Sarina Koga Destroyed Volleyball Team Turkey With 31 Points !!!

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nice pass oh yes oh santastic what a dig though oh the skill level is off the charts and look at this Japan have got themselves into it almost back into system here and they get the pipe going absolutely magnificent well patience is going to be the name of the game for Japan they they're not going to blast turkey off the court so they have to be willing to be tasted here for some scrambled situations as they have here and then when they get the chance to swing go for to sit [Applause] out nice good aggressive swing from and a really good aggressive set to stretch the block out to not let it be a short move the speed and precision of the set an excellent job from kog getting in there to work the top of go to her in front didn't she huge serve Japan with work to do and again they're going to do it nothing that's going to come tur's way it's going to be like a it's going to have a Top Spin on it is it it's going to be a side spin left and right and all sorts off the block well they have to play the game that's being played on the other side of the net which is what Japan wants to do is force them out of their Rhythm and that they can't it's not going to be a pure physical high and they need to be staying aggressive that's way that's an excellent H attack and really good variation they're not giving TOA the same look multiple times it's it's multiple calls from the set are trying to create different Avenues on the court for the hit is incredibly valuable yes the bigger the gap between the rankings the bigger the points are on offer for a win and the more you lose if you lose it's really it's a really cool assist [Music] excellent if you're going to go somewhere it's going to be deep to the corn I mean that's a good that's a proper crosscourt shot deep cross well fantastic athletic great ball in to make it happen and a quality finish from the captain to get the better of Vargas Japan take the opening set 2523 piging around everywhere the screen was showing in a like a do mat where the balls were all going the ones that been picked up and it was absolutely phenomenal the way the cameras track the ball it doesn't make it up it actually tracks them in real time nice play again and Japan off to an early start here Qui great point for them so the intent from arii is good she wants to block this ball she [Applause] want and come again lovely the speed of that the set is just over the middle block isn't it so the middle block is committed to that and then the space outside as a result we get a good view of this now what the pressure is coming on in the middle here look at that you just got to hold it's it's the side shuffle Shu swing which she has more of the court to work [Applause] with kog quality well power on one side finesse on the other both equal a point both frustrating Cent eari feels that should have been picked up Tad early on that had to use the Hang Time fargas couldn't control the [Applause] speed well fantastic job by Koga again going to the line to find the point but she's doing a really good job controlling her like B was one step off Tempo she need to be for that ball to be aggressive Japan back in aser they [Applause] [Music] lead good serve Koga valadin again finds hands and gives Japan a chance excellent pickup needed to be made as well oh I say that should have hit the floor it does now and Koga does it and this is set point Japan well coima again phenomenal defense phenomenal ball control and by that I mean that she plays the ball not just off the ground but puts the ball with time and in position where they can play the next play and it's [Applause] their that's a a real tough one to deal with the Japan have dealt with it and it's Koga again providing that stability providing that control from position [Applause] [Music] four touch but no one can get to it everybody waiting to get the ball so they can have a tough on that is you got to be in the now in volleyball you can't even if you're if we have a look at this again in the touch and we watch you again what she does is she's backing off thinking well I'll get someone will play this so I can have a swing on to the [Applause] green that's again know the hitting Lanes you know where the the space is from your peral vision look at that I mean that that didn't even look like there was [Applause] that too easy for Japan could be costly for turkey8 it is costly for turkey8 and Japan have level that up the fans know it's not great Santa Rell is not pleased and kog has the Turkish qu guessing every time she's choosing small variations timing is a little bit K with the serve Ace from Koga they're just mixing it up every time not just in attack but also from the serving line aren't they it's it's never the same serve twice pretty much so's not looked in Rhythm at any point in this game and that's not the the length ker from the back row now moves into the front row Japan move to the lead a very important choice on the starting position for kog and the block here they know that kakur is the option that they want to set the ball here now between these two teams mental focus and athletic prowess required and kog chose both well the delivery on the set was a little bit better than the one before but her step to the ball that she gets there before the block closes use some movement to try and buy Here a better look or find a gap in the TOA block indeed they tried to find it but turer have read it Badin well played kog to get something on that oh what a save by jansu but it is a point for Japan and a much needed one just for the side out just to take that little breath I was well for the players and for you I think so but look I mean that play jansu Under the NIT they're not a fault because their feet weren't across the line it is deafening in here K oh I say incredible touch from Ian but can't make the second one that was almost a Scott Sterling moment 23 24 double change coming I catch is coming [Applause] off nice pick from sahim posted High turkey plenty of time to reset their block defense and plenty of time to reset there transition volleyball and it's a great point that in this moment kakur probably can just play this ball at a at a normal sort of speech she doesn't need to play this really big high ball because that gives Japan's attackers time to get ready and for they want to end up coming into this fifth set with the best momentum they have for the players that they know will get them there K's going to try and get them there from the get- go I didn't mention her starting block position and that's what happens because y she's got it perfectly asy spot on [Applause] side out achieved goes quiet for a moment here in [Music] [Applause] Italia Scramble for this B and again but she's not going to be able to make the pass that's way too [Applause] tight most of the line no footfall there Scramble now for Japan free ball too this time they play it low to stop everyone getting in on a good swing another magnificent dig oh this is just incredible volleyball and it's Japan that take it Well w has taken an opportunity by the Scruff of the the ne some really good swing some good Dr work on the Block and now the opportunity to serve again and she made that first step as well she needed to keep going oh yes first time we've seen that play for a while and that's the variation they know the ball is going that direction so the toqua block is really trying to release out to the antenna and make her hit a sharp angle she's there before they realize she's on them [Applause] not coming back 85 Japan we're going to have a side switch now we're going to change ends and goodness me three napping suddenly they're three behind and other than one of the great Japan would mean match point Koga gets it again from outside to in a quick ball the block can't get there in PL because they don't see it coming match boy four of [Music] them great technique Under Pressure unbelievable technique three chances caraker does the right thing she makes Japan have to do something with it and they've got a breakpoint opportunity oh Kima somehow in the way of it Koga somehow gets it off the block and it is a win for Japan it is incredible it's gone quiet here in antalia 10,000 bans stunned Japan have just beaten the world number ones when they did it with determination they did it with disruption they did it by forcing the game through played on their terms a fantastic job from Japan and for Tura there's definitely some things to work on they have a big summer ahead of them thanks for watching leave a like and make sure to subscribe to power volleyball for more volleyball videos [Music]
Channel: Power Volleyball
Views: 228,337
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: volleyball, volleyball actions, volleyball match, volleyball highlights, Volleyball Nations League 2024, VNL 2024, Women's VNL 2024, Japan vs Turkey Women's VNL 2024, Japan vs Turkiye Volleyball Nations League 2024, Turkey vs Japan VNL 2024, volleyball team Japan, 古賀 紗理那, Koga Sarina, Sarina Koga, sarina koga volleyball, Sarina Koga Destroyed Volleyball Team Turkey, Sarina Koga Turkey, volleyball world, Power Volleyball, 日本 vs トゥルキエ VNL 2024, FIVB, 日本 vs トルコ バレーボール, バレーボール
Id: 8p8MVbRa_-k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 50sec (770 seconds)
Published: Thu May 16 2024
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