Salesforce Marketing Cloud - Getting Started with Building Emails

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welcome to salesforce marketing cloud email studio in email studio you can customize email designs and set up templates for personalized sending and trigger them to define lists uh or data extensions as you have both the capabilities here you want you can automate the customer journey using the emails which are set in email studio and you can also automate to and extend the email sends within email studio so let's get started i touched upon the overview tab which we see over here in my introduction video so we'll go to the next tab in the title bar which is content this is how the content builder page looks like here you have your folder management the local folders and shared folders set up can be done over here and then this is the main section where you see the list of your content and this bar over here you can sort this content type by name type customer key id modified or added or you can change the view of your content over here and then you can set up the columns which you see over here by selecting or deselecting these uh fields then there are further customization possible because once you have a lot of content in this section you can filter the content by content type or tag or by owners then the main key feature of this page over here is that you can create so basically now let's talk a bit about the logic so the first task is to create the content blocks once you've created the content blocks basically it could be a button or a code snippet or it could be dynamic content i'll talk about enhanced dynamic content later on uh external content or free form html or image blocks or image carousels i'll try and show as much as possible some of these blocks so basically when you've created the blocks you use these blocks to create an email template all right so email template when i say you create it it means by using the from existing template so for example if i want to show you you can click on from existing templates and there are some basic templates then there are templates which are just grids we have the theme templates so these theme templates have some color and better design in the templates and you could also save your own templates so when you select any one of these this is where after selecting you can use the content blocks coming back to the create button we saw the existing templates but there is also an option to paste html so basically in your business you already have some email templates and you don't want to create everything from scratch so you can just copy and paste the templates from your existing ones and then now the next step is once you have created the email templates you use them to create the email messages and this is where you create an email using the email template so there are three steps you define the properties add the content and then preview and test after this the next step is basically you need to approve you need to set up approval process so that you always assure that a approved email email is going out and after you set up the approval process the email has to get approved and you should have a list or a data extension with the subscribers to whom you want to send the email i've now come back to the content builder to show you a quick process how you create content and then create a template and then you set up an email let's create a folder structure for our content let's imagine we are going to have a welcome journey so what all do we need for the welcome journey we need images we will need some content blocks and we will need to create email templates and then finally emails you can set up your own content structure and uh you could create the different journeys or make a parallel structure which could uh replicate the cms base which you might already have or if you're using a bim or dam you could take references from there to create the folder structure here and accordingly you could create some shared folders to specify which content you're going to share with other business units how about uploading some images and creating some content blocks click on create go to upload and click on content then from the folder which where you have saved the images just select the image click open and you will see the image pending upload and publish and over here you click the upload and publish button while this one is done the other way is to just drag and drop so for example i put the image over here and then it's again pending upload and publish all i need to do is click here and both the images have been sub successfully uploaded and let me confirm that by refreshing the page so here are the two images which we just uploaded and this is how you upload images for the two just to save time i'll just upload the other one so i uploaded the remaining images and just move them to the images folder over here so now when i clicked on the images folder we see the images which we just uploaded now let's create some content blocks to start with let's create a free from block basically it's a block containing text i've copied some lorem ipsum and i'm pasting it over here and then we're going to save this block and call it welcome text and click on save and exit and we'll move this to the content block folder similarly let's create some image blocks and uh image corrosive let's create an image block first so we already have an image so let's take the banner image and create this block let's call it welcome banner and i'll save it let's save and exit make sure it goes to the content block folder let's now create a image carousel block so we go to the image corroso we add one image here you could add alternate text and you could also add links to the image then we add in our case another image so let's say image 2 and then an image 3. on saving the image corroso we have the welcome browser so that's what i named the image browser content block and i moved it to the content blocks folder what is interesting is there are quite a few other content blocks which you could explore for example a b test block so basically you could take to create two different blocks and then create a a b test block which once inserted in an email template you could do a b testing you could create a button for example we could just call it the submit button and that's your button and you could customize it in the out of the box as a solution given here or use the html editor i'm just saving this one you could use it in the template demo and then there is dynamic content again so in your list or data extension you have different attributes saved for customers and you could trigger different content based on the values which you see there and then you have the enhanced dynamic content in enhanced dynamic content you create the content types you set up the content over here but there is a step before that that is i will need to exit from here [Music] to show you that so in the upload you had seen when i was talking about the content upload there is this enhanced dynamic content upload too so here you need to upload a delimited file and in that file you have the information for the customer attributes for which a specific kind of content needs to be shown and that is saved over here so basically this enhanced dynamic content is used for uh it's like a midway solution between running customized codes to display personalized content or just using the dynamic content so once you've uploaded the file over here you need to set up the enhanced dynamic content blocks for the images which need to be shown and then what your email does is depending on the attribute values of your subscriber it looks up the enhanced dynamic content table and from there it displays the right dynamic content block which was set up accordingly hope this makes sense and then you could set up external content and then the html based content which is a block where you just simply paste the code i realized i missed out on some others content blocks too and if we scroll down we see below image carousel we have layout social follow social share and the text the text content block is basically for only text uh inputs whereas the free form content block you could enter images you could enter text as well as save links in the free form content block to use in your emails the social media blocks are also fairly easy to use for example