Salmon fishing and camping in Talkeetna, Alaska

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[Music] thank you so here's our cabin this is called we're staying at the Chinook Chinook Winds cabins in Talkeetna as you can see that uh pretty they're cute we rented the Denali if you go inside [Music] got a nice little couch area this couch pulls out into a double bed this couch is just a couch got obviously the TV we've never used it of course got a nice little kitchenette [Music] we're walking through the downtown tell Keaton huh cute little shops nice little cool buildings what's that snowmobile oh an old abandoned one look at that here's the old General Store it goes all the way downtown very nice we're gonna go check out one of these bars so we went downtown to Kingdom and we're at Mountain High pizza and uh having a few drinks got some live music going on got Dave and Danny Chow you guys think about your first day it's great so far [Music] right now it's like midnight it's like midnight back home yeah it's been a long day yeah it's almost 24 hours yeah so we started 3 A.M our time east coast and it's almost midnight so you look at like 19 hours um but it's all been worth it we're having a great time and we're gonna go bed a hair after this and then get up for try River charters in the morning really excited good morning Outdoor Adventures it's day two here in telkita and we're going to go do a fishing drop off we're going to go meet the people down here at the telkita river and they're going to drop us off for the next three days where we're going to do you know all sorts of fishing for salmon rainbow trout and probably do a little bit of hiking or exploring too so come on with us [Music] well we made it up to telkita and we're at Phantom salmon charters we're gonna head Upstream for three days where we're going to do fishing for some Reds some Chum some pinks rainbow trout so should be a good couple days so I've just been here less than five minutes I only got bit let's take a look at that 7 A.M Alaska mosquito I think I hit in the back here too over here let's take a look over there yeah I see it surprising so what is the lesson to be learned there Danny let's be prepared I guess be prepared spray before you get out folks because these bastards are nasty we're down at Tri River Phantom Tri-River charters and this is where we're going to start up the talking absolutely beautiful you think they're Dan Chow it's beautiful out here beautiful as you thought just wait till we get on that River the views are going to be absolutely gorgeous so we're going to take one of these boats up and then what they'll do is they'll drop us off on and then what they're going to do is just drop us off on the side of the river and then we're gonna fish and camp for three days so it's gonna be super exciting I'm gonna get to keep the camera on as we're going Upstream just to see the things that we can see I'm sure it's going to be absolutely beautiful and super excited to do it so um we're gonna jump on the boats and we'll catch you guys in a little bit foreign foreign [Music] okay so the closer you get to the trees obviously the closer you are to the Bears there aren't many bears around yet right now there has been a pretty decent sized Grizzly hanging around all summer long I've not seen tracks or sign of it lately the more fish we get in here the more likely you are to have the barriers right they do tend to travel somewhat like where that little Slough is that we kind of pass right they didn't travel if they're going across they tend to travel the edge of that Slough to get back and forth across here quite a bit more up on the very point up here other than that moose that kind of thing so we're the boats tied down there right the fish are coming the salmon are coming Upstream trying to hit that point they run into the gravel and they're kind of filtering out that direction they'll be either side of the river typically or that's Clear Creek either side of Clear Creek typically they won't be in the middle typically your best fishing is late in the evenings when it's dark or early in the morning when it's dark kind of thing we usually show up with our groups here like they have boats up here like typically every morning every evening it's only one call Aaron and drop off pick up might not be on your time schedule will be on ours but the bacon and eggs dry toast uh Starbucks yeah when the helicopter comes there you go perfect that would have sucked that's why they pay you the big bucks Jeff yeah [Music] wet okay we're slowly put some more up real thin and keep on piling it on because as that bottom stuff Burns it will dry out the top I'm going to do a little cross country walk to a different fishing spot because the one that we were in that's where all the guides come we caught a bunch of fish yesterday so we're going to try a different spot and see how we can do there I guess a lot of people don't go with that one because it's a little further up and but we're going to give it a go we're going to walk across here okay [Applause] all right oh there it is right there I think that's it a lot of current right there you think a bear just walked right across yeah no problem swim and yeah walk right across and swim when it's deep foreign how deep is it get s that deep nice how do we get up there is there a trail that way because this is like all overgrown can we get in the water and like walk it in foreign I just saw a couple swim by and I'll see the big school like I said I only saw like one or two come by I'm looking for like where they're all hanging out what's up thank you foreign massive whatever I have here [Music] the sturgeon can't reel any Flash oh god oh no he's here he's there I think this is the trophy fish here this thing's massive I'm taking my time danger big is it big though watch out Danny Mike try to Loop you want to get a picture I want to get a good picture got it hold on yeah all right foreign I got a big one on folks oh I got a big one on it oh he's mean he's mean you don't like it man he's going for a run is that hold on go grab him can get mother gills there you go hold him up nice I think this is about as