Sand To Snow Chasing Sunset

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from warm sandy beaches in bikinis to battling snow in the mountains chasing sunset this trip was full of a lot of beautiful views unexpected obstacles and a lot of ground to cover spring is here and I couldn't be happier my name is Tyler welcome to Let's Get Lost waking up in the Jeep to start off this trip I had no idea what was in store for the day from the trails we'd be running to the views you would SE Colin was today's Trail Guide he truly didn't disappoint all right good morning we're just cleaning up camp rolled in super late last night got high ground my Nightfall with us we got Mr Captain calling Tyler how are you this morning I'm doing fantastic it was a little colder than I expected last night I just checked the temp it was about 2° last night I froze my poor sag off I agree with you on that one it was [Music] cold [Music] yeah car you can do it put your but to it oh I had it too you shortly after jumping on the Service Roads we took a small side Trail for a little bit of fun as today was going to involve a lot of traveling on fsrs so it was nice to start off the morning with a little bit more time and for [Music] [Music] low [Music] [Music] [Music] all right we're just making a quick stop on our way is making me walk I'm not happy about it there's old there's a steam donkey just off in the woods over here time on the island going to show him it a little kind of little see Hidden [Applause] Gem that's just an engine no no no it's a steam donkey it used to actually be in better shape cuz this trail that we just came in um used to just be like overgrown and you kind of just found your way through the bush yeah so this is kind of cool Tyler it is oh that's a big freaking [Applause] radiator pieces from the past forgotten about in these unforgiving mountains always gets My Imagination Running the sounds and sights these mountains hold like a time capsule you just have to leave the beaten path we have created and find yourself on what remains of the path that once was now was really time to cover some ground on the Service Roads if we want to reach the coast and be up in the mountains by [Music] [Music] [Music] dark [Music] all right after a few hours of cruising the four Service Roads we've made it to so slow man it's rough okay the greater needs to was trying to get deals done the greaters got to do a better job out there I was wheeling and dealing where is I think they're drinking to voicemail the person you're trying to reach is not available must be driving or something I'll call again you finished our short little boat ride myself with over to the other side of Banfield and now we're doing a little a little hike getting to a beach action right dude Opus clip is the boss the beach well that was worth a walk down here dude and it's so nice out here's [Applause] Beach I just want to take a second to thank each and every one of you who have subscribed I appreciate your support and if you haven't subscribed yet and you're enjoying this episode consider subscribing my goal is to reach 10,000 Subs by the end of the year it's a lofty goal and I need your help all right we just took a water taxi back over had a little good meal at some little restaurant now we're going to go drive up mountain and get a view of the inlet ascending our way up the first mountain of the evening everything seemed to be going good the road was smooth with no large potholes and we were on schedule to set up camp and enjoy the sunset the mountain on the other hand had alternative plans for [Music] us well that puts a little gear in our plans renting the gears it's locked dude it's it's a rock slide that we're we're not moving it all right our uh trip up the mountain has gotten a little bit interrupted unfortunately okay as long as there's a view not a big deal but better yeah well time there's no way we're Wheeling through this and Sean I don't think the trail wrecker winch is going to clean this out rocks are a little too big hey what do you think you guys think the trail wreer win she move these big boulders you want to give it a shot that blows I got another Mountain okay another Mountain we have to climb a whole different Mountain though yeah so plan B is a mountain that's next to this mountain the only downside is this mountain is a cell phone tower which puts a cell phone tower in our view oh okay yeah that's unfortunate it's it is what it is it's better than sleeping on no mountain yeah and there's actually a lot of wood up on the other Mountain I had a giant razor up there last time it was there sweet yeah sounds good [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] with the first Mountain out of the question we begin climbing through the winding switchbacks of a nearby Peak with the snow becoming deeper with every turn and the sunset only becoming more breathtaking as the minutes pass [Music] [Music] by well so far this has to be one of the most Stellar views I've [Music] [Music] seen [Music] he gold has been fighting and fighting and fighting to get up here right now the snow is very wet very wet I was going to try and go first track man I might still drop a few more pounds but let me try it with the tire pressure like this I think they'll be fine what are you sitting down for air pressure uh I'm at like I I was at 17 but it said 20 once it normalized so we'll see okay I'm sitting at 15 right now so I'm I'm reared so it's a little like I got a little lower crawl yeah and it might help if I just try to bre it's not work well we tried big let down last Mountain had a rock slide this Mountain snow let's get stuck oh no no no I don't want to do that today today's been chill I don't want to be winching you already got stuck though when this morning oh that's right I got stuck un like the smallest stuff well Kyle is living up to his Channel's name because me and Colin turned around he tried to take the lead was struggling a bit and lo behold he continued up and he made it up further so we're just airing down right now and a little bit further down to like about 10 lbs and we're going to see if we can also reach him the snow's super slushy so fingers BR I think I spoke too soon he can't make it I'm not getting up this last switch back it's too steep is there at least a view up there uh I don't think so no not really do you have one kind of yeah okay well I'll come back down I'm just getting kind of sketchy here it's in these moments I truly take a step back and feel blessed to live where I do most people haven't seen the ocean or been up in the mountains during a Sunset and this Sunset over the inlet felt like it froze time for a moment with us not locating a suitable Camp by dark we decide to push further into the night to reach a spot where we'll be able to catch a good view of the sunrise in the [Music] morning [Music] [Music] ah another Landslide that's fantastic and it is well and truly dark I guess this is Camp eh yeah so we got to get across that Boulder okay sleep under more Boulders yeah [Applause] dude sorry all right we just made it to Camp got set up I got my sleeping setup all finished it's so dark it is extremely dark up here we got a little bit of moonlight though but I'm excited for the sunrise tomorrow morning hopefully it's a little bit warmer tonight than last night I froze last night but it's 10° right now so dude that's how I stayed warm last night by shivering it was bommy I felt like I was in the Bahamas ah I'm looking forward to the [Applause] morning all right guys good morning good morning woken wake waking up it's an incredibly beautiful sunrise up on the side of this little shelf Road we got into Camp really late last night CU everywhere we went there was something something wrong like a landslide or Too Deep of snow so found this little gem right at the end right into darkness and had a good fire are you're not going to flex out backwards okay cut yeah good over Rock oh up Lexie Bud better [Music] eat [Music] [Music] with Camp packed up and back on the trails it was time to cover a lot of ground and make our way back to town this trip may not have been action-packed with hard Wheeling or anything tricky but I immensely enjoyed it nonetheless I have a big surprise coming in the next video my trips are about to be leveled up and I'm so excited to share it with you remember to take the time to get a little lost
Channel: Let’sGetLost
Views: 3,157
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: qUa6mMKrEB4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 36sec (1236 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 24 2024
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