Sarah Richardson Creates Master Bedroom For Vintage Cottage | Sarah's Summer Rental S1 E3 | Abode

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paper was light gold in medieval times i want tobacco sugar [Music] that everything we thought we knew about the world might turn out to be completely wrong stick with me i'll show you how to spruce up a cottage classic and make money too [Music] this is me relaxing at the cottage waves lap at the shore while insects dance among the flowers consider this a dream sequence because this is the real thing these are the waves and here come the insects see that that's the mosquito just landed right there there but there is some good news we've transformed the tired living room and kitchen in our quest to make this an attractive cottage rental next up the master bedroom there's a way to make an entrance i love it this is a total tree house bedroom amazing views tons of light i have to say i think the built-in furniture is genius when you're at a cottage you don't want to spend all your time cleaning and with everything built right to the floor dust can't go underneath it yeah we don't need to buy furniture either okay we're going to replace the tops though paint the frames replace the tops oh wow i'll give you a hand with that right it's loose but it's not disconnected okay okay now it is now it's disconnected black trim goes we lighten up the walls but when you say lighten it up what do you mean exactly by that i mean we have this really nice paneling all really done well let's not cover it up okay wait wait wait wait wait we had this conversation i find it really dark i feel some white paint coming on we have this conversation in every room alex likes the wood i paint it white and in the end the room is charming speaking of charm these floors are what i would call almost too charming for me maybe he's coming to the light side after all the reality of the way a lot of people take holidays now is as much as they may want to be totally unplugged from everything that's going on in their office they may need to actually check in now and then i wonder if we put a little desk here that'd be great we are agreeing in the bedroom if there's one place we need to agree that's it that's home husband convinced what does work husband think this is like a total time warp i can't believe this oh they didn't like each other too much it's two separate mattresses pushed together hey lucy i think that's so you can be as close or as far as you want however i plan on putting just the one bed in here what is this stuff oh these are all the blueprints these are the original plans okay well now we have our color scheme look at this i know it matches your toes i know do you like that look at the date 1950 baby seriously 19 april 19th 19th this is ahead of its time for 1950. people are now liking more contemporary cottages right so as far as rustic location contemporary structure old school charm fix it up make it nice this place has it all well not quite all there are a couple of improvements we can make first up ken my window guy here it is the car just built in 1950 got lots of windows i can't afford to replace them all right let's take a quick walk around so this was just done uh about four years ago of course i have to do the siding and then we got some green moss here this is nice lovely the mossy window frame is probably not a good thing hey chris can i see you in the bedroom please certainly sarah don't get any big ideas okay i need to talk to you about this doorway because right now i feel like this is a rather grand entry and exit to make so why don't we just bring it in by about a foot no problem that'll be done like this right just like that [Music] wow that was pretty fast actually now we just have to clear out the room and then we can get started with the painting so we found this nice little mess of uh nest here searching through it appears to be a bit of a skeleton namely a skull of probably the most that used to live there tommy was right this place does have everything but not for long because i see a dump run in our future [Music] alex really like is all of this stuff gonna fit in that oh yeah there's a lot of stuff that can be reused here so i've sorted it all out so it's very light oh is there fragile stuff in these yeah there's fragile stuff in there renters need to stay warm these are good blankets tommy and i audited the blankets they're dirty they're smelly they're mothbally gosh don't be looking in the stuff that i'm throwing away you're not allowed to pull it out i tell you when people show up at the dump later today they're gonna think they've won the lottery i'd like to be the dump darling you're my dump darling [Music] okay take the spooner darling okay i think this chair needs a pillow maybe two here's the thing about being on an island everything you take onto the island eventually has to get off the island so you have to bring your own garbage to the dump which is also on an island and the great thing about it is if there's something you don't want somebody else might so we have a tent here which we call the reused tent you know what it's my kids favorite place to come they almost always find something i didn't find anything today but next time i bet it will as it turns out we've discovered something back at the cottage just not something we want no homeowner and no cottage owner wants to find out that the support structure for the entire building is mushy and rotten and in rough shape we have about three feet of rod coming in on the house that we're going to replace so we'll be cutting in six to eight feet here putting new members in and bolting them all together all i wanted was a simple project i was looking for some lipstick in rouge i was not looking to have to get into surgery so we're just going to try to jack it up and get far enough back and then we'll support it cut it out and put the new pieces in there that looks new [Music] you guys haven't even been here an hour and the corner of the cottage is