Sam Commission Making the Armature for the Dog

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all right today I'm going to start a different version of uh my friend's uh dog and uh this one might be a lying down or sitting down dog I'm not sure I've got uh this uh wolf sculpture and it shows me a pretty good way to pose it and all that stuff but the first thing I'm going to do is make an Armature using uh the dog's skeletal structure from the web I got I think that's a pretty good uh thing to start with so and this is going to be the board I'm going to have it on kind of Larry about starting it though without having my friend here to at least uh give me some direction as to what he wants now if I have it standing on four legs is going to be very costly and I don't want it to be costing him more to cast up and he has to spin I got some wire from uh some Armature wire from sculpture in Loveland Colorado and I'm going to try this stuff out I haven't had a chance to do that that yet so this is a good time to do it I'm just wondering though I ought to use this piece of scrap aluminum wire that I've got first it's pretty crooked but I can straighten it out by hand now the way I usually start an Armature is I uh take a photograph or a drawing of a skeletal structure and I start with that and what I do is I just bend a piece for the uh head and then I just uh make the Armature for the neck and the back and right where the hip joins the back bone is where I stop and then where the rib cage starts I uh bend the wire back as good as I can and I just all the rib cage around so basically what I'm doing is just following the scal structure of the animal and then I take uh some electrician tape and I just wrap uh that around that to keep the backbone to keep the uh rot cage together now I'll make the front legs I might have cut too short now that's where it's going to join up with the backbone it's right there there's the first joint in the shoulder right there and the bone curves so I'm going to show that curve in this uh AR that shows you just a little bit more of what I'm doing different angle on the camera I'm trying to match all the angles there's a deep change in direction right there bone structure is just a little different than a horse all right now that's where the joint is right there yeah see I'm not leaving myself enough enough room on the end of The Wire H got to figure something out well if he's laying down I am so let's go ahead and continue what I'm doing it looks like his paws start right there the joint for the paws starts right there and uh goes down to about there okay I'm going to separate it a little might get in there trying to get where the shoulders meet the uh backbone there we go H anyway and bend around a little bit so that the uh front legs will be about the right distance all right now I want to tape that onto the backround bone and see how that looks looks about right all right let's do the rear legs now this is all I'm going to do today because I want to find out what he wants to do with the uh animal I have to sort of wait for him to come to the studio and he's been on the Missouri River for about the last week camping and I think he gets back tomorrow I'm not certain on that I'll check with him tomorrow he's a an artist himself and he goes on the uh Missouri and the Green River and a Jefferson and a Madison on the canoe trips and spends several days or a week on the river getting material for his paintings he does Western uh style paintings and if you're going to do that you got to know what the West looks like that's what he does he goes out and does research okay I got the the hips at the right angle now I'm not going by this bone I'm going by the bone on the outside and I overbend it because I want it to have a sharp uh angle to the uh bone oh it thumb hurts getting old all right looks like the uh joint is right there now they're blowing out the uh water in my sprinkling system so that's why you hear that noise now see this is why I brought the uh backbone right to there is because that where that bends that's where the the hips join the uh backbone and again gives me the right length on the Armature there we go all right that gives me the the Armature for a dog what I'm going to do is separate the back hips a little to give it a right distance between the uh back legs and there's my dog all right that's it that's the dog Armature it's a little high in the back because I like I did I I left a little length on the uh back wire but that pretty well gives you the idea of what uh the Armature looks like and and showing you that you can just use a a skeletal structure to uh do that all right see you guys next time when uh Mr Connor is here to help me out uh as to what his vision is for what he wants me to do good night
Channel: David Lemon
Views: 75,213
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sculpture depot david lemon, instructional dvds on sculpting, sculpting, plasticine clay, clay, viking, horses, horse, chavant clay, tutorial, how to, how to sculpt, artist, sculpture, sculptor, border collie, sculpture depot, armature
Id: -m0EQQOUbiY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 0sec (720 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 29 2015
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