Saitama vs Tatsumaki Full Cinematic Fight

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tatsumaki was Furious because of the blister group's incompetence the life of her precious little sister fabuki had been in danger calling them all useless nuisances that fabuki didn't need anymore she demanded that they cut all ties or she'd cut them herself channeling her esper power she promised to kill them just enough said they wouldn't quite die enough to ensure that they'd never be able to work as Heroes again they all shrieked in horror as Kabuki herself who couldn't speak feared for the worst but just then a hand suddenly gripped hatsumaki's arm it was saitama now tatsumaki was really mad saitama wasn't in the best mood either it was clear to him that tatsumaki was just like her sister to him she was going way too far just to lecture fabuki and he didn't understand why Heroes should have to fight each other tatsumaki's power was pouring out now she demanded that he let her go but saitama didn't move not backing down saitama insisted that she calmed down first tatsumaki wasn't having it she told him to shut up and get out of her way as she Unleashed her power on him this was enough to devastate the wall behind them and even lift them into the air saitama recognizes to be the same psychic power she'd used to send genos flying in the past but wasn't really impressed for his perspective it wasn't much different from her sister's power level tatsumaki was confused and in disbelief meanwhile completely horrified fabuki cried out to saitama telling him that he really doesn't want to provoke her sister tatsumaki was only getting angrier and again demanded that he let her go as she released even more psychic pressure this time the power was strong enough to drill a massive hole into the wall one that expanded eight great distance away from the hero Association headquarters saitama still wasn't letting her go and didn't move from his position but it was enough to make him vibrate a bit while he did this tatsumaki struggled to understand how he was enduring her power not understanding why it wasn't working or what this guy even was as saitama rapidly shook he wondered why his muscles were twitching on their own fabuki couldn't believe her eyes saitama was able to withstand her sister's full power from there tatsumaki finally recognized saitama as a bald guy who was with genos she wanted to know why he was butting in wondering if he was part of the fabuki group too which saitama wasn't happy about at all saitama then loudly called out to babuki who was caught off guard but answered quickly saitama planned on handling tatsumaki so it was up to fabuki to evacuate everyone Kabuki immediately agreed seeing saitama's familiarity with her little sister only pissed hatumaki off more and since he denied being her underlaying tatsumaki wanted to know the nature of the relationship saitama wondered too for a moment according to him it wasn't like he was her friend he wasn't her companion or even a mutual friend to him they were just acquaintances this statement seemed to devastate fabuki however tatsumaki was now amused as she continued to force her power she wondered why he'd get this desperate over a simple acquaintance either way now knowing this tatsumaki planned on testing the man to see if he deserves me hanging all over fabuki like this her wording here take saitama off according to him fabuki was the one who was always dragging him around without asking and being a total pain in the ass but as he said that last word tatsumaki began the test with enough Force to propel many of the members of the group thanks to this the newly built hero Association headquarters was already on the verge of collapse the space around them began to distort the basement Twisted considering what tatsumaki had casually done to his previous home of Z City this really upsets saitama laughing tatsumaki wondered how long the Baldi would be able to handle her power saitama then took his hole to the next level by pressing tatsumaki's body onto his tatsumaki's eyes widened she had never been so physically close to anyone before then they blasted straight through the roof launching far away and into the air saitama forced their fight outside the Pookie looked up in astonishment it was then that she knew saitama vs tatsumaki had officially begun the zoo began falling just as quickly as they had risen and crashed down onto the crater Phil terrain like rocks being skipped across a pond they spun and bounce several times tatsumaki was now flustered wondering how long saitama planned on holding on to her calling him a pervert then saitama noticed that they had stopped balling altogether and were now floating up a few feet in the air tatsumaki then spun him rapidly the speed continuing to ramp up she twirled him around and around trying her best to free herself from his hole then she slammed in directly into the ground splinting it apart into a spray of rubble but still saitama never let her go tatsumaki didn't understand saitama's intentions and wondered if he was into her or something saitama on the other hand wondered if she was just