Sardis - Shane Willard

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Revelation chapter 3 this is part of scripture called the letter to the seven churches there's a guy named John he's exiled on the island of Patmos by a guy named omission who was the Roman Caesar at the time and he's writing letter he's writing a letter back to these seven churches that ends up becoming the book of Revelation and so let me just this is Revelation chapter 3 verse 1 I want to open this up and ask ourselves to find our story in these people's story and ultimately ask what does the Lord want us to do to change our life to the Angel of the church in Sardis write this these are the words of him who holds the seven spirits of God and the Seven Stars these are the words of him who holds the seven spirits of God and the Seven Stars now let's just start right there he's fixing to give some instructions to these people in Sardis but I think it'll help us to understand what he's fixing to say to understand a bit about Sardis so first politics Sardis was ruled globally by a caesar named omission Domitian was a particular narcissist who thought he was the fullness of God incarnate he wasn't just a man he was the fullness of God and flesh he instituted olympic-style games to his honor he did crazy stuff from 78-84 78 82 92 ad he instituted a custom called the mark of the beast in the Agora in the marketplace outside of Ephesus who he was a particular crazy person so the first part of this reference is this is the testimony of him who holds the seven stars and the seven spirits of God so in Jewish thought the person who holds the seven spirits of God was the Messiah in this case Jesus Christ because he was the one that held the seven spirits of God the compassionate gracious slow to anger abounding in love and forgiveness God the seven spirits of God was the Spirit of the Lord will rest on him the spirit of wisdom counsel knowledge understanding and the fear of the Lord this was the SEVIS fierce guy so he's identifying this guy is Jesus and then he goes oh by the way and he holds the seven stars which was an in-your-face confrontation to Domitian's claims of godness let me show you a coin from the day this was legal tendered money in Domitian's day this is a coin of Domitian sochi in this Domitian was such a narcissist he made coins that presented him as the one sitting on top of the world holding the seven stars in place he didn't stop there here's the next coin this is a coin from donations real where he equated himself this is donation on the left that's the head side of the coin and on the tail side of the coin that is the god Jupiter he said he was filled with a male spirit God at God of Jupiter and a female spirit goddess the goddess Roma the goddess of virtue and so this guy was ruling the whole world with fear and oppression and horror and paying while claiming to be God in flesh this was doe nation now Sardis was an important part of the Lydian Empire in Persia this is where John's writing back to it it was on the main road from Ephesus to the main parts of Asia Minor thus making it an important center for buying and selling it was built as a lower City and an upper City to study this out there was a lower city of Sardis where the less rich people lived although everybody in Sardis was rich but then the really affluent they had a city built on a flat cliff 1500 meters high the Lower City and the upper City now when you could build a city on a flat cliff 1500 meters high that makes you impenetrable that makes you very difficult to attack no one could ever attack you without being automatically covered from an elevated position it was considered in its day the most fortified city in the in tyre world this was Sardis now the original king of Sardis this was 700 or so years before was a guy named Croesus now Croesus is in the discussion for the richest man who's ever lived now whether he was or not who knows but can we just all agree together if you're even in discussion you are flippin rich they they made they made saves about it hey as rich as Croesus things like this so Croesus was the first king and and he was really really inventive he he was the guy that invented in the world to invent a way to master the art of spinning wool before Croesus when you when you look at movies or histories or whatever before Croesus that's where people were sort of barbarians and they're wearing whole animals so they would kill an animal and then wear the whole animal skin Croesus figured out hang on a second if we shear the sheep and then use a spinner to spin the wool into actual clothes the Sheep next year will grow more wool will have more food to eat this is more sustainable it was amazing technology for that day the Croesus was a technic Croesus was the Bill Gates of the day he was he was the Steve Jobs of the day he was also the first place to make coin in such a way that standardized the amount of silver and gold in each coin before Croesus she just sort of had to guess as to what a coin was worth you'd have to get a weighed out then you'd have to wonder did they cheat you know there was all kinds of Croesus said there's no need for that here's what we can do right we can standardize the minting of coins by making it a standard measurement for the amount of gold and silver in each point and he mastered that so the whole world started looking to Croesus to print their money he was literally getting a cut off of every currency in the entire world this guy was right now after that this gets even better for Croesus Croesus is having a really good day after that they discovered the largest deposit of gold ever found in the history of the world up to that time we're underneath the upper City listen when you have developed the technology to standardize minting of coins and then subsequent to that they find the largest deposit of gold ever recorded in the history of the world