Samick Sage or Black Hunter

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hey what's going on everybody i hope you're doing well today man i hope your weekend's been great now i wanted to answer a question that i get a lot in the comments every time i post a video and if you've watched my channel for any number of months now you notice that i do own a couple of bows and two very particular bows that get a lot of responses on are the samick sage and the black hunter recurve now the questions i always get are which do you prefer which do you think performs better uh would you buy this one over this one again and the questions just keep going on and on and on now both of the bows i do own and i do like that i like them both in their own respects because there are some good points about both of them and then there are some negatives about both of them so what i thought i would do is get on here do this quick video for you go through some of the specifications of each bow talk about a little bit of the uh the form and function of the bows and then let you be the judge of which one maybe is in your future or maybe you own now and you just had some questions about it so let's dive into the video now right up front to get the technicality out of the way both of these are entry-level bows meaning they're going to come in at a very attractive price point so if you're just getting started in traditional archery and maybe you're a compound shooter and you just want to try something new as far as a traditional bow goes or just a traditional recurve bow these are both really kind of a good starting point because of the price point now the black hunter comes in at 109 and the samick sage comes in at 130 139 ish depending on where you buy it and which vendor you actually purchase the bow from okay up first is my trusty samick sage i've owned this bow for god i think it's been almost five years now that i've had this and out of that time i have never had a single issue with the samick sage now i know a lot of people have a love hate relationship with it there's a lot of banner back and forth on the internet about how it sucks how it's great how it's this how it's that you know the thing about that is when it comes to uh anything archery especially bows arrows gloves tabs anything you're just going to have to try them out for yourself to form your own opinion which is what i've done with this again this is a solid shooter i've not had any issues the cool thing about the samick sage is it is a takedown bow and that's an important thing especially if you're just starting out because there's a lot of questions on what draw weight should i get should i just go full on and get the highest that i can so i can go out and shoot elephants with it my suggestion is no if you're just getting into the sport of archery i would suggest starting with a low draw weight that way you have the chance and the opportunity to really dial in your form your your your anchor your release all of those fundamentals because those are going to go into how much enjoyment how much accuracy all of those things you're going to get out of the sport of archery now the samick sage is the perfect bow to do this because you can start out as low as 25 pounds with the limbs and you can go up in five pound increments up to 60 pounds now they say that the bow comes in at four pounds now myself uh i've weighed this it's right at three pounds two point seven something pounds so right at three pounds which is not bad i mean it's not really that heavy a bow as compared to my southwest archery ghost takedown that one's actually a lot lighter than my stomach sage but again it's not really a deal breaker it is a 19 inch riser this is a hard maple laminate the limbs are a hard maple laminate and fiberglass they come in at 62 inches they do have phenolic reinforced tips so you can shoot a fast flight string on this bow now the recommended brace height is 7.25 up to 8.25 now that's recommended that doesn't mean you have to stay within that you can go below it you can go above it i found that at 8 inches this bow shoots very nicely this is the 40 pound version i've never had an issue with that i've always shot the 40 45s around in that area and again that's always been a good draw weight for me so again the samick sage really good now the cool thing about this is it does have a small radius on the shelf it's just not flat like these do see in some bows so with that being like that you do get a little bit less arrow contact as it's coming across the shelf again not a huge radius but just minor so and you could even affect that more if you put like a toothpick under your rest material that way it'll get the arrow up off the rest even more it is tapped and drilled you can put sights you can put a plunger button and you can put a i call it a balancer you can call whatever you want to silence or balance your vibration dampener whatever that is uh so again you have options with this bow when it comes to set up to your liking so price point on it about 130 139 depending on where you get it again i can't say enough good about this especially if you're just starting out you don't have to break the bank now some of the things that i do not like about this bow the riser itself while it is a 19-inch riser it does absorb a lot of vibration and a lot of shock from the limbs when you do release the arrow the thing about the riser is it's kind of blocky it's kind of chunky it feels really thick in the hand now that's not a bad thing that's not a deal breaker but again if it were me designing this i think i would have done a little bit more contouring in these areas and especially in the grip part the grip does fit nice but again it just feels chunky in the hand not really a deal breaker like i said but just one of those things that you need to be mindful of overall if i had to buy this bow again if it broke or something happened to it i would just for nostalgia reasons because i do really enjoy the samick sage coming in next is my black hunter recurve now i'll tell you what take a rock throw it as hard as you can and i swear you'll hit a comment whether good or bad about the black hunter recurve i do hear good things about the longbow version of this and very minimal issues with the longbow version uh overall this has been a good purchase for me there's a few things about it that really kind of had me missed at the beginning and it took me a little bit of time to warm up to the bow and actually get it set up