San Diego Inventors Forum Presents Stephen Key on Licensing 101

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Wow I'm glad to be here because if not I'd be watching those debates tonight all right all right all right all right how many people here want to learn about licensing raise your hand come on get them up everybody everybody wants to learn about licensing and I'm gonna tonight I'm going to show you how easy and fun it can be and we have a special treat too because I have someone here that I'll introduce in a few minutes that has actually licensed multiple times it's one thing to do it once it's another thing to keep on doing it and when I first started out I just wanted to create things with my hands and I had no idea what licensing was all about in fact when I left college a little early my dad loved that I just went out and started to sell things you know and the reason why I tried that trying to sell things at street fairs is because I didn't think anybody would hire me I didn't have any skills and so I was pretty nervous young man and my dad of course was worried too and so for seven years I just went out to arts and crafts shows and started making things too started selling them and it was a wonderful experience I learned so much but the most important lesson I learned and I want to share this with you right up front is that if if you have an idea you need to test it to make sure it's got everything you need it to be you got to find out if you're working on an idea you don't want to work on the idea that takes years or you're gonna file all those pads or prototypes and at the end of the day it's a hobby right I mean how many people want to take this as a hobby raise your hand no one better raise their hand so what I learned by selling things on this on the street corners was that I need them to test my idea really really fast and if it wasn't a great idea I needed to kick it to the curb as fast as I could and come up with another one because I think everybody in this room is an expert we're all consumers everybody here is creative you don't know it but you really are and so you need to find the opportunity and tonight is really talking about opportunity because even though the economy is not doing great it's still a great time to start businesses and the license ideas it's better today than it ever has been and 30 years I've been doing this so you have to realize that do not take no for an answer don't let anybody stop you ever and realize you're never gonna have all the answers you just won't now we heard Leslie talk all about licensing in all those terms if I had sat in this meeting for the first time and heard that I would probably go how am I gonna do all this pretty overwhelming but don't look at it that way you take one step at a time and then you come to these type of meetings and you connect with people and you find people like Leslie and you start asking questions because it takes a team right it takes good people coming together so if you're not a member here you better become a member this is I travel around the country I speak to a lot of groups this is a great group Adrienne does a great job and I want to thank him where is he I want to thank you for inviting me back all right I have a lot to talk about I know it's gonna be a short evening but I want to say one thing licensing is a great business model for a lot of people there's no risk like that you don't have to spend a lot of money I like that and you can work out of your home you can you can even keep your job you have to borrow money you have to do these crazy things right because guess what companies today want your ideas in fact even companies like Procter & Gamble put on their website we're looking for ideas that didn't happen 20 years ago it used to be in the toy industry where they they worked with freelancers product developer and bitters all right so it's change it's called open innovation you know why that's so remarkable companies finally figured out hey I've got 50 guys in the room in the back room I'm gonna pay a lot of money to come up with ideas but if I open the door I could have 10,000 people coming up with ideas Wow I just lowered my cost I increase the possibility of coming up with all these great ideas or seeing great ideas and guess what I don't have to pay anybody for them unless I take them it's a perfect business model it's called licensing and open innovation all these companies now want your ideas now everybody go Steve you make this sound so simple how it's simple can it be how many people have read my book once they play they raise your hand I cannot thank you and now if that book is a best-seller mcgraw-hill contacted me about two years ago and said Steve in fact it was about yeah two and half years ago said look you you've been you've been talking about licensing for a long time you teach a class we want you to take all that information that you you teach your class and put it in a book for $14 and that's exactly what I did one simple idea for licensing it's been out for 18 months it's been number one on Amazon small business for eight over 18 months it's a best-seller and it's been translated in five different languages if you don't think you shouldn't even be here tonight because I'll tell you it's 14 bucks see I put everything that I've known for 30 years because that's exactly what I've been doing for 30 years coming with ideas showing it to a company if they like it they pay me how simple is that I was it surprised me how easy it was the first time I was shocked how easy it was the first time in fact I thought every other time was going to be easy too it wasn't that easy the second time or the third time but I figured it out I spent a lot of time figuring this out I'm gonna share some of the steps with with you tonight but one simple idea for startups you don't have it go get it you'll love it and thank you for making it a best-seller you guys I couldn't have done it without you so thank you very much now thank you what's that how did we sell it really likes the numbers