Sampling With SIMPLER | ALL Modes Explained (Ableton 11 Tutorial)

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all right guys i'm back i don't know why i said it like that but i am back i'm going to show you guys everything that simpler can do in this video so let's get right into it okay so we got me in the little corner down there and i'm going to put simpler onto the track i'm just going to drag and drop it right here and there you go we got simpler right down here the first thing you can do is literally just drop a sample let's go to the ableton sample here so i can just click on anything okay let's use that i like that right so i can just hit any note it goes up and down in uh tones if you play around with the keyboard so you can make a chord [Music] you know what i mean so simpler allows you to screw with obviously samples so when it comes to the classic uh you could choose how many voices to have here this is more for if you want to turn the sample into like an instrument because with voices you could allow multiple notes playing when it comes to one shot here it only allows one voice so it's a one shot there's no more voices you can add no more than one note playing at the same time and also and when it comes to one shot it's better for drums because the sound is going to actually finish you don't have to actually hold the note down forever so let me let me just show you where with classic i have to actually hold it down you know like really got to hold it till it ends so slicing is literally like around the sample and using like parts of the sample this is better with let's say songs if you want and you can really just you could really just change it however you want you're clicking different notes you're going up and down so this is c1 this is c sharp uh yeah c sharp and then d for the third one it goes up like that on your keyboard very simple to use like i said this works better for like kanye west type sampling things if you want to do like sampling chunks of songs and play around with your keyboard that's typically what you would use it for so now that we're done with all the modes let me go back to classic and tell you exactly what everything does down here so down here you can see that there's a filter you can turn it on or off so the filter down here is basically just a high high pass filter and you can put a low pass filter however you want to you know screw with the sample it's basically just an another eq you can use for example so let me just put it just to show you exactly what it does so it's literally the same thing as this so you see that little knob here it's the same thing you know you're doing you're putting the filter down here it's just that you're doing it on the actual sound and not after the sound is processed in the simpler so there's an order to it because you can't actually put an eq before the sound is processed as you can see here it is useful but like only in certain situations where you really want to have a specific sound that you're going for so let's take the filter off here and keep the filter down here so let me show you what it does [Music] as you can see it just clears the high high pass filter and then low pass actually this is a high pass because it makes it high only and then low pass makes it low okay so there's all types of different filters you could use this one just uh picks a certain frequency and keeps it there so anyways let's let's move on and then the resonance is kind of how high you let that peak go at the frequency so the gain is is the volume before the input comes in so that's gonna be really loud put it a little higher and then we have the volume at the end here which is the output of the sound so they're very similar but like i said there is an order to things so sometimes you're going to want an effect before or after depends what you want to do exactly so this is the start of the loop and then you have also the length of it which is the end of the loop you could also just use this if you want it's basically the same thing [Music] it's just preference so here we have the button loop which is actually you're just gonna loop a certain part so let's try to loop a very small portion of it [Music] as you can see it loops the sound so let's turn it off it's not looping anymore when i hold it [Music] there you go and the warp button here basically warps it to the certain speed of the track so let's say i'm at 120 bpm everything's gonna be warped at 120 bpm so let's play it [Music] it's the same speed if i turn it off you can see that if i go higher in pitch and lower pitch it's different speeds depends what you want to do like i said you can literally just do some crazy loops samples create your own instruments if you want [Music] see the difference between warp and not work because it has to do with the speed right so you create your own sounds it's better if you want to do a chord with a warped because it actually keeps it at the same speed a minor you see a cat kind of sounds like a mess but you could you could do that if you want but if i click warp it's going to be a cleaner sound [Music] there's a better order to it right so the one bar here is basically the speed you want to warp it at so you can just do kind of whatever you want if you make the speed of the sample times two then it's gonna obviously be slower half slow and then we go down divided by two or whatever by two by two by two again it's gonna be faster so let's go back to whatever it was before let's not warp it the attack like on every other vst so right now it's at zero it's got no time it it's as soon as you hit the button as soon as the midi plays the sound plays but then if i click attack it'll slowly come in if i put the attack at like let's say 25 milliseconds it's going to be a bit slower [Music] you can really notice the difference at like maybe