Sanji vs King Is Completely One-Sided

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Sanji vs king will be a complete Stomp and I'm going to prove it to you what's up guys Restless gambling here and in today's video I decided to fight the one piece Community once again with the recent chapters piling onto the Sanji agenda it's come to my attention that Sunday vs king is a contentious debate in the community so the question at hand is what would happen if the Superhuman cook of the straw hats went against the lunarian first commander of the Beast Pirates so like always make sure to like subscribe and watch until the end King is a very weird character to scale not that these recent chapters have dropped so let's go over his scaling first now going into strength King is no slouch all his fees can be traced back to the war in onagashima even while extremely suppressed bro was casually cutting Marco's Wings off and actually threatening Sanji himself with death we know Sanji actually doesn't take any lasting damage from it because he's him but can we really blame that on King all jokes aside King was extremely suppressed for the majority of the war and actually started fighting when he encountered the minority Hunter I mean Zorro yeah yeah Zorro as soon as Zoro cracks his mask he gets mad and uses his wings as blades the slashes from These Wings Are lethal even while being Airborne they send Zorro flying through walls like a ragdoll not Queen though but keep that in mind for later and again to put King's Wings into perspective as you can see here King clashes One Wing with Zorro overpowers him and sends him flying through more walls but even while using his wings as Blaze or using his sword he's still suppressed I said it's because we see what king can actually do when he enters the outskirts of onigushima in chapter 1032 King uses his Infamous and very goofy Imperial tempura Odon this is where he pulls his head back and sends it flying like a projectile quite honestly I don't know how the hell this thing works but it deals damage for sure now the first time he uses it Zoro Dodges it and says that he couldn't block it but the second time he uses it King completely tanks shishi sun-sun and sends his face flying at Zorro this does a good amount of damage to Zoro showing him visible hurt and letting out blood now the only thing bad about this is the fact that this attack while it could do a bit of damage is not fast enough initially Zoro Lily had the time to unsheet the swords and yell at Emma before King could even let off his attack but moving on from the normal stuff you know that flame on King's back he can actually use them for his attacks we've actually only seen him do four things with it three of them being named attacks and one of them just being a normal attack for the normal attack in chapter 1033 after King used his head slinging attack he kicks Zoro with flames on his leg honestly we all know King just wanted to be Sanji real quick but speaking of like Diablo jambe it seems to have boost his physical capabilities as he's able to send Zoro flying back to onagashima he also uses his flames in his hand to boost punching power in chapter 10 22 in an attempt to delete Zoro King uses a named attack called andon Divine flame where he took some fire from his back put it in his hand then around his fist and went for a punch this attack gets shut down by Marco's undying thistle but this isn't an answer fee as we've seen on dying thistle work on named attacks from kizarro and kaido and for the last showings of King's Flames are his strongest attacks in chapter 1035 King's face is revealed and upon the Beast pirate troops seeing it King takes out his sword puts fire on it and used a named attack called Imperial fire dragon this is where a magma Dragon comes flying out he uses the same attack against Zoro and he's able to easily Dodge it but what you can get out of here is the fact that King can easily just Spam fire dragons and it doesn't really matter to him the final attack he uses is Imperial Guardian fire dragon a way bigger version of the Imperial fire dragon but sadly it didn't hold a candle to the might of advanced conquerors hockey regardless Zoro acknowledges those attacks as almost like magma and even says that his flaming kick burned him so overall King's attacks do a significant amount of damage in speed King always needs to be skilled twice to acknowledge the difference between his flames on and Flames off mode in chapter 1035 the first thing we see of King is Zorro slicing him okay as of that attack had his Flames off and so it did a nice amount of damage zero notices this and says to himself that is just as he thought when he turns his Flames off he gets faster but in return for that his defenses get weaker the thing we're going to keep in mind for right now is the first part that when he turns his Flames off he gets faster so in order to emphasize his buff and speed we'll start with the slower version that being flames on now even though I said this is King's slower version this doesn't mean he's slow in retrospect in his flame zombie mode you can see King on multiple occasions matching Zorro in speed clashing with him and only winning because of his overwhelming strength but not in speed for the most part in fact he gets so confident in his abilities that he gets out of his Zone form remind you he could easily just Spam flame dragons or flying slicing attacks and attack Zorro in base and in this form like I said before he doesn't get Bliss if he doesn't allow it but can't Blitz Zorro if he wants to now I say he doesn't get Bliss if he doesn't allow it because there is one instance in chapter 1033 where Zoro uses shishi sunsun on King and it looks like a blitz but it could easily just be king flexing his durability to use his goofy attack after either way only under certain circumstances like that does he get outsped now when King enters his Flames off mode he's a Speedster as soon as Zoro connects to dots on King's ability he prepares for the next cycle he clashes with King's flames on