Sarah Beeny Renovates A Georgian Manor House Into A Wedding Venue | Restoration Nightmare E1

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paper was light gold in medieval times i want tobacco sugar [Music] that everything we thought we knew about the world might turn out to be completely wrong 30 acres of land 40 000 square feet 30 bedrooms 200 years old rise hall is home for sarah husband graham and their three kids we had our wedding here and it's been a happy place but this romantic dream has now become a real nightmare a house like this is a money pit because it's on the brink of collapse i didn't think there was woodworm in this area rise hall needs saving fast this is a building in crisis it would be a terrible shame to lose it over the next three weeks we'll follow sarah and husband graham as they attempt to save rise from ruin and transform it into a top wedding venue this is great the first wedding is only eight months away we can achieve this let's hope sorry because we're gonna look right chumps can the queen of tv property save this 200 year old stately stack and finally make it pay for itself if it doesn't get finished we're in serious trouble nestled between hull and the coast rise hall is a georgian jewel in the east yorkshire countryside for the past decade it's played home to sarah her hubby graham and their ever expanding clan it's a place where the kids can go a little wild and mom and dad can kick back and relax grandma said that if we bought a stately home he'd marry me so i thought well we'll better get a stately home then you could marry me and he did ask me to marry him on the roof up at the top of here it was great actually he said there's a lovely sunset let's go and sit on the ridge and we sat on the bridge i was a bit shocked when he actually asked me it's one of those things you think blimey gosh you've actually done it we had our wedding here and we thought it was amazing and it was the romance of it ultimately we wanted with columns and steps up to the front door and a big staircase rise hall is huge 97 rooms in 30 acres of land but they got it for a song 430 000 pounds about the same price as a suburban semi in london we were quite happy to live in this in a slightly bohemian way which is what we do and it wasn't because it was built to be lived in yeah do you like the big house boys yeah what's your favorite thing about the big house um trampoline i'm very high you it's not a museum i think that's the other thing is that a lot of these houses are treated like museums it was built as a home and we wanted it to be a home yeah there was also a friend ours who said you just don't do that sort of thing you live in a flat until you have children and then you go and buy a slightly bigger house and we thought no we bloody don't we're gonna go and buy this dirty great thing that you're telling us not to i think that was i think there was a bit of bloody mind in this we've got the best view in east yorkshire i should think it's absolutely beautiful here and there isn't really anything wrong with it apart from the condition yes the condition like many of britain's stately homes it's falling into the ground built in 1815 it's nearly 200 years old made up of two floors its front third the part that sarah and her family stay in is in need of serious refurbishment the rest just gets worse for years i've advised people on property level as to what they should do and i mean the first thing i'd probably say if i turned up here and i was i contribute on property ownership and deported and i'd be right we shouldn't have done but you know if sarah and graham don't start restoring rise fast it could quickly go the way of huffington house in lincolnshire that went from this to this in just a very few years [Music] to help with the rescue sarah has recruited an army of local tradesmen it's a massive job rotting fixtures to be ripped out treacherous floors to be fixed the to-do list is almost endless and sarah's putting her family her finances and her reputation on the line failure as they say is not an option i know i'm incredibly lucky amazingly fortunate and most people would consider me to be kind of successful but i still have to get it right i mean there's no bottomless pit of money there this this is costing your fortune and could easily take us down financially has the queen of property development finally bitten off more than she can chew what does her workforce think we don't know how much experience sarah has had with a big project a three bedroom semi or whatever it's not this sort of thing it's it's a big job and it needs somebody who's experienced and whether she's got that experience and i just don't know we've got electricity to there anyway well even sarah said herself this would this should be a two-year project so trying to cram it into what was it eight six seven months saving a house like ryze should cost millions but sarah doesn't have anywhere near that kind of cash and even if she did the price of the restoration would be far more than the final value of the finished property so she's going to use every trick she knows to deliver the project on budget for a start sarah is going to manage it herself and not from rise hall but from her base in london assuming nothing goes horribly wrong project managing this from 200 miles away will save us a lot of money with both time and money being tight can sarah and her restoration army save rise and be ready for that all-important first wedding sarah beanie has set her sights on saving this historic and crumbling stately home and turning it into a top-flight wedding venue [Music] this is a building in crisis it would be a terrible shame to lose it to cover restoration costs and keep the house running sarah and graham have to get rise to start paying for itself but to turn it into a stunning wedding venue they're going to have to overhaul the front hall and give it the spectacular factor that'll impress any couple