SAM MANGAN - The Josh Wade Show #056

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] get em open to the - wait show my name's Josh Wade thanks to the siege for the theme song they are killing it right now the rocks using their music Logan polls you know that doesn't [ __ ] help at all anyway welcome to the show touring around the country really soon Greatest Hits show we're doing if switch Gympie emerald yeah we are Bendigo and I Langston why not why not they they love some filth and then after that we're not gonna do that anymore the comedies over and then I'm going on a [ __ ] speaking to her that's what I'm calling it I got a lectern I got all of it electric elector that makes it formal as though it's quality it's simple turn around and get a lectern in your respected instantly I love ya I am looking I mean I'm trying to get myself in with Scientology to some extent I'm sorry what is it trying is it not just to check it yeah the standard designer I think it's just a check I'm trying to get any influences sponsorship alright on today's show Sam Mangin Sam you are the CEO of spinning Co I am yes I don't you CEO myself I think that it makes you sound like a maximum or income huh so managing director to me seems like less of a wanker more real-life yeah look I'll take CEO take CEO now you are a very interesting guy you've got an amazing Instagram I first ask no you do I first discovered you on Instagram and I went this guy is my spirit animal I get that a lot give this spirit animal which what I like about it is that I think that if that's what you think then it really just means that all of my content is so unoriginal I'm just stealing thoughts from minds which I'm happy with no I think you're not stealing thoughts from minds I think you're just saying a lot of things that a lot of people are too scared to say plus you use the word peasant rather freely which I'd like I like that word to pepper it through yeah yeah I do like not that everyone is a peasant I don't like to come from that that place but I don't there's a lot there's a large group I'd like to make sure that identified I'd like to make sure we're aware of them I I track I was I was thinking this morning because I read a comment someone said you're a narcissist and I was like yeah look I think that the problem is in this world everyone needs a title I never need to feel important and whatnot and so the person who's written that comment the fact that they think that right in that comma has any value to anyone and anyone cares about their opinion and or them makes them the epitome of the peasant in my mind so it I think all the titles are kind of irrelevant whether you re or not whether it's positive or not who really gives a [ __ ] I mean would you write it's rather narcissistic to tell someone that they're a narcissist though just idiocy knowing here's what you have to say shush delete your account yeah like why you come into your your you know you go on these different rants and they're sort of they're really starting to build a following and they are going to continue to build a following the more that you do what has sort of give us a rant that you've done or a topic that you've done you feel like has really caused pricked people in the side sort of what they don't like to hear at the most because some are about you know you're doing the the Pepsi and Coke thing right now but what what one hit a nerve with people do you think I don't know that there's been anything hugely I guess negative to an extent with people of like hello a backlash I know that obviously through the agency that I own we work a lot with influences and one of my earlier rants was just a straight shot and influences which you know for me I just think that the honesty is what's missing a lot of the transparency is missing yeah so that's why I had a shot at it I think probably quietly they're all very upset with me I would imagine but I mean again you can't really say a lot to me because I control too much money and whatnot so they're kind of silent by not by their choice what I mean so we may as well get a backstory for everyone that's watching you studied law you you've you know finished all that and then you've done a few things since getting into PR but take me back where were you born the Gawker yep right yep and what made you go into law and study law um this is such a boring story I'm quite fascinated by the law but I think that if we go back to your narcissism earlier the one thing I hate is being in a room and feeling like I don't understand what's being said or being outmatched mentally uh-huh and I'm so not the smartest guy but I think the law is one of those things where I'm never gonna farmers on a room will with doctors so I don't need to understand medical things yeah but I feel like the law is transcends all business and no matter what room you're in someone will try and sue you or someone will try and do wrong by you or some or whatever and I think having a grasp over it would allow me just a much better understanding of so many facets of business and it's also a real degree so like people have business degrees I don't really get that and so what you're doing so for me unless you learn the law you don't understand the law there's no way to understand it without I guess you could just do the readings yourself fun I don't I think it's quite difficult to comprehend unless you're taught it by someone who understands it whereas his business I mean that's a [ __ ] joke that degree but anyway mmm so I got that for that reason my parents thought that we were you know going for the legal career so I was like I'm not getting someone's coffee for $40,000 a year yeah my mum had a coronary and then I started I had many businesses through the years so when I was I don't know like 13 or something I started a glowstick importing business yeah until glowsticks to school fates yeah because like of course they're gonna buy it from a young child yeah they're like we want to help you out and yeah at the same time I could go to them like no tomorrow yeah so it was amazing like if you can match the price of this companies doing it for us to match it the glowsticks you only cost nothing yeah so I was bringing those in um that was my first business and then from there Facebook sort of became a thing in what was it doesn't ate at launch yeah I graduated high school in Jasmine Age and so around that time when Facebook was sort of really I think it was actually out in 2007 but it was kind of getting some reaction and I we started then I started a business where we're basically just charging people to set up accounts because they were like you're young you'll get it and so the business that I had before that in high school is a website design business you know we just use the same clients mhm so we were just funneling the same people who wanted websites we made for which I outsource to all overseas I have no technical ability and then we just started making you know Facebook pages for them and whatnot and and at that stage it was really good because I was young I was that was kind of like a selling point now I know if you're young you'll get it yeah whereas when I was trying to give any advice on marketing or anything like that they were like you're 12 no gives a [ __ ] yeah just spilled the website and we'll do everything else you so it was good because then the young thing was kind of an asset because they're like