right you know I love about this if they wonder how much money have you made people ask me why do you make money selling books let me tell you this if you want to make good money don't write books yeah we we sell we sell a hundred a week right now after two years 100 a week we've sold getting up to 50,000 now that doesn't sound like a lot end of year any business books here like mcgraw-hill right so they asked me to write a new book and they haven't really twist my arm because I told him everything I know about licensing I put in the book fact my in fact my partner was so mad at me for doing it he goes Steve why are you giving away everything for $14 but it was the right thing to do because I truly believe this this is a great opportunity for all of us and you have to you have to grab it and you have to take it and realize you're not gonna have all the answers and that's perfectly okay I realize you're gonna fail fails make failure your friend because if you fail enough you will succeed that's the fact of life right you guys you know that if you want if you want to hit a home run you got to get up there and get up hit the ball get the bat how many people been working there idea for over a year raise your hand all right all right we got to fix that you guys we got to fix that all right so let's talk about some of the steps I cannot go these 10 steps I've been using over and over and over and over and they just work but I cannot go over all the 10 steps because times a little short but I want to talk about some of the horton steps i want to talk about the first one fear fear how many people are scared that someone's gonna steal their idea raise your hand how many attorneys do we have here tonight raise your hand a brave one now I know there's a couple more out there I love how they lay low it's funny when you want their services the hands go up all right fear you guys this is what I realized it's all in your mind and I'll tell you the reason why companies don't want to steal ideas with the Internet today it used to be you could tell your neighbor we have a couple friends at a party that someone did you wrong you can blog about it now in fact three mommy bloggers took P&G to their knees on some issue because they're writing about it bad PR so number one companies do not want to steal ideas number two it's open innovation they need you and number three we have some of the most wonderful tools in this country we have what you call a provisional patent application for a hundred and twenty five dollars you can play the biggest game in the world for a hundred and twenty five dollars you gotta be kidding me it's called the PPA a provisional patent application now I'm not gonna go into all the details about that stuff because basically bores me a little bit because all of us are have this fear I just need to protect us who's gonna steal it stop that learn the tools that provide each and every one of us the level the playing field from copyrights and trademarks the patents I'm a patent holder at 13 patents I filed 13 just this year so I love patents I've been in federal court I sued a little toy company Legos can you imagine I'm in federal court and says Steven key design versus the Legos and the next door was Enron so what I learned about that whole process it's a very exclusive club those attorneys those judges was patent examiner's they they they got this club going on and we're not in the club but realize this after three years we sell two weeks before I went to trial I learned a lot you know what I learned I never want to do it again it costs about a million a half dollars avoid it companies don't want to steal your ideas they want your ideas so don't be fearful the NDA's how many people we talked about in DA's today everybody's like why I'm gonna get them to sign an NDA you guys they're never gonna sign yours if you sign there is really very carefully because sometimes they don't if it sounds if it doesn't sound good it's probably not right so really very carefully but realize protect yourself follow your provisional patent application learn as much as you can about it it gives you one year to put patent pinning on your idea and then go out there it's still okay if you want to feel completely safe stay home all right so forget the fear kick it it doesn't really exist it only exists in your mind number two it's always benefits how many people like to build prototypes raise your hand thirty eleven you do you know you do fact you played with those so much does you rub them raw don't you you keep on fixing them you fix them you fix them stop that you've probably been working on your prototype for years right making it better forget it companies don't care about prototypes you got it all wrong they care about benefits what are you doing for me that's all they care about benefits you need to be able to summarize your idea in the one sentence a very powerful sentence make it emotional tell me why do I care now that one-line benefit statement you're gonna use forever you're gonna use in meetings you can use them your sell sheet when you talk to people talk about why your idea is so great give them that one line that just grabs them they want to know more it's not about prototypes and it's definitely not about patents now I'm going to talk about patents real quick because like I said I have a lot of patents fact I sold my company to a pharmaceutical company just last year by patent portfolio 13 pounds they bar all of them and that was a great day so I love patents but you guys I think Panzers only it's only perceived ownership I don't think you've ever owned anything ever so don't get caught up and I have to own it use those tools right but there's only one piece of the puzzle so don't get don't get wound up in prototypes or patents think of your idea always and benefits all right so everybody understand that a one-line benefit statement about cell seats everybody understand what a cell sheet is raise your hand probably do it's really simple when you contact a company or you send misspell sheet make it