contemplating getting hitched at rise [Music] and the real fun begins insight for the weddings people will come through this front door into this area where they can have their champagne and drinks and and have a very glamorous time it'll be a much nicer room because the main thing we're doing in here is to re-paint it but it's a bit of a bigger job than just any old liquor paint the largest reception room will be the centerpiece for functions at rise hall these sweeping stairs will become the perfect place for wedding photos if you think about the fact that you could probably fit two terrace houses in this one room there's a lot of scaffold that needs to go up a lot of scaffolds a lot of paint and the final reception room is somehow going to turn from a games room into something a lot more illustrious so in here we're going to have this as a more contemporary room it'll be painted in contemporary colors and it'll be our modern art gallery leaving the reception rooms guests will then be asked to make their way through the middle third of the house on route to the main function hall at the back you may need to use your imagination here this is the final approach down to the great hall where wedding receptions will be taking place and as you can see it's fantastic we have to do something about this not only do we have to paint it you know you have to make it a nice walkway down and not just feel like an enormously large dark corridor and down the end of the enormously large dark corridor is a remnant of ryze hall's years as a convent school for girls this sports hall a fine example of 70s architecture sits rather unpleasantly on the end of the grand old building this area isn't part of the original building it was built in the 1970s when it was a school and this is the entrance going into the sports halls what's quite hilarious is this is all 40 years old and the rest of the house is 200 years old and you can see what a shocking state this bit is in sarah could have considered knocking it down and starting all over again but that would have been completely budget busting and there's a sentimental reason too we actually had our wedding in here got fond memories of it see we think it's fabulous as it is but anyway it's very good for playing football at the moment and badminton but um but not great for weddings so we're going to change the windows so it's a question of making it watertight dry heated yeah you won't recognise it i absolutely assure you the other thing that you do have to think about is that you know if they love all the rest of the house and then they come through here if it isn't good enough people aren't going to get married here and all this money that we're spending is for no purpose transforming the sports hall isn't the only makeover miracle they need to perform [Music] on the top floor there are one or two habitable family bedrooms but at the moment there's nowhere for a wedding party to spend the night [Music] so here we've got um we're going to have two bedrooms here and a bathroom this is uh what happens if you don't use a house it's just a mold that's in the air and you end up with this lovely she may be sarah beanie but even she's going to struggle to convince anyone that this dank damp disaster area can be transformed into the place to spend your wedding night yeah i don't know i feel like a contributor on property ladder kind of like hmm yeah we can do up this enormous stately home 30 bedrooms in six months that's no problem and we've only got a budget three pounds 50. i'm quite a lot more nervous now that i'm looking at it actually we can achieve it you can achieve anything if you try hard enough rice hall has had many uses in the last 200 years for the first 125 years of its life it was the family home of the bethels and the scene of a fair few aristocratic knees ups during the second world war it served as a hospital and after that it became the saint philomena convent school for girls who looked like they forgot to clear up after themselves when they moved out in 1989. after that it was left to rot until young love bird sarah and graham took pity on it and bought it from a particularly interested estate agent at the time i was the chairman of the georgian society priest yorkshire so i had a particular interest in this building which is after all one of the most important in the county i was really particularly thrilled the idea of somebody who is mad enough to take it on as a private house and do the place up and i think it's fantastic that rise is going to earn its keep in a way that it probably has never earned its keep since the day it was built although sarah wants to bring the house into the 21st century there are some old customs she's desperate to keep alive throughout its long history rise has employed countless local people in a myriad of jobs and sarah wants to keep this tradition going so she's hired local folk like jeff the roofer to help her save the hall it is a very very good place to work very handy it's nice not like work sometimes not when you're living working in a place like this beautiful place when i first came it was still a girls school it's gone from being home to being a convent and it's back to a home but soon with the wedding venue which will be good good to see it up and running again i've got income coming off it and gary my oldest son he's got his income coming off it as well which there's quite a bit of work once doing which is a big project to do in a short space of time but it's just a it's a nice project it's bringing obviously a nice building back to life kind of thing so trying to restore rise is going to require a huge amount of man and heavily pregnant woman power oh that's hard work here let me have a go a bit tricky but sarah's got to be careful with the sledgehammer because rise is full of hidden historical treasures that have been obscured by pupil proof plasterboard for the last couple of decades there's a fireplace