well you're young you'll understand social media by default so we're trying to do that I had their business for a long time and that's it I had that through uni as well and the later parts of uni my sister graduated with a PR degree and that was kind of first I was introduced to what PR actually was I don't think and we all know PR when you see it in a newspaper on TV etc but I didn't really understand that function what is it just just for people that don't fully understand it because there's advertising there's marketing there's PR I like that it's a lot very difficult it's all the same thing absolutely and even do our clients like they don't get it as well PR specifically is its public relations at a very broad perspective it's any interaction you have with the public so in any communication of any nature it could be through social media and whatnot but very strictly speaking it's getting you coverage in news or media outlets at no cost as part of editorial so when you pick up a newspaper if it's not advertising the rest of it is editorial and therefore it is PR so if you know we do it for all sorts you know take Emily sky for example it's a very large influence we represent you know the cover of women's health magazine we coordinate it in 26 countries so that sort of stuff getting them covered in magazines and talked about in any media radio TV print digital as well as now the influence of world comes into that so you know seeding product out to influencers and hoping that they'll cover it that sort of stuff so that's very broad I guess PR description so that differs obviously from marketing in terms of the fact that marketing is like the paid activation yeah you're paying to have your banners placed on X website or Y website or yeah bus shelters whether it's interesting with the the influence of space being it's quite dynamic in the sense that say someone like Emily Skye she is also the newspaper she's the media company as well so instead of you know it feels like it's a it's a back and forth that world is obviously changing now and obviously you know I mean we all know it but I don't know how much people really understand how much it is changing with newspapers and stuff like that how do you feel so you're you're influencer clients get into that world and transition oh because for a long time I knew back in the like two thousand ten eleven twelve there there seem to be a really really like donald trump mexico wall between traditional media and influences no one wanted to have anything to do with well i think it wall still exists i mean there's some level look there's something we've worked in journalism for you know twenty thirty years yeah and they were there in the height of the newspaper and the height of the news media where everyone got their news from print or from watching the TV in the morning or listening to the radio on the way to work and that's shifting down so there's a level of bitterness and of course there is because your entire career is virtually disappearing before your eyes you seen colleague get fired a job that you used to share with seven people you know do yourself yeah it's like it's a really tough environment for a journalist to be here at the moment i think there are some companies are adapting to that better but there's still certainly you know a divisive nature between them but at a 10,000 feet looking down sort of bird's-eye view of the industry in my opinion it's still no matter what we do like emily sky for example thirty five million people a month watch her video content online she's who almost 15 million followers around the world she can walk down the street in numerous cities and be stopped for photos every hundred meters and yet still they were there are media outlets who go well she's no one we're not covering her mm-hmm so and what even when you quote the numbers that's almost the reason they don't want to like we don't care about that that's that's her digital facebook e but that's bigger than what they're getting anyway in jails bigger than what they're getting but there's still this disconnect in the consumers mind until i got Emily on television mm-hmm people didn't get it yeah I mean still she was about a year ago she was looking to move to LA for some business stuff and a friend of hers a very close friend of hers said to her what will you do when you get over there we get a job Emily has a multi multi-million dollar empire and she's built with fitness programs and whatnot this friend thought she had to get a job when she got there so the understanding is still very limited yeah I could even forget a little close to influencing yes but aside from that when you get on the front of a magazine when you get on TV people just think it's a whole different level like they don't they can't fathom it because for some reason that's what makes you famous it's the same reason that people think that if you're on Big Brother or any of these reality TV shows you're rich right you've been on TV you must be rich there's ledge a lady that was on The Bachelor that works down to the hairdressing salon down here and drives a shitbox I'm like they don't get paid they don't get paid I mean look Ashley for married at first sight she's on TV and the show's still airing and she's serving you a cup of water on Virgin fly hmm you yeah nothing yeah and then and they dumped it like they pick you up and you're the greatest thing ever and they dump you the second the show is done yeah and then you're back to your life yeah and you'd back to your life in a very odd way because now you're serving the cup of water on virgin flights whatever I want your photo while you're going past hmm I mean you know I'm surprised more than don't try and charge for their [ __ ] picture yeah yeah but so it there's still this massive disconnect like you're super famous but if you're on TV but then if you've got this digital following or whatnot there's still no appreciation for it segments of the market don't get me wrong they do a lot of brands still use it as like a I know what the word is but they use it like they were just want to use you you've got this distribution we'll use you the same as I guess the Billboard will use you put it out and move on yeah but when it comes to the big dollars they still want the big celebrities Rihanna and this that and the other even though some of them would have less distribution some of these influences it's unbelievable I mean look we just had a Pacific fair we just had James Charles - ha he appeared we had between five and six thousand people to see him that's influence I don't care what anyone says yeah yeah this is a kid with an Instagram account and a YouTube account and yes said I'm gonna be here and not even that many times hmm and that resulted in mass hysteria yeah people camped out overnight I mean that like I mean I work in it every day so I see it happening mm-hmm but a lot of people still don't get it and until you're on the news I mean even James he was on a billboard in Pacific fair and then that's when his followers are like I can't believe you've made it - what yeah a new board inside a shopping center yeah he's making huge money yeah online has enormous influence he's partying with kim kardashian and blah blah at their launches and whatnot but the the billboard inside the shopping center now you've really got there so why is there still that disconnect because I think for a lot of people