short and sweet a cell seems like when you're driving down the freeway at 70 miles an hour and you look up and you see that sign you know exactly what it is that's what a cell sheet is but I'm a guy I want to throw the kitchen sink I'm what sold my patent numbers I'm gonna go I want to put all of it don't do that yourself she should have one line benefits David why do I care a picture or drawing contact information you want them to ask for more you want to engage them now you know else it's working besides the cell shape a little video those videos are powerful probably the most powerful tool you can use today now get your little iPhone out right don't put music to it I hate the music don't talk through it either show me a problem show me a solution make it one minute make it very clean very simple that's what you want to do that's the magic that's your tool along with your cell sheet now with your cell sheet you can even embed when you send it or electronically send your cell sheet no one no one mails anything anymore right right but that little video they can get but you have to protect your video so it's unsolicited yeah it's not a password but it's not open to the public you have to give them a what is it a code to get into it what is it called private code now I wouldn't show anybody an idea without filing a provisional patent application period it used to be I used to submit up a lot of ideas I would just throw them out there but not anymore realize because the laws are gonna change coming up right so learn about a provisional patent application before you send anybody anything follow one sec do you can even do it yourself right there's software out there learn come these these classes they'll teach you about provisional patent applications learn that tool so what we're talking about today is licensing ideas because of open innovation it's a huge beautiful world out there companies want your ideas there's even TV shows on inventors now everywhere you go someone's got a contest about inventors how many people watch Shark Tank alright don't believe that stuff you watch on TV that's not real you know that right it's entertainment but you can't learn from it you can't learn from it right because there's important things being prepared right now all that I've licensed over 20 project pretty 20 ideas the last 30 years most of them had no protection whatsoever did hear that no protection that said ever not even a copyright or trademark or even a patent now you ask an attorney that they're going how can you license an idea when you don't own anything simple it's really simple you see today's world it's all about getting to the Shelf fast right when you file a provisional patent application you know what that is that's called perceived ownership now if you're waiting for your patent issue how many years are you gonna wait for that thing the issue you're gonna miss the market now I'm not talking about big ideas here there is a difference big ideas you need a wall of patents fact you gotta keep on just filing like they're crazy it's different but most ideas aren't big ideas all right so you need to understand the difference between the two and the difference is a couple zeros okay it's really simple so big ideas little ideas you have to realize this the process is all the same but for small ideas provisional patent application gives you perceived ownership most of my students license ideas in fact we've got someone here I want to bring up in a minute license ideas with no patents at all companies say they want them what we got to have a patent or do you have a pen but really once it gets on the store shelf no one wants to go to court and iviews go in and out so fast so who cares about patents anymore attorneys do and they should because it is important in some situations of course so a lot of attorneys think I'm really negative about attorneys I'm not I love them but when do you use them be smart about that right so understand your tools so I want to bring up someone real quick hey Keith come on up for a minute okay you got to give this guy a round of applause you haven't smoked yet because I'll tell you let me give you a little intro and where to talk to just a minute the course that I teach I've been teaching for 10 years and it's about licensing I do I do classes every week it's a it's a big long program keith was a student of mine and he came on I remember I first met Keith and he was the cutest Julia typical guy had a lot of ideas right but one thing about Keith I'm so glad he's here today he's licensed how many I did ten now I know everybody does it a little bit differently but he's found a way for it to work for him and I want to tell you right now part of it's a numbers game but part of it is that once you start in an industry stay in it build those relationships talk about what you've done and what industry for just a minute or the license expires and the patent actually issues after the deal is done I mean so it's a family right about that no why what industry you in that you've license so many okay all right why do you think that is where I was growing up it was a free tennis ball or a stick that was a toy now it's a hundred dollar item so did the growth of what the pet industry is happening just look at that industry and say okay there's a very very large industry that's growing very very quick how easy is it to get into those companies you just go to conventions and the president's the companies are right there and now that you've worked with these guys they know you is it easier just pick up the phone they kind of know who you are now and they go alright I got another idea how often do you submit ideas to these guys okay all right but how many ideas you have out there floating at any one time now he's unusual I'm probably not I mean so I met someone on the hallway says yeah I've got a couple hundred so maybe then not unusual but it is a numbers game it's always a numbers game and I can guarantee you if you don't pick up the phone and call those guys it will never work now has anybody