that's so cool how brilliant [Music] genuine regency wallpaper how about that do you think it's as yeah it would be because they're victorious but that's a that's an historical fact i don't think it's really all but it's very pretty i think my mother had wallpaper like that when i was a child which is fine so it's not really old it's 1970 yeah it probably is we really only have the originals in places like this where they've come along and just put a another floor down because the floor heights weren't right and so we've got loads of this sort of space going on maybe they wanted a place for rats to live [Music] and it's not only the house that needs to be overhauled the grounds have to be picture postcard perfect too this is very much graham's gig but he's got big welly boots to fill as the original landscaping of rise was done by the 17th century master gardener capability brown undaunted graham wants to restore this muddy hole in the ground into a beautiful pond teeming with fish take the corners off it more so have it a bit more you know a sort of semi-circle ending rather than it's quite square at the moment isn't it do you want it just let's start out with that no we're reducing the size of this a lot in the 17th century this would have taken weeks but with diggers costing a fortune graham has got just one day because you don't say good morning say hi this is nick billy charlie are you all right look they're giving you a hat yeah wow that is super cool it's a big one jeez look at the size of that it's called a caterpillar do you think it'll turn into a butterfly now you just hope that it doesn't all go pear-shaped it may be costing a small fortune but sarah's convinced it's worth all the work it's amazing to think that fingers crossed bit of luck following wind it's going to be a bride and groom coming down this drive and it will be beautifully landscaped and not a pile of mud [Music] i know this is a little bit cheeky would you um i just i i have to drive one of the diggers would you mind i just seems a bit unfair that you have all the fun okay so what do i do yep pull that lever back [Music] this way it's magic this is great i want to go i just want to be a digger driver this is brilliant that's that's quite a lot achieved in one day not bad for 1500 people is it no put enough people and enough diggers and you can achieve amazing things it'll take months for the pond to fill and grass to grow but today has proved to sarah and graham that together they can achieve incredible things graham has dreams and i make it happen it's a dangerous part of really but the pond is only the first small step in the right direction the biggest threat to their dream is very small dry rot spores the rot is systematically eating its way through the house room by room destroying walls and woodwork the big problem with dry rot is that it's it runs behind plaster work it takes all the moisture out of the wood it drinks wood so it takes the moisture out of the wood which means that the wood loses its structural integrity all needs to be taken out and burnt and then replaced the damp moist conditions may be terrible for weddings but they're perfect for dry rot well this is live try rot obviously something here has been weeping so it's a nice damp patch that it's just had a really good chomp on it's kind of amazing stuff if you look it's sort of this is live dry rot the only way of treating dry rot is you have to remove the source of the moisture you've got to stop it being wet that is the most important thing sarah and graham have literally got to stop the rot and stop it fast and the only way to do that is to make the whole house watertight a massive job it's clear the roof needs attention but surprisingly one of the major sources of moisture in rise is the rotting sash window frames we've got 149 sash windows on the main house here they've been neglected over the years and they're in a terrible terrible state it's a huge huge job when we bought this place i should think none of these windows have been painted for 20 years they can deal with a certain amount of weather just not 20 years worth of no painting [Music] if you look at this window here actually it doesn't look so bad in this section but under the paint it's just there's nothing there but it's completely and totally this is like cotton wool in here actually you can go right through to the other side so you can see me coming in the other side look at that hello all 149 frames will need replacing and at a grander window that's a 149 000 quid money they just can't spare but sarah has tracked down a company that claims to be able to repair the existing frames for a fraction of the cost of new windows graham though isn't hugely optimistic about his other half's plan so hang on you're you're gonna fix this yes with with explain that to me i i would have thought that was kind of it's it's impulsive we're getting it down to a sound surface and then we're going to build it up with some of our special glues we use and tim the resident yeah yeah and will it be as good as new it'll be better better than you slimy i wouldn't have thought you'd be able to fix that really that's i'm looking forward to seeing it a couple of hours more put it direct you're worth your weight there are millions of sash windows in the uk there's a chance that you have them in your home but loads are rotting just like sarah's all they need is tlc and a lick of paint every couple of years but sarah's gone all high tech to keep her sash's sound for the future staff beads here you pop off and that means that you can take the sash out instead of being nailed they've got a little mechanism which has been fitted with a break on it and then you can take it down you can properly paint the window which means you maintain your windows on a regular basis and save yourself a lot of time and money in the long run so with the appliance of a little bit of science and gloss paint these windows should be