one I think because social media is far more real in the sense that it's here it's much easier to believe that it's real because it's it's consumed in a platform that I complain as well as Joe Blow down the road for a lot of people and still to me like you know we work here with you know some people that have been on TV and some people that have this heightened inflate of importance and for no very have those people yeah almost it's it's similar it is similar to people that are influences it's just lovely to look at like the influence indigo like it's gonna be over soon like just trust me there's a there's another one of you trust me you've only got a little there oh you look doesn't yeah yeah the machine keeps going you're just a you're just a wheel in it yeah but for the people on TV I've had conversations with these people where they don't want to play in the digital world not because they think it's below them because I think there's just starting to get that holy [ __ ] I probably should post on Instagram but they feel like the field is - is - it's done as in like there's too many people the level of entry this is what we get a lot the level of entry is too low anyone can be a star but I feel like if the level of entry is too low than to succeed at that you have to be really [ __ ] good to get through the [ __ ] whereas TV you got you you got cast to be there you didn't do [ __ ] well look two things on that the cost of entry of television is absurd because in order to get on TV you have to be in the circle mmm . i mean the perfect example of that is the mentor and mark Buras yeah now this is a talentless individual yes not really built a business let's be fair he's run businesses of other people's yeah he then spun off and had you know this franchise model that didn't really work that well anyway and then he sold it thankfully but he's back on TV and he's using the television network channel 7 to create this entity which is his own online platform yes to sell business at yes yes and he's just using the network but he can come back on because australia knows his name yeah now there are dozens of people online with big followings that have much better engagement than mark will ever have much more appeal that he'll ever have personality oh [ __ ] dead horse like a dead horse that's been reworked have agree with it and then but they've seen the example let's put my on the Celebrity Apprentice yeah that'll work yeah how's your multi-million dollar investment 9:00 in the toilet hmm so I don't understand then still they go back and recently got smart bureaus from TV yeah I don't know I saw his sunrise interview and at the end of the interview I was very fascinated because he started to talk about social media and these courses that he's doing doing thinking to her and I'm like holy [ __ ] it's like a guy has sought Tony Robbins ten years late or you know a Gary Vee or someone like that not gone oh [ __ ] that's me and I'm losing the group of it I just don't know how they do it and why they do it remember the show that what was it and was it Undercover Boss secret millionaire oh yes I liked that show though I thought that wasn't right into that yeah I'd love to whip the mask off and say but I wouldn't be doing like the motivation or whatever if I can go you're a bag of [ __ ] and ruining my company get the [ __ ] out you don't get the money see ya exactly right I take the bag of money to get the boat yeah cause half of them are in there being rude about the company and stuff I watch the American one not yeah they used to be they one season that's the other thing here Australia is a one season country well we've got 22 million people in the country or 23 a little correctly I'm sure yeah 20-something million people like America has 300 yeah yeah you have to come up with the media 'christ of mediocre ideas in order to get someone to watch it because they've got nothing else to do yeah in Australia our best show gets 2 million yeah in Roseanne the raging racist she had 10 million viewers of her episode on a reader yeah yeah yeah exactly and it was a huge success though like it was example operated in in the country yeah ten point something million year was an episode which is you know impossible to do there the moat but still 10 million viewers you've got a TV show like I mean take a stab how many viewers do you think the Kardashians get on Keeping Up with an episode um 16 20 million yeah - okay two million in episode right and you would presume it would be enormous yeah but it's not because in order to succeed over there all you need is to have good kind of distribution to get rewatched yeah it's a million on their premiere and then it'll get rewashed and distributed obviously yes it actually so each episode would be something right around 30 point ok million yeah but on debut it's 2 million you know in Australia the voice gets more than that yeah in Australia so over there the market is very very different we just don't have enough people and enough scale but again the gatekeepers for TV are in Australia anyway we've got three networks yeah and not really three because let's be another channel tens laughing but yeah you know there's two real networks and of those two you've got what seven eight nine people that make the decisions yeah and they're the people letting mark bureaus back on the air yeah so it's clear that they're disconnected from the whole system yep it's just it's not there there's not multiple production companies there's only a few who are again funded or owned by the same seven or eight people yes so it's near impossible to get on television and no matter what you present to them even if you could save their network and/or help grow their network it just wouldn't work when do you think I mean I when I first heard about the channel 10 going bankrupt in that I I think I put it sweet out now obviously I very much understand that this is a very idealistic way of doing it you actually couldn't do this but in a simple world would you not I don't know if it was me at the helm of that thing I would have said rip the [ __ ] satellite off the [ __ ] roof because it's going to be worth more as [ __ ] scrap metal than what its gonna be worth anything save myself fifty million dollars in whatever the [ __ ] we're making put in a [ __ ] NBN connection and send that can out into space and just stream the thing I mean if on the Smart TVs and the Apple TV they've they've got the infrastructure there to do and just stream the show give an influencer or someone like that $500,000 could you imagine what someone like James Charles could do with $500,000 when they're filming off a [ __ ] DSLR for free yeah oh look I mean the problem when is that gonna happen the deal for channel 10 was incredible because in order if you went out net if you had tomorrow and said I want to start Channel five yeah I want to buy a free to air public licence to broadcast free to air yeah that was worth ten times what the value of the entire of don't we Tomas that's where the value was in buying a freeway network is Right possible to get a license yeah because the government regulates our so heavily that's why we only have three shows yeah that's where the value was for them and I agree that there's there's certain issues in the fact that eventually TV is going to expire but I don't know that it will expire in the way that everyone's forecast they will expire because we