Salmon Ballotine | Think & Cook like a Michelin Star Chef

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[Music] in this video i want to show you how to make a salmon bulatine which is an entree that you can serve for dinner party it's pretty amazing because you can cook it a few days beforehand i remember that dish being served in several michelin star restaurants in europe like the woods that in marco pierre white and i want to show you that dish today and it's really really simple so first you need to get some salmon and then if you get your fillet just make sure there's no cartilage in there bones like you see here i would just cut it out slice it off also make sure that your salmon has been burned so that there's no bones in the ass you probably get the fish manga make sure that the fish that you buy is really really fresh it's really really fresh salmon for this dish so now just grab a long check and if you sort of move backwards you will feel if there are any bones in it so when you pin bone fish and you learn it all in the fish course you need to pull it out as the pin bones sit in there you see like you need to just pull it out straight don't pull it backwards like a shoe now you see a lot of people do that they pull it backwards and what happens then is that you're basically tearing the meat see it's a very fresh salmon so the breaks a bit as well the tweezers i use a bit too small but that's what most people have at home but you can see the hole i created by pulling it backwards so you need to pull it out as it sits in there but you learn all about that in a fish course so then cut the fillet in half it's up to you i'm making sort of eight to ten portions today you could literally have if you want to do that for 20 people or 18 people just use two sides of salmon and then [Music] you basically stick them together as i will show you in a minute then you need to take the skin off and the skin again you learn it in the fish cause into much much more depth so i just want to get rid of the skin and then i want to get rid a little bit of that muscle which sits right underneath the skin that's the muscle the meat or the fish uses the most that's why it has that it's a bit more tough as well there's a lot of fat in there as well that's where the energy is stored so that is actually the muscle that the fish uses for the everyday swimming and the rest of the muscle the orange muscle you see there is the muscle that the fish doesn't use much at all so next thing is you just cut off any sort of grayish bits don't stress out too much if you miss a few we just want to get rid of the of most of it and then you do the same thing with the second side so just make a little groove and then just slice along and as i said to learn it in depth in the fish course to do that and you just sort of move your knife a bit along without trying to cut anywhere just sort of like a scraping through motion and again remove that muscle that sits right under the skin [Music] and don't worry again if there's some left on it just make sure that some most of it's gone so next thing is you need to cure the meat you need to salt it so you salt it don't over salt it just sort of sort it like he would usually salt your fish and then add a bit of cayenne pepper as well and you salt it on both sides all the way around and after that we put the fish in the fridge for approximately two to three hours what i will do will draw out a lot of the moisture from the fish a little bit of the moisture of the fish it will firm the meat up and it will season in the mid quite nicely so it's it's the idea is more that you firm the meat up rather than seasoning it so then the coating around we use some herbs dill some tarragon parsley and later on i will show you how to chop some chive just get rid of all the stems the really big stems and then chop the herbs quite fine and obviously not a big fan of chopping herbs to find but again you learned it all in the herb course and this is one of the few dishes where chop the herbs fairly fine but just make sure you have a very sharp knife so that you don't bruise them herbs too much because if you bruise them too much then they will basically ferment and oxidize and lose their flavor chives should show you how to cut them don't make two big bundles and then just quickly sort of do the rolling motion you learn in a knife course and just cut cut it nicely and then we need to stick those two fish fillets together so for that you take a leaf of gelatin and i use titanium gelatine if you use golden or bronze or silver then you can use a whole sheet and i cut mine in half and i soak it in water so that it melts later on easier so now take the fish out of the fridge i dry it all off i remove all the salt from the surface and rub the rest in and remove a bit of the canned pepper as well or rub it in then i need to get some glad wraps so i'm basically taking a double sheet of glad wrap and i need to make it a bit wider as well so basically cloud wrap over glad wrap and glad rob uber glad wrap and so that i can make quite a white piece of glad wrap and then you take a tea towel and you wipe out all the air between those sheets and through that it will not stick anymore and becomes quite tough and you can use it for you know a much better way to roll things up as i will show you in a minute so the next thing is the gelatin you take it out of the water it's nice and soft and i was in the water probably for four or five minutes the water needs to be really really cold like a cool tap water otherwise the gelatin will melt or go too soft so then just dry it off a little bit to get rid of any excess moisture and then put a piece of the second piece of fish on it so you need to put the thick side to the thin side and the thin side to the thick side otherwise you will not get a nice round ruler so what you see here now the thin side and the bottom the thick side on the top here and then you roll that into the glad wrap and you roll it as tight as you can because i'm trying to shape that seminar you see so far it's it's all fairly simple it's it's quite you know it's bit technical but that's what you want to learn and once you see the end result you will be quite amazed okay and then just roll it on the second side so push it towards it as much as you can so by having that sheet of clutter i'm having the two knots on the sides the fish can't you know i can't sort of get it out of shape it has a shape noise next very important poke some holes on the side just on the side because we're gonna re-roll it now so you're gonna push out all the air of the of that roll and get it really really round and it needs to have those you know incisions on the side so that the air can escape so for quite a few rounds like 15 20 rounds we roll it just with the sides open so that all the air can come out and try to really stretch the glider up a bit away from the ruler to create a bit of tension so once you're happy with that then just put that back in the fridge shape it put it back in the fridge for another half an hour so that it can keep its shape what you can do in between you could chop the herbs and the next thing is i do another double sheet of cloud rub so basically exactly the same as before double sheet make it quite wide remove all the air [Music] and now i mix my herbs together and now the herbs on to the glad wrap and you can see my herbs