[SAMPLE LIBRARY REVIEW] Superior Drummer 3

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hello everybody don't you just hate this weather are you the kind of person who drums on tables and all that kind of thing all the time and does this lady do but do I really have no of course I don't what you were listening to is the sound of superior drummer three let's go and take a look superior drummer emerges out of the imagination of tune track now I first started using to track stuff back in the days of ez drummer which does exactly what it says on the tin then we went on to superior drummer to which is what I had before the nice people of teen track gave me an upgrade to this and superior drummer to is an excellent programs about nineteen gigabytes of samples so there yeah ok let's have a look at this two hundred and thirty gigabytes of samples this has 230 gigabytes how can you possibly do two hundred and thirty gigabytes of samples the answer is you record it with something like eleven mic positions so you can mix this an 11 point one it's got five the normal surround then it's got height then it's got another five you've got oh I'll tell you what what I'll do is I'll give you a very quick once-over show you round then we'll try and write something using a bit of it yeah because that's okay so look here is let's go for the default kit to start with it's for kit there there's a full kit okay so this is C this is the interface it's a lot more than just a sample level you get kind of a little kind of almost like a door thing going on down here and you're able to import your own audio files of your own slightly rubbishy sounding kit at home and then it will do audio to MIDI conversion so that you get your performance and their samples it has an extremely comprehensive mixer which has all kinds of wacky effects notes you know EQ dynamics distortion reverbs delay modulation the whole business and you have tons and tons and tons of these MIDI MIDI performances so for example okay we'll go for a blues bridge 12 shuffle there's something yes very nicely programmed it sounds like a real rummer funk let's go some funk now there you go look so you can you got lots you've got tons of control obviously put all these out on individual tracks so you can have dem individual outputs if you so wish and things like that and you can also drag and drop the MIDI on to your own timeline and one thing I'm when I've been messing about with this I quite like is okay so say you go with this one you can take bits of it out if you want say say we take out that snare and you can add your own in you can then you know if you wanted to put your own little spin on this the other thing which is is which you'd expect is you can change out any of these instruments so look look at all this I've just taken out the snare what an idiot what you're about to try to illustrate the stare you can have felt mallets okay it's a very very good sound it what you're not gonna get sitting there in YouTube land is the solidity of the sample because it's all kinda sort of YouTube obviously compresses things and makes an exaggerated it's not the full sort of living breathing sound experience is it when stuff comes off using and the thing is what I've discovered quite all the time is when your programme stuff in and then you listen to a live recording of a real drummer if you're lucky enough to work with them it sounds just sort of better bigger deeper rounder this has that same sound it sounds like I've been out and recorded it except I haven't which is not something you want to get a home on off this example but it's pretty cool so what what I thought we'd do is do a little bit of a rightie thing what I'm going to do first move to one side I'm just gonna play in takes his life in his hand I'm gonna play some guitar in because I think that'll be fun and you have to forgive the fact that I am NOT leotard what I've got I just set up a little sound I've got here oh it's aa [Music] guy go to Ian Tunes up Paul's roll of drums let's have a word from the sponsor about a course which might just be very very helpful for somebody like you if you want to write better music better tunes more interesting chord progressions and fully develop your ideas then check out my online course how to write music six hours of video tutorials free downloads a supportive online community and a comprehensive course text take your music to the next level with how to write music god it's so good I'm gonna buy right here is one Stratocaster all I'm sticking it through is what am i sticking through guitar amp and a gate just to take the here you go it's a guitar amp from waves that's great you know obviously it's all better if you can put it through a real thing and all that kind of thing but frankly this is much quicker and simpler and this isn't a guitar review this is a drum review so let's get on with this [Music] I am NOT a guitarist as you can tell on our real one [Music] okay let's double that and stick it on food rim planet left and right in the kind of traditional old-fashioned way [Music] [Music] that was shocking oh god it'd be nice to be able to play the guitar [Music] [Music] [Music] okay let's let's say let's pretend that was alright okay stick with guitar down get back to the real meat and two veg of this okay we've got a little guitar track in there now we're gonna start putting some drums with it yep now it will be voting to use one of their pre-planned things because it takes forever to program drums and to collect or to program drums really well takes a lot of school a lot let's kill you know that's not first and foremost my main skill set frankly so let's have a go anyway okay [Music] find a hi-hat no okay if you want to find things okay show map keys they go Bing Oh No stay up they go and then you can see look at all these articulations some of them you'll know grayed out either that means they're not available on this particular found or you haven't turned them on yet so if you go to for example the snare drum all articulations loaded and some are not turned on of the loss ernõ no where's the articulations hang on what's going on I thought that was I here we go yeah so if you want flam's and roughs loaded and things like that you have to turn them on right now okay and they went really well anyway right where's my high hats because if they're placed in a number of different places [Music] [Music] okay little do for going almost thank you very much indeed thank you so what we're doing is we're having a little now let's have some more on some rides around this so you got it sounds like aa Dark Side of the Moon okay okay now I'm need to kick off with a bit more about you know one of them jobs some this