Sailing in the Cyklades, Greece! Part 1.

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I've been sailing in the cold Norwegian sea  single-handed for the last seven years now   it's been wet cold wavy and windy but  I've loved every single nautical mile for hours and hours but last year my buddy played a trick on me   13 years ago I got diagnosed with ulceros  colitis or a chronic inflammatory bowel   disease with symptoms not too disturbing  I've lived more or less a normal life uh last year while sailing around Iceland trying  to get to Greenland the ulcerative colitis   decided to turn into its Big Brother Crohn's  disease which is a much more aggressive form   of inflammatory bowel disease that changed  my life a bit having multiple surgeries and   medications to reduce the symptoms anyway  long story short I needed a vacation many of my viewers have said Eric you should  try sailing in warmer Waters so I decided to   give it a try a big part of the story is also  that I got a girlfriend what do you think Celia   nice so far this is Celia she lives in the same  city as me so we should have brought tickets   online and it's never sale in her life so this was  a great opportunity for her to get to know what   this is all about okay so that's us on our way to  kittmus we were lucky to make a deal with cavas   yating in Athens Greece for a one week Journey  one other beautiful sailboats around the kiklares   so we ordered some plane tickets and off we went in cold but sunny weather we boarded our  flight taking us all the way from Norway   with the course set on the ancient city  of Athens 2 600 kilometers away southwards with some slight turbulence  underway we passed all the   countries and sees until we touched  down on the runway outside the city further on a taxi took us in a hurry  to our hotel downtown Athens [Music]   and The Morning View was suddenly very  different from what we were used to amongst noisy traffic and what I experienced   as extreme heat we navigated  towards the heart of this city okay so here we are in Athens it's  hot I was 24 degrees and we're walking   towards what I believe is the Acropolis  yes and I'm not alone this time I'm with   Celia my girlfriend she's gonna join  me for one week in in the sick Lagos and we're gonna sail to on Saturday today is  Wednesday Thursday today so in two days we're   gonna have one week of sailing in the circular  this sick like this and we are really looking   forward to it but first now is Acropolis let's  go I feel like a proper tourist going around here we were just starting to believe we had been  lucky enough to skip the line into the Acropolis   when we found out we were on the way back  of it worst time around noon Happy Days   after one and a half hour waiting we were  surprised to know that Thursday was free   ticket day free tickets the heat was making  me unfocused so I was not sure if Sally was   trying to tell me something but she was really  tempting me with that bottle of cold water this is the Herod Atticus theater raised by the   Greek Roman Aristocrat herodus  Atticus in year 161 after Christ to get up to the actual top of acropolis  there was another hour waiting in life we were getting used to the heat now so we  Blended in with the rest of the tourists and   patiently climbed towards the top and  there it was the Parthenon built 2470   years ago when the kingdom of Athens  was at the peak of its power [Music] foreign [Music] ER let's find a water hole the Acropolis  was an amazing experience to go from all   the pictures seen that the real thing  felt pretty fulfilling cheers [Music]   we kept ourselves hydrated drinking cold  beverages in all kinds of shapes and swords   before heading back downtown to join one of the  many tourist buses taking us all around the city   it's a great way to explore  the many important buildings   and historical monuments that gives  Athens its mystical reputation [Music] Museum yes there was so incredibly much to  learn about the Greek history   but you can find in Athens is just a small portion  of it to get an overview of The Impressions we   took the cable car to the top of the Mount  Le cabatus Rising 300 meters above the city as this was our final day walking the beautiful  streets in Athens we were now very excited to   take over the sailboat to start a real adventure  around the kiklades an adventure like this makes   you realize how much there is to learn and  explore okay so it's silliest first time to   let the sail the main sail down even to  Enlighten skills you never knew you had   that's why it's really cool to have skillshare  sponsoring this video skillshare is an online   community for Curious people wanting to expand  their creative Horizon you can join online classes   covering exciting subjects like my three favorites  video editing photography and storytelling learn   how to make the most out of your skills Knowledge  and Skills are two very powerful Tools in today's   internet-driven world the typical Knight to four  job is no longer the only way towards a career   with today's online opportunities like YouTube  Instagram and many more there are tons of ways   to create your own career through skillshare I  learned a lot about video shooting and editing   by following Marcus Brownlee and his amazing  tips and tricks on how to produce and frame   the best shots personally it took me six years of  creating YouTube sailing videos before I managed   to make it my full-time career it was not easy but  joining classes like Sonia rasula on how to make   your passion your career has been a great help  along the way the first thousand to use the link   in the video description will get a one month  free trial of skillshare next morning we took   a taxi down to Marina alimos where our boat was  situated on our way we stopped by the supermarket   to gather some groceries then it was off to find  our new boat for the next seven days [Music] okay so that's three days done in Athens beautiful  