Hi. My name is Dominique. I'm a Technical
Trainer with SAS. Today, I'm going to show
you how to get started using SAS OnDemand for Academics. SAS OnDemand for
Academics is how you can access SAS
software for free via the cloud from
anywhere in the world. All you need is a SAS profile
and an internet connection, and you can get started using
SAS Studio to write and submit your SAS programs. You can even upload
your own data. Let's get started. I'm at the sign in page. You can find this link in
the description box below. If you don't already
have a SAS profile, there's a link where
you can create one. All you have to do is
follow the simple prompts. And you don't need an
edu email to sign up. So anyone can sign up, anyone
who wants to learn SAS. If you need to create a
profile, go ahead and do that. Otherwise, simply add your
login credentials and sign in. We'll select SAS Studio. SAS Studio is our
browser-based interface. It can access SAS
software that is running on a local or remote server. With SAS OnDemand
for Academics, SAS is running on a remote server. So any files or programs or
data that we want to use, we'll have to upload
it to this server. And we'll do that underneath
this section called Server Files and Folders. I'll show you how to
upload files in a moment. But first, let's see
what's already included. I'm going to go down to
where it says Libraries. Libraries are just direct
connections to structured data. The SASHELP library
is a library that is accessible in pretty much
every installation of SAS. It has some data sets that will
be helpful in your programming journey. For example, let's take
this sashelp.class data set. It's a small,
relatively clean data set that I can use to
practice my programming on. So let me write some code. I'll write a simple
PROC PRINT step that references that
sashelp.class data set. I'll submit code
here in my editor. And you can see my results. Pretty easy. Right? Now, if you're unfamiliar
with the SAS code that you've just seen, maybe you
should think about checking out some of our free elearning. I recommend starting
with SAS Programming 1. You can find that linked in
the description box below. Now let's see how we can
work with our own data. I'm going to go back to
the Server Files and Folder section. This is where I'll upload
files from my local computer. First, I'll start by creating
a folder to put my files in. I'll select Files (Home). And I'll click on
my new icon, where I can create a new folder. I'll just call this My
SAS Files and save it. And so I can see this
underneath my files. This is where I'm
going to upload any files from my local
server to this remote server. I'll right click on this folder. I'll go down to Upload Files. And I can choose the files
from my local machine to upload to this
remote machine. So any files that
are on my desktop, in my documents, et cetera. So I'll click on Choose Files. I have a Windows
operating system. You might have a different
type of operating system. But the benefit of SAS
OnDemand for Academics is it's all browser based. It doesn't matter what
operating system you have. So I'll select the files
that I want to upload. And that is my
program and the data that's referenced in
my program as well. So this data is all about this
party, this hypothetical party that I'm going to throw. I'll click on Open. And it will give me the
ability to upload my files. Pretty quickly, I was
able to upload my files. So I'll expand the folder
that I created My SAS Files. And I can see the Party Excel
workbook that I uploaded and the partycontacts.sas
program. Let's open up this program. I can see that this
program aims to set up the party library that is a
connection to that party.xlsx file. And then with that file, I
want to take the invited sheet and the contact sheet and create
an inner join using PROC SQL. Again, if any of this
code is unfamiliar, be sure to check out our
self-paced elearning linked in the description box below. Let's go ahead and see
if this code will run. I'll click on my running person. Uh oh. Seems we have an error. Let's check out what
is our error saying. It's saying that my
data doesn't exist. Well, let's go back to our code. This is all because my
file path references a folder that's on
my local machine. This Excel workbook
that we want to access is the one that we uploaded. So we need to change
this file path. So I'm going to just highlight
and delete that file path. To get the correct
file path, I'll go over here to my Server
Files and Folder section. I'll right click on
the party.xlsx file. And I'll go down to Properties. This is the new file path
that I should be referencing for this Excel workbook. So I'm just going to
highlight and copy. I'll close out. And in my LIBNAME
statement, I'll replace that previous
file path with my new one. Let's check and see if this
LIBNAME statement actually works. So I'll just highlight this one
statement and give it a run. In my log, I see a note that
says my library reference was successfully assigned. Let's go check
out our libraries. And so now under
my libraries, I'll see all those
previous libraries. And I'll also see
the party library. I can see I have the contacts,
contacts many, invited, and seating data sets. So these were all sheets
in my Excel workbook. Because I use my LIBNAME
statement and my xlsx engine, I can now access these as
if they were SAS data sets. So I'll use this to
level naming system where I have the library
name dot the table name. And my PROC SQL code should
run perfectly fine now, now that I've updated
that file path. So let's give this
whole program a run. And I have my results. Because I've joined
these two data sets, I can see everyone
that I invited to this party and their
contact information. All of this was stored
in my Excel workbook that I uploaded to this server. Be sure to follow
these steps if you're interested in practicing
your programming skills in a free environment. But if any of this
code seemed unfamiliar, be sure to check out
our free e-learnings. Like if you found this helpful. Comment if you have questions. And be sure to subscribe
and turn on notifications, so that you'll be notified
whenever we drop new tutorials and videos. Until next time,
thanks for watching. [MUSIC PLAYING]