Sanaa Lathan & Michael Ealy on The Perfect Guy [Weekend Express HLN]

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when I saw scenes from the new movie the perfect guy it literally made my skin crawl it's pretty creepy and a little earlier I spoke to two of the stars Sanaa Lathan and Michael Ealy about the movie and what fans can expect I can't wait for you anymore I don't wanna lose you I don't either oh and then things get spicy jump it out of the frying pan into the fire imagine you come out of a breakup only to realize your new love isn't quite what he seems that's just what happens to our next guests in their new movie the perfect guy starring actor Michael Ealy and actress sonam Latham so good to have you all here you know Michael you're sitting there looking all handsome and literally normally you pay play the perfect guy this time you're dipping into a darker character you've done this before you've played a little serial killer in the following was it hard for you to make that switch you know interestingly enough I actually did this movie before the following so this is kind of the stepping stone into that serial killer world but you know in a lot of ways I find that you know as an actor you have to do your job and and you know the job is to to really believe and engage in this character and I was able to do it because other people that I was working with the director that I worked with David Rosenthal and Sanaa and Morris and you know they all just kind of helped me just stay in that in that zone and and it all worked out great it's dense fun dared me I was going to ask you you know it's not every woman can relate to the creepy guy right I mean to not not to that degree maybe yeah but that guy that you think is so perfect and all of a sudden he makes that switch so really oh yes was it sorry for you to take that off yeah I mean definitely I actually watched the movie a couple weeks ago with my mother which is always kind of a dreaded experience for me but I actually screamed out loud in the screening twice and obviously I knew what the story was so to me that you know is a testament to him you know the movie you know we all did as well when we were watching the trailer and we saw you Michael underneath the bed turning your head and looking over your you're there laying in your bed having no idea he's underneath it for you did you get creeped yet yeah I do I mean you you were really channeling something that that this eeriness comes on off-screen yes when I read in the script that I was laying I was underneath the bed while they were you know what you know it was just one of those moments where I was just kind of like okay what is that gonna be like when we actually shoot it and it was just as creepy like you know it makes you think okay well when I go to bed tonight maybe I should just maybe just take a quick gander and make sure that no one's underneath of there I mean and quietly the scary part is that this kind of thing really happens how hard was it for you all to get be so intimate so hard ooh I had to pay real difficult extremely it is very awkward because it's first of all I mean like for instance we had that hot bathroom scene but that you'll see when you see the movie but you know it's like when you see you know when you see a movie and you see like for instance with fatal attraction and they have that number the elevator scene where they come up coming from their date and pushing against the wall and they go to this one you're actually in your head being okay now I have to go to this wall and that exactly now he because no death there right next it yeah right so it's almost like a dance and it's not you know it's not as it's not what you would think well what we do think is this movie is definitely given us chills already and we haven't even seen it yet we are looking forward so much to seeing it's not I'm Michael thanks for being with us we so appreciate it Brad sure thank you
Channel: Angela Jones
Views: 80,046
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sanaa Lathan, Michael Ealy, The Perfect Guy
Id: u16G3WkZqPs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 58sec (238 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 21 2016
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