ever treated your roof I mean said no we don't want you right there go away some some some industries are a little bit tougher but both of them are not now some saw there's some industries you kind of want to avoid I can I know I cannot go in all the details of all the different industries but I found that some are just don't open so I'm a little bit tougher some of you need someone help you get in right it's all a little bit different right so if you can give one piece of advice to everybody here well be about licensing and what it's done for my perspective it's basically clearing your plate in my case I had to get all of that off my plate and open up kind of five individuals I guess radar to new ideas and having the bandwidth to run with 400 ideas and make the prototypes make the phone calls they just go it yeah we try to tell students to focus on one idea but he wasn't one of those people you can tell that Thanks thank you very much thank you so if you're gonna start on one industry stay for a while build the relationships build the contacts keep on submitting ideas and when they turn turn you down they say no say that's okay next week I'm gonna have another one that's when they start to treat you as a professional just because you can take the lumps you gotta be able to take the lumps ask it why what are you looking for after a while does they start to point you in the right direction we're looking for this we're looking for this that's what you want to do and the novelty gift industry which I license four years I'd probably say 50 in that industry because they needed ideas for every season holiday in fact ten years later he was even out of it they would still call him he say Steve got any ideas so you guys the novelty gift the the the point that I'm making here is that you're not in the game until you pick up the phone you're really not and you don't understand how easy it is because you're thinking in your mind some weird stuff that's gonna happen that's never gonna happen in a million years you're overthinking it now a lot of people have excuses well I don't have enough time well a lot of people I know have jobs they do in lunch hour they'd do it on the weekends they do that so I don't have any money I don't have enough money well original patents $125 you could have someone sketch your idea on Elance for basically 50 bucks I mean you can do this for nothing right so you have no excuses stay focused put down the other ideas and find one that you really like let's talk about how to find a winning idea it's really simple this is what I do I need to find that idea can actually make that can be manufactured that's a death novel thought isn't it number two make it that there's a big market for it yeah if I'm going to do this I want to make some money here right and make find an idea that has a WOW factor where I can summarize that one idea every goes Wow if it doesn't have it rethink it again all right now some of the ideas and I'm not gonna go through all these you know I've got this little idea here it's a rotating label you spin it gives you more information come on I usually don't the prompt the audience what's wrong this one right here when you spin it it gives you the correct dosing for the weight of your child not by the age it's called a cue dial you turn it like this now this idea you know what's remarkable I did I told 500 million labels right and every time they sell one I make a half a penny do the math do the math do the math all right but you know what's even better about this idea a year I think a year two years ago I want to award an Edison Award and I went to New York dressed up took my wife I'm a blast took the limo pulled up and who else won an award that night coke Nike Ford and Stevie key design and guess what I didn't invent this idea are we recording this I hope not so so how huh maybe like Steve well this was done 40 years ago it was done 40 years ago no Procter & Gamble didn't forget it you remember in the book talk about I'm in a big meeting Procter gamble calls my house the president we want to invite you out I go on out there the guy takes me out the lunch wrap before the big meeting I bring my wife she's got a red dress on my wife is vice president marketing for Gallo winery got the big guns with me she can talk all about marketing so we go to lunch I'm walking across the lawn guy said I think the guy for lunch he said Steve forget don't ever forget one thing I said well what's a good there's no such thing as a free lunch I get into a meeting all the PG guys lined up there's 30 of them I'm there and I'm spinning the label my wife's talking about this and this and that's the guy gets up says Mr Key we're not gonna pay one penny for this idea said a piece of paper across the table they all walked out because they found this ID it wasn't new my attorneys told me to Steve forget it I'm sorry you'll never get you'll never get the power 13 patents later so who do you believe you press your gut I don't listen to anybody but my gut I get a lot of opinions I trust my gut every single time because one thing all those brainpower at P&G even my attorneys you know one thing they messed they missed what we have the desire to succeed they they don't understand what it's like to be an entrepreneur to be self-employed they don't understand the drive and my drive was like look if this is such a great idea it's not on the store shelf what was wrong so I figured out the manufacturing of it and those was 13 patents or a manufacturing it got right around it so lesson learned you guys you be the boss gather all the information now I'm gonna wrap this up I just want to say a couple things real quick I've got a new book out don't ever write a book mcgraw-hill said Steve you know what is there anything else people need and I said yeah the only other thing I can think of because licensing you know I love licensing I'm still in licensing that company that bought my company they hired me back I'm a CEO I work to the board of directors I call on companies just like you do everything that