Sara Blakely On Mindset

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so Sarah you mentioned mindset and the importance and effect that mindset has not only for Jesse but you know people look at you and your company today and they think you're enormous ly successful and it was probably always that way however you were a salesperson at one point in time and had a very different life do you attribute the things that have happened in your life to mindset or what do you attribute that success - yeah definitely mindset I mean I I sold fax machines door-to-door for seven years after graduating from college and I you know for twenty years thanks is gonna be twenty I started it in the year 2000 and the sound byte in the media has been Sarah cut the feed out of pantyhose and solved an undergarment issue and you know now Spanx is here and and why that is true there was so much more about the behind the scenes of why this happened and people have asked me can I have 10 minutes 15 minutes of your time I want to pick your brain on how Spanx started but that real answer is it started way before I cut the feet out of my pantyhose and it it it started when I was much younger and I had a series of kind of tragic events happened to me when I was in high school and it led me to Wayne Dyer who is a motivational inspirational speaker he passed away about two years ago but I got exposed to him and I listened to his cassette tapes over and over and over again to the point that I had his one series called how to be a No Limit person memorized all ten cassette tapes front and back and try living with that because in high school no one wanted to get stuck in my car like after a party they're like she's gonna make you listen to this you know I said I think I would take simple things like I'm just gonna do the laundry tomorrow and she'd be like no the ramifications of waiting til tomorrow so but then fast-forward you know I think it was 10 to 15 years after high school that I ended up on the cover of Forbes and the text I got in my phone were so funny I mean literally all my friends were like Dan but I'm a big believer in it I learned early on about manifesting law of attraction not caring what other people think about you which is a really big one for an entrepreneur or you know in life really and I'm a work in progress on that there are times where I do care and I check myself and say you know let's let's work on this but it's very freeing to not care what other people think you'll take more risks to not really focus on the outcome and be so afraid to fail so all of that is a big part of my journey and and Spanx for sure so I think mindset is I work on it daily
Channel: Heather Monahan
Views: 9,965
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Confidence Creator, Build Confidence, Boss in Heels, Confidence Book Low Self Steam, Create Confidence, Become Confident at Work, best selling author, Motivational Speaker, Badass, Heather Monahan, Confidence Online Courses, Confidence Course, Women Mentorship, Career Mentorship for Women, Career Mentorship for the Woman, Career Advice, Jesse Itzler, Jesse Itzler Podcast, Sara Blakely
Id: zlFvde9G3rU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 56sec (176 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 23 2019
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