is this. After people start doing this time-restricted eating, their nutrition quantity goes down, of course, because the late-night snacks and the wine and beer, those are going down. So you are losing some calories. You are reducing some calories, and in fact, you are reducing some calories that are unhealthy. So your nutrition quality goes up. And for some reason, we do not understand correctly, but that might be something to do with gut and other physiology, when people do this time-restricted eating, they get into deeper sleep at night. So they don't wake up that many times. So their sleep quality goes up. It happens two to four weeks after starting this time-restricted eating. And then they also have a much easier time getting into sleep. So sleep onset is much better, because you're also avoiding light as part of it. And then your sleep duration may improve, for some of us. So sleep improves. Nutrition quality improves. Then what happens? So we see reduced inflammation. So those who have little joint pain, that seems to go down after six to eight weeks. In some cases, it takes up to 10 weeks. So once your joint pain goes down, then you can do better physical activity. Instead of taking the elevator, you can actually start to take the stairs. And then since everything is so timed, you actually can set aside a chunk of time for your physical activity. And then another surprising thing that we find is people who do eight to 10 hours time-restricted eating, they see a profound improvement in their endurance. So those of you who are into biking or staying on treadmill, then you'll see that you're less tired at the end of your biking or treadmill. So then going back to this particular chart, because what matters at the end of the day is this chart. Can we reduce some of the disease burdens? Because even if we delay the onset of one single disease, for one year, that's $2,000 to $3,000 of savings in productivity loss and also in healthcare costs. And if we can prevent that in a million people for one year, so that's a $2 billion savings. So we and others around the world are now doing many controlled clinical studies where we are measuring many different broad parameters and also different things invasively and non-invasively. And what is really gratifying to see is some of these diseases that you see, for example, obesity, pre-diabetes or type II diabetes, this is acid reflux, some of these, we are beginning to see, are actually prevented or, in many cases, can be reversed by sticking to this time-restricted eating for at least a few weeks, 10 to 12 weeks. And then the field is getting really rich and rich, almost every month. There are new papers coming out in very high-profile journals. So for the general public and even for many of the scientists in the field, it's really hard to keep up with the literature. So that's why a few years ago, some of my colleagues at Salk Institute inspired me to write this book. And I must say that all of this, while actually possible, this research is possible, because I was in Salk. They told me it would be impossible to do somewhere else, because at Salk Institute, many donors, they gave us unrestricted funds, and for example, for all of these experiments, that I described, I had applied to federal agencies 18 times and I did not get funding. Only on my 19th trial, finally, last year, I got funded, and until that time, all of this was done with unrestricted gifts and targeted gifts from donors like you. So the book is divided into three major parts. The first part deals with the circadian clock. And it begins with the idea that we are all shift workers. When you think of circadian rhythm disruption, you might be thinking the guy who works in the assembly plant or the firefighter or the ambulance driver. They are the shift workers. Their clock is disrupted. But in fact, in this chapter, I go into saying what is considered a circadian rhythm disruption that causes disease, and in fact, almost all of us go through this kind of disruption, at least a few years in our life, whether you are a mom, whether you're a student. For example, in my lab, for the last two weeks, almost everybody in our lab, 10 of us, we are going through six to seven hours of, actually, nine hours of work, in the middle of the night, every three or four days, and we are going through this. And then the second chapter is How Circadian Rhythms Work. So I go a little bit into the molecular mechanisms and where are the cells, which cells have clock and how they work, and then the third one is Track and Test: Is Your Circadian Rhythm Okay? So these are very simple questions and then a few other ideas. Then part two goes into A Circadian Code for the Best Night's Sleep, because sleep is one foundation of health. And then nutrition, to lose some weight and improve your health. And then to improve your learning and working of brain health, and that chapter goes into lighting and how to manage light. Then finally, how to exercise so that your circadian clock is in sync. And then I give some tips about lighting. Then finally is Optimizing Circadian Health. What happens, or how can you manage your clock if you have a gut disease or digestive concern? And circadian code for addressing metabolic disease, this is the crux of the book, because obesity, diabetes and heart disease affect more than 70% of older adults in this country, and we can reverse or prevent many of them. And then finally, Enhancing the Immune System and Treating Cancer, because 40% of us, at one point in our life, will be diagnosed with cancer. And if we can reduce our inflammation right now, then we can delay, or we can even prevent. Second, during cancer treatment, the new studies are showing that if we time the drug to the right time, then we can improve efficacy, and we can get a cure. Then the third, even after cancer treatment, if we stay on time-restricted eating, then we can reduce the risk of getting relapse. And that's now beginning to show up, because epidemiological studies are showing that women with breast cancer, if they eat for only 11 hours, then their chance of getting another bout of breast cancer goes down significantly. And those studies are being repeated throughout the world, and in fact, now we are seeing new research in prostate cancer. And then finally, how to optimize circadian code for preventing dementia