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[Music] what we do everyday actually matters how many people can say that about their jobs how many people could wake up and know that they're affecting the lives of other citizens in your country and our allies I think sometimes people don't understand what we do at Scindia or even sort of the breadth of the work that we really do at the lab the nuclear deterrent mission is a really fascinating and complicated problem but we do so much more than that in a fantastic way it's a good to be doing something that goes beyond my own power and it's not just self-serving it's helping out others I absolutely love it it's a total blessing to be at Sandia and to be a part of you know the mission Z really is the greatest place in the universe to do fusion research with both power we have a tool here that nobody else on the planet does I think being at Sandia is really great because you get to be around very smart people who have been working on very important and impactful problems for a very long time [Applause] the level of work and level of intelligence that is here is unlike anyplace else the national security issues that we address here every day things that we do from material science to biosecurity bio defense you can't help but be really proud I'm here and I'm making a difference and I'm changing minds about the way the world works working in a field where I'm one of the few women in the field I never even noticed that difference when I walk into the doors here at Sandia there's always somebody that you can ask that it's gonna be there to help you so you're never alone here at Sandia everyone's opinions matter and everyone makes you feel welcome and like they're just part of the family part of the team it's just a really unique and fun feeling and it's one of the reasons why I keep coming back every day in the evening when I cut home for the day I definitely feel like the work that I did that day mattered and I look forward to coming back the next day help serve our nation [Music]
Channel: Sandia National Labs
Views: 15,317
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sandia National Laboratories, nuclear deterrence, pulsed power, materials science, science, research, national laboratory, career
Id: qEjoWqH4nEU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 45sec (165 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 23 2020
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