Saints Row 1 - Full Game Walkthrough (4K)

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watches I got watches here yo hey man this [ __ ] it costs you 600 in the store oh whatever watches I can show you a good time oh hell no man [ __ ] the rollers Lavar you gonna let those [ __ ] disrespect us [ __ ] what you think what the [ __ ] you think you're doing just being Civic minded is all that's so yeah some dumbass cracker went and [ __ ] all over this wall we just cleaning it up Hector says buenas noches [Music] foreign time wrong place dog okay player Julius let's move that don't look so bad you should be fine that's Troy you can thank him later hey they're all ain't safe no more son we got gangs fighting over [ __ ] that ain't theirs and you in the way they don't care if you represent or not Julius this is no time to recruit we did all the help we can get son no we need to get our asses out of here in a minute look the road's got a problem come to the church when you want to be a part of the solution every [ __ ] here knows what we need to do and those [ __ ] be riding around here thinking they own these streets I don't care what flags they flying rollers Canales Vice Kings no one's making this [ __ ] scared to walk the road we about to lock this [ __ ] down right now yeah who the [ __ ] this guy Troy and I found him we're gonna see if he'll ride with us Julius he wants to run with the Saints he got to be canonized hey he's right Julius everyone had to do it you ready for this player I wonder how yeah oh yeah that all you got hey my mama hits you learned your colors today some [ __ ] the only other Saint who kicked ass like that was Johnny [ __ ] took me half the time welcome to the Third Street Saints let's get down to business if we're serious about taking back the road we gotta let those [ __ ] know what time it is you break it down and it's all about respect get enough of it they're gonna back off and we're gonna move right on in we got some friends in town that could use some help give them a hand of course you can always drop any [ __ ] flying the wrong flag so long as word gets after the Saints is on the road I don't give a damn how you do it you feel me all right man what do you say we take that piece and clean up the Rope looks like that got their attention if it ever gets too hot go to forgive and forget they'll cover up let's see how you like it I'll make sure this gets to the right place you've got nothing to worry about hey man now that everything's taken care of can you drop me off in Freckle [ __ ] I'm jonesing for a fun bag [Applause] [ __ ] foreign I got a tip that there's a turf war going on right now if we crash the party we could take all those sons of [ __ ] out at once I got to go in hard I ain't gonna lie to you when we go in there it's going to be rough Julie she's sure it's cool we take this kid instead of Johnny Troy you worry too much the kid'll be fine don't worry plan you stick with troying me you'll be fine and I let that [ __ ] go no more I'm glad we found this game the kids are natural okay name can it ever be easy thanks for coming man we gotta lose them all right we lost them drop me and Julius off at the church we did it player Saints Rose eyes again don't think I'm finished with you yet though I'm holding a meeting at the church swing by when you can listen up people I got some serious [ __ ] to discuss yeah we cleared out the road you think for a second that's going to stop him unless we wipe all these [ __ ] out they're gonna keep coming and they ain't gonna be happy it ain't gonna be settled until the Canales the rollers and the vice Kings ain't nothing but a memory Dex you got the Canales ever since they hooked up with the Colombians it's like they own this town and with that drug money rolling in we can't compete be smarter you move against them the Lopez family been running that game for 30 years there's a reason they still around got it Troy you dealing with the vice Kings not a chance [ __ ] you say anyone but them you scared of going against Benjamin King man [ __ ] that I'll take King out Johnny it's not that simple bullets still kill [ __ ] right doesn't get much simpler than that keep an eye on your boy I don't need a [ __ ] babysitter Julius keep an eye on your boy who's got the rollers I do Lynn the [ __ ] you wearing blue for I asked Lynn to hook up with the rollers we don't know much about these [ __ ] so I wanted one of us on the inside I didn't think the rollers pimpedoes oh any other comments yeah when you punch don't throw your shoulders so much shut up Johnny hey I'm just saying once we're done here go talk to one of these guys they'll have something for you to do it's our time now let's get this [ __ ] started hey man so you're julius's new boy huh you don't look like much then again I don't look like I have an eight inch [ __ ] so I guess we're both full of surprises the vice kings are named after one guy Benjamin King and that [ __ ] don't happen unless you're a professional or a badass and in King's case he's both hold up I gotta take this Aisha what a pleasant [ __ ] surprise whoa whoa whoa slow down okay that's not slower that's louder [ __ ] where's she headed don't worry I got this what's up some [ __ ] grabbed Aisha's sister right off the street [ __ ] man that's the sixth girl this month we know who's doing this yeah the vice Kings no way man kidnapping and King style maybe that's latonya's going behind King's back don't know don't [ __ ] care now Aisha said they were driving a yellow sedan tell those [ __ ] back to wherever they go and get those girls back foreign [Music] [Applause] [Applause] anymore now I'm not [ __ ] playing break yourself [ __ ] break yourself you you ain't busting no one else the guy with the keys went to TNA Christ foreign foreign you're the best thing I've seen in a long time about to run out [Music] [Music] [Music] God you haven't changed at all have you well not all of us have a couple million dollars to make changes always the same [ __ ] oh here we go again what did you want me to do did you expect me not to take my shot no I expected you to remember where you came from oh [ __ ] you John [ __ ] me [ __ ] you you're the one who ran off to be famous the only time you remember I brought her back didn't I no he did [ __ ] I told him to do it no offense look if you're gonna help me help me but don't you dare try to hold it over me fine fine relax man I'd like you to meet Saints Rows claim to fame this is Aisha and tonight we gonna kill her he's being melodramatic see I'm signed with Kingdom Come records and it's no secret that the label is owned by the Vice King but the real deal is that once you're in you can't get out they rip you off left and right and they extort you to stay signed I've talked to Johnny and he said that you might be willing to help me now check it out ish has a recording session in a few minutes that's when we make her disappear and give the vice Kings A nice [ __ ] you while we're at it I want you to take Aisha to a session but on the way stop at The Chop Shop to have your ride loaded up with some C4 park the car at the studio and get the hell out of there ish make sure someone sees you before you jump out Johnny I really appreciate it whatever I was gonna blow that place up anyway are you new I don't remember you hanging around the row [Music] all right man you ain't got a lot of time so hurry one more thing that [ __ ] in your car ain't