up to that time underneath your feet you literally have a license to print money this was Croesus Croesus then built a huge army to protect the resources that makes sense if the largest positive gold ever recorded in history the world is underneath your feet you got to protect that you got to protect that what do you do how do you protect that you build an army you say your job is to protect artists artists so Sardis was already sort of protected 1500 meters high on a flat rock and then Croesus built a 40-foot wall on top of the 1500 meter cliff to further fortify it and he put Watchmen around the wall this made it the most fortified city in the in tyre world the problem was is they kept getting attacked for a fortified city people got very very focused on attacking Sardis why because they were so wealthy so affluent now let me just stop right here let's connect to the story this is a story about a group of people who live in a safe place and they have plenty of money does that sound like anybody you know right you woke up this morning in Australia a nation with motorcars paved roads stores the prepackaged food for you clean water in your tap machines that do washing other machines that do drying a world-class military that will protect you if somebody if somebody tried to invade Australia hey here's the thing Australia said hey even if our militaries are not big enough we're gonna let America put military bases in Australia and then those capsules show up with with Britain and France and the United Nations you live in a relatively safe place we have so much money more money than ever in the history of the world we have so much money into woomba that there are people in Toowoomba this week making a full-time wage massaging people we have so much money that we can pay people $70 an hour to rub our shoulders because they feel tight that is unbelievable affluence there is somebody in in Toowoomba this week making a full-time wage permanently removing women's facial hair that is amazing my great grandmother didn't have that you should have seen him it was unbelievable right like we live in the most affluent and I bet 90% of this room in the last 30 days went to a restaurant where somebody prepared food for us that is ROI kind of things 400 years ago only Kings got to do this we're living a life of Croesus now we're living in a city where we're relatively safe under no fear of attack and we have so much money we can pay people to rub our shoulders now the danger in that is getting complacent and feeling like we have no need for God right watch watch what happens right this is what happened in history in 546 BC Cyrus the Persian attacked and plundered the city with a surprise attack here's how he did it he sent spies to find a way into Sardis and he told him he said don't bother coming back if you can't find a way you'll die so go find a way I want the gold in that city but I couldn't find a way 1,500 meters high cliffs 40-foot wall what do you do the way the story goes is that one of the Watchmen on the wall the military guy fell asleep now can't you imagine how boring it would be watching the wall of Sardis that was further guarded by a 1500 meter rock face this guy falls asleep and that's the story goes you know your head sort of Bob's when you fall asleep his helmet came off of his head and tumbled down the mountain instead of going to the army barracks and admitting he fell asleep or making up a better story in how he lost his helmet he decides to go down and fetch his helmet now Croesus had built a secret passageway from the middle of the city inside the wall down the mountain he had dug it out and come out in the valley that was supposed to be used for the military so they would have ease of coming and going he uses this secret tunnel goes down and fetches his helmet the spies watched this and they follow him without him knowing it and he revealed to them the entrance to the secret passageway up the mountain they go back and report this to Cyrus the Persian who sends his military and in the middle of the night while everyone was asleep thinking that they were safe Cyrus the Persians army came up through the middle of the city through that secret passageway and plundered everything these people owned in the middle of the night while they were asleep now in 398 B see so in other words once everybody was dead that remembered that in 398 BC Antiochus the great a Greek warrior performed the surprise attack through the same tunnel and then in 334 BC once everybody was dead from that one Alexander the Great did the same thing so the pattern and service was getting complacent in their affluence and their safety and forgetting their need to protect himself and they kept being attacked from within because of complacency this was the political history of Sardis so politics was Domitian theology was was Roma and Jupiter and locally the local goddess was the goddess named Qibla because you can't talk about political rule without also talking about religious rule the religious rule of started starters was dominated by the religious rule of a goddess named Qibla she was the daughter of Zeus and twin of Apollo kibble Oh was also in known in other places as Artemis or Diana so when you read the Bible and it talks about Diana or Artemis kibble this is Qibla Qibla Artemis Diana they're the same exact goddess and she ruled this region she ruled the regions of Ephesus Sardis all of this stuff now because because it was such a fortified place the Roman Empire stored all of their archives there as well now let me paint a picture of what it would have been like to live in Sardis or emphasis in the first century let me show you a picture of Qibla here's Qibla isn't she beautiful she's killed she's a very she's the goddess of fertility um you could tell she's obviously very sort of sexual she's got like 20 sets of breasts right right well I mean I mean even when look