gone well we got lucky uh this is lucky well there's nothing left here rob no but we thought we were gonna have to cut eight feet back and pick up the whole corner of the cottage yeah but as we cut the first member out yeah and behind is good and solid only two feet back that's many years of water damage today if we would be doing this the whole underneath of a cottage would be done on pressure-treated lumber oh this is still done on just straight construction lumber okay so with a bit of luck we're just gonna lock the ends off all the others and you think only only this one or all three of the bottom ones the next one will be not as bad as this one yeah the same thing it was more protected yeah but you can see it dented in at the bottom leo to me is kind of like a superhero this guy dismantles century old barns rebuilds them nothing nothing is a problem to leo okay no big deal right no big big deal because i thought the cottage was falling down no we've got beams being fixed you got stuff happening everywhere today's the only day of the week that it's not supposed to rain look what i get to do i'm gonna strip the outside of the cottage originally i had thought we would just re-clad it but guess what pre-cladding it's really expensive oh beautiful yeah any paint stripper you have to do one layer at a time so it is going to be time consuming we're going back down to the wood am i going to end up spending more on remover because this stuff is not inexpensive to then repaint it like what would you do if this was a rental for myself i would dry scrape it and paint it if this was going to be a long-term thing i think i'd replace it i need to consult my better half well it looks like your trip to town was more productive than my afternoon i tried stripping the side and it's a total mess basically the problem is from here it looks okay yeah but there's lots of rotten boards and it's kind of in rough shape so we have to figure out what we're gonna do and while leo and rob continue to fix the beams it's time for me to take another look at our master bedroom oh hey hey this is all cleaned out i like it you're pulling out the blinds inside and leo's out there fixing the memes outside hi who got the better job today but i see now that the bed and everything has come out we've got some we've got some areas that we're going to need to fill in we do i thought these bedsides were actually built in however i still think they're worth keeping so maybe we could just build some new tops for them okay oh my oh goodness no you know what i don't think we should show this because i don't think anybody's gonna rent this cottage i promise i promise if you're thinking about renting the cottage the bug will be gone wait a second is he good with a paintbrush i can't believe you're making me paint wood go for it i've never painted wood white before there's a first time for everything darling wood lovers everywhere are gonna send me hate mail for this oh my goodness [Music] i've called in reinforcements to try and scrape the siding because tommy and i have a mission in town oh look at this table it's actually kind of a charming little thing i mean it's rattan are we gonna go in the rattan direction i'm always thinking rattan don't you think rattan works for the cottage i mean it's painted it's white it's simple what if we put this in the bedroom in front of one of the walls of windows oh i see where you're going with this could we have a little morning coffee what i love about it is that it's really narrow it's not gonna take up any room but it does provide that kind of lovely moment you know as a renter you're up there potentially with your kids and all your friends and all your relatives to be able to shut the door and have a little place to have a morning meeting to go hide a little one-on-one a little ted attack how much is it okay we're gonna play a little game okay okay what do you think it's worth uh 175 dollars 150 100 you notice i say lower every time you say one less than a hundred dollars yeah ninety eight dollars it's ninety dollars pick it up we can't i don't wanna upset the soaps i'm glad we're saving money on the table because we're definitely spending it on the siding hi hey how's it going listen i just want to quickly talk to you about the siding i know you want to save money in time but i don't think this is the way to go the painters have tried sanding and scraping and it looks like hell on wheels time for plan d we're going ahead we're putting new paneling over top there's always certain things you can ignore and leave for another year but the problem is the face that is the worst it's the front door to the cottage like you can't turn a blind eye what am i gonna do just not show you what it looks like when we're done the good news about the panels is that they can be pre-stained and installed quickly so we might get this cottage done on time after all you want to cut or rule i want to cut because i didn't bring painting clothes this is this is an idea that was sprung upon me so i need to i didn't bring painting clothes either so so if i start over here is that good for you start on this wall and work our way this way starting on this wall and working our way this way is better than starting on that wall and painting ourselves into a corner really good point no no you're gonna get paint all over your nice outfit i'm not dressed nearly as nicely as you oh my goodness great color how would you describe this color it's like a smoky watery lakey blue in fact i am sitting here watching you do your cut lines and i'm looking out the window and i can see the blues in the lake right from where i'm standing it's awesome based on the fact that we are looking out to the rippling blue waters i have set up a veritable buffet of selections here for you to choose from this uh zigzag here feels very very much evocative of the lakeside experience okay i like this little mini print beside it it feels kind of baskety to me it feels appropriate for the cottage i totally agree and i think i