exactly stable I wouldn't hit anything if I were you Aisha why haven't you called me back oh God him again foreign [Music] disappear running a little late today hey now you gotta look good to sound good want me to let them know you're in would you do that for me she's here Mr Williams I know you're supposed to be dead and all but you have to look this pissed Johnny you said you take me out to dinner and here we are at Freckle [ __ ] where else would we go someplace good why couldn't you have taken me to Mykonos Aisha it's not like hey what's up perfect timing you boys talk I'll be right back whatever she don't appreciate fine dining now I've been talking to isha's sister turns out Kanye's been [ __ ] people in every sense of the word not only is she blowing King's bodyguard big Tony but she's [ __ ] Juan Williams a numbers guy whenever Tony ain't looking now between Tony and Warren the only person she isn't leading around by their [ __ ] is king So I'm thinking we put the hurt on Tanya we're [ __ ] up the vice Kings and she's got an operation in prone Court that's where we'll start roll in there and put the murder on anyone you see customers included who wants to die for a [ __ ] right when you go for Tanya be careful she probably got some muscle in there foreign foreign desire to help now get your ass over to the whole house and drop that chicken head what the hell oh Square I'm getting my nut s that Bowser is so fired I can't take this oh yeah how much is this studio incident gonna set us back the incident I'm sorry I thought some [ __ ] blew up my [ __ ] I didn't realize it ain't no thing how much including the loss of revenue from Aisha's death I'd say we talking Millions okay we got a few contractors that owe us convince them to hook us up that takes care of the building as for Aisha throw together some Memorial box set people eat that [ __ ] up that should recoup some of our losses how's Tanya's side of things grip is short Mr King I'm not happy Anthony you said she could handle it it's not her fault Mr King the Saints have been [ __ ] with that's what I'm talking about are you gonna let these [ __ ] disrespect us everybody calm the [ __ ] down we ain't gonna start a war every time some [ __ ] act hard Saints thank you hey baby they've taken prawn Court how did this happen how the [ __ ] you think it happened look we need to get together here and just what we need is for you to shut the [ __ ] up you feel me yeah what yes Mr King I'll have Monroe put some pressure on the Saints while they're distracted it should be easy to take back massage everything else is business as usual understood now this meeting is over December Warren Williams crew is going to be meeting to discuss getting in on a drug trade show those [ __ ] why they shouldn't [ __ ] with our business foreign foreign shit's too hot right now I want you to get off the street hold on what are you kidding me [ __ ] [ __ ] change of plans looks like the kings are trying to get back tying his old digs as we speak get your ass over there and help our boys you're the only backup they're getting foreign [Music] [ __ ] oh I hope you're not cash we got more work to do Troy just got a tip to Tanya setting up shop in the old Sunnyvale Police Station I talked to Julius and he gave me the okay to go in with a crew now I'm heading back to the church to get strapped come over when you're ready but don't wait too long we got some murdering to do foreign no one [ __ ] with my hockey game oh hell get down foreign damn foreign [Music] I was about to leave without you now I don't think I'm feeling the bad today this is always the hardest part for me you know balancing stopping power with personal enjoyment oh yeah I'm feeling this it ain't gonna be easy clearing all those vks out of the station so I told my crew to meet us there Let's Ride Kanye lucked out the last time you took out her brothel this time the [ __ ] is gonna get what's coming to her it's [ __ ] I want to find big Tony you listen to Julie's talk about the guy he makes it sound like he's built like a [ __ ] APC looking forward to taking him apart I got a good feeling about this I think it'll be a nice bonding experience let's drop some Vice Queens what you walking away let's take this [ __ ] [ __ ] me don't let him get through or ground to the Saints have I dropped the gun honey if I were you I'd listen to the lady well of course you would you being her [ __ ] watch the [ __ ] mouth hey no reason to be hostile you packing anything else just some rubbers I was hoping I could get some of William sloppy seconds I guess I hit a nerve do yourself a favor stay down and shut the [ __ ] up you Third Street [ __ ] think you so smart well check this out we ain't impressed hell only reason you got as far as you did was cause King let you we led you right to where we wanted you and not a police gonna finish your ass for good just the way we planned well that explains how your [ __ ] lost prawn Court are you gonna don't worry baby I got this yeah Tanya shut the [ __ ] up I thought I told you to be quiet I got shitty hearing ah now you got a shitty leg so do you go now baby we better call King foreign hurry up and get back to the church we'll figure out a way to get Johnny back home [Music] [Music] [Music] that was a long trust me he ain't going nowhere damn good work Tony I'll stop by after I pay a visit to Hughes I'll see you soon boss so what do we do now we wait oh hold on duh that motherfucker's still out there the [ __ ] you mean we wait I mean you're gonna sit your black ass down and wait cause I have [ __ ] said so don't worry about The One That Got Away the 5-0 will take care of him oh so while you lounging Troy Street keeps Jack goodness that's great that's that's [ __ ] brilliant slow up little [ __ ] come on King this is some [ __ ] let me get a crew together I could roll into the road and drop all them [ __ ] I'm telling you no but Mr kiss I said no don't make me say it a third time warn my man you got the music scene locked down I need you to bring in the cheddar not get shot cause you think you got something to prove I can do this maybe but we ain't gonna find out we got the cops busting up Third Street for us and we got Julius Lieutenant tied up in Anthony's condo everything's going our way right now so just chill your time gonna come on it just ain't happening now understood yeah we stressed the kings are keeping some of our boys locked up at the old police station put you to leave the jailbreak I need you guys over here Third Street spinning come back any time to get served foreign let's make it quick I won't get my freak on tonight oh oh [Music] you think it'll work it has to sit down son we got a way to rescue Johnny the [ __ ] Johnny said about Warren and Tanya really got to Tony now the only time she's allowed out of his sight is when she's checking on the rebuilding of the recording studio every day that [ __ ] gets driven to the construction site in a limo then sneaks off to get a freak on with Warren before she goes back home to Tony while she's busy sucking [ __ ] you deal with the chauffeur and take his place when she's done wiping her mouth she'll have you drive her back once your attorneys it's all up to you please bring Johnny back just don't tell him I was worried oh my God [Music] hello Miss winners is Warren here he's in the back keep the car running knowing Warren I should be back shortly [Music] what the [ __ ] are you doing man [Music] well