to my liking where i felt it was shooting well this is another takedown bow meaning you can start with a low draw weight on this this would be good for someone just starting out if they would fix a few things and we'll talk about that here in just a second so the thing about this is this doesn't start as low as the samick sage this starts at 30 pounds and you can increase up to 60 pounds to increase your droid or decrease whatever it is you're looking to do so again a takedown bow for a new archer i think personally is a good way to go because you just don't know until you get into the sport or you start shooting where you need to be especially with your draw weight now again i'll say this again and i say it all the time start with a low droid if you're just starting out because that will help you get your fundamentals down your fundamentals or your form your anchor and release if you're trying to pull back too much weight you're going to struggle with those and that's going to really take the enjoyment out of the sport of archery for you now the maximum draw leak they say on this bow is 31 inches this bow is coming in at 60 inches it is a diamond wood riser it has bamboo core and fiberglass laminate limbs now the bamboo core limbs from what i've seen are really nice they shoot well they're quiet you get a little you don't get a lot of vibration with them they're just overall really nice limbs the only thing about the limbs that i have to say that i don't like is when they're spec from the manufacturer when they come out of the retailer or the store wherever you buy it there have been a lot of a lot of comments about how the draw weight issues are prevalent with these bows mine i actually purchased a 45 pound version and when it came in and i actually put it on my scale it was a 50 pound bow we're going to talk about that a little bit more here in just a second but so you have to be mindful of that if you're thinking about buying the black hunter recurve you want to be mindful that draw weight issues are prevalent with this bow the other thing too that i've seen a lot is the limb delamination and the tips coming off or delaminating or breaking i think and this is my theory and i'm going to hold to this theory that that's because the draw weight issues maybe somebody's trying to get a specific draw weight and they don't get the right draw weight or maybe it's just you know really excessive one way or the other and they're shooting the wrong arrows out of it and it could be creating a dry fire situation now i may be crazy for saying that and i may be just kind of off in the head but that's just a theory i have it's kind of one that i feel fits in that in the in kind of how i think about that so again uh just buyer beware of that issue or that known issue with these bows uh overall the riser is a 15 inch riser this riser is very very nice i have to say out of this and my southwest archery ghost takedown longbow probably have the best grip that i have ever held in a bow the riser is nicely contoured it is 15 inches so it is a shorter one uh that that is going to it's really not going to be an effect but it does affect your sight window whenever you're shooting because those shorter risers generally have less of a cut out here and that's going to affect your sight picture when you're trying to aim the shelf on this ray on this riser is a very nice radius as you can see here and that radius really keeps that arrow from making a lot of contact when you're shooting again you can affect that by putting something under your riser material i don't think you need it with this i think it works well the riser is a quarter quarter inch past center so this is a very nice setup when it comes to the black hunter recurve it does have phenolic reinforced tips like i said you can shoot a fast flight or a decron b55 b50 string whatever your string preference is you can use that on this bow again draw weight issues aside i think it's a good shooter i would not recommend this for someone just starting out and the reason i wouldn't is because of the issues that it has uh with quality control whether it's the delamination the limb tips coming apart or just the draw weight issue so my my vote is for the samick sage or something similar to that if you're just starting out again nothing bad with the black hunter other than a few little things that you're going to have to roll the dice on when you buy it now the bracelet for this bow is is recommended at seven and a half to eight inches and it is a small bracelet window but you can work with that and again uh 60 inch bow shoots really well now with it being a 60 inch bow for me i think it's a little bit short but it would be great in a hunting situation because the shorter bow you can actually it's more compact and you can get it into different tighter places especially sitting at a tree stand maybe you're blind hunting this would be a good bow for that again the longer the bow the harder it is to conceal and carry and keep into a compact small space when you're hunting but i do like the bow um quality issues aside so one more thing about both of these bows something i tested out today and i wanted to share that with you i got a comment one time and it was it was really not a bad comment it's just the guy made it and you know he and i kind of went back and forth a little bit and we both agreed to disagree if you will and it was a it was a good conversation but the conversation and the comment was about the samick sage and how bad they actually stack well i'm gonna cry foul on that because i did actually test this out and i did do a little bit more research on stacking issues now if you're new to archery and you don't know what stacking is that's where the draw weight of your bow increases exponentially once you get past what it's rated at most of them are rated at 28 inches at a certain poundage once you exceed that that's when the bow starts to add weight as you go along and normal stacking for a bow every bow stacks don't think they don't normal stacking is between two to three pounds now when they say stacking occurs more prevalently or when it actually occurs it's past the 30 inch draw length so that being said i did want to test these out to see how they actually fared when you got past the recommended 28 28 inches for each bow now the stomach sage is rated at 40 pounds of 28 inches the black hunter recurve was supposed to be rated at 45 pounds at 28 inches it actually came in at 50 pounds at 28 inches