then king turns his Flames off and literally perception Blitz to Zorro let me say that again okay king turns his Flames off and literally perception blitzes Zorro at this point King is so fast that Zoro cannot attack him in a conventional way instead he has to wait for King to attack him before he can attack King's durability is just as nuanced now that I talked about the speed of flames on and Flames off King let's go over the second part of the statement that being when king turns his Flames off even though he gets faster his defenses get weaker so like I started with the slower version for Speed I'll start with the less durable version for durability in his flamesophone we literally don't see him take damage until Zorro unlocks Advanced conquers hockey now obviously this is because he doesn't get hit when his Flames are off but regardless from what I've seen he's gotten hit three times with his Flames off all three of these hits absolutely terrorize King like badly you can't really hold this against him Oliver since the attack's terrorizing him or that of advanced conquers hockey but the latest chapters really don't work in his favor Luffy Zoro Lucci and Kaku are all fighting seraphim they are specifically stated to have gotten their toughness from King himself after not being able to damage the seraphim with her flames on Zoro tells the gang that their attacks will only work when the Flames are off now the extent of which attacks will work on him is unclear but Zorro himself knows how strong Kaku is sadly Zoro can delete his attack freshly woken up from a nap so ain't looking good but now let's move on to King with his flames on going back to what Zoro said he actually describes seraphims and King as well as Invincible with their flames on even Luffy himself Compares them to kaido yes the strongest creature the highest alive Bounty other than Dragon kaido but in real showings this is completely backed up in chapter 1032 Zoro lets off gray Dragon Twister on King who is flying in the air sending off aerial attacks King defends himself with his wings and takes absolutely no damage mind you this is the same attack that led Zoro penetrate kaido on the roof now last video I said that this only proved that King with defenses and more durable than dragon kaido with no defenses but someone cook me in the comments it actually made me realize the truth so shout out to him in chapter 1033 Zoro hits King with shishi Sanson and King tanksy with no defenses and he takes absolutely no damage from it then Zoro literally thinks to himself and says damn no damage that was one of my strongest take techniques this would include Dragon twister because he doesn't say as much for that attack and it makes sense for him to up the anti of his attacks every time he doesn't do damage so spoiler alert Sanji is not not damaging King with his flames on but moving on from that the second to last stat we can go over is his hacks King's lunarian DNA really gives him a lot of it you probably already know this but he has Armament and observation hockey but he doesn't really utilize these he instead uses his Flames to Aid him speaking of flames this is his best hacks he can manipulate it into magma and magma dragons he can also apply them to attacks like in kicks and punches and they signal a change in attributes he has an ancient Zone that takes the form of a pterodactyl allowing him to fly and use his attack Imperial temporal udon by pulling the whatever you call this on his head he can also utilize the wings he acquires from his high perform as a way to send out aerial slicing attacks with potency I've gone over before I said second to last stat because I want to go over King's battle IQ or rather the way he fights King is known to switch up fire Styles either he comes up close and tries to attack his blade or he flies away and spans fire dragons or aerial slicing attacks but what we really want to over here is King's use of his Flames he turns them off when he wants his speed even doing it when he's relative to someone in that regard this can prove useful against anyone who doesn't know about his ability but once you catch on he doesn't adjust he sticks to the same game plan but with all that said I've skilled king and a little bit too much I'm not gonna lie so now let's move on to Sanji and scale in two I've made three other Sanji vs battle videos and I've divided the scaling all of those times I would say I'm not going to do it again but these latest chapters have made it known that Sanji can actually turn on his germa jeans but for time's sake I'll condense the pre-awakening scaling to the greatest extent possible and strength before Awakening you can see Sanji dealing damage to Queen but not really being able to bypass his animalistic endurance whenever Sanji hits Queen he yells out but would just brush it off afterwards since he can't do any lasting damage to him but uh remember when I said King's attack didn't move Queen an inch don't forget helicopter Queen even in other instances he's sending that fat bum flying but again sanji's kicks are too shallow now I have an agenda to push here so I have to include this in the pre-weakening session and that is the fact that Sanji without his Awakening damaged as shark I'm going to give y'all the benefit of the doubt and say that this is Flames off as shark regardless of that this feat is just ridiculous and when you think about how this is not him going all out it's mind-blowing in speed it's kind of complicated Sanji before his Awakening clearly had the Speed advances on Queen beating the dude up without getting hit but there was an instance where he does get hit by Queen and that's when he used flying pan now this is contentious because Sanji admits he isn't fighting correctly because his body is transforming regardless of this his speed isn't to be underestimated look at this man wait for a light beam to get close to him before he Dodges I mean bro again let's go back into Egghead first thing we see in terms of speed is him traveling from one side of the island to another saving