Athens but now I'm on our boat provided by   kawasetting so nice of you to give us this  opportunity for me and Celia and this is the   boat and the two oceana's 46.1 to be exact really  beautiful one so let's have a little walk around   it is really hot here 25 26 degrees Celsius  so it's nothing like the North Sea that's for   sure but it is kind of nice to to be to be in  a warm climate so let me take you to the boat   you have two steering wheels here to get onto  the side of the boat so we can see the sails   and if we go behind or in front here we  can see our spacious beautiful cockpit here   so there's definitely enough room for me  and cilia this is the kitchen or the galley with freezer and fridge and this is a boot with  two cabins at the front one here and one here   with each their toilet so so there is definitely  enough room for the two of us and if we go behind   here we have two bigger cabins twin cabins on  each side and a fifth cabin here a twin cabin   and the Third Toilet is here really nice so what  do you think Julia very nice are you happy yeah   are you looking forward to this yes you possibly  distress when we get here yeah I hope I survived I   think you will okay are we gonna go yes let's go  not so fast Eric and Cilia hey I'm professional   Skipper please let Mr emilios one of cava's  professional Skippers take us through the boat okay even if things seems pretty  straight forward it's always some   important tips and tricks to be aware of it's best to be aware of this before departure  like don't throw paper into the toilet   it might be that some tall bald YouTuber  managed to clock the plumbing delaying   the departure with one and a half hour  but that's another story now let's go [Music] after all the good help thank yous and  goodbyes we were finally on our way just perfect Athens we drifted carefully out between all  the boats and Yachts until we got outside   the pair [Music] ready to get the sales up  [Music] time to get to know the new boat foreign but after some adjusting and  fine-tuning she took off towards the unknown leaving Athens well behind okay so that's us on our way to kittmos it was  some it took some hours to get to get going   today due to some technical issues but once  that was done they were on our way so now the   sales are up Mainsail and head sail field sales  and I think it's about 10 knots 30 knots a win   and yeah it's going well what do you think  Syria how is this so far the temperature so   okay is this it no tired yeah a little bit tired  yeah yeah time is 17 28 now when we are going to   sell for the next eight uh seven hours and we  will be how many degrees I think it's about 19   20 degrees it's gonna be cold for you probably but  yep not for me fall for me hot for you Celia was a   bit skeptical to all the new sounds and movements  but along the way she got more used to it taking   the helm and checking the charts keeping busy  doing stuff takes your mind away from your worries we are now passing the last kind of point of love  before we enter the kick Lotus secularis Islands   the paradise we have some competition here another  boat I'm aiming to to to to go faster than him   but we'll see the winds are very shifting here so  while silliest down watching her iPad I'm auxili I went into my little bubble and tightened  the sails to push the boat to the max   while speeding up and healing over I completely forgot that there  was another individual on board   who was not sharing my excitement yeah you guys you know scared well over halfway third in  order not to go miles to go to   kitnus now and the sails uh just flaps back in  for a third because of the it's wind quiet and   silly is a little bit afraid of the sounds  and it's her first night on the sailboat   in the darkness so things can seem a little  bit more scary than they are but yeah we're   gonna take some sense now and head by engine  rest of the way to to the beach on on kitnus   in complete dark we found our way in and dropped  the anchor for a well-deserved good night of sleep   so that's an anchor and I think we're going to  bed to have a sleep and have a good night's rest it is kind of cold but tomorrow  it's gonna be 25 degrees   and I really wonder what things looks like  it hits It's the pump on the shower I really   wonder what what this place looks like so let's  see tomorrow in the morning light and good night what a morning view it was   waking up at kalana beach to the sounds of  birds and water gently reaching the shore sides   or something else [Music] Tidings from the boat  made us instantly decide to do some exploring [Music] good morning hello hello sleepy  heads nine o'clock [Music] after a light breakfast we  prepared for our first landfall hey silly at work come on come on thank you so wide entrance are you hot very  hot it's not too bad it's windy so   I survive I will survive after hot and  short but very nice sightseeing tour   we were both longing for the sea  again towards our next destination Celia started to get tougher and decided to   challenge herself trying to stare  the dinghy on our way back on board Celia sure has her temper and will and  so do I but we are learning of each other   every day as doing this together  is new to both of us it's all good chocolate yes good job yep then we're  off to where was it yeah style place okay let's go towards the end of the land down there  can you see the wind takes in the Mainsail   or sailing so now I can stop the engine I'll just take the lever  that's just [ __ ] that book then you're on the stair towards the  sailboaster okay good job thank you   from here we left the coast once  again to their known [Music]   all right so that's us under sail  again full sales Mainsail and for   sale had sale and we're going at seven  eight knots almost straight downwind   and we are going just around the corner of the  kittens and then we're gonna turn left or port   and we're proceeding towards Palos what a  beautiful life it's so far from