is not the way normally Romeo okay let's go back a bar that's okay [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now what I've done this is not what we'll end up with not sure about that [Music] I'm just playing something very vanilla and then we're going to tart it up so all this can be quantized up to the point where I do the flam's [Music] I think all those are a bit loud there's no point having everything banging away at 120 doesn't give you anywhere to go okay now what we're going to do now is take that piece and go into the drama editor which I really like what your door doesn't have a drum it's a oh that's a shame and look I'll show you why I like it um and okay let's workout we're the best that's nice you can use it for putting in these little Ruffy things and we're not rough you can see ghost notes so here we go [Music] see that [Music] [Music] all right so alternative bass drum or something if it makes quieter now I can go through and cut out bits I don't like and put other things in okay so we might have some but you can't have an eight-armed drummer so you have to take some bitter to its go in here get rid or in par nine we're gonna get rid of the snare because you can't play those those things on the move that back one Oh 16 notch there we go now it is sounded quite mechanical and if I was being attention to detail I would go and either randomize it or just mess with it a bit it's not quite so mechanical so it's a bit off the B there is a MIDI randomize feature in qubit and probably your door as well even though it doesn't have dramedy oh sorry okay okay so let's see if that phone yeah it sounds as bad a drummer as I am yeah I actually quite like that it's sort of humid the other thing we're going to do it's going to could he do that I'm thinking of doing okay it's starting to sound quite convincing I'm what we're lacking at the moment is owed Budo values you can't have a little track like this what am i using I'm using scarbee preempt bass Rocky hey sounds appropriate [Music] well click come back twiggles begin stop buffing about and play [Music] [Music] right this sounds great now it doesn't sound great it sounds a bit cheesy but I at the drum sound fantastic frankly you could play I could program this all day that isn't I think I'm always doing this I say I've done it I've done it I've done it and then I go back in you know this is not Michelangelo in the Sistine bleeding Chapel this is me knocking out a bit of drum stuff to show you a really cool library so get over it guy Michelangelo what are you like put a little flam in their little flam litt come on flam lit you can do it get me - just a little one that middle one down a bit look there's slightly different articulation that's better okay [Music] do I think we could do with her go on do that eighty thing you know you want to go you're pretending you don't but you really do [Music] nah that sounds horrid it's not doing it for me go away I'm doing something else no [Music] maybe okay if at all possible I never do things twice and iterative quantized iterative quantize I think it's what I really should be doing here it with quantize there that's better iterative quantize in other words it doesn't without iterative quantize everything just goes Shum to the beat straightaway and it's a bit kind of regimented in a bit yeah where is this look you see it doesn't completely sort it out it just sorted out a bit or take them out and do with me crashing once again listen to that really nice goodness sake oh come on pull yourself together [Music] something's still not quite right about that but life is short and by the time they're screaming guitars in there [Music] [Music] thank you very much good night oh god I was not cut out for a life of rock and roll so what do you get you get loads of kits you get an extremly playable instrument - you go very playable instrument an enormous leap our 'full instrument actually which if by the time you really get into it there's they also allow bleed for example which allows you to have you can turn on the bleed microphone so when you hearing the kick drum the bleed sample is come from the snare so it's as though you were playing the whole thing in the same room so it's all towards this ultimate realism ultimate realism requires a better programmer than me and somebody really understands drums and fortunately that person whoever it might be as program some excellent MIDI stuff which you can just drag and drop so all in all you do get a a really good range of sounds I mean I've been a person in the past who's used lots of different live drum kits and when you get a whole load of electronic ones as well and experimental things as well so it is getting on for a one-stop-shop and I always like to have a choice I always like to have more than one and all rest of it but this is getting very close to the headset the only drum live you know the only drum kit you're going to need because it's all here but it is huge and it installs gray I know it took a weekend to download and install but it just you know for a samples of this size they install very well because sometimes things go wrong when you have but look you've got a ton of stuff here and you can expand it with the decades which is sort of historic staff and all these different kits all these different things I mean you'd if you're into this kind of thing or you just had a massive fall out with the band and you badly need to know how to replace them this is a pretty good way and the nice thing about superior drummer is it's never the one who doesn't buy the round of drinks so you win win look I've really enjoyed a plane with this hope you've enjoyed watching me fool around with my guitar and all rest of it and if you're interested in this kind of thing obviously remember to subscribe I mean and then you'll get notifications when we do this kind of thing again in the future speaking of which I will see you very soon have a nice week whatever you're up to good bye you
Channel: Guy Michelmore
Views: 73,877
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: thinkspace, composition, composer, guy michelmore, thinkspace education, Music Education, superior drummer 3 review, drum vst, ez drummer, toontrack, toontrack superior drummer 3 review, superior drummer 3, superior drummer 3 tutorial, VST Review, cubase 10.5, sample library review, how to compose music, how to write music, music theory, film scoring tutorial, music production, superior drummer 3 demo, cubase, toontrack superior drummer 3, music technology
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 6sec (1686 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 03 2020
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