I got some time to kill before Tony expects me back might as well do a little shopping I can't believe loose is still wearing last season's heels so Juan called me Aisha again today can you believe that King is still blaming me for losing Prime Court Anthony better have killed Gap by the time I get home this should only take a minute stop by Friendly Fire I'd like to pick something up for Tony King really should start listening to Warren company are both so clueless King has to learn to get with the times you know sometimes I just want to say [ __ ] it all and go to Hollywood you know I wonder if they gift wrap hey player we got a problem summer Troy School didn't hear the plan and decided they were going to hit Tanya when she was in her limo these are all boys and I don't want them getting hurt it's the Saints get rid of them [Music] hey I was putting on lipstick back here good job remind me to give you a tip somebody I better tell Tony about this don't you [ __ ] let's [ __ ] them up and not to be pushy or nothing but how about you get me out of this [ __ ] chair [Applause] about [ __ ] time you got here ah where's Green that's much better now I heard green say that he's got some heavy [ __ ] in the back I'll have some of our boards roll on over and bring the hardware back to the crib Dex don't worry I have a plan Johnny your idea of a plan is taking the biggest hammer you can find and smashing whatever's in your way but that sounds like a plan to me yeah a shitty one is your whack-ass Robo leg clearly proves oh [ __ ] you next time you try that cowboy [ __ ] you might not walk away at all no seriously [ __ ] you look I worked out a plan that will hurt the Kings and put minimum risk on you how much murdering do I get to do none your plan blows hear me out all right Kings obviously got something going on with the police I'll figure that [ __ ] out in the meantime I want you two to go out and cause some Havoc if we can turn the Public's eye to the Kings then the police won't have a choice but to come down on them okay so we go and do some damage how did the vks get blamed put these on I'm yellow enough as it is Dex just put the damn shirt on fine get dressed we got a little piece to disturb all right if the vice kings are gonna take the fall we gotta make sure that whatever we do yeah you never should have messed with the Saints let's get started the first thing we're gonna do is [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] for the purpose here foreign [Applause] [Music] let's hit that ramp and knock those pins out [Applause] yeah Benjamin King owns yeah one more thing let's find the bulldozer there's something I'm just dying to do [Applause] and watch where you're going real sick of hearing his mouth foreign thank you don't worry about it look if it was one of mine I'll take care of it but I'm telling you I don't care what colors they was wearing it was that crew from Saints Row I was telling you about no I'm not making any excuse I will tell your wife I said hello goodbye alderman great now we got your crack ass friends tripping like I said [ __ ] with City Hall is a waste of time wrong working with them is what gives us power yo [ __ ] that this is what gives us power hey get the [ __ ] out of my office okay it looks like the cop's been getting in on summer King's protection rackets now that's why they've been going so easy on a vks we gotta go public with this [ __ ] don't worry Dex I have something more subtle in mind Johnny you can't be serious [ __ ] yeah I am where did you get those Anthony's condo he had a big mouth this isn't gonna end well don't listen to the old woman I'll drive to where the cops are picking up protection money you make them cease and desist with one of Tony's noisemakers if we make sure the only cops we hit are the ones working for King people gonna start asking questions and the cops are gonna have no choice but to come down on the vks to save face let's do this so the other day Aisha's giving me [ __ ] because I don't do anything nice for her can you believe that I mean I paid for her every time we go out so I'm like what the hell are you talking about I picked up the check at the firing range there she goes on and on dinner there's flowers that [ __ ] [ __ ] right yeah thanks for your advice man you're a big help coming up on one of the meetings sure you know how to handle that thing get that bad boy ready there's a meet up ahead perfect man we should do this every week hey next time I call dibs on the RPG let's take care of these guys next time baby I know the payoff is going what do you say we crashed their little meeting that was [ __ ] sweet [Music] you ready to send a message to Monroe and King this day just keeps getting better and better what a shot man but I think it's good of the cops let's stop by forgive and forget before we give our last little present to the vice King what okay [Music] now all we got left to do is give Ward a nice final [ __ ] you and I'd say this has been a hell of a day hello it's good to hear from what wait wait slow down what are you saying look our Arrangement has been beneficial for both parties look why don't we talk about this tonight over dinner I'm sure we can work this out okay all right see you tonight goodbye see this is what I'm talking about who said you could come in here we need to talk do we now you've been putting yourself before the crew keep talking little [ __ ] if you hadn't wasted our time sticking your nose up Them White Boys asses we could have owned the whole damn game by now I told you before we ain't getting in the that [ __ ] and why the [ __ ] not that's where the money is man if you got done with that [ __ ] back in the day the carnalis would have been ghosts right now but you didn't did you you were too much of a [ __ ] then and you're too much of a [ __ ] now you forgot who you talking to my name is Benjamin [ __ ] King I'm the man who took my crew from being a bunch of baby gangsters in Sunnyvale to being one of the most influential and feared forces in the goddamn City you know how I did that I said you know how I did that Mr King I did it by knowing when it was time to build when it was time to watch and when it was time to act I'm sure can your punk ass if I were you I'd drop them damn flags and get the [ __ ] out of here before I erased your ass I ain't going nowhere you ain't hearing me son I said yo [ __ ] that you ain't hearing me what is this are built I watched and now I'm acting going in and out of a grocery store I don't think those [ __ ] are buying one percent so go over that and figure out what's going on oh [Applause] where's get [ __ ] listen carefully player Benjamin King just called it seems like one of his boys got a big hit and tried to take him out he's pinned down in the park right now and needs some help now what happens to Kingman that means [ __ ] to you but him and me we got history I owe King from way back in the day and he ain't going to eat it if I can help it you're gonna go out there and save his ass understand I ain't [ __ ] around Claire you bring King back here safe you feel me come on foreign you dumb [ __ ] foreign 's got to be around here somewhere there he is Drop That [ __ ] it's a long Ward thanks for your help son now you take me to Jesus foreign the [ __ ] you stand around for give me a [ __ ] hand little [ __ ] I'm so cute little [ __ ] this [ __ ] ass is mine hey yo Tanya what's going on you're a bright boy