Sandra McCollom: Being Joyce Meyer's Daughter (James Robison / LIFE Today)

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hi I'm Randy Robinson also known as James Robinson's son and I've got sander McCollum also known as Joyce Meyers daughter Sandra how you doing good you know how it goes right yes I do so the PK thing and you know I think it's true for anyone who has um parents who are visible you know not a lot of times you're you're known as Joyce Meyer's daughter and it's like forget that you have a name and a husband and a family of your own exact right how do you have you faced that yes I have and I mean really I haven't had a lot of rough things in growing up with you know as a PK kid but I can tell when somebody likes me I can just instinctively tell when somebody likes me for me or when they like me for whose daughter I am and so that's really just one thing that I have to watch and just I just try to what do you do with that I just see how I feel you know right in here you know but do you just kind of ignore them yes I don't I don't judge them or get mad people mean well you know but I just don't get close you know my closest friends are the ones that just I know that they love me for just me you know Sandra McCullum so I get it um is it hard to be do you think I get this question all the time I know is it hard to be Joyce Meyer's daughter you know I haven't really faced that I get the question sometimes what's it like to be Joyce Myers's daughter and to me it's just like Jes is my mom you know I don't see it we see ourselves actually the whole Meer family we see ourselves different than other people see us you know we say ourselves we're just normal people and just yeah exactly so and like we were talking earlier and you said you think one of the reasons that I haven't had the issues maybe that some preachers kids have is because my mom is just really genuine yeah you know and she just she tells it all and so she's she is the same behind the scenes as she is is what you see on TV yeah and that is important I have known some PKS who have had some some rebell and some struggles and and and that tends to come up every time you don't know you don't know him yes he's not the man you think he is not the person so hypocrisy and you know and the reality is that's true for anyone in the church you know the the people who go to church and they're all holy and a great family and then the rest of the week it's it's horrible it's the same kind of issues right what uh what what have you struggled with i i me know I've got a whole book here on things like that well I'll tell you just along these same lines I have struggled in the past because I was so legalistic with myself and living under rules and regulations with being a Pharisee and just judging other people and I was a class a Pharisee I would sit on the Judgment seat and point my finger at others and say I think they should be this and I think they should do that and I have found out that is not what changes people now your mom doesn't teach that no absolutely not I and I of course freely talk about this even in my book that the reason I am or was the way I was was not because of the way I was raised it was because I just had a legalistic personality and I just I wanted to please God so much that I just went into that mode of you know and I saw God all wrong I had misconceptions about him so because I saw him really that was at the base of it all is I saw him as like a hard Taskmaster that was just waiting and watching to see if I was going to make a mistake and so that caused me to go into anxiety mode in the way that I lived my Christian Life a lot of people see him that way but then so then I would I was trying so hard to be good that when I was good quote I would judge others who I didn't think we're good you know but that's not what changes people now I do see it straight and of course I'm always learning I'm not perfect I know that people who act out or act the way they do you know in sinful ways they're just doing that because they don't know how much God loves them I pray for people all the time like I pray for the stars and I pray for you know music stars movie stars because I really feel God's helped me through this experience of my own to see past what people are doing to seeing them as this is a person that Jesus died for and the only reason not to excuse it right no no definitely not but the only way they're going to get the help they need I know because it's the only way I got the help I needed is to really get that Revelation on how much God loves them and so I I'm happy to be able to pray for them yeah how do you now look at those who are where you were in the Judgment seat right that's my hardest that's actually my hardest deal and I have to you know ask God to help me not and I have a story in my book about how I was judging and really was mad at a Christian that was talking about a different another Christian saying something really mean and unkind about them and I was so mad and then God reminded me you know it wasn't that long ago you okay so now how because I know exactly what you're talking about in fact I got into this recently just this week because someone posted something about Joel ostein yes okay and I I've listened to Joel some not as much as others I've never read any of his his books right um I don't have a I don't have a problem with him I don't know there's some things I could probably disagree with if we got into it I think yeah I've listened to him and just love him okay so you know more about him than but this person was slamming him mhm and that just bothered me yeah you know it does and and so I said this is on Facebook and I said um when you're done with the Judgment Throne let God back on it right that may not have been the best respon cuz he just he lit up right very angry very angry at me but how do you deal with someone like that so you you have been there you have been that fair in your own words yes how how would I have approached you before to maybe knock you off your throne right in in a good way in a positive way right I think that's a great question I think what's helped me is realizing H where I came from and having that right believing going on constantly of man if it wasn't for God's grace I would still be where I was and so when I see someone else in that or hear of someone else in that state you know a Pharisee type of person then God just reminds me you know pray for them they just need to know the truth they need they're they're blinded right now to the truth just like I was blinded to it and then but then when I saw it when when I saw how much God loved me and his grace and I then saw what I was doing and I vacated the throne real quick I did and so um you know thank God I'm just so thankful for him and I think just keeping that heart of thank you God for what you've done in my life helps me to extend I really am a believer that when we receive God's love and grace for oursel we then can extend love and grace to others because we give out what we you know have what we receive yeah no doubt very well stated do you have a website that you pitch people to that want to find out more about you sandram McCullum docomo is M CC o l l o m a lot of people spell that wrong so we'll get on Sandra so very good very good and uh I want you to hear more about Sandra and her book called I tried until I almost died she talks about that extensively on life today so visit her website and go get more at thanks for being with us thank you so much
Channel: lifetodaytv
Views: 222,427
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Keywords: life today, james, robison, christian, television, tv, interview, Sandra McCollom, Joyce Meyer
Id: 904d2barvcQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 31sec (511 seconds)
Published: Fri May 01 2015
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