good for another 100 years the window firm have been true to their word and have salvaged something from the window wreckage for less than a quarter of the cost of a new window so that's one down just another 148 to go good luck lads and the reality is this is so big the house that any problem anyone would have in any house is likely to be wrapped within these walls we're gonna come across pretty much every problem anyone's ever had that makes it impossible to calculate the costs of a restoration this size for someone who for years has been telling people to work to a budget that's it's very uncomfortably with sarah ten years ago sarah and graham bought this tumble down stately home in yorkshire for their family to grow up in and have fun but the building was also at risk and it's quite honestly become a massive cash albatross so now they've got to find a way to make it pay for itself graeme and i had our wedding here and oh we thought it was amazing and perhaps that is the solution for other people to be able to use it for the same purpose the hall is desperately run down rainwater has got in everywhere and is systematically destroying the interior over the years they've sunk a hundred thousand pounds on the roof alone but even that hasn't been enough to make it watertight quite early on after we bought the house we started re-roofing from the front back and and you know that in itself just the front section of the house has cost the same as a normal house just to re-roof it it's a very expensive process but there's no point doing anything underneath if you still got water pouring in but it gets worse and worse and worse the further away you get from where we are standing now that's all the cutting jeff is that that yeah half of that one the problem here is that on these valley sections the the leads that old it's perished and as you can see here it's it's got cracks appearing down the center of the valley which water's going to penetrate so no trouble and the ceilings have been done actually before the valley's been repaired so water is damaging the new ceilings it's easy to ignore your roof but you do so at your peril with a bit of regular low-cost maintenance it'll keep you dry for decades but the roofs at rise haven't been that lucky and now they need some serious tlc to keep the yorkshire wind and rain out if you see any slipped slates make sure that you get someone to come in quickly and sort it out before the problem gets worse it doesn't cost very much to do you must keep your gutters free of leaves that's really essential here you can see there's lots of leaves that have landed in this gutter is anyone down there [Music] sorry the work fixing the main roof seems to be in hand but just as one problem is solved at rise another one pops up to take its place over at the gym come wedding reception venue there's a serious problem i mean obviously it's leaking we can see that from the inside but what do you reckon about the roof the roof's probably been on 15 20 years so you're getting towards the end of the useful life of the membrane anyway if it's not rectified soon enough the deck eventually will fail it's integrated so you mean the roof will collapse yeah basically eventually what are we talking about in terms of money here if you're stripping it off and putting a new deck in place it's several tens of thousands of pounds okay that's brilliant because we've got about 300 quid to be honest that's not going to be something that we're able to do what what what are the alternatives there must be an alternative the alternative is to overlay what you've got there which would basically what you'd have to do is you'd have to take all the moss and like and growth off and then follow it through with felt over the top what sort of figure we took on on that do you think materials costing is roughly around 15 pounds a square meter okay 200 square meters of roof there yeah we're probably talking about with labor five grand or something like that it's probably probably more than that to be honest it's the classic restoration dilemma bust the budget for the permanent fix or just patch it up to save some cash for sarah and graham who are already struggling to keep the budget in check it has to be the latter a house like this is a money pit you could get rid of a million pounds like that on this house it would be easy peasy whenever they can sarah and her gang slip up the m1 for a little r and r at rise hall often they're joined by her brother dicken and his brood the two families are very very close indeed dickens happens to be married to graham's sister i mean that that isn't actually illegal all of the children are all very fond of each other so they tend to play as a pack which makes life terribly convenient for parents so it's not really a hardship to bring them all here sarah and graham have run a property development business with dicken for many years and value his opinion although you get the feeling he may be being somewhat diplomatic when it comes to his thoughts on the sports hall this is going to be a lovely room and it doesn't need anything very much more than tables laid up on it if the roof see if the ceiling's tinted that's going to be enough graham however is less convinced by dickens silver tongue you think people would be won over for their wedding day probably i agree 40th 50th i think maybe they'd just be fine it's a bit quaint it's a bit crappy but a wedding i think those windows look i i think you've got to put french doors those ones on the top i don't think you notice i think if things are getting a bit stressful it's no surprise sarah gave birth to her fourth child three weeks ago and the lack of sleep might just be taking its toll sort of level if you're gonna put doors it certainly adds a little extra free source of stress having a three week old baby and three other children and i mind you in comparison to the house they're really quite easy oh trade them in for the house