I'm sure you can figure it out [ __ ] you better not miss cause thanks for the advice Kings have been hiding out near the water front damn move move foreign foreign foreign looking good man been a long time Jules sorry about Anthony that was business let it go so what's the plan we killed Tanya and I get back to business I don't think so Benjamin what I said no you alive we straight but the vice Kings they're through then kill me with wasting my goddamn time but you got a choice you can keep your [ __ ] pride and die right now or you can be a man and walk away when did you get the balls Jewels What's it gonna be I ain't walking away fair enough Johnny I ain't walking away until I deal with Tanya my [ __ ] Johnny put the damn gun down now you understand this ain't just about Tanya right we finishing the whole crew yeah I know so let's get to it plan I know where all them fools hang all we gotta do is roll up there get their attention then lead them to the cops they'll take care of the rest all right player you gonna be Mr King's wheel man you ready for this son all right let's go good to have you back Benjamin I wish I stopped a friendly fire first then I could get these parts all right let's get this [ __ ] started right one of the safe houses is at the north end of town so does Julius ever talk about growing up in Sunnyvale what you thought he was from the row that problem would bear in the past is that you forget about it you know what I'm saying I bet Julius gave you the whole I don't care what flag the flying speech didn't it I wrote that [ __ ] years ago and the [ __ ] still hadn't forgotten it you're easy to talk to you know that I don't got to worry about you interrupting me any of that [ __ ] that was one's problem that [ __ ] never knew when to shut up and just listen you know that even if you wipe out the vice Kings it ain't gonna be over right there's always someone looking to take what you have some punk wants to make a name for himself some girl you [ __ ] and never called back the fact is once you're in the game the only way you get now if you're dead or in jail [Music] yeah I think that pissed them off now let's lead them right to the police [Applause] doing this so far so good player let's roll downtown and deal with the [ __ ] there okay we got the attention time for the 50 to finish the job what happened last one let's hope our luck holds out this is the last crew player let's finish this [Applause] this was a great idea been careful [Applause] way to go son I've been chatting with King and it looks like Tanya's takeover didn't sit well with everybody the vice kings are fighting amongst themselves Now's the Time to take them out for good King said he was going to come along I hope he hasn't gone soft and don't ever worry about me baby boy cause I'm gonna handle mine all I'm saying is that since you got here you've been nothing but talk I've smoked dozens of fools before I ain't add to the countless I have to oh that's just [ __ ] great I said don't worry about it I don't want you bitching out when you see your crew ain't my crew son that's why I'm here remember so how about you put your dick away pick up your gun and try to keep your knee away from the bullets oh you heard the cocky son of a [ __ ] let's roll want to get to Tanya we got to get the code to the elevator how are we gonna get that she tells everything to her fashion consultant he shouldn't be too hard to break who is this guy some Euro trash [ __ ] named Stefan I hate him already who do you think you are barging into Stefan's Boutique away you must be Stefan are you blind of course I'm Stefan now go oh I'm hoping you won't come quietly oh you're gonna tell me what I want to hear you understand Stefan knows about fashion not about gangs well Stefan also knows Tanya so you better start talking I don't know anything how do I get in the elevator what are you doing I don't like this this makes me vibrate the wrong answer tells me nothing I just love my shoes I talk if I were you my arms getting a little tired you and your friend with the awkward hair will release the phonic once stop talking in third person or I'm gonna drop you on principle touch my face not a patient Stefan [Music] yo you're nothing but a brute tell me how to get to Tanya oh why do you hate the beautiful people oh just tell me the code now let you go Stefan has done nothing to you if you let me go I'll give you five percent off somebody helps oh okay okay okay okay okay okay the code is three one three one please don't hurt Stefan thanks for your help [Music] this is this layer you sure you're ready getting the only person in this car I'm worried about is you and you don't know we're now the penthouse I'm gonna skull [ __ ] that [ __ ] hope you don't mind Hepatitis what he's still alive oh my God don't let me see you around here again some guys just never get enough of me I've had more than my feel [ __ ] it's over girl you're not gonna be able to [ __ ] your way out of this one that's cute sweetie that's just precious please do yourself a favor and die with some dignity [Music] that sucks for your car we better get out of here the cops will be here soon you coming King all right let's go hey I know what you told Julius and all but why don't you stick around and roll with us I'm sure he wouldn't mind having you around don't bet on that you think you could find a way back to the row on your own Aisha you know the [ __ ] calls you did good in this son here I don't think I'll be needing these anymore that's a sweet a sweet new tuna for you no one I did it myself the spoiler looks like Donny's work no way that underglow screams Ricky Lou yeah I guess it does what is this [ __ ] third grade what do you mean forget it I'll see you tomorrow dude she totally wants you [ __ ] swear to God we're not going to be able to kill these bastards fast enough aside from Macho [ __ ] I haven't heard much the only interesting news I got is that a shipment of high performance cars is coming in today it's not much I know so we're going to make the best of it Jack the truck carrying the cars before it makes its delivery and take it to Samson he'll load up the cars with a few surprises then finish the delivery now get out of here before someone sees us um [Music] [Music] [Applause] thank you bye try not to look so conspicuous you did good but I'm not through with you yet it was cause you still have been rigged to blow once the engine reaches a high enough temperature I need you to make sure those cars get nice and hot now there's a race going down in Chinatown tonight and I think you should give them some tough competition I know these guys if you're in the lead for the final stretch they're going to hit the NOS to blow past you when they do boom as soon as those cars are wrecked get the hell out of there you're no good to us dead thanks for the dance now hurry up you got a race to win I can't take this hey man let's get to the race look I don't care what Lynn says you get me next to those cars and I'll take care of the rolls all right the hell with this lap raised [ __ ] all right here they are I don't like the idea of Lynn going undercover looks like you know how to handle yourself pull up to that roller you rollers are a [ __ ] joke sure to have your slip ready you never had a chance see at the line Chomp yeah if I knew racing you Chumps was this easy I would have took your slips months ago we're trying to catch up what I say about [ __ ] with us you think you could beat us in that piece of [ __ ] come on I thought you rollers knew how to race see you chump I show you a real driver's mouth [Applause] tell you what you asked nicely [ __ ] huh [Music] I knew you rollers were all talk works every time got the kidneys thicker skin that didn't look fun Lynn found a storage garage with a roller stairs some of the high performance cars what do you say we find out how good their insurance is [ __ ] ing [Music] need a light thanks I tell you you and me are always making new friends things are moving too slow we gotta step it up I hear a guy named Joseph price calls the shots I don't know much about him except that he's friends with some mechanic named Donnie if we get in good with prices crew we'll always be one step ahead of those [ __ ] here's the plan go and tear up Donny's shop right when you're about to finish off prices buddy I'll rush in and save the day make it look good but don't you dare mess up my car if we're lucky Donnie will arrange a meet with price thanks for buying my tea close things thank you Johnny get down what are you waiting for get in we gotta get out of here I think you scratched my hood look I [ __ ] who are you I'm Lynn and you're welcome [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] so he's okay that's great yes how could we possibly score dime bags without him oh come on Uncle will he's not that what's up price you scared the [ __ ] out of me Donny I scared the [ __ ] out of me Donnie it's always a pleasure when you bring strangers into my house oh [ __ ] I forgot this is I'm Lynn she totally saved my ass Mr Sharp she's a hell of a driver I'm the best racer that ever came out of Chinatown how come I've never heard of you cause I got tits is that what you call those suppose I deserved that yeah you did my nephew has a the unique sense of humor that was supposed to be funny I thought it was until you hit me in the face yeah then it was hilarious Joseph you better hurry you don't want to miss your meeting sorry I gotta take off Lynn it was nice meeting you I'll catch you later Donnie so we're finally hitting that Convoy huh I don't know what you're talking about Donnie well sure you I don't know what you're talking about Donnie oh right just sit tight price should be back soon as stimulating as this conversation is I'm afraid I need to make some calls if you'd excuse me the heck that was my sorority Victor this isn't a street race you can't hit me I shouldn't be here you know [Applause] oh my gosh foreign awful skinny guys here you know what I hate underglow that [ __ ] is tacky as hell whatever I think they all got away that's what the word is how did this happen a crew from Saints Row [ __ ] up our boys who same guys who [ __ ] up my shop I think they're the Fifth Street Altar Boys the Third Street Saints what she said will you stop smoking that [ __ ] I need you to focus if you need me to focus I'd pass that [ __ ] back Donny all right all right you got some time before the buyers need those parts right the buyers oh they're a bunch of guys overseas that Mr Sharp Donnie do we have to have another conversation sorry don't worry about it just think give me some time I bet Lynn and I can whip something up okay you game for that Lynn hey anything I can do to help I know he's your friend Joseph but I will not let that Nimrod ruin my plans your plans our plans look Donnie may be a little flaky but he always steps up at the end I certainly hope so Lynn and I got this [ __ ] down this should be compelling all right kids check this [ __ ] out so we lost the parts the buyers wanted and there's no way another shipment like that is going to roll through here again anytime soon Lynn and I did the math and there are a couple of key cards that we can strip down to get the parts we need see what I tell you this guy's a [ __ ] genius I'm gonna go get the boys ready so your plan is to go steal cars you really know how to think outside the box Donnie don't talk to him like that I'll take your advice to heart it's not advice a threat huh you were saying I was about to tell you to go [ __ ] yourself and here I thought we were bonding let's go Donnie that's probably the smartest thing you've said all day [ __ ] things up for the rollers they got a whole list of cars that they're planning on jacking make sure they can't find what they're looking for [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] foreign at least you're gonna die in your feet right now I'm calling Donnie slow down don't worry about it it wasn't your fault I know you are it's okay just relax man yeah you do that later [ __ ] that was productive that's the second time the Saints [ __ ] us three times if you count the attack on the garage quite a coincidence what do you mean well let's think the same four people knew about those jobs if I didn't sell us out and you didn't sell us out who else is there Donnie Donnie may not like it when things get messy but there's no way he'd turn on me which brings us to Lynn Bravo this is going to be a [ __ ] to explain to Dani luckily you're not going to what do you mean please you're too attached to the boy I'll handle this I don't give a [ __ ] what you do to Lynn but you better not hurt Donnie of course Joseph I'll keep that in mind some of the roles of a court date coming up and Sean was throwing paper and [ __ ] at the jury to get them off go to the apartment building where there's a question and dismiss some jurors wow [Applause] foreign 's been saying you're doing a hell of a job when it comes to the rollers keep it up that Lynn meet me at the pool hall the rollers are getting into something big don't let me hold you you know how the lady hate to be kept waiting good girl go [ __ ] yourself Temper Temper little girl look at you all tied up pretty as a present I think it's time to unwrap you foreign I'm the best [Music] he fell for it time to end this everybody move your ass too late YouTube sounds like the cops are coming Mr Sharp let's take our guest for a ride shall we hey I think we stopped moving you listening you even alive say something ow I'll take that as a yes where the [ __ ] my lighter what are you doing driving Lin's ride Mr Sharp I'm glad you could make it Donnie there's something I want you to see stay calm we're gonna get out of this Lynn Donnie listen to me I swear to God when take a deep breath and count to ten Donnie count to ten you just shot my girl yes it's tragic could you give me a hand here why did why did you Lynn was working with the Saints no would you give me a hand this card is heavy Donnie where are you going children stay stay calm we're gonna get out of this I think I found my lighter did you hear that [ __ ] Donnie he said I was his girl foreign I don't think who the hell is he still alive we have to get out of here [Applause] I need to fight maybe you won't see me the rollers have been taking a lot of interest in a receiving station in the truck yard go and check it out but be careful who knows what they're up to know I think I'll just order things I can't believe that's the last will it ever be safe to live here [ __ ] don't [ __ ] with the Saints [Music] wear my dishes somebody needs to do something about this what happened here it doesn't look like anyone walked away from it worse than any Jack nap I've ever seen everything pissed off [Music] I can't audition if I'm dead did you catch the news looks like they found land's body further in