still I mean you look at a TV now a lot of the Motz have YouTube as a button like built riding yeah so the TV will continue to evolve and yeah in our houses but I think that broadcast will still exist in in a in a vacuum as well yeah I think it's a bit like blu-ray like we've gone a bit ahead of ourselves and no one really knows what to do with it I don't know that we're quite at that level yet well well to just get rid of frame where I think why we've spoke about this before we're like what realistically I could see in the next 10 years is free to air television just turning because you can see it now they can only afford reality TV that's about it I mean the money they spend on a set for you know it's expensive in 25 plus million dollars to do Big Brother for real oh yeah oh okay and they work it out based on the cost of TV per hour right that's how networks work out TV cost absolutely brother was affordable because it would produce so much TV time right yeah you know up lighting this and the other Friday night games one of us so that's how they kind of worked out but mind you part of the issue still is if you went through the finances yeah so how they get to twenty five million dollar yes you could have it maybe not hard but damn close because they have spend money or nothing nothing yeah and also it's the same thing now I mean with I mean the setup here is the exact example you can broadcast for nothing these days the really good quality equipment is not that expensive you can put it out you can edit it and whatnot they're still so bulked up and then they can't produce free-to-air TV without such inordinate expense yeah as technology gets better and better and better I think that they need to find efficiencies in their business and cut their expenses in half not by deleting people but by replacing absurdly expensive cameras and unbelievable satellite uplink equipment when you just don't need that you know now you can record Facebook live from a phone mmm anywhere in the world but in order to broadcast live television they need the satellite uplink truck and the ambient camera and the listen to that and that's like hundreds and hundreds of thousands dollars worth of equipment yeah that's just not necessary anymore so I think that it will slowly fix but with Network 10 in order to keep getting money from the three different families who funded them up to the point of bankruptcy they would they work their pitch was we were the Millennial Network we'll get younger people to watch us and so they and again use the wrong talent like how is Chris Brown and Julia Morris the right host for that piece of [ __ ] show no I mean they were the match for how stupid the show was and her stupid they are yeah but if you wanted to create something genuine like you said get an influence to get something to put some horsepower behind it there were just the wrong people and again they attract an older audience not who network tend supposedly worked going after mmm so that's where I think Charles ten sort of lost their way a bit they kept telling investors whether younger network 9s for older people as is seven but then they did nothing to actually get the younger audience hmm other than the show concepts like I'm a celebrity get me out of fields put some reality TV stars in it but even those stars that are on there and begin your budgets you can afford them you know I mean they're spending a lot of money on them don't get me wrong but they had the money to get real stars I don't know I well but I suppose that that difference between say a social media star in terms of because where the industry is they would paid someone like Julia Morris a fuckload more than someone like you know some sort of high-end influencer just because she has been on television and gives them give so that thing is it time for a show like I mean we've spoke about it a million times were like Big Brother was clearly way too ahead of its time and they used to have the live streams on their website that have the webcams up you could go on and this is back in like 2045 brother was poorly put together is the only way to put it I mean in this country I think that we have the wrong rules and regulations but if you want us like they call it a social experiment right yeah if you want a real social experiment put the gayest person you can find in and put the most homophobic person in the house and television yeah yeah I mean put in the person who cannot live without smoking and the person whose parents died from cancer yeah like yeah that's how you get discussion going not a guy with ABS and then a girl who's got faked hits yeah cool story it's the Gold Coast shock horror you found them yeah yeah that's what they were missing you call it a social experiment but as far as they went was hot people who might sleep together but we can't show that on TV anyway yeah let's get some real debates go I mean I think there one season where they had some old people and some young people know some good debate I did I do remember that and that was actually a really good say it was probably the only season that I ever watched and when our [ __ ] there's there's a difference here between these people 100% and I think that part of the issue is that it's I mean and they're scared all the networks are scared yeah because when you think about how do we promote a show they have a package we do buses we do billboards we do TV we do radio and whatnot and on a billboard looks really good is a guy with a shirt off with apps mm-hmm because I think that's gonna get viewers and it probably does to a certain extent they're very concerned about if we filled the house with influences whilst it would be the catalyst event ever because the egos would be through the roof yeah if you did that how do we distribute it because if you put them on a billboard no one knows them in their minds hmm kids out looking at billboards so that's not gonna get us how do we get viewership and I think that's what terrifies them if we did that if we went all the way mmm how the hell do we advertise that we don't know hmm and it's so far out of their wheelhouse and it would be such a risk of tens of millions of dollars that I don't think they're willing to take that risk and it'll take a long time that's why they put you know like a lease nilesy on the block she was ideal because the block doesn't require celebrities but she had a bit of a following but she was also very good looking yeah yeah you're kind of ticking all the boxes yeah the problem means you need a block where it's like doesn't matter what you look like every influencer we can find who's gonna it's got a real you know Paul is that enough is that enough to drive real mass-market because you're not trying to get 10,000 viewers you're trying to get six figures seven-figure views you know the voice you need millions of viewers can an influencer pull millions of viewers because that will include people who don't care about them there have enough fans to aggregate that large song yeah so how do you get the regular public to care about an influencer they've never heard of that doesn't make up on YouTube or does this they don't have enough mass-market appeal that's why they keep going back to the Julia Morris's and the mark B roses are what not because Mark Buras speaks to the general public because they've seen his face a hundred times even though it's boring they'll still tune in well to a certain