even if there's 3,000 years old and made of stone a woman with 20 breasts is just awesome I don't know what she she was the goddess so if you wanted to get pregnant you would come to the temple of Qibla and you would offer an offering please open the wombs of my daughter whatever she was also the goddess of the hunt cuz she wasn't busy enough with fertility right so she was the goddess that if you were gonna go out and hunt for food remember there's no grocery store no one was doing this for you if you're gonna go out and hunt for food the men would come to the temple of Qibla and they would offer an offering to Qibla to ask her to trick the small animals into coming into their contacts that they could have food to eat here was the conflict she was also the goddess of protecting small animals yeah right right it's so it's a she was the goddess of all these things she receives worship through like open aired orgies and things like this you know it you know and and you thought to woomba was hard right are you kidding me right like pol went and built a thriving Church here right so somebody say to me the other day for I'm worried about Australia we're getting more and more and more godless what are you talking with this this this is it this was something else this was debauchery on a grand scale oh you wanna hear something cool right there's this one time and this is a historical story where there was a famine that couldn't find food so people with all this money we're going hungry because money doesn't buy food if you can't find the animals right so so they couldn't find food there was a bit of a famine now think about it think about it right right if you're a man in Sardis and you're going out day after day after day after day after day week after week after week after week after week and you're looking for food and you cannot find the food what would you think in a primitive superstitious thing you would think oh the gods are upset with us and in this case which particular God Qibla right so if you're a man and you're in charge of the hunting clan going out and you need to really you need to really please Qibla once it got dire and people were starting to starve they went to Qibla and as the history story goes there was a they've got convinced that Qibla was mad at the men and she didn't know if they were loyal which led to this question how does a group of men prove their loyalty to a female goddess how do you do that how does a man prove that I belong to you he here's what they did craziness here's what they did thousands of them in a religious frenzy to honor Qibla self castrated right right I can't believe this was around they self castrated right I mean how many you're out right like this isn't something we're gonna engage in they self castrated and then they offered them on the offer to Kim Bala in a mass burnt offering to prove we belong to you now please bring the animals into our site so that we may eat thousands of men self castrating and offering a burnt offering to Qibla oh by the way by the way in 1918 archaeologists found that ancient temple of Qibla and they found this altar and today it's a tourist attraction if you go and do what I'm tracing the steps of pole right if you're going to do it that right you can find this altar today as a tourist attraction so if you're ever in ancient Ephesus in Sardis and you find the altar to Qibla don't sit on it right it's good it's got history right right so this this is the kind of oh by the way by the way you want something cool right right Paul built a thriving Church there and in Ex 1937 he gets arrested he gets arrested and they bring him before the judge of Ephesus and Sardis and if you remember the passage what does it say the judge says what do you want me to do this man has neither robbed our temple nor has he spoken against our goddess one time which leads me to this question could we do that maybe the better way to build and make Jesus Christ famous is not to build ministries around everything we're against and what we're not for but rather to make Jesus famous the idea Paul had such a profound trust in the goodness of Jesus he walks in and goes I don't need to speak against this the badness of this is speak Keifer itself let's present a replacement a better way to live why was there listen listen why was there such a revival in the first century why why think about it Paul shows up in a city like this and he's like hey guys hey over here over here hey um um hello I'm Paul I serve a god and I'd like to invite you to serve in with me let me tell you about him um he loves you just like you are he doesn't expect anything from you you'll actually have infinitely more food to eat if you serve Him because he doesn't require you to kill part of your animals to make him happy oh and he loves you and he doesn't expect anything from you he just loves you because you're his creation and and and that is all and oh and by the way he'll provide food for you just because he loves you and you get to keep all your bits intact join us right people like I'm over there right this this would have been something else right this was a crazy crazy sort of place to live and you and you thought Australia was hard are you serious this is that this is the best time ever to be alive like if we can't build a church here where it's not illegal right no one's gonna die for their faith today in Australia no one no one not in general we're not sitting in here in fear of the armed armies that could come in and decimate us because of our faith right right look whatever the worst thing going on in Toowoomba last night was whatever that was it's nothing that Jesus couldn't walk right into without blushing and show love it's show compassion yeah Paul's like hey hey hey Jesus is awesome which is a much more compelling message than a 30-point bullet point thing or why kibble is bad this is Sardis so John says hey to the