the river this morning sorry dog I know you did everything you could John is going to take it pretty hard when he finds out you can bet your ass that he's going to be calling for blood listen up people we're done [ __ ] around with the Saints these streets were ours before those [ __ ] from the road showed up and when they stepped what did we do they [ __ ] up our rates and we just took it they [ __ ] up our deliveries and we just took it and now they killed my uncle and who knows what the [ __ ] they did to Daddy now I'm only gonna say this once we're not gonna sit here and [ __ ] take it hell no [ __ ] yeah a lot of my boys we're burning Saints Row to the ground [ __ ] We're not gonna wait for them to hit us again we're taking the fight to the rollers yeah well we might have to rethink that plan what's going on word is every roller that price could find is headed this way how much time we got [ __ ] man I don't know my man says they're moving pretty fast all right you coming with me we got some rollers to [ __ ] up let's get to the highway and stop that Convoy [Music] be crazy to charge that Convoy head on we'll swing around behind them and take them out one at a time [Music] [Music] all right let's take these [ __ ] out you shoot I'll drive welcome good start this is what you get [ __ ] keep it up and if it ain't gonna have a chance ain't letting you hurt the road that's right make these [ __ ] pay for what they did to Lynn better get the [ __ ] out of my city now let's finish off price but coming up on price let's take that [ __ ] out foreign [Music] just the same one getting away ain't bad let's get out of here player we'll deal with price once you get patched up space isn't going to pull that [ __ ] he did on the highway again go to his uncle's mansion and steal the prick's car foreign foreign [Music] [Music] that much cash goes a long way in smoothing things over [Music] foreign like this Gonna Stop Me that was a hell of an explosion you okay player I got ran over by a [ __ ] truck what do you think oh quit being a [ __ ] who the [ __ ] those buyers our Shoppers talking about I got a feeling some [ __ ] going on we don't know about I'll catch you later the church no hey man didn't hear you come in check this out the carnalists were the first organized gang in the city the way Julius tells it they own the whole damn town until Benjamin King stepped up against him tell you what though I ain't worried about their history so much as I am the fact that a the Lopez brothers are crazy [ __ ] and B Victor their enforcer survived a dozen VK drive-bys sounds pretty bad right now add in that the Canales are backed by the largest drug cartel in the world and I think you'll understand why we're gonna play this safe instead of pulling a Johnny we cut off their income first then we go for Hector sound good that was a rhetorical question but thanks for your support foreign foreign what if we came from here and here no they just see it coming cops try that [ __ ] all the time and it never works [ __ ] you're right well what should we do then well we could hey you might want to hear this all right I got a lead on where the Los canalas cut all their [ __ ] the Carnales what Rio Grande River Jesus what the [ __ ] it's not the Los Carnales it's just the carnalis Los means [ __ ] it like I was saying we're not gonna raid the factory quite yet why not because I'm not a gun Toten psychopath named Johnny Gatt fair enough so what's the plan one of my boys called and said they saw a truck with a heavy LCS cord leaving the factory district it's probably loaded with drugs but that's just a bonus our Target is the truck itself I need it brought back to the row in one piece it's no good to us blowing the [ __ ] what do you need the truck for let's just get the truck first and then I'll tell you the rest of the plan I'm just saying it would be nice to know [ __ ] Troy what's with all the questions why can't you be like my man over here look Dex could you go get that truck see was that so hard decks let's get that truck knew this neighborhood was troubled all right here's the plan get me to the truck so I could jack that baby once I'm in make sure I make it back to the roll in one piece yo man just between you and me I was fine with cleaning out the Rope but getting into this drug [ __ ] ain't cool all right someone should talk some sense into Julius I know Lopez once we steal from him he ain't gonna back off until we're dead or he is mess with the Saints all right there's the truck cover me while I get that Heap running hot wiring all right all right this should be the right wire or maybe not foreign okay I got the truck started let's get back to the row good job man from me foreign oh silence [Music] death oh this ain't going out there [Music] oh we got the truck decks wanted now all we got to do is figure out what the hell he needed it for Angela I need you to go to the lab tonight one of four shipments didn't arrive and I want to make sure no one's skimming off the top no problem Angela you promised we'd go shopping tonight ah [ __ ] Mira Hector hey I told Luce I'd take her downtown can Victor take care of is Victor sitting at the table Angelo yes so if I wanted Victor to handle it I could have asked him right loose we'll go out tomorrow but Angelo okay gracias you should be nicer to the lady oh yeah hello [Laughter] come on mama don't be so sensitive I'll be inside senorita a moment evangelo is busy I can take you out tonight Mr rejuela I couldn't nonsense it would be my pleasure unless you have a problem with me entertaining the lady no of course not good I'll see you at 8. that's a lot of women you got there Angelo I know I always thought she was a [ __ ] [Laughter] hold on see give us it okay that didn't sound encouraging everything is fine of course it is if you would excuse me I'm going to check on the senorita yes my brother and I love you don't let it happen again are the ones who took the shipment with the Colombians arriving we can't show any weakness the Colombians are already here all the more reason to settle this now Victor Angelo gather your men together it's time to test and throw apart they've started to move the gun Runner they set up a weapons plant in an old Steel factory don't let that business get off the ground [ __ ] foreign all right oh [Music] foreign [Applause] thanks I'll swing by to pick that up just the guy I was looking for Samson's got the truck all patched up I'm gonna go we got a problem Dex what's going on the Los cornelis are attacked it's not the Los carnalist Jesus what's wrong with you Dex they attack in a row what happened Angelo and his boys came out of nowhere they [ __ ] us up pretty hard but it finally looked like we had Angelo pinned down [Music] hola me amigo you gotta be [ __ ] kidding me [Music] let's get back to Hector [ __ ] cool I'm buying so they left Angelo and Victor did but there was a lot of LC still out there all right let's split up the road's a big place we got to make sure we smoke all those [ __ ] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] baby [Music] Dex is bringing the truck around you know why he wanted that thing [ __ ] Troy if you wanted to know all you had to do was ask I did well I guess you did ain't that a [ __ ] now that we have things in the row under control we can get back to the plant I had that truck you jack fixed up good as new loaded up with a crew and drive right into the carnalis production