try even more there we go so the decay and sustain are kind of working together because the decay is the how long the sustain is going to go for so right now the sustain is at zero decibels so no change in how loud the sound is after a certain amount of time so let's say the decay we put it at let's say one second just to give you an idea and all right it's about one second there's not going to be any change because i didn't change this the sustain but now once i change the sustain the volume is going to go down after a second so it's going to go down by let's say 20 decibels [Music] and it stays there that's the sustain so the release is how long after you hit the keyboard the sound keeps playing like the one shot the one shot basically has an infinite release it just the sound will keep playing until it's done basically so for example if i click on one millisecond the sound will stop as soon as i basically stop hitting the key but then if i hit the release on like let's say a second [Music] it's kind of like sustain and decay but the release is basically it flows down to infinite decibels minus infinite decibels so it goes to like nothing it's basically a fade away kind of for the volume and then obviously at the end here we have the volume like i said earlier and that's basically it for the little buttons down here so for the one shot we have the fade in fade out very self-explanatory basically the attack you know and then the release very similar and they're very similar in terms of like it's it's still we're still using simpler right and then transpose is going to be how you how you want the pitch to go so let's say we bring it up so it changes during the sound as well right so that means you can automate it so you can literally just hit the key during the song and then pitch it and kind of do crazy stuff like that that's the advantage of the one shot so you can do that with like drums interesting sounds or just stuff that you want to be one shot so volume velocity is a knob where you can decide let's say at zero percent that the volume is going to be static no matter how hard you hit the keys it doesn't change how hard i hit the keyboard but with velocity at a high let's say at a higher percentage it'll be much more up and down in volume so i can go really low [Music] there you go it changes so let's bring it back down to what it was before usually 35 is a good like percentage because it kind of keeps it not going up and down too much and music production you don't want to have the that kind of like dynamic going on i mean you can but it depends what you're trying to do but 35 for a general rule of thumb is good and then we go for the slice part and it's the same exact thing with the fade in fade out transpose volume velocity and volume we also have a filter down here does one shot have a filter yes it does so for the slice part the only difference here is going to be the slice by so what you want how you want ableton to automatically detect the slices usually you're going to go by transient or if you already put the transients into the beats into the timeline for example here and you put them perfectly onto on the beat then you can just do on beat because you already set the transients to on beat but usually ableton can detect the transients because of like drums and stuff like that for samples that you put in or you could also just do it by manual with your hands you know you just kind of move around whichever one one you want uh usually you're going to want to you know kind of move it because ableton's ai is not perfect all the time you can just choose whichever parts you want to select a better example for this would probably be an actual beat like let's go we'll go for a drum okay sure let's grab that this sampled everything by transient so i basically have the entire drum set on my keyboard but let's say we did it by beat so now that's different oh let's go back all right so now i'm actually going to be playing yeah you can screw around with it but that's that's basically how it works and there you go guys simpler that's how you use it now for simpler you can literally put whatever you want in it it's it's as you can see here i put a whole ass loop that has that's like 105 bpm but then if you go to classic you might want to put like one shots or just like instrument sounds because that's more for your instruments and then for one shot you're going to want to put your drums or whatever you want to sample screw up and down and that's pretty much it for the simpler the best tool for sampling in ableton it's honestly pretty pretty great i use all my drums in it i create sounds out of like samp actual samples so you know go have fun go be creative my name is tiny it was a pleasure having you here you can go check out my music in the description down below check out my beats you can dm me on instagram whatever if you want me to mix and master your music and as always stay healthy and i'm signing out by the way i've been along i've been away for like a month now but i will be back with regular uploads gonna try to stick to the schedule this time school got in the way other things life got in the way but i will not let this stop me we are going up baby next few uploads will be more vlog style and fun stuff i'll keep the tutorials going because that seems to work for the algorithm anyways guys i'm out see ya you
Channel: Tiny Tero
Views: 11,479
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ableton live, ableton tutorial, ableton live 10, how to, ableton simpler, music production, simpler slicing, ableton sampler, ableton sampling, simpler and sampler ableton, simpler ableton tutorial, simpler ableton
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 54sec (714 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 19 2021
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