Sanitise your RV Water tank.........Season 1 EP 31

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[Music] [Music] welcome back to the one million my road trip today we are sanitizing our tank our water tank uh i've already added about i sure wish i'd got done it earlier i've already added about there i go got my tank filled with water i've already added a little bit of clorox about a cup clorox not that three-quarters of clorox the uh you'll have to have be somewhere that you can hook up your gray tank sewer to drain it because it will fill up after one flow and i went ahead and did that uh drained the gray tank uh we had already drained the black tank the other day so i'm just waiting till it gets come spitting out air to know that i'm down to probably the lowest point i can get i'll cut out all of my sinks this sink uh the half bath sink and the shower and the other sink in there and we'll fill it up one more time and do it again drain that and then that ought to do it hopefully if not do it again it's processed the one thing i've learned is this tank has been showing completely empty the water tank has it's been 15 minutes and it's still got a very strong stream of water coming out so those gauges like that they're they're not they're not accurate they're not very accurate and you know i've been looking at this thing called a uh sand marine or something like that they do it for boats it's a digital and it actually tells you a pretty good reading uh i'm gonna check in on it because it of course you can see it now it looks like it's trying to get out of water but i mean 15 minutes i've had it since it said it was red it was in the red zone and i still well that is good though because i mean if you you know that just when you turn red you're not out of water but still it's it's a good bit and in the bathroom here i've got this one running also it's a pretty good strip strain stream also i cut off the shower and the other one in here because um i thought a few minutes ago it was about gonna run out but it's it's amazing to me now it might you know it sounds like it is getting you know it's moving a little bit it sounds like but still good steady stream 15 minutes later i'll as soon as i if this gets out i'm going to shut them down all of them shut the pump off go out and crank the water back up and uh and put another tank in and then i'll drain it put another tank in so uh you know i just want to make sure it gets out and i'm also going to install this new filter in the refrigerator i'm going to do a new filter out there at the uh wet bay i'm gonna because i don't have one of those filters i'm going to probably take the old filter out rinse it out very good then get me a new filter and put it in there and uh i'm also going to take the uh plug out of the water heater drain it completely and also put a new anode in if it needs an anode so we'll look at that in a minute just see through there [Music] i woke up [Music] take this off and this is the anoint right here the anode drain so i'm going to take that off okay i tried to get the anode out and i don't have a socket big enough so i'm gonna have to go to local tiffin dealer get a i'm gonna just go ahead and get another android and a socket and replace that anode and socket and drain that water heater and that may require me to drain the tank one more time if it does have any uh stronger bleach bleaching it but it's the way it goes well this morning i drained the water here i pulled out the anode and it it's not in that bad shape so i'm going to go ahead and reinsert the anode the only thing i did see though and it was tough to get out it didn't have any plumber's tape on the threads which i like to put that on there to keep it from leaking it's draining the water and i've sprayed some water up in there i have a little instrument that that knocks the stuff off but there's it the water is fairly clean coming out of there so with this being in good shape i'm gonna just do that we also are draining the tanks one more time filled it up completely drain the tank see if i can get the rest of that bleach out of there uh and i may have to even do it again if i still have the smell of it in there on the on the water but just all prevented maintenance for ready to go full time she has a full bowl of water and yet look what she's doing this is what she does every day i think it's a game to see if you can get enough out of there maggie maggie maggie why are you doing that why are you doing that
Channel: 1MillionMileRoadTrip
Views: 82
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Sanitize your RV water tank, RVing, Fulltime RViing, rv maintenance, rv water tank cleaning, rv water filter, clorox, breach, bleach, camping, rv, rv fresh water tank, full time rv, fresh water tank, sanitize rv
Id: Y8MrX0YRHvg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 30sec (390 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 27 2021
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