when i tested it out brand new so let's talk about the stacking okay samick sage first put it on the bow scale pull back to the recommended 28 inches i got a 40.07 pound so it's right on the money when it comes to the original draw weight for this bow at 29 inches it came in at 42.5 pounds and at 30 inches it came in at 43.8 now past 30 inches that's when you would really start to see a lot of stacking i don't recommend going well past 30 inches or you know 31 32 whatever that is unless you have really really long limbs and the reason is because you're going to put those under a lot of stress and that's when they say that stacking really occurs uh at a higher rate once you get past 30 inches but for the samick sage this was in normal range i mean you could tell each one forty point two one forty point or forty two point five and then forty three point eight so in that normal two to three pound range is what's expected whenever you get past that twenty or when you get past the 28 inch mark so again i don't think the samick sages have a stacking issue this could be uh could very well be that the bow is too short of course i don't see how it could be at 62 inches this would fit just about any hunter out there so again i'm going to cry foul on this on the stacking issue with the sage but what about the black hunter let's check that one out okay the black hunter again i ordered this in 45 pounds got 50. i hate to keep saying that but it really just kind of ticks me off anyway so i put it on the bow scale as well pulled back to 28 inches and what i got was a 48.44 that's kind of strange because it's actually down almost a pound and a half from when it was new well somebody made a comment about that one time said yeah after you use the after you use the limbs a little bit or actually shoot it a lot what's going to happen is they're going to soften up so i guess maybe that's what's happening with this maybe it'll get to the 45 pounds i don't know we're going to see i'm going to keep shooting until i destroy it or it breaks itself okay so at 28 inches we come in at 48.44 at 29 inches we come in at 51.65 and then at 30 inches we come in at 53.52 pounds of draw weight at 30 inches so again this one's still kind of within that normal two to three pound range so this bow is actually rated at 31 inches for a maximum draw length so at 30 inches i think you're safe in shooting this but you are going to be shooting especially with this one a 53-pound bow as opposed to a 50 pound bow which is what this is actually rated at now the thing about draw length um for the longest time i was thinking that i was a 28 and a half 29 inch draw length and when i first started out and have my draw length measured that's what i was but i got the curious about that because my form has actually gotten better over the years and more consistent so i wanted to recheck that and make sure that i was still at that 28.5 29 inch drawing what i found was because my form has has increased and gotten a lot better i'm actually at a 30 inch draw length so both of those bows are shooting like the samick's age at a 43.8 and then the black counter at a 53.52 draw weight at my draw length so again that's one of the things that you should be checking from time to time especially if you're new it may start out at one but as again as your form gets better you may find that it's increased a little bit because you know you start getting a lot better you know at your back tension and how you how you pull through the shot and actually hold the the bow whenever you're getting ready to shoot so again there's some specs some just little things about the bows that i do and do not like so again your choice may be to not buy either one of them you may go yeah not for me i think i'll do something else and that's totally fine and totally understandable because everybody's different but you do have to experiment and find the bow that fits you and your shooting needs so there you go i hope you like this video hope it helped you going through some of the specs going through some of the likes and dislikes of each bow and going through the stacking issue or the non-existent stacking issue for each bow so again thank you so much for watching i do appreciate it more than you know and man my channel is growing faster than i ever thought it would every week it seems we gained two three new subscribers i do appreciate it so much man it's it excites me every time i see that new subscriber and it excites me because i feel like i'm reaching a broader audience and that's what we're here for to share to learn to grow ourselves and to get better at this sport and if i can share anything that helps you along the way man it just makes me feel so good inside and i do appreciate you taking the time to watch my content to think enough about it to leave a comment maybe leave a like i do appreciate it so much and the comments are so important to me please put those in there i love to respond to your comments i love to watch your comments there was a comment thread on one of my videos that went back and forth and i saw people just actually talking to each other and helping each other out it was a really good feeling to see that and to me that just solidifies what i think about the archery community here on youtube that it's a great community to be a part of so thank you so much i do appreciate it more than you know hope you come back for new content if you're new here and you're just stumbling into my channel please consider subscribing please hit that notifications bell that way when i do future content you get the notification you can come in and hang out with me for a little while so again thank you so much i appreciate it more than you know and as always i hope you have a great day a better day tomorrow and a wonderful week ahead of you and until next time
Channel: Scott Winters
Views: 58,350
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: black hunter recurve bow, black hunter bow, samick sage takedown recurve bow, samick sage recurve bow, samick sage setup, recurve bow for beginners, traditional bow shooting, recurve, recurve bow, samick sage vs black hunter, bow stacking, Samick bow specs, take down recurve, take down bow, bow limb weight, bow draw weight, black hunter bow review, samick bow, samick bows review
Id: _b41_OYzDGk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 43sec (1063 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 10 2021
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