any time like all men graham likes to finish one job before starting another so with his hastily dug pond now a rather nice landscape lake it's time for a family outing to find some fish yes yes look look look do you think they've got fish fingers in there as well all this fishy business is going right over baby lori's head okay come on everybody this way slowly slowly slowly if we just hold if we just hold it here what's going on in this net here oh there he is there he is wow good fishing boys fish picked it's off to rise hall and their new stately lake ollie and theo are going to put the whale in they call that [Music] [Music] this is the culmination of graham's dream really it's now it's now not only a pond but it's stocked with fish hello i am hello now he's going to spend many many evenings trying to get the fish back out again honestly i'm going to get away from the family and come down and pretend i'm fishing or smoking bags or doing something ah how are you feeling i'm tired a couple of weeks later and sarah and graham are once again making the gruelling round trip from london to rise and back it's only 6am but the kids have already been handed over and the grown-ups are off to king's cross i think what's really hard is that on a day that long we actually get four hours on site it's sort of frustrating that you have to have such a long day and achieve so little in the middle of it oh and can you write down 3 30 in the meeting that um i've got that down nick marshall it's a really tough start and their day isn't going to get any easier [Music] the radiators sarah ordered months ago haven't arrived and it's so damp all the work at the back of the house has had to stop it's a bit of a disaster i'm really sorry they've taken so long radiators have you sorted those yet are they i'm i'm in the process of of discussions about them because they assured me they'd been ordered and will be delivered before christmas so then i kept ringing every couple of days i went to the top top of it yesterday and said look all i need to do are the radiators coming yeah or not not coming yeah because quite honestly we need some ideas the worst comes first i'm going to make a decision by the end of the day today and if the worst comes the worst we'll just go with the original so i'm really sorry because i only waited for three months patiently with a smile i've also got the email that says all radiators and bathrooms will be delivered by 28th of october guaranteed it's not just the radiators today only half the taps for the back bathrooms have turned up hitting the june deadline is looking increasingly unlikely two arrived or four didn't put the bass on the legs the legs on the back okay and put the overflow and the waist on but obviously without the taps i can't put them into the position okay it's not ideal let me just call them right this second and see how quickly we can get all this they're going to slow you up it's slightly slower up here but that's nothing new sarah may be having a slow day at the back of the house but round the front graham and decorator karen are cracking on with the big paint job was making a difference but it's still not working it just must be really really cold you know the walls are that thick and shut the door it is hard work a lot of a lot of decorators won't even tackle it i don't think not not these days they're like they're easy no preparation straight in straight out jobs like your barrett arms or something like that you know what i mean whereas this you know it's a task it is a task but it's satisfying with sarah project managing from london karen tries to keep the boys in line when miss beanie's away but today sarah's here on site and unhappy with the lads lack of locking up do they know how to lock them up yeah yeah she told them to put the bar across there and leave out that door and they didn't it no they're not doing it i'll talk to them thanks karen the guys they left the doors wide open and didn't bother locking up to add to the tap radiator and security problems there's another hitch the sash windows there's a lot of windows that are meant to have been done all down that side that are missing that aren't in there's a lot of them back in there some are back in it's those three that are missing on that side which means they can't do the paneling well it's a bit disappointing because we i would have liked the windows to be back in because that's really going to start holding things up they can't panel around the windows they can't decorate yeah not ideal too many problems not enough time and poor sarah's already heading back to london the schedule has slipped massively but because it was a completely different schedule in the first place um and now i'm on my way back home having left graham and mize he'll stay there the night because he just hasn't got everything done that we need to get done but um someone's got to go back to look after the kid oh god look at me that's so sad i can't stop yawning if someone's got to go back and uh take over paul pam who's had the kids since six o'clock this morning i should think is tearing her hair out now so i need to go back and let her go home but i want to see the kids anyway i can miss them the list of problems and unfinished jobs at rise gets longer every day if sarah was on site she might have a fighting chance but life and family means she has to project manage from london could this be the fatal flaw sarah and graham have bitten the bullet and taken on the massive job of restoring their crumbling 97-room pile in east yorkshire after decades of neglect they're determined to save the house from falling down and find a way to get it to pay for itself their grand plan is to turn rise into a top of the range wedding venue only problem is they haven't got a clue how to run a wedding so they're off to the national wedding show for some inspiration [Music] how much is it if you take the whole house and the 22 bedrooms i'll give