and improving brain health. And finally, a perfect circadian day, where I give a few examples. And in fact, this book ends with somebody who has been living a very healthy, long life and has been very productive in his life. And he is here, Roger Guillemin, who is a Nobel Laureate, who is a faculty at Salk, still drives his car every day. And his lifestyle goes with the clockwork. We interviewed him, a few years ago, and the book ends with his interview. So with that, I'll leave you with this very simple idea, that our optimum health is driven by having a strong clock. And when we have an erratic lifestyle, then that disrupts the cogs in this wheel, and we get all this disease. And it's almost like taking 10 different cars and going off-roading. It's not that all 10 different cars will have the same problem after two miles. So the same thing happens. Depending on our gene, one may get heart disease. One may get cancer. But the bottom line is if we have a better circadian lifestyle, we can prevent or reverse many of them. And thank you. (audience applauds) - Well, I've heard Satchin many times, and I always learn something new. And it's wonderful to have somebody doing something that we can actually apply to our lives. And it's positive and hopeful, and we need a lot more of that in today's world. Well, we have about 10 to 15 minutes for questions. I know we won't get to everybody today. We've been live streaming on Facebook, so we've got questions from the audience and potentially online. My colleague Jane and I will be wandering around with microphones, so Jane, there's a question right here, the gentleman in the hat. And then afterwards, before you ask your question, we have a book signing with Satchin. He will be at a table in the reception. So please don't come down here to try to ask him questions, 'cause he has lots of people who are going to want his signature. So we will have him in the foyer with food, reception, all of you, books, and if you haven't gotten them, he's had so many write-ups in the press. We have one printout from The New York Times. But just Google his name if you want to see what's out there. - Thank you. - It's pretty impressive. So go ahead with the first question. - Thank you very much for such a comprehensive presentation. I'm very interested in your comments and ideas and maybe past experiments or future ones regarding the factor of aging with all the complex variation that you address. - Yeah, so right now, when we talk about aging, most of us have diseases of the aging. So our immune system deteriorates. Our motor coordinate system deteriorates so that we cannot walk properly. We cannot run properly. So those are the signs of aging. And this time-restricted eating can delay or even reverse some of those signs. So we think that this will ultimately lengthen, increase, the healthy lifespan so that we'll live a few years longer. In fact, just the first experiment in rodents, little mice, just came out, last week, from the National Institute of Aging, showing that mice that eat for 12 to even 13 hours, they live longer than mice that eat the same number of calories, every single day, in their entire life, but the first group was eating them only, and this 12 to 13 hours group live longer. They did not live as long as some of the old calorie restriction studies, where you have to reduce calories by 30, 40%, every single day, but it's very amazing to see that without counting calories, mice could live longer and healthier. - [Host] We are going to actually take a Facebook live stream right now from Emily. She's actually in Satchin's lab, and she's been helping out. - In fact, Emily will be around after the talk. So if you have questions, she's the one who answers more questions in my lab than I do. - [Host] All right, so you have a question from John on Facebook asking if children should eat within a 10-hour eating window as well. (child babbles) (audience laughs) - Okay. (Satchin laughs) Okay! So let's answer it slightly differently. I'll actually pose the question to you. So according to sleep physiologists and pediatricians, children should be getting around nine to 10 hours of sleep. When I'm talking about children, I'm talking about children after the age of, say, 10. So if they're sleeping for nine hours, then they should not be eating for a couple of hours before going to bed. That's already 11 hours, because even among children, not having food will help them to go to sleep better. And then after they wake up, they will take half an hour to an hour to get ready before they go to have their breakfast. So you can do the math. Even children can actually eat for 12 hours. So that's why I say if you're thinking about 10 to 12 hours, at least 12 hours, a five-year-old to a 100-year-old can try to eat within 12 hours, sleep, for children, nine hours, for adults, seven to eight hours. And this is normal. Yes. - [Woman] I noticed Alzheimer's on your list of diseases that could be impacted by a circadian lifestyle, but not Parkinson's. I'm curious, why? - So we haven't actually looked carefully, because it's such a new area of study. Hopefully, what we expect is in a few years, people will start experiments with mouse models of this disease. And then we'll see results. So far, we have seen from Huntington's disease model. And mice who have the same mutation that causes Huntington's disease in humans, if they eat within eight hours, then their disease severity is reduced. They sleep much better, and their physical performance and activities were much better. So that initial experiment result from Huntington's disease is giving us hope that hopefully we can replicate this in a few other disease models. Thank you. - A simple question-- - Sure. Right here, in the front. - [Host] In the front? - [Woman] Okay, this is a simple question. What does water intake-- - Oh yeah. - [Woman] Should you limit water during the rest periods? - Yeah, so actually, I forgot to say. So you can drink plenty of water outside this eating window. And in fact, many of the medications are also fine. So you should consult your physician about medications. But most medications are fine. Unless you are eating those gummy bear vitamins, five of them, (audience laughs) in the middle of the night. So you got to be careful about that (laughs). Oh here. - This is fantastic work. - Thank you. - I've