stupid he was only doing this because he didn't want her to run off destroying houses again this really struck a Nerf for tatsumaki who wondered why the hell she'd run away from someone weaker than her saitama just looked at the pint-sized zesper with a tired expression on his face finally he let her go shaking her newly freed hand tatsumaki admitted that saitama wasn't bad at least then she raised the very same hand up at his face she planned on kicking things up a notch by increasing the output of her psychic power just a bit she flipped away from her with Incredible Force believing that he would at least manage to survive that once saitama's movement was stopped by a large pile of rubble he looked up to see some rocks floating in front of him tatsumaki was lifting several tons worth all around her before greatly increasing their speed this resulted in a literal tornado of Terror that devastated the area seeing it saitama thought it might be fun to do as saitama observed one of the huge Boulders would separate from the rest and rapidly approach him but just as quickly saitama swatted away like it was nothing after that silver war would do the very same tatsumaki absolutely unloaded on him this assaults of hers rage on for a while but before long saitama was riding one of the boulders as one of them was on the verge of crushing a car that had a family inside saitama sprung into action and shattered it to save them he immediately scolded tatsumaki telling her to pay attention to the things around her tatsumaki who was still hovering and controlling the vicious tornado would tell him not to be so full of himself launching even more she claimed to know what she was doing as more Boulders race towards him it became pretty clear to saitama that tatumaki wasn't in the mood to talk at all looking around he decided to keep her busy out here where she wouldn't be a danger to property or people rapidly swatting the Rocks away he planned on keeping this up until she wore herself out but while he deflected one of the boulders went flying directly at the family car saitama made a dash towards them trying to avoid a disaster but before he could the car had been lifted into the air and sailed up to tatsumaki at Breakneck speeds tatsumaki taunted the bald man by telling him he'd better watch where he's deflecting things pissed off saitama responded with a height related insult now tatsumaki was really triggered she promised to turn him into fertilizer she then roughly dropped off the family car and told them to leave immediately tatsumaki decided to go with the same tactic as before but again went even harder as saitama dashed from points a point now being even more full of herself she'd call saitama pathetic telling him that there was no way she could entrust her little sister to someone like him believing herself to have the upper hand with a smile on her face she told Sai Thomas get the hell away from fabuki saitama had a slick smile on his face as he dashed around he was really tired of this nonsense and just wanted to go home tatsumaki was not letting up at all and seemed to be enjoying herself meanwhile saitama's motivation levels were plummeting fast tatsumaki Unleashed a psychic blast directly onto the man and managed to move him back a few inches and totally ruin his jacket as he cried out about the damage to his clothes tatumaki pulled back her arms for the follow-up this time she launched him yet again like a pinball saitama spirals to the side of a moving car on the road but before he hit the ground tatsumaki added to the momentum with several follow-up blows each time only barely managing to get a reaction out of the bald hero saitama then crashed into the side of a building slam is the back of Another Hero on an operation of his own completely unaware of what he had fallen into saitama apologized before pointing over to his shoulder at tatumaki telling them to send the repair Bill to her when he noticed even more people laid out he urged them to call an ambulance when tatsumaki entered the room he complained about her blasting through buildings but since he was the one who blasted through it she blamed him he shouted back at her as he won who'd started it but turned back to the goons telling them that they'd be out of their hair in just a second the criminals were all terrified after all this was tatsumaki the tornado of Terror and number two Pro Hero they were now under the impression that the hero they were fighting had called in reinforcements unwilling to go down without a fight their boss proclaimed that a single S-Class wouldn't be able to stop them saitama tried his best to defuse the situation but the boss struck him immediately trying to push the weaklings to the side but since that was the plan saitama decided to push this guy aside with a light punch the goons looked up in disbelief and horror at their boss's defeat saitama wondered who these guys were and they wondered the same now they were really mad and prepared to fight back tatsumaki chillingly told them all to shut up they were already in the middle of something she easily laid them all out and even destroyed the entire building