are still nice and green because i used a very sharp knife and i did not chop them too fine so i didn't make him oxidize you know that's one of the big problems and people chop things too fine they keep bruising them and then they oxidize see that often this garlic onions starts to smell really strong and after a while there's no more flavor left in those herbs um and you couldn't differentiate them between freshly cut alone or basil or parsley yeah so now i do not press out all the air so that's extremely important that you really butt that down as much as you can then i measure the herbs approximately that they're the same white as the so butted the herbs really well done i tried to get out all the air i make it a really firm layer of herbs then cut open the salmon so just be careful with that sharp knife just cut the glider up open and you can see it's nicely shaped inside the agility now has two functions it sticks obviously the ruler together plus later on when i chill it down what the gelatin will do it will obviously melt when you cook it and then when you chill it down in the fridge the gelatin will harden so you actually end up with a fish that is much much firmer and really choosy as you will see so now just roll it with herbs make sure you get the herbs all the way around otherwise you have to butt them out a bit further and now i do the same thing as before you just tie the ends and then just bind them make sure you get it as tight as you can as tight as you possibly can because you do not want it you know you want to keep a nice shape on that roulette and so the gelatin is going back to gelatin it will make that fish rule out much much firmer than you can imagine it now yeah so what i need to do now again is i show you that once again what we did before with that sound i make some holes on the side so i do that with the herb herb roll as well and i did that just now here and now i basically re-wrap it again so i'm doing the whole process again just this time first i shape the fish now i wrap them in herbs just keep rolling that and try to get a bit of a stretch between the glad wrap and the ruler see like really sort of pull the cloud up a bit away and just roll it probably another 20 25 times so it's quite a thick layer of gladwab but what's the great thing about it is it's actually ends up being like a vacuum so that rule out once it cooked it lasts easily in the fridge for eight to ten days if you don't open it up so now i go over the sides as well so you can see like here put the glider up quite over the sides now i get some butchers twine and i tie it because i need to make it airtight because you remember i had this air pockets on the side so tie that as well as you can and tie it as close as you can so you will find out that your salmon is is super super firm at this stage and then the meat will become even firmer because the gelatin inside will firm it even further up once it's chilled down again so cooking you literally can do that in your kitchen thing i have a big pot here if you have a big pot just get your sink would fill it up with water that needs to be a minimum of 75 degrees but not hotter than 80 degrees yeah so go somewhere between 75 78 degrees and once you reach that temperature then you basically just drop the fish into it yeah so for a salmon roulade which you see my size now which is probably a thick as a as an as an underarm you need 30 minutes so if you say i would do a really thin salmon ruler just save made from a drought i only need 10 minutes if it would be much thicker i can go for 35 40 minutes it doesn't really matter because as it sits there the temperature just drops then take it out after 30 minutes put it in the fridge let it chill down fully chill down best overnight and then cut it so i took it out of the fridge and then i'd carefully cut the little you know break the gelato the glad wrap on the top so just make a quick sharp incision as you see here and then when you cut it you just try to get that my knife's not so sharp no pressure on the fish you cannot put pressure on the fish the knife needs to be super sharp if you put pressure on the fish the whole thing will just slip apart so it's that's one of the keys is when you cut it you need to cut it without pressure and you need to make sure that your knife is very very sharp to remove the glad wrap sometimes it just comes off like that if he doesn't do it just make another decision so just cut through the glad wrap gently carefully it doesn't matter if you cut a bit in the fish the fish is all nice and firm and here we go just push the herbs back on and his summer palatine here so you can see my layer of herbs is also not too thick i don't want it to be too thick and regards the choice of herbs you can just use parsley you can use a whole mixture of them yeah whatever depending on what flavor you like so my sauce for underneath is approximately half sour cream half as mine is and then to that i make some wasabi paste which gives it sort of a really nice horse a radish flavor and then today i'm gonna make a light sort of spring spring vegetable salad so just cut some radish up and i will top it with some tomato buttons which you learn in a knife skill class some blanched celery pieces celery heart pieces and some green beans but it's really up to you we can put asparagus around it and then add some herb tips as well in my case gerber celery leaves the inside the yellows and dill and chive and then you put the sauce on it and then you put the fish on it squeeze it nice and that's great for dinner party because he literally could make that 400 people he could the fish could sit in the fridge for days and then you should slice it up it could even sit in the kitchen bench for an hour without any problems you can make a simpler garnish and then you can put a bit of caviar on the top you don't have to and it's a great entree because you could break it all beforehand and look i cooked that with some recipes so many times and i haven't seen anyone who does not absolutely love it so brushed a bit with olive oil just to give it a nice shine and then a bit of olive oil like two tablespoons of olive oil in that chuck there added a bit of balsamic vinegar or balsamic glaze and i just drizzle that slightly over the salad just to give it a bit more texture a bit more color a bit more flavor here we go there is your salmon palatine with a spring vegetable salad it looks absolutely amazing and it's it's an amazing dish for dinner party or as i said it has been served in several three michelin star restaurants so i hope you enjoyed that video and i look forward seeing in one of the next ones hey and thank you so much for watching my video i hope you enjoyed it if you did please subscribe below leave me a comment and also check out my online cooking school and i look forward to seeing it one of my other videos [Music]
Channel: Walter Trupp- The Chefs Table
Views: 76,544
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #recipes_by_walter, #cook_with_walter, salmon, salmon recipe, cooking with fish, #salmon, #salmoncooking, #freshsalmon, #chef, #cheftips, #salmondish, #chefathome, #professionalchef, #recipes, #fishrecipe, #salmonrecipe
Id: JRLirUmnn_g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 17sec (977 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 14 2021
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