church at Sardis it's a church that that is the Geo political and religious history of Sardis as I know it in 17 minutes now let's see if that helps us understand what Jesus is getting to at church at sardis here's what he says I know your deeds you have a reputation for being alive but you're actually dead you could use the word dead or asleep wake up strengthen what remains and is about to die for I have found your deeds unfinished in the sight of my god remember therefore what you have received and heard hold it fast and repent but if you do not wake up I will come like a thief and you will not know at what time I come to you memories talking to people whose history included when they sleep without being aware people attacked them in the middle of the night like a thief this is like he's telling them their history again says yet you have found a few people in Sardis who have not soiled their clothes they will walk with me dressed in white for they are worthy the one who is victorious will like them be dressed in white I will never blot out the name of that person from the book of life but will acknowledge that name before my father and his angels whoever has ears let him hear what the Spirit says to the church it's Sardis he said what does this be for us 2019 twimble my first thought is is simply this can you see how to woomba is not exactly that much different than Sardis - the forced castration right like we're affluent we're protected we're safe we have plenty right right we are like these people in here and just like these people our tendency is in our affluence and in our safety and in our security we might bow to the temptation to become complacent in what God has called us to do and rest on the laurels of yesterday right I think we are the same as these people potentially and if we don't stop and exactly examine our heart and go wait a minute have I become complacent in the middle of my effluents and in the middle of my security and all that have I subtly lost my need and my dependents to profoundly trust God and this is what Jesus is saying to us and to the church at sardis number one wake up wake up what are you doing where are you resting on yesterday and becoming complacent but is there any place is there any place we've become complacent in our life just thing at all we've got enough we don't really have any needs it's a dangerous place to be to be complacent because it's in those moments that the enemy comes in like a thief and steals we lose the things that are important to us where are we where are we rationalizing something today that we'll regret tomorrow like we've told ourselves it's not that big of a deal it's not that big of a deal it's not that big of a deal it's only this it's a little bit of that no no no it's not that bad and we're rationalizing a one degree shift in our life today which doesn't seem like a lot but in two years that's a completely different course and we've become complacent in checking our heart we become become complacent and being accountable we become complacent and we do things that aren't technically wrong at the time but they're not wise right or wrong is not the best filter for decision making because there's a lot of things that aren't wrong but they're not wise right they're not wise right and wrong is a horrible filter because you could easily rationally that's not technically wrong that's not technically a sin that's not technically this but the bigger more profound question is is this wise and does it violate my clean heart of peace is it that and we can become complacent in that and Jesus would be saying to us wake up wake up where's darkness overtaking and so we don't even realize it where or more where is the voices of the infinite possibilities that God has for our life where of it where's it gotten dull like all of all of us when you started your walk with God that moment you surrendered your life to God right that moment at that moment you literally thought there are infinite possibilities for what we could do partnering with the spirit of the risen Christ in our world there are infinite you get excited and you get moved and you you think you could you think you could do anything but then over time what happens is is that the voices of the infinite possibilities can dumb down because of discouragement right and Jesus to say no no no wake up get back there are still infinite possibilities for your life get back wake up what do you do what are you doing number two he says your deeds are not yet finished in other words God is not through with you what you did yesterday was great but it's time to dream again it's time to act again what this church I've been I've been coming here for eight years I remember I remember when you guys did church in a racquetball court right and I come in here today and I think how did they ever do that but they did it but they did it and then God moves on and gives you big stuff big he trusts you with big pieces of land big moments big things like this and the tendency in that is to go all right we did it all right hey we did it and there's a there's a tension between celebrating what God has done and then resting on that and losing our dream for the still infinite possibilities for our future and that tension when we don't navigate that well we can become irrelevant and lack of energy pretty quickly right right so Jesus is saying hey wake up what are you doing what are you doing there there are people who will steal from you if you're not alert wake up wake up remember what are you doing what are you doing God's not done with you yet and I want to speak straight into into some people who who came in here today and you're thinking in your heart you know what I I think I think I'm done I think God's done with me I think I'm done I would say to you know hear this as a prophetic sort of word find yourself in this that there is more to your life than what you