extent hmm not enough to keep the show on the air but doesn't matter he's using them for his own purposes anyway yeah it's well yeah he is I mean hyung has to do one season and there is he's the mentor he's been repositioned as the men it's like the commander it's like being a personal trainer on the biggest [ __ ] loser how much money do you reckon those was it not Michelle Bridges she's Anna but she's doing the same thing she's an entrepreneur now and an influencer business do you think sister $20 yeah yeah she licensing amana and again when you go into Woolworths and an older person goes to buy an instant made meal yeah and it's called you should yeah or it's called Michelle Bridges who gives a [ __ ] promise you'll be healthy if you eat this yeah they're gonna go oh I know Michelle she's a personal trainer you must know yeah yeah even though she's on Channel ten a sorry excuse for a network doesn't matter she was still on there why do you think I mean I mean I understand because like I watch I watch a show like The Voice or one of these shows not I don't like keep up with it but if it's on TV I'll sit there and watch it out of pure what are they doing now with television out of this weird curiosity and it is so I mean once you're in the industry and you understand it it's so highly edited obviously and you see not even the tricks that the general public see but you see all the other tricks and and how they manipulate it to such an extent that it actually is starting to look really butchered yeah why don't you think people see through that yet like it's clear care to look through well I mean there are stats out there now that kids are killing themselves because girls are posting frozen bikinis on Instagram sorry worried appearance like I mean how I watch another [ __ ] voice well that's who knows many of them as before but you don't mean that's that's part of the issue is that like I think that I mean you see photos these influences and it's like I can see the face chin lines yeah I can see where you pulled your ass out or your tits out or your body in and people are still going off dream body mm-hmm or like family goals for influences meanwhile it's [ __ ] ruin at home but doesn't matter its family goals can we talk about face chin let's let's move away cuz I I've said I've said it to you once before I wanted to see a face Joon ran but I think we may as well just do it now I've got a a million people have done it before yeah and it's obviously but oh I did get I got some hate on the face chin right oh you're right that's that's where I got some right who didn't like that the thing is is like I said to be sorry they actually said to me you face Junior photos so you're a hypocrite can't use the app no idea nah I've used it I get that's a lie I've used it once I did my teeth one ah when it first came out I had a presentation from the company in the u.s. yeah I did my teeth but I just had them right and so now I don't need you so thank you real yeah um I have friend I wouldn't even say friends acquaintances love them they used to be friends but they used to face June they use it and I've got this desire in sight because I really like if you're not comfortable with who you out go get work done don't give a [ __ ] like whatever I'll change it in the real world so I can see it but there are these [ __ ] out there that will whiten their teeth to an extent where it's like not even but I'm like where are your teeth it's just like you've gone on pain and clear white and just gone it's like this [ __ ] and we had clearly a friend of mine watch this right now names Taylor love their death one of my oldest friends mess personal mate her teeth are brighter than the Sun in every single flow yeah and she wears it like a badge if she's proud of it good good honor look now and they are just like another level yeah I mean I sat under the [ __ ] light for hours to get round even a tenth of the shade of it yeah yeah and I don't think anyone believes it but who gives a [ __ ] they just don't care well I suppose then I've got these these other people I have a might I how much of you the people that you fellow on Instagram are people that used to sort of just follow out of what the [ __ ] are these I would although virtually no one in this room okay I'm like I don't follow anyone okay I'm really but I try and keep it solo yeah I keep such a and it's bad for business yeah but I just keep it solo it's a sign it's like I don't yeah I don't want to see your [ __ ] and once I want to see you I haven't if I'm curious I'll stalk you one way I've got time I'm not following you 25% of my fear and some people in oh my god that that's so negative you're so negative but I'm the most positive [ __ ] out but I do like getting off to seeing 25% of people trying to be something absolutely I love it I love it cuz I just go you're not there you're not that he wasn't poor thing and like a mother want to give them if the person isn't there now are we literally on my podcast of the day with my staff we were talking about not my podcast my company's public cause I don't have a podcast we were discussing using you know the people who like I would a Gucci belt all this money on the menu all their friends money together and their thumbs out of the bank and then all their to return it back or cause it Paul yeah anyway those people and they post these photos and then they go down to the shops and someone's got a Ferrari there and they stand next to it they good she had you know from Shenzhen anyway so then they post that and they're really rich and whatnot but then it works slowly right I got a six-figure coach I used to have a business I won't mention it because why would I yeah but I can teach you how to be rich tomorrow and yeah you know in between times push the trolleys back at Woolworth's they keep doing that and so they sell enough horses then they can actually afford the Gucci hat and then they're off and running that is that dumb or is that smart I think it's slightly genius but again it's really for a lot of people it's that's really short term I darkness because it's not gonna last forever because you've obviously not got the talent to maintain it I think for me when I watch and were gonna go into entrepreneurship and hustlers and [ __ ] when I see the same thing though is that hustlers and [ __ ] if they are exact your name it's it's mixed word and it's hard because at the same time I would consider myself somewhat someone that would love to just build [ __ ] out of nothing yeah and I think I do a really good job and I feel like I'm on a journey that I want to showcase yeah cuz I ain't [ __ ] right now yeah we're filming I went cares about the journey I think they do I think the real ones do who over time I think it's long term a time when you rich though down the end of the line yeah that looks back and go what a journey let's do a book on it but while you're poor no one's wanting to watch that they want to wake up and look at me and go I wish I was flying in a private jet that's what people are doing it I know yeah I absolutely agree but to the same I think that that 1% of people that might care because they might be on the same journey they might be a little bit further behind everyone's on the same journey everyone's poor and wants to be rich everyone yeah everyone's poor forever yeah nothing's ever given wants to get you know to me everyone wants to grow and have more