plant when you get inside hop out and take the place over it's not exactly the most original plan there's something to be said about the classics remember what I said take the place over don't blow it to hell the more [ __ ] you blow up the more [ __ ] we have to replace once we're running it the car now is ain't gonna know what hit him yeah let's go put some [ __ ] in the grain quick I won't get my freak on them let's start some [ __ ] foreign [Applause] it don't matter foreign [Music] you worry too much everything is under control I've heard some nasty rumors sector like what that one of your drug Labs was shut down one of our careers said he could get the [ __ ] out of his deliveries just like we were missing a lot of product it really was just this pendejo hey Angela took care of him and the drugs found what about this gang from Saints Row a bunch of moolahs and nuisance nothing more your father would have killed them all by now I am not my father I've noticed hey don't you walk away from me puta hi Angelo get that you listen to me enough you're right looks like everything is under control Hector we'll talk about this more when the others arrive the canal has got in another big shipment there's too much product for us to take so go to the docs and make sure they can't move any of it [Applause] this is the McManus as you see it's fully collapsible and comes in a stately blackout deche the 18-inch cryogenically treated stainless steel bull barrel gives this rifle a guaranteed accuracy of 0.2 minute of angle at 600 yards with match grade ammunition with its hand dream chamber and match grade trigger the McManus is designed for the Marksman who wants to reach out and touch someone at a moment's notice I'll take it lovely would you like a gift wrapped no that's okay great let me run this tight job on that Lab dog we found a memo saying that Hector's meeting with the Colombians tonight with the amount of Firepower that's going to be there just showing up and rushing them would be suicide take McManus here and get to the docks find a nice tall building and wait when Hector makes his move with the Colombians take your shot when it all goes down the first place the canals is going to look is right at the Colombians they're going to think they got [ __ ] bad all right so you should have no problem sneaking out in the confusion just the same I'd get the [ __ ] out of there who knows what could happen why are you trying to kill me [Music] foreign [Music] I better not see [Music] ing the road foreign foreign foreign that was a hell of a tip no kidding for the amount of [ __ ] we confiscated we could have put Lopez away for the rest of his life it don't matter he got taken care of anyway what do you mean when Rose is Happy Lopez is dead as far as he's concerned this case is closed hell if you found the guy who did this he probably sent him a fruit basket [Music] hello hey Victor I'm in the middle of something what what Victor listen to me very carefully I don't give a [ __ ] about the drugs I don't give a [ __ ] about abuela who did this to my brother what about Hector Luz por favor okay okay you're right you deal with the Saints I'll handle the Colombians if Manuel is behind us [Music] I don't think the Cardinals have gotten the message that the Saints are here to stay tag up their Refinery I want those [ __ ] to see our sign wherever they look foreign [Music] I'm gonna [ __ ] you up [Music] foreign foreign so this guy's the mouthpiece for the Colombians huh yup and he's in town yep interesting we've taken out one of the carnalis Lakes we smoked this guy and they're crippled for good yeah and so are we we kill laureuela and the Colombians will be all up our ass let's figure out what his game is first and then we'll decide what to do you know where he's at yeah well let's start with the strip clubs cool all right man let's go buy this drug lord of lap dance all right let's go swing by the strip club and wait to see who shows up [Music] foreign just let me do all the Talking I I'd hate for us to [ __ ] things up with the Colombians because you said some crazy [ __ ] that pisses him off with Hector taken out his brother Angelo is probably calling a shot lucky for us he doesn't have his [ __ ] together it'll probably take him a while before he's got the crew organized enough to make a move on us if and when Angelo finally steps he's going to send Victor to do the job now I know you think you're all badass and everything but trust me Victor ain't no joke you run into that [ __ ] you better make sure you got some serious backup okay let's sit tight Manuel should be here soon foreign foreign [Applause] what did you maniac nice track you saved our ass Julius I don't see what the big deal is the deal is you want to talk to the Colombians without me we didn't even get to meet him Jules and don't call me Jules you haven't earned it fine Julius you put me in charge of the Los Carnales [ __ ] now you got me saying it Dex do your job don't think you're bigger than you are when it comes to the Colombians you call me understand yeah all right now that that settled bro let's take them out not good come on one of us everybody [Applause] I better get off the street before the police blame me for this better than everybody I'm gonna pay for that look at this they're coming back from the north let's move it everybody what do we have here to get married [ __ ] [Music] side territory right now ready Victor and his crew is storming the church time to show these fishes how it's done what Angelo what are you doing what does it look like I'm doing it looks like you're running off to get killed come on you don't think Manuel is responsible are you protecting him foreign [Laughter] away from you'll pay for messing with Hector foreign right here I'm looking at him [ __ ] head oh [ __ ] me damn it stop [ __ ] around and kill this chunk damn so how did that meeting go with Julius he just got back from a sit-down without and they came to an interesting agreement if we can get back all the drugs the cops seized the Colombians are willing to work with us exclusively we'll have a lock on the whole city get the drugs back from the cops how the [ __ ] are we gonna do that we're taking out the police station are you out of your [ __ ] mind they locked the place down before you get anywhere it's Jewels I mean Julius says plant he called it we have to go with it no we don't if you load a car up with some explosives you could blow a hole right into the evidence locker and never have to fire a shot at my lower the body count that's what I'm saying all right let's do it foreign [Applause] freaking page tell me foreign this just ain't right follow me leave me alone it didn't have to be this way foreign all right to use lethal Force I gotta keep this [ __ ] hot foreign suspect is on the move foreign Mr little I'm beginning to think we can do business I'm glad we grew things out so how exactly would you like to move forward you'll die for what you did to my brother I wonder if he means us or Manuel foreign wait I know where he'll go that's where Angelo lives with his woman consider this payment for your bucket of good faith when you go over there I'd appreciate it if you didn't kill the senorita we'll be in touch come find me when you got some balls foreign foreign foreign Rob the homes I know this isn't my style but after that [ __ ] at the church I want to make sure Angelo gets what's coming to him can you at least pass