in the process following all this H city was facing a crisis a giant monster was on a rampage and had risen from disaster level demon to disaster level Dragon there was speculation that if all this continued human civilization itself would be in danger the monster had already defeated a lot of Heroes but thankfully there was a notice that the S-Class hero metal bat was on his way to stop it metal bat was running as fast as he could he had some pressing matters to tend to back home and was intense on finishing this up as soon as possible so he could get back quickly finally he made it to the monster ahead of what was bound to be an epic showdown he berated the monstrosity for all the trouble it had caused but before he could even finish his insults the rush of tatsumaki vs saitama Barrel through the creature skull like the discharge of a rifle killing it instantly tatsumaki was holding on to saitama by the shirt now frustrated by the man's stubbornness then she flung him in Outrage the Mandy that he just followed down already this sent saitama through a series of three skyscrapers when the momentum eased up saitama yelled back that he told her to stop destroying everything what was the point of him taking her outside if she was just going to break everything anyways metal bat didn't have any words for what he had witnessed and simply decided to calm down and go home and even the number one A-Class hero sweet mask saw saitama crashed through the buildings once he descended saitama skidded back on a rooftop shouting at a floating tatsumaki taitama made it clear that they had strayed too far from the original location and wanted them to go back tatsumaki paused for a moment then she looked at him incredulously dropping down in front of him she agreed she looked up at the bald man and for a while they just stared into each other's eyes saitama wasn't sure what to make of this feeling like that had gone better than he thought he pointed in the direction of the hero Association and was ready to go tatsumaki's expression changed them she pulled the back of saitama's head pushing him over the edge of the roof as she dragged him along the side of the building she expressed the reason for her frustration headquarters was in the opposite direction she continued this even when they made it to the ground and planned on keeping this up until they made it back saitama feared this might be bad for his scalp but tatsumaki told him to shut up but then she noticed something something was chasing after them saitama turned to look too tatsumaki thought to herself that for this thing to be able to keep up with them at this speed it was either a monster or a hero in reality it was Speedo sound Sonic with a Sinister look on his face and although she didn't know him this guy is neither hero nor monster you recognize saitama and knew this was his chance Zoom his aunt he didn't know what was going on at all but happily flung several projectiles in the direction these were homing exploding shuriken and they quickly caught up to tatsumaki and saitama according to Speedo sound Sonic it was impossible to outrun all of these tracking projectiles tatsumaki casually raised the finger to stop them as she continued surfing saitama telling the ninja to get lost she sent them all back to their sender whose eyes went wide with surprise he narrowly evaded them despite his disbelief but since they were homing devices it wasn't that simple and he was forced to Bob and weave repeatedly to avoid them this kept up for a while as the two Heroes left them in the dust speed wasn't a fan of these dirty tricks as he continued to move around but unknown to him a nearby dog had just dropped the log and he'd stepped in it thanks to his foot slipping the projectiles had a chance to catch him when they all exploded he cursed saitama's name but by then saitama noticed that they were already back at headquarters with that he swiftly freed himself from tatsumaki's hold before she even realize it she was really shocked by this then casually with a smile on his face he told her that she was free to start rampaging again this bothered tatsumaki since according to her he was the one being tested here she did not like that he had been looking down on her this entire time and thought it was a bit much she began talking about how different things would be if she actually went all out but before she could finish saitama with one fist bald and another in his pocket told her to go ahead and do that go all out tatsumaki's eyes went wide with disbelief she was brimming now she had never been able to face Another Hero on this level and was ready to show him what she could really do what if abuki made her way outside her eyes and mouth were wide with astonishment the clash between saitama and tatsumaki looked like a cataclysmic event terrified she tried to tell her big sister that she was going way too far here but as they flew overhead there was nothing she could do to stop them at the same time King was at saitama's door hoping to play video games but not only was saitama not home but thanks to their fight the elevators were down so he couldn't go back home he