money I mean who you are there's like 1% of the population who don't care about money cool stories they've got you'll realize one day that you I mean so exclude people who already have the money but I think those people sterno make more yeah but who actually don't genuinely care about money I can't connect with them on a mental space because know what's going on anyway but you know where Ripoff happy honest to the shops have a great day but what I can't get to is the people who ever wants to grow yeah but they don't want to see anyone in the same position they are they want to see you and you're at the other end and then go but how did you do that it's why every [ __ ] entrepreneur nam nam article is about what time Steve Jobs wakes up now he doesn't wake up now he's dead you know Bill Gates or what's his name from Amazon bet Bezos what time they wake up now who gives a [ __ ] what time they wake up now they're worth billions of dollars and have thousands of staff of course are up at 4:00 in the morning ok the reason I want to document my journey is to look back well not for me to look back it's more of a reference point to say [ __ ] you to someone to pull it back and go here you go you didn't watch this because you didn't care so you spot on when you say you don't care no one's gonna care this is for my own ass awesome this is just to prove a point I [ __ ] like get off on the fact and I reckon you would be exactly the same where you go I told you so I predicted that I told you that would happen you didn't listen [ __ ] you here it is I think I'm even further along the line than that where I go I don't care so much about that person there's such a peasant that I wouldn't even talk to them and say I told you so ok it just disappeared nope I like I I agree I'm the same I wouldn't have the time to tell them I told you so but I like thinking that maybe they'll think that maybe they'll sit there I don't know for me because I said this in a show once and someone came up to me after they were very upset that I said it I said I I like doubt personally I like doubt that that's something that is a funnelling thing for me that helps fuel you know fuel my energy to go I just need that doubt I look for it because once upon a time I used to be terrified of it right it really used to hinder me I don't want to do that because what if people think you you know what I mean it was this weird wacky world of all this other stuff whereas I've funneled that energy into something else - now me go I think they're two different things someone's saying like I don't think you'll be able to make it or doubting that you could do it I think is one entity and that's a person putting my trolley back at Woolworths and I don't ever think about them ever again their names are lost on the group of people who you're scared to put content out whose get to do something because there might be like what a wanker mm-hmm that I think that's a different thing I think everyone I mean who you are has some level of stage fright if you will that if they put something out and they put themselves out there they're gonna get dropped down and we all suffer from that I think that that's the only way to get over to Rose it we all suffer from it you know yeah but the ones who are saying like you'll never make it they push trolleys back for a living and they always will and there's a reason they do one because in the ground design someone's always going to put trolleys back sorry but they will until I guess robots eliminate them and then they're on the street but yeah then apart from that those people always right they're just always in that cycle of being a peasant that's just what the world lives yeah but for everyone else that's why I think they're separated I just don't think about those people because you think like you're sad and because like I said before the 1% of people who don't want money they go about their lives living you know a really happy life they're not encumbered by like hideous amounts of you know debt and they're not you know they're not constantly stressed about work and this learn the other and by making a lot of money I invite unbelievable amounts of problems into my life mhm because all money does is invite more issues yeah you can't have well about the problem yes and so but these people they live a very comfortable mediocre life or mediocre czar onward because their life is fully fulfilled they're fully happy yep and some days I think to myself that would probably be an interesting mental space to be in mmm well you don't care no where you go to work and then you leave at 5:00 or 459 and you get home at 5:10 and that's the end of it you get it again yeah and you've got two days off in a row yeah and you take your kids to the park and that's the dream I just suffer from not be able to do that yes I sit around and I look at the pie be in the park and I'm looking and going I can probably she'll sell the shade sails over this [ __ ] Park exactly how do I get those yeah and so I can't get into it they can yeah and so I think like good on that person for the having that mental space but the people in the between who will like your you'll never be able to make it or this certain the other they're just in a relevancy to me they're not even a road bump because they're so irrelevant to their whole process because if you're not willing to get off your ass and do something for yourself then you don't deserve it anyway yeah so keep pushing the trolleys back but we all feel the if I put this out imagine what someone could say I mean every time I put a rant out you have a moment where you think like oh god here we go someone's gonna say something yeah the irony is that again when I first started putting them out people even close to me were like what are you doing nobody cares yeah well yes it's true nobody yeah yeah but now that there's a little bit of a follow yeah they're the ones commenting yep and talking to friends and yeah you know and it's always the way until you prove it and that's why we say my story I'm right on the razor line of being the problem Gen Y [ __ ] to the Gen Y success story because I got my degree and said I'm not getting someone's coffee for forty thousand go [ __ ] yourself start my own business several didn't work one did Here I am now if that business didn't work I'm the [ __ ] word who wouldn't get coffee because I didn't want to put the work in I didn't want to work my way up the ladder yeah whereas I did do the work I just didn't do it at someone else's office but see the thing is is that you would that if that business failed you would have just done another one of course that's the thing I'm exactly the same so I said to a friend once because I've never had a job other than when I was in high school I've never had a job at 17 I started saying the word [ __ ] on the internet and was like great if I can market this word the most scariest thing to anyone ever and create a career out of it sell tickets using it do all of that I can [ __ ] sell anything right then I got to a point where I was like I was doing it I was like holy [ __ ] maybe I aim too low if it really is that easy if all you have to do is say I'm going to do something and then go and do it every single day and keep going and going and going I mean I'm at the arse end of it I had to stop because I was like okay this is failing now it's it's run its course yeah I have to do something else now