think you and i are both responding to things that have a distressed quality to them and the aunt the aunt is the aunt is not welcome at this party so give it a flick with that finger oh he's checking it out it really is gonna be a very pretty palette okay i'm gonna go for a dip no i don't get wet you know that [Music] it is a hive of industry around here the good news is we put in new vinyl windows they are white on the inside they need no paint they are charcoal gray on the outside they need no paint only a little touch up along the sides so this is amazing if you're ordering vinyl windows you don't have to get plain white vinyl on the outside you can order it in a whole range of colors i used the charcoal gray that was available as the jumping off point and i'm matching that color to any additional trim work that needs to be done how easy is that uh i was gonna put this chair over in that corner i know and i tried you wanted this desk in front of that window and i couldn't put it there because there was not enough space so i moved it over to the other window again didn't work so this is the solution holds the wall and your chair can go here as soon as i get rid of the painter don't get rid of him he's still working thanks robert and the new tops are here for the bedside tables that looks awesome it's in keeping with our design scheme it's totally durable for our renters stainless steel keeping it real you gotta peel the steel have we got the rods cut no i thought we'd get a boy to do that you want me to do that you mean a real boy greg yes can i get you to cut this to 62 inches please i can do that thank you over the shoulder always my favorite absolutely perfect are they good yup they're just skimming the floor nice awesome i know next one a few more finishing touches and this room will be ready for guests the bedroom was great to start with but if it was amazing before it's super fantastic now we did not renovate this room we barely did any demolition in this room we painted painted painted painted and then we added some soft touches with fabric when we approach every design project we play a little game of keeper toss and it's not necessarily about stuff sometimes it's also about architectural or design elements that are built in so when we came into the principal bedroom the keeper toss game was you know keep the wood walls no toss we painted them white keep the floors toss painted the floors keep the wood ceiling keep we left it wood looks great i love the fact that sarah left the ceiling wood it really pays off nicely to the rest of the cottage and i think it's also a little bit respectable of its heritage as well hey it also saves some time and some money on paint when you're lying in bed in this room you're either looking up at the clouds in the sky or down to the lake beyond and so i wanted this room to have an airy watery feel so naturally that means it's dressed in soothing watery spa inspired tones it's ethereal it's light and it's soft for any bedroom and especially for a rental bedroom storage is important you want to be able to move in and tuck everything away so the existing bedside tables were a real asset to this bedroom and not to be removed however i did completely reinvigorate them so by painting them and adding stainless steel tops to the existing side tables they now have a new look which i think has a little bit of a nod to nautical style in the principal bedroom we decided to transition to a different floor color that bedroom is right off the living dining kitchen which is a huge open space and has a very bossy floor color it still freaks me out a little bit if we had just gone through with the green floor into that bedroom then our overall plan would have been dictated by that floor so there's always a logical break where you have doors and a threshold to be able to make a different choice for your floor plan [Music] when we first saw the island it was a fantastic island with a cool original cottage admittedly we didn't look at it super closely and we found out after the fact that we had some structural issues so thankfully leo and rob were able to come jack up the building reinforce the pieces that needed to be reinforced and we're back in business phew when you're a landlord and you're dealing with a rental property who's kidding who you want to put out as little as possible and bring in as much as possible the siding was a really great idea and it went up fast because we didn't have a lot of time it comes in sheets and we were able to pre-paint it before we put it up and the finished product looks phenomenal for way less than i would have expected throughout the redesign of the cottage i've been aware of the fact that we are designing a small cottage and not a hotel but in my mind i've wanted to make sure that all of the rooms are as comfortable as a five-star hotel i wanted this bedroom to be the type of hotel room that i would like to check into and now that it's done it feels streamlined and new and crisp and that's what you love about a hotel the only thing this room doesn't come with is daily maid service you have to make [Music] you're not applying direct sunlight don't worry there is no sunlight dampen nearby foliage with water yeah well it's damp because it's been raining so much wear protective clothing
Channel: Abode
Views: 77,999
Rating: 4.9382081 out of 5
Keywords: Abode, Abode channel, home renovation, home design ideas, Luxurious Master Bedroom, creating luxurious master bedroom, Sarah Richardson Creates Luxurious Master Bedroom, tommy smythe, alex richardson, designing a master bedroom in a cottage, master bedroom cottage ideas, cottage design ideas, best cottage design ideas, luxury cottage life, cladding wall exterior, exterior wall cladding installation, renovating a vintage cottage, Master Bedroom For Vintage Cottage
Id: f_KT8cVIuMc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 27sec (1227 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 18 2021
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