you're doing today I do the same thing I get those knows that get those yes and sent manufacturing I do the same thing today but done it for 30 years I really enjoy it now what's a little bit different here is that we're manufacturing we're like licensing and manufacturing we're doing both the book out one simple idea for startups it's really about how to start a company now how many people want to start a company they don't want licensed raise your hand you want to start your own company maybe a few maybe not but what I learned is this is that you can create a profitable company with a simple idea because companies are leaving crumbs on the table those crumbs are millions of dollars to us that they don't want to even bother to pick up now that's what I realize I couldn't believe it I started a company called hot picks and we made these funny guitar picks that shape of skulls I don't play guitar does it matter no it doesn't matter we sold we sewed play a mean air guitar we sold tens of millions of these in fact I even became a Disney licensee we did Mickey Mouse picks we sold so many of these I was in Walmart 7/11 was sold around the world I took a simple idea as simple as this it's been around for 80 years right hey I know ago she ate all my deals but I wouldn't recommend that to anybody Leslie Leslie is right he needs a little help with music but what was really great about this little product it was so simple I couldn't protect this I didn't worry about protecting it but I know if you keep an idea this simple small and inexpensive it doesn't take a lot of money doesn't take a warehouse right it doesn't take all those things that you think it is all this you go why I keep started business I don't have any money the new book one somebody did for startups is how to find small simple and expense inexpensive ideas how you can do it yourself how you run a small company yourself without going to the bank right but how to gain control but also how to beat the competition because I love at this game I love the competition I love those guys I look at their weaknesses I look at what their strengths are and their weaknesses and I find the sleeping dinosaurs I find ideas that need to be polished just a little bit I don't reinvent the wheel when you rent reinvent the wheel it's gonna take a lot of money it's gonna take a lot of Education and I don't have that much time I find small improvements I find the sleeping dinosaurs that the big guys are leaving on the table and then come right back in start these little companies up I sold hot pics four or five years ago nice job moved in moved out and it's still doing well today after ten years in fact they just did a program with breast cancer awareness this week take hope so you have the option under you need to understand both you to understand licensing and manufacturing because sometimes they're gonna come together I'll tell you this real quick John oh sure that did the spin brush I don't know if you remember that just a little $4.99 spin brush what was brilliant about that he started a company because he knew that everybody that those those brushes were like $89 from from oral-b right no one's gonna buy a $4.99 right so he tried he knew he wasn't gonna be able to license at the P&G so he started a company started selling into a thousand stores then went to P&G and sold it for four hundred eighty five million dollars you need to understand both alright the book comes out November 5th if you want it buy it on Amazon it's gonna be another $14 I think and if you buy it between the 5th and the 10th I'm gonna give away a lot of freebies you guys because guess what I want to sell a lot of books alright so ice I know I don't have them now I don't have one now I don't even have one but they're coming out soon you guys I want to thank you very much I love this business up before and they want to say two things every person in here can do this you you just have to get started you have to get started tomorrow in fact tomorrow when you leave call a company that you don't even want to submit an idea to call them up say hey I'm a product developer I want to spend an idea tell me about your process how does it work how do you take ideas and when that company gives you all that information you're gonna go well that was easy part now I have to come up with a good idea that's it thank you everybody go absolutely for questions okay okay absolutely yes okay all right I love that don't buy their products don't submit to those companies because you know what they're telling you we're not interested now there's a here's a question I'm contacting a company and they say look we don't look at products unless they're patented you know what they're saying we're not interested in you that's all they're saying and there's a couple dinosaurs out there that do that and they're dinosaurs you guys if Procter & Gamble and crafts and everybody else can do it think those guys can do it too so they're worried about it they they don't want to deal with you right because they don't think you're professional well they're wrong you are because you're reading my book and you know what to say and you know how to cut those deals but they don't know that right so if any company says we got to have a patented idea walk away find another one because there's so many more there's so many more next question yes there no new ones that out yet the old one you can buy at Barnes & Noble you can buy it everywhere it's in all the bookstores and the new ones gonna come out it'll be in all the book stores as well and Barnes & Noble I'll give you a hint and Barnes Noble would probably hate for me to say this buy it on Amazon how do you compete what I cannot even get him cheaper than Amazon my publishers like Steve oh you wanna buy some books yeah how much are they 15 bucks twenty fourteen on Amazon read either one depends on what you I mean come at least books how fast how many how fast until we read a book right pretty quick get them both or did I just say that but did I just say that that was that was that