me my pdk let's just make sure we get there in one piece we're gonna have enough problems with Angelo's boys we don't need any other surprises just between you and me man I don't trust men well he's willing to sell out Angelo so quickly what's to stop him from selling us out I really hate to sound like Johnny but the best plan I got right now is to just go in there and take Angelo out line if I said I wasn't nervous about taking the fight to Angelo but he's come knocking on our door twice and I think it's time to return the favor all right the mansion's coming up I got your back just make sure I don't here we go hey I really appreciate it if you make sure I don't get dead [Music] into this house I barely punched you [ __ ] [ __ ] look don't just stand there get in [ __ ] foreign I got Angela you handle his boys gonna try and catch up to Angelo you take out the other carnalists myself cover our ass while I chase Lopez foreign don't worry about it he ain't got too many places he can go we'll find him one of Troy's crew saw Angelo driving to the airport we gotta stop his ass before he can skip town and rebuild foreign if Lopez is able to get on that plane we're [ __ ] hey man you're a better shot you take the AK I'll take the wheel we gotta [ __ ] that plane up good loose Mamita where are you but then Lee you are talking to me I apologized okay don't get your ass to the airport what do you mean why have you seen the house we gotta get out of town it doesn't matter just pack some things and let's go for God's sakes just leave them I don't give a [ __ ] their shoes good good good good good I'll be waiting for you bye-bye playing ready she'll be here soon [Music] uh Angelo we're taking off you and you let's go what about loose [ __ ] [Music] [ __ ] did they get rocket launches [Music] foreign Julius floating on that plane like that and there's no way they can take off [ __ ] we did it Johnny's gonna be jealous oh my God what are you doing here I I was supposed to leave with Angelo so what's in here guns money someone cut [ __ ] shoes actually they're these Seasons new [ __ ] that's last year's fall collection that's not true just let it go man no reason to piss off Manuel let's get going so what am I supposed to do now I don't [ __ ] care I have no place to go see answer a but you can't just leave me here [ __ ] you're trying my patience can you at least tell me where Manuel is I changed my mind shooter good job man I'll tell Julius we're done here take Angelo's ride I'll drive this back to your crib you know what I think Julius was right about you this is Chief Monroe if you want Julius back listen to what I've got to say now that stunt you pull downtown with a rocket launcher cost my associates and I quite a bit of money now I may not be an honest man but I'm a fair one so rather than turn Saints Row into a parking lot I'm gonna let you work off what you owe me there's a mayoral campaign going on and I want one of the candidates taken off the ballot Marshall Winslow is in his campaign bus right now and he has an appointment with the Northbound Park that bus on the train tracks tonight or you'll find julius's Body floating on the River tomorrow don't disappoint me Julius is counting on you [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] foreign did you handle it where the [ __ ] is Julius have you heard back from Monroe nice work but I don't think I can let Julius go until you do a little more community service looks like we wait why so we can let this jack off jerk us around [ __ ] that and what would you rather do you know exactly what I'd like to do Johnny we're not blowing up City Hall okay I'm just saying it would solve a lot of problems what if they're keeping Julius there all right but there's got to be a better plan than let's be Monroe's [ __ ] you're right there is Marshall Winslow was a major public figure and you can bet your ass that people would ask questions if the chief of police wasn't at his funeral I say we hit Monroe during the funeral procession that's the show whoever he's working with that we're not [ __ ] around you're saying we should assassinate the chief of police while he's at the funeral of the guy we just smashed yeah don't tease me Dex let's [ __ ] do it all right let's get going Johnny's gonna meet us there you are under arrest [Music] we only get one chance at this so we can't [ __ ] this up once we hit Monroe we better get out of there quick the last thing we want is to make a big scene I'm Papa you trying to start something Johnny set up across the street he'll be giving us cover if things go bad after the hit now let's get to the roof before the mourners Roll by take this when the funeral procession comes into view take out Monroe he'll be the one in the cop car I feel bad I've never heard of okay here comes the procession just line up with the cop car s [Music] [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] what's your someone's been naughty they'll be scooping Monroe up for weeks your guest is here Mr yos thanks Steven if you don't mind could you wait outside I'm Richard Hughes it is a pleasure to meet the man who handed me the election no need to be modest I'm serious there's no way I could have beaten Marshall Winslow God Rest his soul but you made the impossible happen and for that I can't thank you enough I mean had Winslow been the only person killed attention would have definitely been cast on me but after that fireworks display you pulled at his funeral it's become abundantly clear these horrible crimes were perpetrated by the Third Street Saints while before people criticized my Saints Row urban renewal plan it is now being lauded see until you came along I was displacing poor people now I'm destroying a hotbed of gang activity what can I say the public is fickle champagne as you get older you quickly learn that there are only two types of people in this world race money gender none of this matters at the end of the day you're either a winner or a loser now the sad truth about our situation is that in order for me to be a winner I have to level your neighborhood and salt the Earth hold on for a moment Stephen could you come in here where was I oh yes salting the Earth now I suppose I could try to pay you off but really what's the point you just say no or in your case stand there looking intimidating and we'd be right back to where we started so I figured I'd cut the middleman and get right to the pool can you speed this [ __ ] up I want to go to Freckle [ __ ] you're going to die here son make no mistake about that but if it makes it any easier on you I'll be sure to thank you in my acceptance speech now if you'll excuse me I have a party too foreign
Channel: Saint
Views: 162,879
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: saints row, saints row full game, saints row walkthrough part 1, saints row part 1, saints row 2022, saints row 5, saints row walkthrough, saints row gameplay, xbox series x, saints row reboot, saints row 1, saints row gameplay part 1, saints row 5 gameplay, saints row 5 walkthrough part 1, saints row pc, saints row ps5, saints row ending, saints row 2022 gameplay, walkthrough, saints row xbox, saints row gameplay walkthrough, saints row 5 walkthrough, saints row ps4, saint
Id: 0mS6fRXoSL8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 189min 40sec (11380 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 09 2023
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