have already accomplished God is not done with you yet but I'm 70 right right but are you still breathing air in like 70 is the new 50 medical technologies keeping us alive really long time now but you got a lot of living yet ahead of you and the last thing you want is to just sit back and have your whole faith be dumbed down - well I'm just sitting around waiting to go to heaven when I die that's boring now if you're 107 it's okay thought you can wait to go to heaven when you die it's like right there but but 70 come on God's not done with you yet and I would even say I would even say something even more profound than that I would say if you're 70 we need you we need that wisdom of your life speech speaking into things don't just sit back waiting to go so they wake up your deeds are not yet finished third one he says remember and hold it fast very bored it's a common theme in Scripture remember this do in remembrance of me he told he tells the Jews remember remember it's very very important that we never forget what God has accomplished with us already or we could run the risk of letting discouragement allow us to forget that God has already done the impossible once what would stop him from surprising us with more infinite possibilities tomorrow he says remember but then he says hold it fast this is a great ancient rabbinical way of how to build your life here's what here's what the ancient rabbi said they said a fleeting imagination will do nothing to hurt you nor help you so even if an imagination is destructive if it doesn't stay around a long time is pretty ineffective right but a disciplined imagination be it positive or negative will force your reality at some point to be drawn to it it's what you in other words what you see is what you get but I would say this way what you see repetitively and you can hold is what you get a fleeting imagination is not gonna help you nor hurt you I was this was years ago now I was in Dolby and flipping legend pastors the church out there he's amazing guy and we were at this restaurant and I was sitting here and he was sitting that he was facing me and he never saw this but behind him this woman came into the restaurant we were sitting in and she was largely naked now I'm positive it was illegal she was wearing she wasn't technically she was wearing like a nightie that you could easily see through and flip-flops or thongs and nothing else and and and I think my literal thought was that's a butt right you can't help but notice that right and here's what the rabbi's would say they would say hey if that thought comes and goes it will hurt you nor will help you but if I discipline my imagination to objectify her and it creates a lust now my reality will start drawing to that disciplined imagination now if you'd have seen or you too understood there is no trouble there but but this is also why we get frustrated with people who have a new vision every week hey God's gonna do great things there's a new season ahead big things are coming breakthrough right right and then the next week they're on to some other big thing like that and in the next week and nothing ever actually happens it's because we don't hold it fast when God gives you a vision you hold it fast you discipline your imagination until you see that thing come to fruition so wake up your deeds are not finished remember and hold it fast number four repent repent now in Western Christianity repentance has become a shame-based thing I did something bad I need to repent okay but it's bigger than that repentance we actually would do better to remove for penton's from any shame based activity and just realize that repentance is a lifestyle that we need to be engaging in all the time repentance literally means to change your mind and turn around change your mind and change course so so in other words in other words you read a book and that book gives you a thought you haven't considered before and it changes the way you think just a little bit that's where content and that's necessary for growth like if if the you of ten years ago looked at the you of today and saw no change what how would that be repentance is the is the technology that allows growth to be necessary and Jesus says hey where do you need to change the way you think about stuff hey hey church at sardis you're living in affluence underneath a value system that says we should be standing up for the marginalized how hard would it have been in sardis to actually live according to the values of Jesus when you were surrounded by affluent debauchery it would have been very difficult very difficult and Jesus says hey let me remind you hey continually change the way you think and return to that vision return to that moment return to those things continually do that as a lifestyle number five be encouraged by each other he says wake up your deeds are not finished hold it fast repent simply return to your dream and be encouraged by each other one of the things that shouldn't go missing in this text is is that is the two verses where he says hey look around there's lots of people who haven't sold their clothes there's lots of people could you imagine being a Christian in Sardis there's the temple of Qibla there's open-air debauchery going on on a weekly basis that is unlike anything the Western world at this time has ever seen could you imagine the temptation to just give all that up and live under the authority of the Empire because it's gonna make you rich and affluent could you imagine female and if you're trying if you're the one person in Sardis who's trying to be faithful and true and live this way could you be how easy would it be to one day get so discouraged thinking you're alone I'm alone in this I'm alone in this it's it's true that the psychological framework of this is to is to is to generalize the particular the idea that something particular happens and then we think everybody else is in