frantically wondered why saitama was never around at times like these but just when he said that saitama crashed into this side of the building when the two men noticed each other saitama also saw the game in King's hand and told him that they'd play another time when King asked what saitan was doing he replied that he was dealing with a pipsqueak named tatsumaki or something much to King's surprise fired up tatsumaki let it be known that she could hear him King was shocked and didn't take his eyes off of her she extended a kick but saitama ducked under then her dress lifted thanks to all the movement and King Saul was under it when she crashed into the place as saitama left away tatsumaki flew after him by then the King Engine was revving up as he thought about the fact that he had seen her panties the energy readings from this battle were so off the charts that the meter broke just when the headphone hero Forte decides to look outside the window something came crashing to the building just above his head when he looked up it was saitama completely baffled he question what in the world the guy was doing saitama turned to him with a greeting I wondered how the men's injuries were when Forte struggled to speak saitama simply told him to stay in bed for a while then he rocketed back to tatsumaki's location in a blink of an eye the resulting impact of which was like several crashing tons of TNT and it was at that moment that Forte decided to never mess with saitama again the former members of the blizzard group saw it all too as the Earth was torn apart on a colossal scale they began to wonder what could have possibly happened to cause tatsumaki to let loose like this they all carried in fear as she zipped past them overhead tatsumaki was getting tired at this point she had gotten too carried away and miscalculated her output limits considering she was the one who was supposed to be testing saitama she was disappointed with herself up until now aside from life or death battles there wasn't anyone who could really take her on so this battle against saitama was really fun for her she had assumed that this sort of thing would only ever be possible with an opponent it like the number one hero blast but this weird bald guy had proved her wrong for the sake of avoiding embarrassment tatsumaki raised her hand once more to finally end things again the Earth began to rise as saitama sprinted around a tsunami of rubble now towered over and sought to consume him this body of water-sized attacks surrounded and smothered saitama from all possible angles tatsumaki host as she awaited the results of her efforts then there was a sudden eruption saitama emerged with his fist in the air effortlessly unharmed tatsumaki couldn't believe her eyes unable to keep up her levitation any longer she ungracefully descended seeing her stagger saitama told tatsumaki not to push herself too far since she needed to have enough strength to talk things out this concern of his only frustrated or more as she released her telekinetic influence on him using all her remaining strength tatsumaki lifted saitama off the ground which he thought was pretty awesome tattoo Maki was having a really hard time keeping this up she was confused by how heavy saitama was despite her emitting enough Force to knock a person of his size into space she was at her limit saitama told her not to be so mad since it's not like he's her enemy or anything but tatsumaki wasn't interested in being friendly to him saitama's side to him she took human relationships too lightly after all she was being stopped right now by the simple power of fabuki's mere acquaintance this was it for tatsumaki she dropped her knees in front of him and as she passed out she remembered the words blast had shared with her when she was just a child that when the time comes she shouldn't expect someone to come save her he told her to protect her family so after that she rushed into pabuki's childhood room and planned to take her away but suddenly four Mass members of the evil esper organization that had kept her as a test subject sukuyomi were behind her with her new power tatsumaki mercilessly slaughtered them much of the horror of her little sister what's up zumaki extended her blood covered hand to fabuki promising to protect her the little girl refused with powers of her own hatsumaki was stunned this was the Awakening of fabuki's powers tatsumaki now blames herself for dragging fabuki into such a harsh fate because of this she felt an even greater sense of responsibility to protect her without relying on anyone else tatsumaki slowly opened her eyes she was back to her young powerless self would blast ahead of her she called out to blast having not seen him in ages but without looking at her blast started to walk away tatsumaki chased after him begging him not to go but he didn't listen blast was the only adult that said tatsumaki free she had excessive expectations of him she was sure that blast would respect her for having gotten as strong as she had she was sure that she would teach her a better way to lead her life crying out to him again she'd tell him how hard she tried as