for me and I guess the same would be for you then with what you were just saying is your back needs to be pushed up against a wall for you to be able to move forward like you need to be in a position where it's like I've got nothing to [ __ ] lose I'm here I'm sure I don't know need that no but I'm not I'm not fueled on like he said before by telling people I told you sell whatever I think I'm very unique in the fact that I'm self motivating yet extent like I always have days where I'm like [ __ ] this okay I want to clarify then I don't necessarily I I don't want to hear personally because I don't want people to come and go oh that's all you need it like because I've never needed that no I don't need I don't need doubt necessarily I like it yeah I like the idea of someone saying oh he can't do and then them going oh [ __ ] he did it that sort of is cool to me out of my out of my vision but at the same time I've never needed anyone tell me that I'm good or anything it's never been a thing it's just it is it is what it is is probably yeah I think sorry it's sorry interrupt but I just don't know I I'm probably the same I guess I just never really think about the people who were saying if someone says to me but maybe it's different point in my career maybe when I was earlier on if someone said to me you'll never be able to do it and then I did it maybe then I'd have been like [ __ ] here you go yeah but certainly now I just if someone says you can't do it I just think to myself like but I can and I will or I have or like and it's just an irrelevant II but it's it same for me like if we finish a campaign or we finish something you know in the business I don't look back and go like well I killed it there I'm completely on to the next thing yeah yep yep Lee don't think about how well that did yeah I just move on I use someone that cuz I'm very much like this where but I set a goal whether it be in in business for a client or if it's something else by the time I've got there I've already set something else that I don't have that time to celebrate I'm not someone that ever smells the roses you know it's just keep going will will there's no pinnacle for you it's just keep moving I think that I live the Roses to an extent writers you know there's there's a part where you know I can fly business class yeah wherever I want and I can you know stay in nice hotels and so I think that I don't stop and look and go like this is really lovely yeah I'm living a life where that's what I wanted yeah and so I'm living the Roses to an extent I just don't stop and go like good works and yeah we are you know I mean I just all I go with my life and and there it is and so yeah if something would have happened and I wasn't able to achieve that I'd be like well hang a sticker we need to [ __ ] fix that yeah but that's just for me I'm living you know know me and that's why I get up out of bed every day like I recognize I can do what I do and live the way that I live because I get up and do this all the time if you've got a really [ __ ] pace day which there are plenty of those when you just look at and like imagine waking up at you know 8:30 and going to work at 9:00 and leaving in 5 10 and then you know that's the end of it and you go that would be really nice and then you remind yourself yeah but I'd be wearing fake Havaianas then I go No thank you yeah what the world I can live in yeah and I think everyone has those days and that's why I think who were in the fake heavy Yanis would be having the days as I went imagine want to be like to be able to go overseas anytime you wanted to yeah yeah or imagine you know whatever but again you invite and that's worth when people say money doesn't buy happiness go [ __ ] yourself yeah 100% buys happiness but it buys it in absolute concert with problems yeah either you accept the fact that you've got more [ __ ] to deal with on a daily basis or you don't yeah and if you can't cope with the fact that you can fly overseas whatever you want but actually you can't because you have a company to run then exactly [ __ ] that goes with it yeah and then I can never holiday I might be away on a holiday but I can never be away from it's a work hard and never not reply to emails I can never not take the phone call I can never not respond to the message and that's the life I've built for myself yeah and I think that it's supreme [ __ ] idiocy to go and turn around and go well that's no good because that's what I asked for the reason I can afford all this stuff is because of that problem right there yeah but it's it's keeping it as long as the good is just above it yeah that's why people say money doesn't buy happiness because the people who said obviously are rich to start with yeah so I think that it does buy happiness the the difference between the [ __ ] that you take onboard and the good of it that difference to me there that maintained as it grows is family and friends yeah that is the difference yeah but I live it you know you know I'm not a high life but I live a really comfortable and you know fun life because I can travel and I can whatever but the problems are right there next to it yeah the difference is the time that I spend with my close friends and my family and whatnot that's the difference I think does that affect relationships or anything like that because I mean I'm someone that's really career orientated to the point room like sometimes I realise my holy [ __ ] I'm really neglecting an important experience in life which is you know to meet people and to you know get married and have kids and stuff like that but in my head that's not even I might [ __ ] that right now I know that's probably a young person thing to say but I genuinely am so I don't think it's a young person thing to say I think it's a mature thing to say in that we live in a world now and taking this basically from Gary Vaynerchuk which I hate doing and stuff because some bankers in the world [ __ ] do it the nightmares are on him now yeah what I what the thing that he says that I I connect with a lot is that the idea of work-life balance is [ __ ] I can't [ __ ] stand we'll talk about it it's it's either open communication with your partner or if you don't have a partner it's just open communication with yourself yeah that you acknowledge the fact of I'm actively not out there looking for a partner or I'm missing out on social engagements or on this and that on the other because I'm working on my career I will get to that now if you get to a point where you never get a partner you never meet anyone you just don't get to look back and go like oh poor me life whatever you chose it yeah and so as long as you're aware of the fact that you're making those decisions as you go on and I think it's the same when you meet someone if you meet someone and you give them all your time yep and then halfway through a relationship or two years in or whatever you then start working 20 hours a day and the person's like well this isn't who I [ __ ] met then yeah that it's your fault you should communicate the fact that you're a workaholic yeah and that let's do two weeks off a year or four weeks off a year and in that four weeks I'm with you yeah but other than that if we want to live this lifestyle this is what it is or this is just my personality I need to work all the time or I think it's just lack of communication these days and way too many like normal stereotype [ __ ] from