on it right so as a teacher occasionally some people don't like me occasionally it's not that big of a thing but occasionally it happens and there's one thing you could have 900 people go hey that was awesome and one person goes they're not so good and you go to bed thinking well nothing matters right it's very easy to generalize or globalize the negative experience of one particular thing very easy to do that so you're living at Sardis and the temptation is to globalize the particular thing and you start thinking about myself I'm by myself and I think we'd be remiss to miss this that this is the danger of a church this good here's the danger right there's a way that you could come in here fully participate in the atmosphere that was happening actually go out and get coffee and talk to people and leave feeling lonelier than ever before there's a way that in our imagination we could participate in something this vibrant in this life-giving and leave profoundly disconnected we're going through something and we think no one understands we're going through something and we think they won't they won't get it they'll judge me there's a and if there's ever a place that's not the truth it's here and here's my challenge here's my challenge is to wake up wake up your deeds are not yet finished return remember hold it fast and repent but also look around you and be encouraged by each other there's lots of people in Toowoomba who haven't sold their clothes there's lots of people in Toowoomba who are living according to the values of the risen Christ there's lots of people in Toowoomba that will stand up for the down-and-out er there's lots of people in Toowoomba who will stand with you if you're going through something traumatic there's lots of people we are in this together we are not alone nothing is more disheartening than loneliness kill you watch this this is out the first thing in the whole Bible that God called not good is loneliness the first in the whole Bible this it's good it's good it's good it's good it's good that's not good it was loneliness watch this this is an experience of a prophet he says he replied I've been very zealous for the Lord God Almighty in other words I'm in this with all my heart the Israelites have rejected your covenant torn down your altars and put your prophets to death with the sword I'm the only one left and now they're trying to kill me loneliness watch what God says to him four verses later yet I reserved 7,000 in Israel all whose knees have not bowed to bail and whose mouths have not kissed him in other words Elijah you might feel alone but you're not look around there's a lot of people who haven't sold their clothes we're in this thing together hey this next vision this next season for New Hope this next thing hey not alone you're there's a lot of people doing this with you a lot of people doing this with you and here's what I'm gonna ask you to do today is in the for your time and in all that I would ask you to be brave enough to walk up to somebody that you know well enough to do this and just give them a word of encouragement just give them a word of encouragement don't it doesn't need to be spiritual doesn't need to be prophetic in King James English just just just walk up it might be something as simple as I want you to know that I think you're a good mom and you're not alone you're not alone because that there's something about that that just connects us at a profound level like just to illustrate this out Kristen sue you inspire me I've told literally someone on every continent in the world except South America because I've never been there about how you guys do things here and what kind of people you are and you need to know that what you do matters it is never wasted and there are lots of people who haven't sold their clothes standing with you including me and you are not alone ever because I'm in your life I'm in your life I'm only a flight away I'm a 6-hour flight followed by a 13-hour flight followed by two-hour drive so in that sense you're alone for one day but you're not alone i bless you my brothers and sisters to not just be people on your way to heaven when you die be people who wake up realize your deeds are not finished if there's complacency issues get off your button do something about it talk to one of the pastor's here about the infinite possibilities for us to get involved and partner with the risen Christ with the infinite possibilities to change our world I can't wait to see what would happen could you imagine a church that actually took better could you imagine a community that actually took that on everybody doing their part everybody doing their part let me pray for you Lord we love you we honor you we proclaim your king and there's none like you lord I ask that this place would be a dwelling place for your name the compassionate gracious slow to anger abounding in love and forgiveness God made this place be the place of justice righteousness discipleship movement may we realize there's a lot of people who haven't sold their clothes my biggest prayer for you today is simply this Lord Jesus let the voices of the infinite possibilites come alive again in us cancel the urgent treble in our life and restore us to the rhythm note that allows for us to connect to the infinite possibilities God has for us in Jesus name would you look this way thanks so much we be a part of your morning doing a different message in the second one I would like to invite you back tonight and Monday and Tuesday trust me you'll never be the same until I see you then grace of peace everybody god bless
Channel: New Hope Church
Views: 1,347
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: new hope, church, toowoomba
Id: LiR03b6Yv7k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 47sec (2327 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 16 2019
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