let's click on social follow here you could add channels from the ones available and this is the icon styling for the channels and the layout alignment options which you have and let's just save this one [Music] so you could just give it a generic name because you might use it in different uh email templates with all the images and content blocks ready i think we are ready to create an email template let's do that using an existing one for this demo i'll be using a basic template and i'll look at one of the simplest ones for example maybe just a hero1 column that looks like an easy one once you're in the template view what you see over here are all the list of blocks uh the buttons which are available and obviously there would be you'll be able to select only if you've clicked uh created the content blocks so you have the basic content the advanced content interactive contents we created the image carousel and the social media content we created the social follow button and here on the side are these blocks which you see which you could move and which you could edit and we will use them right now and then you could also see the code view so if you have a developer who's working on the templates or someone who knows html css could modify this easily and then you could also see the mobile view so what we need to understand over here is that while we have the email template guidelines over here there are two ways to insert content into this template for example the first way is that we select an image go to the image folder and we have the logo image and voila we have the image inserted into the block or we could select a block for example i clicked on the header and then we have over here some content which we had already created for example the welcome carousel so i just dragged and dropped it over here and we have the welcome carousel over here i was also talking about the block settings so this is the block setting and for example if i want to give this block a border or i could do that if i want to adjust the padding that option is also there i could adjust the padding if i want to look at uh any of the access the horizontal or the the vertical one then i could just unlock and then adjust accordingly so these options are there and this is how you adjust your images or blocks in the email templates if we scroll down now we could adjust the text in a text block which is already existing in the template and say for example and these are our regular buttons to customize the text or change the font or font colors and etc now or add hyperlinks for the button again it's the same thing you could change the button here or use one of your content blocks for button which you had created that's here there you go and maybe delete this one and this is how you delete the blocks similarly we could use the welcome social which we had already created we need to select the block first and then go to content and drag and drop welcome social and we could just remove the custom one let's save this template now finally here we have our first email template which now we can use to create an email so here we get the option when we say we want to create an email we are given the option are you going to use template or you want to just paste html or just text or an existing email which is already there so in our case we click on uh template and we had saved our template by the name welcome one we select this one now because we are creating an email using one of the templates so as we all know that we could use this template to create new emails and we could always edit the text or the banner depending on the campaign we give this a name final [Music] now one if you want you could add description uh define the location so we'll just change the location to emails the other one is obviously we're going to save it an email template and here we could also add campaigns if we have already created the campaigns then click next what you would notice over here is that in this section you could further add content and that's why the second step is called add content and the process is the same uh the difference over here what you may notice is that we have the subject and the preheader so that was not there in the email template design so here we add welcome to salesforce and uh you could add a pre-header so basically this is what you see the view line of text right below the subject line in the inbox and then you could also check what should the plain text look like and here i could edit this and save it accordingly so that i'm sure that okay there is no code or nothing like this is going in the email and it's a clear text which is going and this is the code view again and you could check the mobile or the desktop view how they look like and if we are satisfied we can go to the next step which is preview and test in this step i won't be able to show and tell as i haven't set up any uh list or data extension to show you what the preview would look like but i can talk through it basically over here what you need to do is once you have set up a list or a data extension you select that list or data extension and upon selection you would be able to see how exactly uh your end user is going to see what are the personalization strings if you have entered any for example hello mr john or whatever the first name or last name or any of the other personalizations you have set up in the email you would be able to preview that then in this step uh you are able to set up the test so you could send it by send it to yourself which is the individual recipient or if you have set up a test list you could use that the data extension over here by selecting and sending you could have a look as a team and then validate or mark corrections in the email template to explain this feature i need to go back to the content i've already created a data extension with two records one with the first name one without the first name but a predefined value of customer in case the first name is missing and in this content block i will just add some personalization so for example here first this is what i call the label in the date extension for the first name okay let's keep it like this and go to the preview section to show you the preview and test tab um i have created a data extension with two records one with a first name last name one with no first name and last name and now if you want to preview i've also inserted a personalization string first that's what i'm calling the label for the first name in the data extension and i just need to now select the data extension here i see the data extension i created so i select it and these are the two records as i mentioned so i can just select one of them so here you see how the personalization string worked for the preview of the subscriber attribute and if i go to the next record because there is no first name last name and i had a prefilled value customer in case the value for first name is missing in the email we see dear customer in this step you could send test emails to yourself and respective uh email addresses or you could set up a data extension with email addresses of your entire team the marketing team or the stakeholders who need to verify or validate the email uh to be sent and below here we see the classification which you need to set so what does that mean is firstly you need to select if it is a default commercial email or a transactional email if it's a commercial email then as per the can spam law you need to clearly uh specify who is sending this email and that is what this section the delivery profile is all about so it is pre defined in the admin section and that from once it's defined there you select which delivery profile you need to select so for example we select the sfmc delivery profile and over here you define the sender profile that is what should be the name which should show in the inbox and what should be the from email which should show in the email inbox of the recipient
Channel: JeetsOhana
Views: 4,051
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: salesforce, salesforcemarketing, salesforcemarketingcloud, emailstudio, contentbuilder, salescloud, emails, content, emailbuilder, marketingcloud, journeybuilder
Id: j17jcLEjvws
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 5sec (1385 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 26 2020
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