Samsung Odyssey G9 Review Is It Worth It Now?

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hey guys hope you're having a wonderful day i am the tech wannabe and today i want to talk about the samsung odyssey g9 i'm not going to do a standard review i'm not going to waste your time with an unboxing the inputs on the monitor or like the general dimensions of the thing because i'm guessing if you found my video you've already seen quite a few other videos covering that kind of thing in this video what i really want to do is help put aside some of the concerns that people may have with this monitor i'm going to share my personal experience using it for both gaming and productivity and whether or not i've had any of the issues that this monitor has been known to have in the past and if i have whether those have affected how i feel about having purchased this particular monitor before we actually get into the monitor itself i want to talk about how it was to actually order this thing because it's such a large monitor and to be fair it was a bit of a pain in the sack i had this order cancelled on me actually three times from three different retailers which would let me purchase it actually take the money and then wait three or four days until it came to the dispatch day to only then cancel my order because it cost so much money to send it to me now i am kind of in a unique situation here where i'm ordering from the republic of ireland and the monetary is coming from the uk so there's some additional charges there so if you're not buying this monitor from your home country then you could expect some delivery complications there i did however have a lot of success by ordering it from amazon and i also got the latest model as well which is a very big bonus if you want to check out where i've bought it from i will leave an affiliate link down below for you to have a look at just bear in mind that if you do choose to purchase that way i will earn a small commission too so why did i even go for the samsung odyssey g9 in the first place i think this is an important thing to think about when buying this because it's a very expensive monitor and for me it was because i wanted something that was very immersive for mmos and rpgs and that's where the super ultra wide comes in i wanted high refresh rate for when i play esports titles such as apex legends but i also wanted something that had insane real estate for video editing and this just happens to have all of those things rolled up into one very sexy package speaking of the immersion actually sitting in front of this monitor there's no way any video you watch will be doing you any justice on how it feels to actually sit in front of this when people say it pulls you into your content it really does and it's something that can only be experienced by actually getting one of these monitors and sitting in front of it and this is partly due to the insane 1000r curve that i'm gonna show up on the video right now it is insanely curved but once you sit in front of it for a couple of hours it actually kind of goes away and you just get used to how the monitor looks now i see some people concerned about is that curve going to affect their creative work and for me doing some light video editing and some like photo editing for my youtube channel i can't say it's affected me at all as a matter of fact i scarcely noticed this curve anymore if you are a professional photo editor then i think maybe it might cause you some issues however if you use guidelines on your work then i can't see you ever having a wonky line in it it's just something to consider if that is the primary use for this monitor now without going into too much detail i do just want to say that the image quality on this thing is insane it's very clear the brightness this actually really took me back it is so bright that a i guarantee will give you a tan so i actually use it in the eye saver mode most of the time which is an absolute godsend and then there's powering this monitor now this is a lot of pixels to run at a very high refresh rate i actually have an rtx 3090 and a ryzen 9 5950x and i still cannot top this monitor out so you need to have or need to be planning to have one of the most powerful computers available to even get anywhere near what this monitor is capable of doing so then that begs the question why not the crg9 which is essentially the little brother to this monitor that only goes up to 120 hertz and for me it's about future proofing i can top out a crg9 i can get over 120 frames in most titles with this monitor which means that i would be leaving performance on the table if i went for something that can only go for 120 and have nowhere to go once i upgrade my computer so it's about future proofing right now with the samsung odyssey g9 so let's start talking about some of the issues that this monitor has had in the past and i say in the past because a lot of these are slowly being phased out and the first one i want to cover is running at full spec some people had issues with the monitor running at 240 hertz and with g-sync enabled at full resolution and i've got to say mine out of the box just worked perfectly there was no issues with that whatsoever and that i think is an issue that is long and gone okay so now light bleed this is something that you won't ever be able to completely avoid and it is a bit of a case by case scenario so you know mileage may vary when it comes to this one but i've got to say for my particular model from the side you can see some hotspots but viewing it from straight on it almost completely disappeared now i did film this on my mobile phone so it might not be the best representation of what it actually looks like but i can tell you that when i use this monitor i have noticed absolutely no light bleed issues whatsoever so i am very very happy in that regard okay and now i will address the elephant in the room the flicker now i have had it honestly i've seen it in some very rare cases particularly in loading screens but what's very strange about this issue is that it's very rare and it's not very consistent so what i mean by that is that i actually could not re reproduce the issue before this video and i tried and i tried in a try and i just could not get the monitor to flicker so it's still an issue in very particular rare cases however it is quickly becoming a null point and as samsung released this new firmware and affiliate released new drivers i think we'll see this problem go away completely very very soon now one other thing i want to address which i don't necessarily consider an issue but does concern some people who are not aware of it when they buy the monitor and that is the popping sound that it makes it can kind of sound like an electrical snap but what it is is just the plastic expanding and contracting as the monitor heats up and cools down it's nothing to worry about and most people's models do exhibit this popping i've also seen some reviews say that this monitor has speakers but it doesn't and i think the confusion is that there is a ui element on the toggle at the bottom of the monitor that allows you to change the volume of it but i believe that this is actually for the built-in headphone jack and isn't an indication that this monitor has any speakers whatsoever so i think we've pretty much covered all of the things that there are that people are worried about when buying this monitor so i want to just finish by saying would i recommend buying this and am i happy with the purchase myself yes i am happy with the purchase and yes i would recommend it but only on a couple of conditions first of all can you fit this screen on your desk and do you even need something this big anyways and if the answer is yes then i will happily recommend it the second condition is that are you even able to make use of it is your computer powerful enough or are you going to be buying a computer that's powerful enough soon because if you're not you're just going to have a bad experience with it everything's going to be very low frame rates and you're just not going to be getting what you paid for and you're leaving all that performance on the table which i just think is a massive waste of money but as long as you do have a computer that is powerful enough to run it and you have the space to actually put it down i would highly highly recommend this monitor i've had absolutely no regret to buying it myself it is an amazing piece of work and that's it folks that's everything i have on the samsung odyssey if you have any questions about it just leave a comment down below and i will reply within a day all being well if you did enjoy this content i would love it if you could like the video and i would love you if you could subscribe for more content like this one and until the next one peace
Channel: Damion's Gaming Tech
Views: 26,042
Rating: 4.8156996 out of 5
Keywords: Samsung Odyssey G9 Review Is It Worth It Now?, samsung odyssey g9, gaming monitor, samsung, gaming, odyssey g9, samsung odyssey g9 review, odyssey, 49 inch monitor, 240hz, curved, va panel, 5120 x 1440, monitor, best gaming monitor, ultrawide, review, 49, g9, samsung g9, pc, desktop, 1440p, refresh rate, high definition, super ultrawide monitor, samsung ultrawide, samsung odyssey, colours, qled, display port, future, 49 inch samsung curved monitor, 2020, odyssey g9 monitor
Id: ZCP4Dn_w9ss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 15sec (495 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 08 2020
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