been studying this material for about seven years now, since. I had insomnia back in 2011. It's phenomenal. I know that a lot of my studies, the material that I've learned about circadian rhythm are coming from the Ayurvedic and Indian culture, and I'm wondering what influence that had on your studies and the work that you're coming up with. - Actually, some of the influence came from my research in plants, because in plants, it's a very simple, straightforward experiment. You take a little plant and you give them light for eight hours, which is like food. Then the plant will take a long time before it produces flower and fruit and dies. So that's a long life. Whereas you take a plant and expose it to 14 to 16 hours of light. That's food. Then the plant will flower and fruit earlier and dies. So that was kind of in the back of my mind, that if you eat for less number of hours, then you can live longer. Thank you. - [Woman] In military personnel, especially special operations, they go through selection and assessment in numerous schools in which they're put through circadian disruption, energy deprivation, over and over and over again, over the course of their entire career. And would this suggest that maybe we are aging them early? I can tell you from having studied them, they'll have significant endocrine dysfunction. But if you look at their values, oftentimes, the lipids, hemoglobin a1c, are normal before and after these schools. So what would you say this has in terms of impact for something like that? - Well, we're actually starting to study not really military personnel but San Diego firefighters, and they also go through the same lifestyle. And in fact, Emily bravely went and tried to experience what a typical San Diego firefighter goes through, and she did quite a few 24-hour ride-alongs. And just imagine getting woken up 10 to 12 times every night at random times, and you have to go through every single wake-up and do the run and come back. And after one or two rides, she said, "I don't understand how these people are still alive." (audience laughs) But what we know from firefighters is they say that when they retire, and within three months or four months, they come back, and they feel like they have become 10 years younger, just not having that disturbance so much. And a very simple thing, when you look at any news about a 100-year-old, you'll never find military personnel, a firefighter, a pilot, very rarely even a scientist, living up to 100 years. (audience laughs) And one of the common theme of our centenarians is they live a very simple lifestyle, and they eat everything within set period, and they do enough exercise and are exposed to light. So at the same time, we are interested in these extreme ones who go through repeated circadian rhythm disruption and yet they're healthy, because we want their DNA, to study. (audience laughs) If you know somebody, I'm serious. We'd like to study them. - [Woman] When people are eating, their mouths are opened. And have you found any correlation between improved nasal breathing and better airway function in your research, or are you looking at that? - Yeah, so this is so new, because our first human study was only three years ago. And so these are some of the conditions we are looking at now. We just got funding from the National Institute of Health, and literally the funding letter came two days ago. That means we'll start recruiting maybe December, January, and one of the questionnaires and one of the assessments will be OSA, obstructed sleep apnea. So we'll get to that. - [Host] Up there, with Jane. - [Man] Yes, thank you, Dr. Panda, great presentation. You did one back, a number of years, in the Rancho Santa Fe Rotary Club. - Yeah. - [Man] And people still talk about it. - Thank you. - [Man] My question relates to coffee, and I assume that relates to caffeine. We have a lot of other drinks that have caffeine. So is the limitation the same on those? - Yeah, so I must, we actually spend, 80% of our questions are about caffeine and non-calorie-containing drinks. So when it comes to, say, sodas that have sugar substitute, we know that that sugar substitute does affect our gut microbiome, so there are many other reasons why to avoid them. But few drinks, for example, carbonated soda, just seltzer water or sparkling water is perfectly fine. And in fact, you can put a little piece of lime and act as if you are having gin and tonic, vodka. (audience laughs) And many of us do that (laughs). So it's fine. About other drinks, being a scientist, I always wanted to go back and do the experiment, at least in mouse, and it's very hard to give them these kind of drinks. (audience laughs) But what we tend to do is try to do as much as you can with calorie-containing food within eight to 10, or maximum, even 12 hours, and then outside, hot water, cold water, sparkling water is fine. - [Host] Okay, this is the last question, and then he will be having to go out. - [Man] Thank you for an excellent talk. I'm wondering what happens to animals that are naturally nocturnal feeders, like owls. Do they reset a different sort of circadian rhythm? - Yeah, so actually, owls are extremely interesting, because some of the owls go back and forth between nocturnal and diurnal, the owls that live in northern latitude. So the field of circadian rhythm is very wide and diverse, because we also study, some of us, study the switching between nocturnal and diurnality, and for birds, even migration from one place to another. So we don't understand too much of it, because we have a lot of observation. We don't understand the molecular mechanism that helps us switch. So before we end, those of you who have books, of course, I'll sign, and those who have already bought, and if you like it, then please go to Amazon, or wherever you bought the book, and then leave a rating. That will help other people to appreciate the work and spread the word. - Thank you, Dr. Panda. - Thank you. (audience applauds) Thank you, thank you. (audience applauds)
Channel: Salk Institute
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Keywords: Salk Institute, Biology, Science, Jonas Salk,
Id: LJ9Ae_j_kjI
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Length: 55min 8sec (3308 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 13 2018
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