Edison and literally blessing everyone in the a vicinity before a light beam from a seraphim could hit him mind you this is in base with the zero Derma genes and no Diablo jambe and then we go forward a couple chapters and Sanji literally does it again goes from one side of the island to another and blesses everyone until he starts talking up a storm only to kick as shark away again no germa jeans and durability and endurance pre-awakening Sanji was putting up a good tanking show against Queen like I said earlier Queen hit Sanji with flying pan but Sanji casually brushes it off and continues fighting sanji's durability capped at Snake Queen however it absolutely rearranged his insides yeah terrible choice of words but we move post Awakening Sanji oh boy let me tell y'all the craziness for strength Sanji after his Awakening or whenever he decides to turn on his germa jeans it increases tenfold before Sanji could not get past Queen's durability slash endurance because his attacks were too shallow now bro decimates him with each Kick In fact when Sanji hit Queen with hell's memories here Queen tried to laugh it off Sandy hits Queen again and acknowledges that the attack earlier genuinely hurt him I mean look at bro on the floor in agony after one kick to the gut then he uses ifra jambe and sends Queen to another side of the island it's actually crazy how strong Sanji is after his Awakening if you thought sanji's strength after Awakening was crazy his speed is different okay so before it's you know it's it's the regular Saji hidden Queen not taking damage for the most part but then Sanji awakens you see that eyebrow switch on him and then boom he's gone Queen literally gets perception Blitz by Sanji and bass and gets hit before he can even see where he is you would think this is a fluke but nah flukes don't exist when it comes to Sanji Queen turns invisible and Sanji says yeah I could do that too and disappears Queen at this point has been perception Bliss by Sanji twice and in both instances Sanji is in bass and mind you the different zombies give him a boost in speed each time so Sanji has his base speed his Diablo John base speed and then his if for jumping speed sanji's durability okay okay let me let me chill out before I go over the craziness that was chapter 1078 let's go over Sanji after his Awakening against Queen so Queen has Sanji was scientifically enhanced named attacks and Sanji brushes them off kicking Queen before he even realizes bro okay let's get off of this bro chapter 1078 was crazy at shark who we know has Fishman karate punches Sanji with it and yes this is Fishman karate it didn't touch him he punches him with literal Duran egg Sanji stands there arms crossed tanks it and takes zero damage Sanji is so durable that literal Duran neck does not affect him are you being serious here putting Sanji other people like katakuri and Jimmy at this point like come on but let's move on to the last stat that being hacks sanji's hacks are simple and like last time I'll just list him for time's sake he has Iron Man hockey observation hockey Skywalk blue walk Diablo John Bay ifejambe regeneration and enhanced durability with all that said I've skilled both of these Fighters so now let's go and see what happens if they were to actually fight for this scuffle they will fight where King is horrified same rules as always whoever gets knocked out or dice first loses so let's go and simulate the fight play the Budokai music the fight will start and Sandy disappears all right all right here here hear me out hear me out hear me so remember when King and Sanji Clash after Sanji saved Momo before they Clash Sanji was invisible and no one in the vicinity could sense him no one not king or queen but here's the catch this means king and queen's observation hockey are comparably ass in fact sanji's own observation hockey completely outclasses them later in the fight in chapter 10 34 Sanji literally uses observation hockey to sense where Queen is when he is invisible but that's not the point of this we already knew sanji's observation hockey was better the point is the relativity of the observation hockey between king and queen with their observation hockey both being asked Sanji and base would bypass King's perception with relative ease as he's done it to Queen who has relative observation to the man himself in reaction to sanji's disappearance King will turn his Flames off to find Sanji because he thinks the boosting speed would help but honestly it does not Sanji is still perception blitzing him in fact I can argue Sanji even without germa jeans can do this because he literally blisses Zorro and Egghead Sanji and diabu jambe or ifujabi blistes him and damages him every time I say this because kaku's bum ass attacks are described to be able to damage Flames off seraphim by Zorro himself this is the same Zorro who deleted kaku's attack with zero hockey and freshly out of a nap and sanji's attacks clearly scale higher than this as Zoro acknowledges sanji's strength even if he thinks Sanji cannot one shot King which he can't I'm gonna be honest Sanji can attack him with the most lethal combo known to man before King can even attack and let's say he uses Imperial Guardian fire dragon as a last resort like he did here to Zoro well unlike Zorro Sanji does not have a slicing attack so instead he's dodging it with ease using Skywalk Bliss and King and delivering the final blow Saji kicks King with beef burst and damn that chicken is fried [Music] in conclusion Sanji slams King with relative ease King doesn't have the speed well actually it's just speed and durability Sanji decimates I hope you all enjoyed this versus Battle and if you did consider leaving a like and subscribing I'd really appreciate it and I'll catch y'all in the next one
Channel: Restless Gambler
Views: 100,368
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: jFUz5ydYMGE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 54sec (1014 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 25 2023
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