the North   Sea as you can come and the temperature is around  25 26 degrees and Sun is up here almost in Senate   so it is hot indeed oh yeah and take a look at  my cool new birdie nvjs sailing around Greece yes we proceeded towards the end  point of goodness where I had   a slight feeling that would come a weather change so as we rounded the corner of kittens we could  suddenly Eternal picked up so we're doing a 20 knots are you okay with that all right and  there are awesome waves and wind soap but the nose   is straight on pagos and we'll be there in uh in  about six hours it's gonna be a beautiful sale wow hey uh silly is a little bit worried about the  healing of the boat and the waves so   she's downstairs resting a little bit um  I told her that she has to come down man   and convince himself that it's not dangerous  so it's a big difference between me and her I'm   having a time of my life and she's all tied up  down on the couch that's fine it will be better we're just hiding behind this  big rock here because cilia I   felt a little bit scared of the  movements of the boat and but   I think it's go it's going better now doesn't  it yeah yeah you're relying yeah you're relying   downstairs in the cabin and that yeah that  was worse why was that worse because of all   the noises yeah I felt so that was so scary  and we started thinking thinking bad thoughts about me and when he got up here it was yeah  all much better yeah so it's about well 50   minutes of communist now and we are back  out in the ocean for the last leg to pavos was it better better much better [Music] kind  of boring the Greek weather Gods gave us a   break turning off all the wind towards poros but  they turned on cold temperatures and some rain oh close to the little hour left and we'll be there  looking forward to it it's almost like   North senior now it's cold and rainy  and the wind died out we're going by   engine and uh and just adjust the Mainsail to  keep the balance to avoid that back and forth okay let's go [Music] did they wave to you no so this is pavos and it's rainy and  we're gonna go to fight a birth but   it was full so it's anchor time again so  you're gonna let down the anchor okay are   you comfortable come for Comfort to go with that  I'm comfortable doing that very well let's do it let's try that next morning we woke up to the sun shining  over the main city on paros called parikia feel to it with all the white  houses along with a busy Harbor [Music]   okay we're on the way to um 30 minutes in this  beautiful little thing [Music] so let's go [Music] [Music] Sparky [Music] nausa is a peaceful small fishing Village on  the northeast coast of pavos with just under 3   000 people living here it is a popular Target  for tourists from all around Europe because   of the climate during summer season [Music] we  walked around all the small narrow white painted   streets and ended up having a nice lunch before  moving on with a little noisy sightseeing machine yeah I know after a wind cooled sightseeing one noisy  thing that interchange with another one Hollywood whoops and once again  we're prepared for our next Island   a highlight of this adventure  [Music] on our way to Mykonos so that's it for now and I hope you  will join us next time to visit one   of the coolest and most famous places in  the kiklades the everzone pressing Mykonos nice foreign the video it's definitely something else than  what I'm used to uh to create with the storms   and everything you know but it's really nice to  be able to challenge yourself to do something   completely else and I I hope you enjoyed it and  stay tuned for the next episode and don't fear it   will be more stormy videos I'm sure but I needed  a holiday a break but stay tuned for the for the   next and last video then we are sailing from  uh from Paris over to Mykonos and to Cirrus   care and back to Athens but that's the next video  and thank you so much for your incredible support   on both patrons and and PayPal the donation it's  amazing that's why I can do this and don't forget   to check out the Merch this is the T-shirt you  recognize from from the video I guess this is   actually silliest design big mbjs on the back  and uh Celia I'm not alone here silly is also   here here we go and she has her own sweater here  so what you yeah there we go nice so what did you   think about Greece it was good it was Ice arrived  uh yes follow me on Facebook and Instagram the   usual stuff and I just note this there's a lot  of impersonating going on on the on my accounts   pretending to be me so my name is Eric Andre  and absolutely nothing else if there's a DOT   an underscore or anything it's not me don't pay  attention to it please and yes Tessie is ready for   a Haulover he's going on Shore this uh next week  and I'm gonna prepare her for uh for the hebridis   West kotlin in four weeks time I'm gonna sell  single-handed or are you are you joining Celia   no she's not coming why not and one last thing  since we are still in the warm weather sailing   mood I will be one of the Skippers in the  upcoming Odyssey sailing Festival in the   British Virgin Island coming up in December for  one week sailing around with a bunch of other   cool Sailors in Celia you will most likely be  joining I hope so and remember to use code Eric   if you want to sign up on my boat yes and links  to everything I talked about now in the video   description you'll find it all there okay enough  talk I think that's it see you very soon bye
Channel: Erik Aanderaa
Views: 195,696
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sailing, ocean, storm, yacht, erik aanderaa, nbjs, no bullshit just sailing, contessa 35, north sea, shetland, faroe island, hydrovane, watt & sea, raymarine, sailing in storm, the norwegian sea, iceland
Id: wmWmxEMlCF8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 45sec (1905 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 18 2023
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