society where it's like you know work-life balance and oh you work too much or you're on your phone too much or this something - go [ __ ] yourself put the trolleys back I know times people end up because they don't understand what it takes to live it at that intersection of life or how it takes to grow it that's why I said before about entrepreneur common there's [ __ ] articles they put out what time does Bill Gates wake up [ __ ] what time he wakes up now well time did he wake up when he was 16 building Microsoft he probably went to bed at 4 a.m. and woke up at 11 a.m. yeah not up at 4 a.m. yeah yeah he was up until super late at night and that's the time that matters why do we care what Amazon [ __ ] Jeff Bezos is doing now no none of us are billionaires were the first 10,000 employees who gives a [ __ ] what was he doing when he was poor yeah and building the thing yeah he was probably working till 4:00 a.m. and then up at 10:00 a.m. and that's the time that matters to me and then you know I get up at [ __ ] 4:00 a.m. and I have a super smoothie and then I go to the gym and Tony Robbins calls me and then for yeah shut up no one cares what were you doing when you couldn't afford the [ __ ] smoothie from Starbucks yeah and you had to just drink water out of the tap man like that's the story I think we care about and there's way too much emphasis put on the people who are already can load it and then you're modeling their lives on like I gave it this time I do this I do this when you're trying to build a business there's no [ __ ] time for the gym this and that you know some days sure but a lot of the time you work the whole time I'm just trying to get [ __ ] done before you've got hundreds of staff to delegate all the you know [ __ ] to so I think it's just generally societal pressures that are put out that is just completely incorrect in every way shape and form and one of the same thing like you know women and who you know stay-at-home mums yeah that's not a thing anymore who gives a [ __ ] of a stay-at-home mom stay-at-home dad would you both stand who gives a [ __ ] who's staying home you just need to have some discussion with your partner about like what are we gonna do here how is this gonna be managed because you know like me I'm a workaholic no [ __ ] way I'm gonna be stay-at-home dad I shoot myself in the face there's just no [ __ ] wire yeah because I would I wouldn't even be there I'd be sitting there on my phone the whole time yeah I'd be the worst parent yeah whereas my partner let's hope he is because otherwise we're in trouble there's give me no kids yeah do you mean like and I don't think unless you had that discussion I just don't think you have any chance at making any other work yep that's the understand that needs to sort of be a parent yeah I think if you all start bitching at the other end when they weren't open it down it and then it doesn't work out that it's poor me and poor [ __ ] life yeah who gives a [ __ ] all right I'm gonna end on this one is entrepreneurship the new influencer no I think entrepreneurship is just the new buzzword for wankers I mean like that's when you can just select it from a drop-down menu that was when the problem began in my mind yeah entrepreneur was a title that was given granted gifted if you will you don't even need like an account not easier than if I can be any youtuber yeah and and the word was like as someone who I think entrepreneur grown up with entrepreneur as a title that was once real yes now [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah and so I think that when I grew up it was like Richard Branson and all these people were given the title yeah by magazines by big institution by four yeah now it's given by a drop-down menu on Instagram you know wanker you're a [ __ ] you don't deserve the title and also you can't give it to you so now you don't get to decide you're an entrepreneur to me it's someone who's had a lot of time in the game multiple business interests it's a very specific person someone who starts a business and grows it it's not an entrepreneur I'm sorry that doesn't classify you as that and if you're in your garage now you don't get to call yourself it yet prove that you're it and in 20 years time we'll talk about it but at the moment it should be dropped down dickbag that's what they should be [ __ ] selecting I can't get on board with those people they are the worst kind of people on social they are just the male equivalent the ugly male equivalent of the hot girl in a bikini yes selling [ __ ] lies yeah and it's working in some parts of the country yeah they're selling six-figure courses I used to have a business that was worth I just wanted that I used to visit was worth nine figures now I've left it to help you let's not even go near that level nine figures there's no nine figure company we don't know no nine figures oh [ __ ] off that's [ __ ] I can't get though those people they're all wankers but yeah there's like dozens of them per square meter on earth it's just [ __ ] unbelievable yeah but you know what if it makes them feel good go for it it's when they start selling people into lies that's when I think it's a problem yeah you want to give yourself the title and then you go to your call center job and you [ __ ] sit there and you're like doesn't matter cos an entrepreneur when I get home at night watch netflix for three hours but then I'm an entrepreneur and they're twelve minutes before I go to bed because I have my phone if I can go on Alibaba you're not but if that makes them feel good make yourself feel good and you know time when mental health is such a big thing if you feel good calling yourself that [ __ ] fill your boots the same way you walk down the street and see someone dressed like a [ __ ] idiot who hasn't got a mirror in their house clearly if you feel good dressing like that fill your boots but I think that it's the people who genuinely are out there scamming people by selling them into a program of course I'm eating so whatever when they have no idea they're just gleaned the information off the internet yeah and if you go out and use you know create a course and you are honest about how you created the course then fine mm-hmm just don't pretend you had a nine figure business and all of a sudden you're [ __ ] killing it because it's just not true as is most of the businesses out there when they you know talk about their revenue figures and they're this certainly had that most of a [ __ ] [ __ ] they've just inflated the numbers so that they look as good as they can and then on all the lists yep it's like television Sam thanks for coming on appreciate thanks for having me I'm sure we've got some good bits there let's hope yeah no there's definitely some thanks for watching the show we'll see you next week that cameras dead
Channel: JOSH WADE
Views: 2,954
Rating: 4.7966104 out of 5
Keywords: Josh Wade, Josh Wade Podcast, The Josh Wade Show, Australian, Comedian, Aussie, Politics, Spirituality, Religion, Podcast, Joe Rogan, Sam Mangan, Emily Skye, EmilySkyeFit, Spin&Co, PR, Digital Marketing, Building A Brand, Gary Vaynerchuk, Grant Cardone, James Cosmetics, How To Build A Brand, Make Money Using Instagram, Dropshipping, How To, IGTV
Id: GzYV_LzLias
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 41sec (3101 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 01 2018
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