you a price for the inclusive of the bedrooms but to hire us is seven and a half thousand on the friday saturday and sunday and bank holidays so per night for one for one one exclusive and then extra for the bedroom is it sort of full most of the time we're well we we do about 150 weddings a year joking maybe weddings really could save rise time for a bit of mental arithmetic well you have to think that's three weddings a week isn't it that's a really fast turnaround oh bloody hell i'm 50 times that could be around a million pounds a year but if they're going to get anywhere near that kind of money rise hall will have to be a totally top-notch venue you know actually all we need to do is to look around where we are people take their wedding so seriously [Music] so it's 11 000 pounds that's including the food isn't it yes and why drinks package three-course meal room higher for the wedding breakfast in our main restaurants how much of the rooms per night if you want to stay on top they start at 145 pounds and breakfast 145 bed and breakfast so you're talking about that's per room weddings are a multi-billion pound business at these prices it's no surprise when i went to and looked at one which was a hotel and they had a number of bedrooms and that was 25 grand for the whole thing all in and there was no sort of apology she was just going 25 grand isn't that good value and i was there going 25 grand this is what i should have got married in i feel like what do you think oh my lord you look like a proper princess yeah i've always said we didn't we didn't do any of this at our wedding the usually incredibly practical couples seem to be losing touch with reality i think if i'd never come here i wouldn't have found some airplanes that fly through the sky and and then trail a heart oh my goodness now that's genius a lot of these places do slightly feel like it is a hotel it's not like staying in someone you know his house and that's what we want it to feel that [Music] someone else's house where the water doesn't work [Music] i'm sure we'll find hundreds of people wanting to pay through the nose for it graham is ever the optimist at the moment he and sarah are the proud owners of a damp dry rot infested money pit back at rise the lads are trying to patch up the leaking gym roof but the weather's not helping we're taking the old chipboard off the flat road because when water gets to the green mineral on a chipboard roof it goes like a weetabix all papy and soft checking the joists making sure there's no rot in the actual structure of the roof the ideal weather for this sort of work not really no it it you can do it in this because you're stripping and we know that the ceilings below are damaged anywhere so unless it gets too heavy and it's laying you know three inches thick then we'll get out of it and abandon it and abandon it they will because this is britain's worst winter in 30 [Music] to years which is which is really quite annoying actually because um the most the trucks can't get here the roofers can't get on the roof because there's so much snow we were planning on having a lot of people here this this week the kids might love the snow but it's having a massive impact on the budget schedule and morale can we hold any bathroom to the back of the house to keep those guys going to be honest with you if you give me half an hour i can talk to you about the bathroom to the back of the house and give you a pretty good list i'm sitting here yeah i can't stand not making decisions so i'm i like to make them i like to make them quickly and i like to get on well you're going to be sitting there for half an hour doing nothing can't guarantee i'll be sitting here for half well i probably wouldn't sit there for half an hour where's that list that i gave you of all the bathrooms that we needed graham is much more fastidious than me and he makes he'll take forever making decisions but there'll always be the right decisions and what are we going to do about the basin in that meal it's so boring so boring our bathroom audience needs to sleep the whole project is grinding to a halt they may have got the scaffold up but there's no one on site to use it it's a disaster we're trying to sort out a job that's really a two-year job in six months and if you lose a sixth of that you know it's really tricky and we're you know it's just it's a real pain in the ass the project was already tough but the bad weather may have made it impossible the snow has just and the cold has just had an effect on on everything that we've done it means we can't take the roof off the sports hall which means we can't get on with that you know we've got to do the floor everything's got to be done in stages and on so much of this we haven't been able to do the first stage and you know everyone will say it's not because of the snow is it it's because you're crap all they can do is wait and hope but with the forecast set to be the same for weeks it looks like their dreams for a late spring wedding are on ice [Music] next time graham gets a bit of a shock that's what daddies were made for how cold sir the first potential customers come for an inspection and the work on the grand staircase finally begins [Music]
Channel: Abode
Views: 87,407
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Abode, DIY tips, architectural restoration, contemporary garden design, creative garden design, do it yourself projects, elegant home interior, family home renovation, garden makeover, high-end property restoration, historical restoration, land restoration project, lavish garden transformation, leaky roof repair, practical home decor tips, renovation experts, renovation nightmare, rural property renovation, sophisticated interior design, upscale interior decor ideas
Id: oYbglIA0xMc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 23sec (2723 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 16 2021
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