she clung tightly to her dress she admitted that despite this nothing worked out she started to cry saying that she didn't want everyone to be afraid of her but unless they were things would be just like they were before when she was powerless and taken advantage of looking up at him with tears in her eyes she asked blast what she should do as a light emerged ahead of him blast finally turned back to look at her soon the light became so blinding that tatsumaki had to shoot her eyes from it the light shining off of saitama's bald head that is tatsumaki stared blankly for a while as she got up saitama greeted her and wondered if she was all right completely spent tatsumaki had nothing to say saitama wondered if she was finally done he was trying his best to keep her Rampage to where no one was around but he couldn't really contain her he didn't know what kind of training was done for psychic powers like hers but he was convinced she must have trained really hard he thought she was really impressive these words seem meaningful to tatsumaki but then she scoffed and told him that she didn't need him to tell her that and since she was still able to talk trash he figured that she must be all right with that saitama planned on saying his peace before leaving esper or whatever tatsumaki was free to live her life as she pleased but if she wants the Rampage she shouldn't break other people's stuff placing his hand on her head he told her that she's able to abide by that she'll be a great hero tatsumaki then looked up at him with a bit of wonderment in her eyes this was the same thing that blast had done and with that saitama started to walk away and said goodbye tatsumaki staggered speed telling him to wait a minute before he noticed something it was fabuki just like tatsumaki had always said fabuki now believes her perception Was Naive she was now prepared to fight alone like her sister tatsumaki was fascinated by her sister's attitude but it didn't seem like her group had the same thing in mind when tatsumaki glared at them they all froze up with fear despite this they did their best to work up the courage to speak They begged to continue serving fabuki vowing to become stronger fabuki grimaced as tatsumaki raised a hand to dismiss them with her power but before she could fabuki stood in her way to do so herself she launched them back with her Hellstorm technique she wanted to do this herself the book he chastised them for coming here with intentions of confronting tatsumaki despite being unable to fend off even her power she commanded them to stand up they cried out to her with tears in her eyes as saitama and tatsumaki looked on wondering what in the hell they were doing habuki did the same thing all over again as they brace themselves such time I looked over at hatsumaki he urged her to just let them be but tatsumaki didn't think it was any of his business that's when he told her that before his muscle training he couldn't even be a disaster level wolf which shocked tatsumaki he continued by telling her that even though they're weak now no one could tell where their limit really is tatsumaki looked at him for a moment before finally conceded we're having gold of fabuki with her power she told her sister it was time for them to go she had come here to deal with psychos but got carried away with her energy use slapping her hand outside Thomas head she was willing to let them all off the hook this time for the bald man's sake with a scary look on her face she told them that if anything happens to fabuki she would never forgive them and despite their immediate fear they all vowed to Faithfully serve tatsumaki thought to herself for a second then she turned to saitama and told him bashfully that the test still wasn't over with her hands on her hips she'd tell him that whenever she feels like it she'll give him another surprise test so he should be grateful but time I wanted nothing to do with that tatsumaki wasn't happy to hear this but fabuki was more surprised to see that her sister actually listened to saitama she couldn't believe her sister actually cared about someone else's opinion for once meanwhile her group members all wondered who in the world this bald man was then saitama took his leave telling tatsumaki not to Rampage anymore which she lightly protested as always I'm slice botaku thank you all so much for watching and have an awesome day I love you foreign
Channel: Plot Armor
Views: 852,827
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: one punch man, saitama vs tatsumaki, one punch man manga, saitama, tatsumaki, tatsumaki vs saitama, saitama x tatsumaki, saitama vs tatsumaki manga, psychic sisters arc one punch man, how strong is tatsumaki, saitama vs tatsumaki full fight, saitama vs tatsumaki full fight manga, saitama vs tatsumaki full cinematic, saitama vs tatsumaki cinematic, saitama vs tatsumaki full movie, anime, manga, plot armor, plot armor one punch man, one punch man new chapter
Id: mEIfYtjwEw8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 1sec (1441 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 11 2023
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