shameless or what hey you guys if you do have my first book and you get the second book take a picture and send it to me so I can post on Facebook I'm on Facebook now finally figured it out my daughter had to teach me that hey this is kind of fun actually in fact you'll all be on it tomorrow watch daddy do you decide to release for that I'm not sure all right probably well you guys let me tell what reality is all right because a lot of times when you hear people talk about this they're not in my world you know I gave a talk of the USPTO of the power of patents and I listened to all those attorneys they're not in my world David Campos I runs the USPTO told me Steve we want they didn't invite me back they I listen to everybody and they said Steve we want to streamline the process up and I was like why if I'm licensing I want it to be like Canada it takes seven years but then again if I'm starting a company the flipside I want those patents issued so it all depends on what side of the fence that you're on right so I like real-world experience I'll give you a good example one of my students had an idea spit it to a company and that she got the agreement back we looked at the agreement and said look it has to be patented or you have to be able to get a patent or whatever stuff on it and she said well it's not really gonna be patentable so I said so she showed it to a licensee an attorney said I'm sorry forget they'll never license it well I just told him call the guy up and say look I'm not sure if we'll ever get one but I filed a PPA they licensed it and they then they paid her for all the other countries that was in they didn't care so what is real world here real world is picking up the phone that's real world and that's why I'm afraid that when we get some of these other people speaking about it it's not as real-world as it could be so that's why you need to come here you need to talk to people that are doing it fighting it living it breathing it and and get that information from everybody suck all the information as you can right just get all get all that stuff good stuff the rate now you love the radio show you know I love doing this radio show last week I was interviewed on MSNBC that's gonna be coming out they did a nice spot I do a lot of PR cuz the books coming out but I do my own little radio show a blog talk radio I don't think anybody's listening to it right but there's a lot in fact we looked and there's like a thousand people the week that listened to this low radio show and I talk about just the process but you know my whole thing's give me the real deal good points the bad points I mean it's just the real stuff you guys and I love this business too much you know to do it any other way it'd be a crime so that's the way I'm gonna play it so thank you for listening and I got to keep on doing those because we forget but I have such a great time doing it so how do you reach meets type in Steven key and trust me there's like 30 pages because I kind of take advantage of all that stuff so what you know I'm gonna say something you guys are gonna really hate unless he's gonna hate this too I know you are is it well this is what you should do okay in the book I talk about how to cut a great deal and there's a process and you have to realize it goes to it from a term sheet it's just long but it takes forever basically you want to pull your hair out during the process but once you see a contract they're all really the same after a while but you have to understand the terms the lesson he was going over those terms it starts with the term always starts with the royalty rate how much the royalty rate minimum guarantees territory field of use she did a great job with that presentation if you can get a copy of it you need to get a copy of it I wish you and explain more of those because all that stuff is dead nuts on but but the but the truth of that I've learned it's so overwhelming at the very beginning okay and you're trying to learn all this stuff and you calling your attorney every two minutes for comfort read about as much as you can about it first right in fact I do this whole lecture on just how to work with attorneys or work with anybody so I love when people are they understand the process so when you do call those companies they like it you're professional you know the terms you know you're not gonna ask for these big upfront money you're gonna ask for for them to pay for your patents there's others all these little tricks to do to make a licensing agreement work I can speak all night on on licensing contracts but we got to go anyway that's it you guys one more question that's it all the time and you'd be crazy thing that they're not so how do you trust them you don't do this any company you're working with type in complaints after their name right and I'll tell you that's what I love about the Internet that's what I'm saying everybody has to play fair right now it's a it's a great leveler it's if someone has sent something wrong to an inventor it's gonna be able to internet because we do talk we kind of group we talk stuff like that so always do that I mean you can even do my name - you'd be surprised I always do this so someone dead Steve icky dog someone was looking lucky I gotta find something on Stephen King because I know he's got some skeleton in the closet there's no way that's ever gonna happen I won't let it happen right cuz I love this business too much and I love you guys for it - could you really you know what you've done for me you helped me find my voice because my first started I didn't know what I was gonna do I didn't think anybody was ever gonna hire me not very talented and I can barely put two words together and I'm not that creative but they're a profession out of it so hey anyway thank you very much
Channel: SDInventors
Views: 16,290
Rating: 4.9018407 out of 5
Id: Jw3m79YpBKo
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Length: 43min 52sec (2632 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 16 2012
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