deep as we get right ah that one foreign that was nice [Music] got one on um foreign we need a net hmm all right take these off maybe not okay [Applause] you hook one down here [Music] I think there might be stacked in over on that bank why not for that I'm gonna try to get over there see how it was see how far we go [Music] [Music] got a big school over here foreign big one right it's a nice one I think it's a pink you hold this for a second Dave you got a camera what's that I didn't hear you what'd you say why are you holding it upside down oh because I'm just waiting big humpback field it's pretty yeah we'll let it go let it catch its breath oh myself [Music] some of the water actually thank you [Applause] [Applause] uh foreign [Applause] my boots got like five pounds of water [Applause] foreign Skies nice so what do you think about what do you think about day two Davey yeah I'm gonna stay two or day one this is day two well day one out on the river but day two on the vacation yeah better than day three you think it's better than the day three no no well tomorrow we're out of beer because Danny drank it all already Danny is a beer Lush folks if you ever travel with Danny Chow make sure you got lots of beer he's like Snuffleupagus of beers look how much hey see if you see a dating Chow sighting hold on there it is you see this face that's a Danny knuffleupagus still drink all your beer and then blame it on you yeah but you know what I'm the same as Brian there's not many people I like but I like Keith and I like Brian yeah you know what I mean sad beans not so much got a nice pink salmon and now I'm going to clean it and get it ready for dinner tonight so we're gonna clean this uh pink salmon that I caught what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna cut it behind the fin I'm gonna turn cut all the way down it's one filet it's a male take his liver I'm gonna use that as bait [Music] yeah well and we'll flip them over make that cut on this side turn it [Music] take out the Coral fins [Music] not the cleanest things but again we're primitive camping here so don't have a table so I'm just trying to get uh just trying to get some meat and that's what exactly what we got so a second fillet there the carcass get rid of it foreign these rib bones right here I'm just going to get underneath fly out you see the bones make sure there's no bones in the flay there's not so I'm going to rinse that fillet all right looks like we've got a couple nice fillets here we'll rinse these with water so got the teriyaki marinade I got the fish in the marinade I'm gonna wrap it up I'm gonna stick it in the cooler and I'm gonna let this uh marinade for a couple hours and then we're gonna stick it on the grill we caught fresh Sockeye and pink salmon earlier today so we cleaned some up marinated it and we're just going to cook it over here on the Fire let's see how it turned out so we have some Sockeye and some pink salmon we did boil in the bag rice just simple easy over the grill you like Dan there's a nice and then the after look at that pink salmon Sockeye huh and so we just threw the sweet potatoes in the fire you can see a little bit a little bit burned I'm not bad so what we do is we're just gonna kind of break this open a little bit and stick it over here in the dish so sweet potato got pink salmon sockeye salmon and rice and that's dinner tonight only another good day of fishing Danny's tending the fire here there's our campsite and there's where we're standing beautiful here well it's hard to believe it's 11 30. the sun's going down so we'll catch you in the morning morning three just watch the sunrise just getting the fire started back up doing some MREs this morning or dry food if you will um this morning I'm having a breakfast skillet by Mountain House everything you need sausage green peppers eggs so we're gonna pack up today together and um once we're done packed up we're gonna go back down the river and we're going to regroup get in the car drive down to gerwood where we're going to spend the night and then we're going to do some uh gold mining tomorrow and prospecting so looking forward to it I'm sure we'll see some sights along the way so talk to you in a bit well it's Wednesday morning we just had breakfast packing up camp now we got the guide coming up he's gonna pick us up here in about 20 minutes get back get that taken care of and on our way back down to Anchorage for the hotel for the night and then gold mine in the morning Journey continues so there's our fishermen over there there's a technique that they're using so when the Sockeye come up the spawn they don't feed their filter feeders from what I understand and so there's a technique called flossing and what it is is there's a weight and there's a float and then you do about four feet of line with another little float um and a hook and what happens is you throw it out and it floats down the river and the Sakai have their mouths open and the line comes across their mouth and as it pulls across the hook gets caught in their mouth you set it and you reel them in so it's kind of interesting but we did it yesterday and we caught a bunch of really beautiful Sockeye and we cooked them up on the grill so I think you'll see video about that next but just having a really good time here really beautiful I'll spin it back around again but uh if you guys get a chance you should definitely come out here and check Alaska it's gorgeous oh foreign towards the back a little bit do a drive through town sure turn left then turn right onto D Street turn left onto D Street then turn left turn left off then turn left thanks for watching today's video I hope you enjoyed it do me a favor and click on the like And subscribe you can also click on the notify button down below and you'll be notified when the next video comes out I hope you have a great week and we'll talk to you next time
Channel: Outdoor Adventurer Series
Views: 1,485
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: cEUhAN8hp9c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 41sec (3161 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 14 2023
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